(Thanks, C. :)
My understanding is that the Constitution most often referenced as "the" Constitution is one of the two you've been looking for. I understand the original and true Constitution has at most 13 Articles, the 13th of which is the one from which one can conclude that BAR attorneys ('esquires') may not hold federal office.
Reader Charles Miller writes:
Re: Anna Von Reitz: 'Unity is Hard-Won' / Tim ....
Dear Hobie,
As always I ask only the on point hard questions.
Rarely, very rarely do I get answers.
Usually what comes back is crickets.
Occasionally I get excuses or I don’t understand or you haven’t seen the research supporting the points.
When direct straight answers are not returned identifying the location of claimed documents, the conclusion by any one awake, is that something is wrong here.
Considering I spent 20+ years traveling the country and world investigating archives, many times by Archives invitation, having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, something is wrong here.
It certainly appears that there’s only two possibilities here. First is that I’m not quite the researcher I think I am, or, there is only one proper constitution which is the same one contained in all of the archives records.
Which is it?
Very simple to solve the riddle.
Show me and everyone else where these other two constitutions are, all of the records leading up to them being put into place, identifying the parties, where they were registered as bona fide public documents, and who is in possession of them now!
As far as I can find from reviewing the archives in Washington DC and a number of other states including the published formal controlling documents from the Secretary of of States office of the United States, as official public record, the Articles of Confederation never died and went anywhere. In fact they are remembered very carefully by Article VI section 1 of the federal Constitution. Previous debts and engagements would certainly seem to cover the Confederation.
In fact, one of the published reference documents, a 3 volume set published between 1909 and 1912 issued by the Secretary of State of the United States, that I purchased at a yard sale for three dollars a long time ago, identifies the original 13th amendment as being valid at that point. The only valid documents there are the declaration, the confederation, the treaty of peace, and the federal Constitution. All single documents.
The Articles of Confederation were put in place as public record, the agreement to operate between the states, on the authority of the constituents of the states. Read the last paragraph that’s exactly what it says. That makes the people the only party principals to the confederation.
On the other hand the United States Constitution identifies the states as the only direct parties to it under orders of construction carried out from the preamble identifying the We the People as establishing and ordaining. Here again the People are the parties principals to the contract working through their direct creations, the public trust holding their political powers, the states, created by the people.
The people never created any business entity to serve them. If they had the document of construction would say so. This is called the four corners principle. If it doesn’t say so within the four corners of the document, capturing completely the words the intents and the meanings on the pages, it doesn’t exist in relation to that document.
So, once again I am called to believe what someone says rather than rely on the documents I reviewed myself held in archives considered to be credible.
Sounds like a judge or an attorney telling me that I have to believe them because they have the position so they never have to provide the authority for them to legislate over me or regulate me in anyway they choose.
Every point I make can be verified by going to any decent library and looking up the documents. Much better and more fun than relying on the net and the tampered with records we find there so often.
The people have the absolute right to know for themselves what is fact and what is not.
As always thank you for your high service and Fidelity to the principle of open dialogue.
It will be very interesting if these other two constitutions ever come out and We the People can find out who did what, when, and how it all changed.