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Reader Charles: Response to the “claim of 3 constitutions” from Anna’s definitions.

Posted By: hobie
Date: Friday, 9-Oct-2020 04:28:16

In Response To: hobie writes to Anna about the 3 constitutions, and Anna replies (hobie)

(Thanks, C. :)

Charles, I think you misunderstand what Anna's saying. You wrote: "The confederation document does not identify the states as businesses of any sort, nor does it identify any state as a sub contractor." No one has suggested that any state was or is a business or subcontractor.

(Apologies for the run-together formatting that follows, it's the result of Charles' sending his response as a PDF instead of simple text.)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie,Response to the “ claim of 3 constitutions” from Anna’s definitions.Well done to be cautious.Four corners of the document control.The below from Find Law, Cornel University.Definition from Nolo’s Plain-English Law DictionaryThe principle that a document's meaning should be derived from the document itself, without reference to anything outside of the document (extrinsic evidence), such as the circumstances surrounding its writing or the history of the party signing it. 1. There is no small”u” United States any where in any of the documents referenced as the foundations of our country EXCEPT in the Declaration of Independence.The title or preamble or heading identifier of any document controls.There is no such document with the lower case “u” in its title.Until the actual document with the heading or title with the lower case “u” appears, the claim of subcontractors or states as business operations is a fiction, misleading and deceptive.The confederation document does not identify the states as businesses of any sort, nor does it identify any state as a sub contractor.The States are the principals to the contract creating the confederated government.
“To all to whom these Presents shall come, we the undersigned Delegates of the States affixed to our Names send greeting. Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts-bay Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. I.The Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America". Close quotes. First claim fatally defective! Proved by the Confederation document.The question is, what and who’s agenda is behind this kind of deception.Deception is the right word because any one reading the actual documents can see the facts of the creators position.How do the parties creating the document be come subcontractors, to who?How did the created State become a subcontractor?Where are the contracts recognizing a principal and a sub contractor relationship being created?The premise that the states could ever be subcontractors to any one or thing is ridiculous in the extreme.A simple reading of the states constitutions clarifies who the principals as contracted parties are, what the contract created, who it serves and how.We are discussing artificial persons.Artificial persons are words on paper representing real people and their intents.
No artificial person ever has or will have powers, authorities or capacities not given it in a writing, from the capacity to create by contract.The sheer brass of the claims is astounding and insulting to any one who can read, use a dictionary and recognize concepts from written documents.2. Anna’s second claim fails because until the first claim is proved no other valid claim could be premised upon it nor associated to it.More to the point, under what power authority, custom, practice or policy of any body of law, political operations or commercial operations, allows, recognizes or sanctions a foreign party to create a constitution for another country.There is none!!!The fallacy represented is almost beyond belief.Anna expects Americans to believe the King or empire or Sovereignty that a mere 7 years prior entered a Treaty before the world, then reclaimed the territory released in 1783.Where is the record of these title changes?There is no record any where that the People released from slavery by the 1783 Treaty, or the governments the People created and entered the Treaty with the King ever authorized the return to subject status to the good King George.If Anna’s Claim were even a little bit correct there would be public record evidence proving the claim. The King was the owner released his ownership.
We are expected to believe because Anna says so all the documented facts, law, political actions are void!Secret acts by unknown parties do not bind anyone!!!3. Anna’s claim the Pope franchised somehow the creation of our Country is fatally defective under 1 and 2 above.The proof once again is in the documents that are accepted world wide as valid, in force and effect.Who and what the King represents as a franchised agent speaking for his principal is clear by the very admission words capturing the positions.“September 3, 1783]In the Name of the most Holy & undivided Trinity. Ithavingpleased the divine Providence to dispose the Hearts of the most Serene & most Potent Prince George the third, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France & Ireland Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick & Lunebourg, Arch-Treasurer, and Prince Elector of the holy Roman Empire &ca. and of theUnited StatesofAmericato forget all past ...” Now, will some one please provide any evidence whatsoever that the good King George did not speak for and bind his master the Pope and his Holy See!Where is the record that the Pope or his Holy See created a municipal construction to overlay, control or in any manner affect the People of the United States of America?Where is the record that We the People or the governments We created to serve and protect us, the People, ever accepted rule by Pope in any manner whatsoever???
No records = false claim. It’s that simple.Hobie, the fatal defects in positions and claims of 3 constitutions are exposed by the Open public record documents every and any American has access to.I reviewed Anna’s linked page.I have tracked and investigated every position stated there and every document cited there over the years.What I found is a series of misconstructions compounding into a mishmash of conjecture that has no political, legal, commercial or moral support.I believe, with a whole herd of personal interaction evidence, that there is a root cause to the kind of chicanery exposed in this dialogue you so forthrightly opened.Failure to accept the responsibilities to and for the gifts the founders provided in equal amount of commitment and action to the taking the benefit of the gifts of individual Liberty through the Rule of the Peoples Laws creating our country.The result appears to be the run away fear syndrome so prevalent now in our masked culture. Up until now being MASKED, with very few exceptions, indicated hiding the identity in order to escape consequences.In our world, me and my associates, there are only two kinds, subdivisions of Americans, those that STAND UP, and those that BEND OVER.

Stand Up relies on the Peoples Laws found in the foundational documents and challenges all comers to prove their claim by providing public record to back their play.Bend Over Is the escape from controversy or conflict with those attempting to or actually controlling ones life.Both of these positions are based on self determination.This is the right to choose expressed in the first fundamental of our Republic, CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.STAND UP sees the sun and the moon and breathes clean air.BEND OVER sees the systemites dust on the top of their shoes and breaths the air coming out of the butt in front of their nose.It’s a choice.We, our work group, supports every one for making their own choices.What we will never do is allow false hoods to be heaped upon our selves, our neighbors, our country.Thus, this dialogue in writing on the permanent record of the World Wide Web.The service that you and RUMOR MILL NEWS have provided is beyond valuation in any man created system.The reason for this very bold statement is simple, clear, direct and understandable by any American who is conscious to themselves and to any of the world around them.All things of this planet We call EARTH is made up of the same energy expressed in the massive number of ways we see around us every day.
The first rule of energy in motion organizing itself into any identity whatsoever is HARMONY BETWEEN ENERGIES IN MOTION.The American experiment begun July 1776 is an exercise in organized harmony of purpose to benefit all of Mankind.This is because when a man is barred from seeking harmony with CREATION the slave state is in control.The SLAVE STATE OF MIND is always based on CONFUSIONS.THUS, the true value of this dialogue is exposed.Clearing confusions always benefits all affected by the confusions.One way or the other the balance of Nature’s God rules.Good luck to the Pope, his a Holy See, his Vatican, his franchised British Crown or any other franchise relying on Vatican franchise or its supposed law.I told the Pope et al in 1995 and again in 2013, all the Vatican et al positions as owners of the planet and every thing on it was void be cause MY GOD SAID SO AND HES BIGGER AND STRONGER THAN YOUR GOD.So kick rocks until your God and my GOD settle the issue and inform us.Until then keep your word on your public record contracts and issue the titles and proper recognitions releasing ownership claims over land and people when called to do so.So, what is being accomplished by this dialogue.
From my position the confusions are being put on the table under my intent to understand the root of the cause to the confusions.Why others engage is not my business.All that I can do is be straight up and recognize solutions as they become available through discussions such as this dialogue in the public.I invite comments either through the RMN forum or directly.Thank you Hobie.


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