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Posted By: Patriot820DC
Date: Monday, 25-Sep-2000 00:11:45


: From a RMNews Source --

: The San Diego Union Tribune has only touched the tip of the
: iceberg!!! See below stories.

: These stories support investigations during the past three
: years regarding Special Forces involvement in OKC ----

: and other "future" incidents to take place in
: Washington D.C.

: ___________________________________________________________________I have seen nothing that supports the contention that there has been an on-going investigation regarding Special Forces involvement in the OKC bombing. Contrarily the Oklahoma Grand Jury and others have openly stated that they had the only persons involved in custody.

I have to admit that one has to suspect the motive of Steven Barry in opening up about the SFU.

There is some truth to his claims and it is certainly a fact that Tim McVeigh if indeed being in possession at the time of his arrest of a copy of the stated newsletter, could only have been in possession of that newsletter from one source.

Lingering questions point to the fact that Tim was setup to take the fall. Did he know he possessed the newsletter?...Did he know the tag had fallen off the car which had been delivered for him to make his getaway in? Was there really an Id # on the axle of the Ryder truck?

I knew Tim and I participated in many of the conversations which came to be known as the conspiracy. I refused to participate in actions which would involve the deaths of innocent persons.

Because the trials could lead to a possible death penalty conviction I was granted the option by federal agents not to testify at the trials. I was never accused of participation in the event of the bombing.

As a matter of fact I was never made aware of the specific target nor the specific date, because I had refused to participate.

I am not denying that other persons were involved nor am I denying that any of the others were members of the SFU.

I will state that such a drastic action was not required nor did any violent action necessarily have to take place so soon.

Tim and his companion/companions called themselves, if I recall correctly..."The Defenders of the Constitution."

I was elected at the time to be the spokesperson of the group but I was not about to publicly align myself with such violent persons.

I have trouble understanding how anyone can call themselves defenders of the Constitution of These United States of America and yet make their own set of rules to live by.

There is nothing in the Constitution that allows for massacre of innocent persons as a means of justification for wrongdoing on the part of the government.

There have been too many lies and misconceptions about the facts of the bombing which has only led to a false paranoia of our chosen government. While it is true that each of us has a justifiable cause to be wary of our government, a paranoia based upon lies and misconceptions can only lead to un-necessary trouble.

After the bombing word got out that it was just a matter of revenge for Waco and Ruby Ridge.

The truth is that the intended message was that law enforcement agencies and their agents could no longer be tolerated to break laws for the purpose of enforcing laws.

It is difficult to get this message across when certain members of a certain group decide to break laws to get that message across.

One lesson that can well be learned from the actions of the participants in the bombing is that all forms of resisting a corrupt and tyrannical government must meet with public approval.

I for one am exhausted with the mentality of some persons that they can openly commit crimes against the people in the name of "Patriotism."

It is no longer going to work for those who would commit radical crimes in the name of "Patriotism" to commit such crimes for the purpose of defrauding the country into believing that "Patriots" are a degenerate bunch of idiots.

I have no trouble believing that SFU had participants in the bombing, I merely speculate as to who they represented.

Did they represent the very agencies that participated at Ruby Ridge and Waco?

Did they represent the very same corrupt government that the militias have formed to maintain a sense of integrity within our government?

Did they represent the "New World Order Sect ?"
Is it possible do you suppose that the Oklahoma City bombing was done to perpetuate an agenda which would dis-arm the citizenry of our country?

I got to tell you that I was almost as close to the conspiracy as Tim McVeigh and I lack answers to the questions which I have just asked.

Is the media going to continue to believe that all right wing radicals are just a bunch of morons with a love for guns and violence? Is the media going to continue to perpetuate that belief whether they actually believe it or not?

What are the hidden agendas of the most powerfull person that stands behind the globalist mentality? Is that a single person that has a high enough intelligence quotient to realize that he can not trust even his closest servant with the fact that he has a "tyrannical" agenda?

Is he brillian enough to have brain-washed the masses? I don't care who he is because whoever he is I have an agenda to prevent tyranny.

He might cause my death but my spirit lives on in the spirit of all true patriots.

Is it not possible that we can acheive a global currency without sacrificing our sovreignty?

Is it not possible to have a well and balanced economy all over the globe without sacrificing our sense of sovreignty?

Is it not possible that each person may succeed or fail based upon his own abilities and merits or lack thereof?

Is democracy for all really such a ridiculous goal that we must continue to have wars which destroy our sense of well being akin in the fact that we are all residents of this "one world."

The claim is that war stimulates the economy, but the truth is that if governments would not meddle in the limitations of their citizens to do business with each other that the economy could prosper for all without the necessity for war.

When governments control the travel of their citizens then are we limited in our abilities to do business with each other for the good of all.

When governments insist upon owning private residences then are we limited in our abilities to prosper and do trade for the good of all.

When governments limit the production of agriculture then are we limited in our ability to feed the world.

Government is intended to be an aid to it's citizens, not a hinderance.

Government is intended to be an aid to the business ventures of this world, not a competitor.

Government is intended to prevent corruption, not be the epitome of corruption.

We can each of us accomplish our objectives if our objectives are honest, without the taking of any innocent life.

