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No Rumors To Monger

Posted By: Patriotlad
Date: Tuesday, 26-Sep-2000 17:44:31


Dear Friends, Patriots and Warriors of Truth:

It is a pleasure to read the messages of Patriot 820 -- and I do salute him for having the courage of his convictions:

The comments of Debra Von Trapp were transcribed by me from two principal sources. She gave an interview by telephone to the leaders of the Michigan militia group on or about April 28, 1995.

I purchased a copy of this two-tape set from a Christian patriot source in 1996. It is unedited and the voices on the tape are the same, so far as I can tell, as the principal leaders of the northern Michigan militia team (who were interviewed extensively in the aftermath of the bombing). Norm Olsen, with whom I have spoken on certain occasions, is one of the interviewers.

Second, Debra Von Trapp was interviewed live on a cable access television show which was carried on CTV in New Haven. Later, I spoke with the show's host, and he confirmed for me that Von Trapp had other, additional information that they could not put on the air that evening because of time limitations. He was a prominent black "nationalist," a veteran and a man of the left, politically speaking.

So from two different viewpoints, right and left, if you will, the message put out by Von Trapp was considered to be authentic by the people who talked to her at that time. It could be the case that she is a liar or a savvy disinformation specialist. Her comments are so inflammatory, however, as to invite an enormous lawsuit for slander, and libel, as she has also given similar interviews to other journalists in the conspiracy-minded alternative press. Many persons were named by her in this bloody affair and in the espionage and surveillance networks she named. Some of them were not federal employees or agents.

To my knowledge, none of the principals named, including George Stephanopoulos, Paul Coffee, Paul Steele, Peter Stanley or any of the others have ever sued her or anybody in civil court. She was not called to testify in any investigation that I heard of.

That alone speaks volumes about her story.

Consider the logic of the situation: a person would have to be endowed with a pathological desire for publicity to immediately seek to insinuate themselves with the mass murder conducted at the A.P. Murrah building on April 19, 1995. The only person who fits that category is William Jefferson Caligula.

Why in the world would anyone want, deliberately, to draw attention to themselves regarding this chain of events, and to "the final solution" of the trade war (the devastating attack at Oklahoma City), if in doing so they could open themselves to years worth of civil disclosure, process and trials for slander or libel? Why didn't the useful idiots hired to defend McVeigh check her story and call her to testify, if it could have spared him in some manner or another? How easy is it to believe that McVeigh -- the Special Forces wanna-be -- was recruited into a secret team, told to drive hither and yon, deliver this truck and do that, and then find himself getting stiffed for his work?

Perhaps he should be referred to from now on as Timmy Lee Oswald.

Nothing about the bombing makes any sense, if his goal was to punish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms for their role at Waco and the deaths of Koresh, et al. There was no smoke after the bombing, except from the burning tires of the cars parked across the street. They did not move one inch but the blast incinerated the rubber and set it afire. Compare that to the black, oily, diesel-like smoke which nearly asphyxiated ten thousand office workers in the World Trade Center bomb attack! That had the signature of an ANFO truck bomb.

Von Trapp is right, in my estimation, that the bombs inside the building were super-high tech in origin and in their effects.

It was by pure happenstance that I heard her interview on the "Truth, Inc." talk show in May of 1995. It took some doing to track down the two hours or so of recordings made with Olsen.

It was by pure happenstance that I was watching Gary Aldrich on C-Span when he was making his presentation on "Unlimited Access," and Sarah McLendon asked him that question about Robert Goetzman (which he answered -- seemingly -- honestly). I have mailed transcripts of the talk show interview to prominent men and women in the media, and in the Christian community of Oklahoma City at certain points in the intervening years.

No one has ever called me up to say 'you are an idiot,' or 'I think you are on to something' or anything at all. The silence has made me go deaf. Von Trapp has been ignored almost to death.

Following Von Trapp's successful contacts with Walter Mondale in the embassy in Japan in the late summer of 1994, Secret Service agent Alan G. Whicher was bounced out of the protective detail and sent to Oklahoma City. As anyone in government service whether that kind of transfer constitutes "a career enhancement."

Not long after that, the value of the Yen began to fall against the U.S. dollar, reaching its lowest point on the very day of the Oklahoma City bombing. Never again has it been that low.

