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Re: No Rumors To Monger

Posted By: Patriot820DC
Date: Wednesday, 27-Sep-2000 13:06:34

In Response To: No Rumors To Monger (Patriotlad)

Now Patriotlad, where do we go from here? I can't just give out the names I know of in connection with the OKC incident because I am one man out here alone. I'm not afraid to do battle but the folks we are speaking of on both ends do not do battle....they take potshots or perform bombings.

We apparently have two loose ends with no connecting thread. I sure ain't about to tell any investigators the truth as I know it to be.

The folks like Debra Von Trapp that can give names of the folks they know of have nothing to fear yet because the middle link is missing.

I seriously doubt that someone like me could get senate authorization and financing to investigate the possible links.

I can guess at one possiblity that perhaps deserves investigation. There is a chance here that the person that played both ends against the middle is the deceased general you mentioned in an earlier post.

It seems that I heard of another general who became deceased not too long afterwards that was bringing in supplies of illegal firearms from China.

It seems reasonable to me that the two generals could have known each other.

If so it would speak for what I heard at the time that the whole idea of the bombing was to result in a second civil war in this country.

I do know as a fact that such was the intended result.
I done what I could to prevent that from occurring by refusing to do the part which I had agreed to which was to be the spokesman for the group.

Now you got me.
That is ok because I did what I believed at the time to be necessary and I still maintain that I did the correct thing.

I openly stated in prior to the bombing debates that I really did not wish to see civil war tear this country apart. I believed then as I do now that we can address the seriousness of the corruptions within our government without mass violence and I believe that children deserve the chance to be children. I wish no child anywhere to have to live through some of the stories I heard first hand of what children in war torn countries have had to go through.

Where do we go from here?...Do we let the issue die?
Do we push inspite of the threat to our lives so that history can have the truth and profit by it? What do we do?...Why should we care?...Dang it man..I'm just an old country boy with no special skills in this life beyond what I have learned in the military and out here in the real world. I can work up a sweat, fix things, build things, tear things, apart....but I ain't a Ken Starr type character and besides that I despised the jerk for being stupid enough to let a sex scandel draw his attention away from the job set before him.

I ain't a cop or nothin like that so it ain't in me to go telling everything I know just to get a lot more folks locked up and killed in the electric chair and such.

I'm jest an ole country hick that ain't got a nickel to 'is name and some folks just plumb reckon that I'm crazier than an old loon.

Perhaps it is that you would agree with that assessment and would that I just quit while I am yet alive. I have been warned and threatened already. I am not willing to sacrifice my beliefs for cowardice. I have arrived to this stage of the game and I am not ready to relinquish the quest yet.

The Quest of which I speak is that I support the fundamental beliefs proposed by John Locke and Lord Kames. These are the same beliefs upon which the organic laws of our country were founded upon.

Will socialism eventually prevail?...Of course it will, however it will not be the same socialism that we recognize in current history. It will be a socialism that accepts that folks should succeed or fail based upon their own merits and abilities.
It will be a socialism that accepts that none should be prevented from delighting in the beauty and peace of wilderness surroundings.

It will be a socialism that lets each of us decide our own destinies and fates.

That kind of socialism will not prevent the spirit upon which rest the very foundations of Liberty and Democracy.

I don't know by what political name it will be called when it gets here, but it will be socialism at it's base not what socialism has been so far.

Will the United States of America remain a democratic republic? Will we remain a soverign nation?

However I agree that we should maintain our country as such for at least another 3 or 4 centuries.

Right now there are too many new technologies in the world and good politics requires that the nations and the people come to understand the most effective means of utilizing the new technologies for the greater common good.

Democracy, Socialism, Communism, Heirarchy, Fascism, Capitalism, and Dictatorship...all of these terms pre-date current technology.
Will we ever have a global Utopia?...nope. There will always be evils of greed and lust to contend with.

What we can do is pull together to find the answers that surround the questions which haunt us...but, not at the risk of someone else sacrificing my life for me.

Should we just let the truth of who done the bombing go and let history proceed?.....perhaps we should.

Is it really necessary to bring the two loose ends together?...not in my book it ain't.

We have the reasons for the bombing....
one...cause a civil war to ensue pass more laws quickly which would further deprive the citizens of their constitutional rights.
three...(from the patsys perspective) retaliation
four...(from the perspective of other participants) to send a message that law enforcement should not be law breakers.
five...(from the perspective of yet other participants) the thrill of doing such a thing.

I believe it is time that we the people demand the release of Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols.

I am sure they would not repeat a like incident. It is only fair that they be released because ( afterall ) ...Lon Horiuchi is still free from the crimes he committed at Waco and Ruby Ridge and so are the other participants of those crimes against humanity.

Besides that, releasing them would expose the missing link.
As for the Branch Davidians at Waco...I would suggest the idea is that they appeal all the way to the Supreme Court....where they will be denied justice...and then they perhaps will be persuaded to appeal to the United Nations. Afterall....that is the objective of the perpetrators of the massacre committed there.

The idea is that by appealing to the United Nations we can instill a World Court. Such action would unite the administrative judicial systems of all nations on Earth. This would bridge some of the gaps that are preventing a one world dictatorship.

Well, you decide. If you would persist in following the trail to it's end then give me cause to be your trailguide because you won't get to the end without me.
You can say that I should do it because it is the right thing to do, but I would tell you that my empty stomach can-not feed on a free conscience.

Patriotlad....I salute you. You came closer to getting me to give up the names than did anyone else except Jo Thomas ( assistant national editor of the New York Times ) so her card said.

You are every bit as clever as she. You two have shown me your cards...that does not mean that I will show you mine.
As this game of "Poker" continues let it not be said that we are enemies. The pot is the same for each of us but I would hope that our reasons for playing are not that we are playing for the pot but that we are playing because no one else is in the position to. The ante was high and we were apparently the only ones who could come up with it. The players thus far are all the persons you and I have made mention of...I am ready for someone else to either purchase the cards I am holding or to ante up with new information. There are open chairs at the table.

Am I in the right just because I believe this way?...nope.
I am in the right because no other person has proposed a better answer.

In the words of Steve Voss..." I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees "

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No Rumors To Monger
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Re: No Rumors To Monger
Patriot820DC -- Wednesday, 27-Sep-2000 13:06:34

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