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hobie writes to Anna about the 3 constitutions, and Anna replies

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 8-Oct-2020 05:49:53

In Response To: Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, something is wrong here." (hobie)

Hi, Folks -

Prompted by conversation with Charles Miller (see the thread listing at bottom of this post), I wrote to ask Anna Von Reitz about the origins of the three constitutions, and she graciously replied.


From: hobie of RMN <>
Date: Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 3:56 AM
Subject: Proof of 3 Constitutions...?
To: Paul Stramer

Hi, Paul / Hi, Anna -

At Rumor Mill News I'm in conversation with Charles Miller. Charles has done years of research, seeking the foundational documents and our relationship to them, and has come up with an understanding of a way to proceed, He has a following, and RMN is a public forum, so others are reading our conversation.

Charles seeks documentation as proof of the way things are. He takes exception to the idea that there's more than one Constitution. In Anna's "The Unknown Past" from September of 2019, she wrote: "Most Americans are aware of the fact that Powers were Delegated, but how and to whom was never made clear. Now we know that the Constitutional Agreements were the result of the Treaties that ended The War of Independence."

Are there specific treaty documents Charles could seek out that would satisfy him there are multiple Constitutions? Please advise, and I'll let him know in our public conversation.

Thanks kindly,



Anna's reply (which should be assumed to be under copyright, same as or similar to stated in the Legal Notice at the site. NOTE: To properly understand what Anna's saying, it's important to be alert to differences in capitalization and construction of terms.


From: Anna von Reitz
Date: Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: Proof of 3 Constitutions...?
To: Paul Stramer

I have listed the treaties and the proper information on the Constitutions more times than I could possibly count.
Why can't you just go to my website and use the search engine?

The Treaties in question span a number of years prior to and after The War of Independence.

From our government's standpoint the mess started when the Brits demanded that we pay expenses for their war known here as "The French and Indian War" twenty years prior to The War of Independence.

See the Treaties of Versailles, Treaties of Paris, Treaties of Westminster and Treaties of Ghent starting in 1752 through 1791.

It was exacerbated by the Brit's pollution of the Common Law with Law of Admiralty in 1756, to produce the British "Law of Equity" ---- which means the King and the King's men get to act as pillagers without regard for the people they harm.

The Americans never accepted the King's Equity.

As you will see, the Treaties set up the compromises allowing for the final peace --- and those compromises were implemented via three (3) power-sharing agreements:

"The Constitution for the united States of America" pertained to American Subcontractors dba "States of America" run as a business by the original Confederation formed in 1781 --- this "States of America" organization was also known as the "Federal Republic" established 1787.

"The Constitution of the United States of America" was the British Territorial constitution, and was adopted in 1789. It was promptly amended by the First Judiciary Act to allow the Brits to have Maritime and Admiralty Law courts in their jurisdiction. This applies to certain functions and to all U.S. Citizens ---- military and military dependents, natives of Guam, Puerto Rico and other "Insular States" and Possessions.

"The Constitution of the United States" was the Papist Municipal constitution adopted in 1790 and applies to Federal Civil Service and Agency personnel and their dependents.

If you look closely you will see that the "citizenry" of the Confederation was defined and provided for by 2 Statute at Large 253, Chapter 28, Subsection 1, while the "citizenry" of both the Territorial and Municipal United States entities were defined within the respective Constitutions themselves at Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2 and Article I, Section 3, Clause 3.

Because their foreign political status as federal employees and federal citizenry derives from and under the respective Constitutions, these people become stateless when and if the Constitutions are overthrown. The Constitutions are also their meal tickets, as they create the commercial service contracts that guarantee their jobs. This is why the Constitutions have to be upheld by these folks --- whether they know it or not. If the Constitutions fail, they have no political status and no jobs.

Hence, they take their oaths to defend the Constitutions against all enemies both foreign and domestic ---- but as we note, they themselves have no constitutional guarantees, because they are not direct Parties to the Constitutions.


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "Unity is Hard-Won" / Tim Turner
hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Sep-2020 20:46:39
Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, something is wrong here."
hobie -- Monday, 5-Oct-2020 03:32:35
Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, ..." part 2
hobie -- Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 02:59:08
Reader Charles: "...having looked diligently for the 2 more constitutions mentioned by Anna, and never found them, ..." part 3
hobie -- Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 02:59:08
hobie writes to Anna about the 3 constitutions, and Anna replies
hobie -- Thursday, 8-Oct-2020 05:49:53
(repost) Anna Von Reitz: "The Act of 1871 Was Repealed"
hobie -- Monday, 5-Oct-2020 20:45:39
Reader: "And so the question I have is how was all of this pulled off and so successfully ..."
hobie -- Monday, 5-Oct-2020 20:45:39
Reader: "There is an interesting book about this subject and the writer is only known as 'Peter'."
hobie -- Monday, 5-Oct-2020 16:56:54
Anna Von Reitz, March 2019: "Virtually All Arguments Based On or About The Constitutions"
hobie -- Monday, 5-Oct-2020 17:45:59
Anna Von Reitz, May 2019: "For All The Jural Assemblies - 58 Reading the Constitutions Correctly"
hobie -- Monday, 5-Oct-2020 18:05:09
Anna Von Reitz, March 2019: "Ours v. Theirs"
hobie -- Monday, 5-Oct-2020 18:15:57
Reader Charles: Response to the “claim of 3 constitutions” from Anna’s definitions.
hobie -- Friday, 9-Oct-2020 04:28:16
Reader Charles, last word on this topic for now
hobie -- Friday, 9-Oct-2020 04:28:16

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