When corruption displays loudly the name of honor, then...BEWARE.

Wisely in the case of the Oklahoma City bombing the blame was put upon a single individual and his unwitting companion.

In the instance of the Oklahoma City bombing, corruption was not permitted to wear the name of "Honor."

Now, it would seem that the story of the interview with Steven Barry attempts to attache the name of "Honor" to the Oklahoma City bombing.

I would ask how it is thought that any success should arise from this effort if also attached to the name of "Honor" is attached the name of "Racist ?"

It seems again that "Foolishness" prevails.



: See this story in the San Diego Union Tribune - Dated 9-18-00

: Racist ex-Green Beret boasts of secret army

: By James W. Crawley
: Staff Writer

: September 18, 2000

: FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. -- With a .45-caliber pistol resting with
: in easy reach, retired Green Beret Steven Barry commands a
: secret army of racists within the military' s elite forces
: from a ramshackle house just outside town.

: Or so he says.

: He has led the Special Forces Underground since 1992, when he
: founded the anti-Communist, anti-Jewish, white-supremacy
: group while he was on active duty. He also edits the group'
: s quarterly newsletter, The Resister.

: "The United States military was created by white men for
: white men to defend a white nation," Barry said during
: an interview at the small, white frame house, located a few
: miles from Fort Bragg' s main gate. "It wasn' t
: designed as a multicultural, diverse, touchy-feely,
: huggy-snuggly social experiment in race relations."

: Throughout the interview, Barry wore a kilt and no shirt --
: his usual attire at home.

: Besides the pistol on his desk in a tiny office, what appeared
: to be a crude time bomb was nailed to the wall above his
: head. Barry, who has shot at firefighters from a nearby
: fire station when they wandered onto his land, didn' t say
: whether the device was real or fake.

: He enlisted in the Army in 1976 soon after flunking out of
: West Point. He qualified for Special Forces and taught at
: Fort Bragg before quitting the Army in 1985. Then, he
: re-enlisted in the Army and the Green Berets in 1989,
: finally retiring in 1997.

: In 1998, Barry ran for the local school board, campaigning to
: resegregate the schools. He withdrew before the election,
: claiming that if elected he would be unable to persuade
: others to create separate schools for whites and blacks.

: Barry complains that training standards are being lowered to
: accommodate more African-Americans in the Green Berets.

: "Twenty years ago, you could trust a black to do a
: job," he said. "Now it' s questionable."

: He also rails against the federal government -- he describes
: Washington as the "race commissariat" -- which
: has allowed women and gays in the military.

: The Special Forces Underground' s membership is unclear. Barry
: declined to reveal any numbers, but did say current Green
: Berets and other special-operations personnel belong to his
: group.

: The group' s newsletter is filled with diatribes against
: blacks, Latinos, gays, women, the Clinton administration
: and the military.

: Barry started The Resister during the early 1990s, soon after
: the sieges at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

: A copy of the newsletter was found in Oklahoma City bomber
: Timothy McVeigh' s car when he was arrested hours after the
: April 1995 bombing, according to the Southern Poverty Law
: Center.

: The center, which investigates and documents extremist groups,
: estimates The Resister has about 2,500 subscribers. Barry
: said subscribers include current and former military
: personnel along with civilians.

: Military officials and law center experts acknowledge that the
: Special Forces Underground is real but say its influence
: and membership within the military are small.

: Barry responded that Underground members and sympathizers are
: just that -- underground, keeping a low profile.

: "There' s not a major (military) installation where we
: don' t have someone."

: Copyright 2000 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.

: ___________________________________________________________
: Then go to:

: Read down in this article where it says Blacks refuse to join
: the Special
: Forces because it is full of "rednecks and
: Klansmen."

: San Diego Union Tribune - Dated 9-18-00

: ____

: Article will be inserted in next post -- One comment from
: RMNews -- While Barry may be the spokesman for the Resistor
: and his own group -- he is too young to be part of the
: command structure of the Underground Army I have written
: about.

: I will try to find that article and post it with this group.

: Because Barry has suddenly GONE public with this interview, it
: makes me think that we might have another OKC bombing very
: soon. I don't know if it will be carried out by the
: Clintonistas as an attempt to stay in power, or if the
: Underground Army I wrote about has finally decided it is
: Now or Never.

: I am not privvy that that kind of intel -- nor would I want to
: be.

: Rayelan

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Wednesday, 20-Sep-2000 09:38:15
Rayelan -- Wednesday, 20-Sep-2000 09:47:54
Rayelan -- Wednesday, 20-Sep-2000 09:51:24
Patriot820DC -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 00:11:45
The Motive For The Attack
Patriotlad -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 11:52:49
Re: The Motive For The Attack
Patriot820DC -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 14:25:45
Re: The Motive For The Attack
BxDanny -- Thursday, 28-Sep-2000 01:48:42
Rogue Agents Named Again
Patriotlad -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 20:01:50
Re: Rogue Agents Named Again
Patriot820DC -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 22:03:16
No Rumors To Monger
Patriotlad -- Tuesday, 26-Sep-2000 17:44:31
Re: No Rumors To Monger
Patriot820DC -- Wednesday, 27-Sep-2000 13:06:34

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