There is no way to understate the cold-hearted cruelty of the Japanese, culturally, as they have a long history and tradition of suppressing any transcendental philosphy which counters their perceived notions of social order. The Buddhist puritans known as 'the ikko ikki' were ruthlessly persecuted -- with some 20,000 of these lower-class believers burned alive by Oda Nobunaga in 1574. Persecuted Christians and leaderless samurai rebelled against the shogunate system in 1637 and held the main part of the Shimabara peninsula for months before being killed.

As late as 1899, the official leaders of Japan implemented a nationwide ban on religious instruction in the schools, as the Christian faith and ideals continued to bubble up in the nation.

In this, the regimes of the United States under the Two Clintons and Japan under its present autocracy are remarkably similar. It seems obvious that the doomsday cult known as "Supreme Truth" was targeted for destruction in Japan with the same alacrity that Clinton, Clinton & Gore have targeted patriots and militia groups here. After all, what they both have in common is a love of money and the willingness to deploy the latest in technology against their own people, whenever, and for whatever purposes suit them as leaders at the time.

The Japanese have also moved to take advantage of NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, by doing precisely what the Clinton-Gore cabal said would not be done by the big companies who benefit from this corporatist, managed trade arrangement.

They built factories and assembly plants in arid northern Mexico to use as import platforms for sending manufactures into the U.S.
The Matsushita Corporation sold off MCA-Universal in a way which suggests, to the canny observer, that they wanted out of that business ~ and pronto! The law firm of Clinton, Clinton & Gore was happy to see the Bronfmans take over MCA, et al.

Now the Bronfman interests have been bought out by a French group, which indicates that the Gore team has probably made a deal with the Rothschilds of France, via the Schiff family, to whom they "sold" their daughter Karenna -- or was it just love?

Everything that I know about these back-room dealings and the espionage involved in this bloody fiasco has come from picking through news articles, listening to talk shows, gleaning and gleaning news sources to find facts that would otherwise be kept obscure. Here at the end of the 20th Century, I have come to the conclusion that the less the Establishment talks about any one thing or issue, the more important it really, really is.

As for whether or not this line of investigation could prove to be hazardous to my health ... well, so what? When I stumbled upon the facts of the original Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and began to research it and to discuss it with people via the Internet, I sealed my own fate (and all without knowing it at the time). My family and my children are now all at risk, as are those who are near and dear to anyone who has taken the time or shown the courage to challenge the First Reprobate and the Lady McShrew Clinton. Those boys who were killed because they stumbled on to something having to do with Mena, Arkansas, were as valuable in the eyes of God as me or mine, or as are any of yours.

It is too late to back down now and I wouldn't do so, even if I could: men who were smarter than me and far braver than me gave all they had, every ounce of their treasure and their life's blood, to bring this union of sovereign States into being, or to keep it on the straight and narrow track called Liberty. Some of them wore the three-cornered hats and some of them wore braids and carried the scalping knife, but they loved this land.

So do I. What I have presented is intended to spur those who read the Rumor Mill News to ask, ask, ask and ask again about the dastardly betrayals of our country and to illuminate the truth. Without money, power or rank, what else can I do, and what else can I hope for? Long live Liberty and the Republic.

The Original Thirteenth Amendment Was Not Repealed

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Wednesday, 20-Sep-2000 09:38:15
Rayelan -- Wednesday, 20-Sep-2000 09:47:54
Rayelan -- Wednesday, 20-Sep-2000 09:51:24
Patriot820DC -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 00:11:45
The Motive For The Attack
Patriotlad -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 11:52:49
Re: The Motive For The Attack
Patriot820DC -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 14:25:45
Re: The Motive For The Attack
BxDanny -- Thursday, 28-Sep-2000 01:48:42
Rogue Agents Named Again
Patriotlad -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 20:01:50
Re: Rogue Agents Named Again
Patriot820DC -- Monday, 25-Sep-2000 22:03:16
No Rumors To Monger
Patriotlad -- Tuesday, 26-Sep-2000 17:44:31
Re: No Rumors To Monger
Patriot820DC -- Wednesday, 27-Sep-2000 13:06:34

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