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Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, ..." part 2

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 02:59:08

In Response To: Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, something is wrong here." (hobie)

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Re: Reader Charles: '...having looked diligent....

Dear Hobie,

Thanks again for facilitating dialogue.

Part 2

As stated I have a 3 volume set published by the Office of the Secretary of State under the Great Seal of the United States of America.
These volumes were originally provided for a federal magistrate. Believed to be in Yellowstone Park. The Federal Magistrates Office building is still there today.
As of 1995, the last time I was there, a Federal Magistrate was still assigned to that federal venue.

Jurisdiction may be waived, never venue.
The pages edges are not cut. When printing and bound the pages are folded. So in essence these volumes had never been used.
Being that the volumes are published under the Seal, that is pretty good evidence of what the United States in any capacity is bound to by its own admission.
When under Seal documents are presented there is no argument possible that the documents are not valid.
The first 10 pages or so cite the 1776 Declaration, the 1781 Articles of Confederation , the 1783 Treaty of Peace, the 1787 Constitution and the 1789 Bill of Rights plus the 13th and 14th and 15th Amendments as founding and controlling documents.
The 15th Amendment is now considered 14th due to non publish of the original 13th barring attorneys from public office.
I also have 1874 territorial published laws that cite the original 13th amendment.
Dave Dodge and Brian March did wonderful work verifying these facts in numerous states.
Writing to the Archivist of the United States requesting a full seized original Constitution and Bill of Rights will result in copies sent back. Pay a little extra for a Seal to be affixed and it will happen.
I did this in 1997 and filed in the criminal case against me. USDC WD WASHINGTON.

When that level of authority binds its self to a set of public documents it’s pretty safe to rely on them.

Again I ask for real documents and where I can find them.

Dealing with a systemite, particularly a judge, based on some ones say so instead of producing verified public records is a very, very dangerous proposition.

This one set phases will cause any judge to review their actions very carefully. In fact it has been used in federal cases in essentially this form and caused release of all charges.

Well judge, I do not believe I can be forced to accept your statements you have jurisdiction or venue when it is so easy for you to place on the record verified under seal public records proving the powers you claim are valid.
I also know if you refuse to produce proper documentation on the record now, you are practicing slavery on me by holding me without consent.
Now what do you want to do?

Back in 1976 I met a real Federal Lawman appointed and working directly for J E Hoover. He had written authority to writ any one in or out of custody, state or federal.

His job for the first 10 years of that position was to infiltrate groups and provide them misleading information. Much of the BS I see in the groups now is exactly what he told me he inserted so that the tail of secrets would keep being chased.

In the mid 90s I met another of Hoover’s boys. He released an acquaintance of mine fron federal lock up on serious national security muti muti count charges in 45 minutes. No back wash ever.

Both these Lawmen told me to rely on verified public records. Because the system cannot and will not attack itself and will expel those putting it at risk.

So, I keep asking where’s the beef.
We all need the real beef not the illusion of beef.
Damn I’m getting hungry.


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hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Sep-2020 20:46:39
Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, something is wrong here."
hobie -- Monday, 5-Oct-2020 03:32:35
Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, ..." part 2
hobie -- Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 02:59:08
Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, ..." part 3
hobie -- Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 02:59:08
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hobie -- Friday, 9-Oct-2020 04:28:16
Reader Charles, last word on this topic for now
hobie -- Friday, 9-Oct-2020 04:28:16

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