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Anna Von Reitz: "A Reply to Ron Vrooman and All Would-Be Assemblies -- Make This Go Viral, Too"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 16-Jan-2023 06:54:58

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "About Ron Vrooman and Other Would-Be Assemblies" (hobie)

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Saturday, January 14, 2023

A Reply to Ron Vrooman and All Would-Be Assemblies -- Make This Go Viral, Too

By Anna Von Reitz
We agree that there was a fraud upon the people when the British Territorial Government "came ashore" and substituted their "State of State" business organizations for their American Counterparts following the end of armed hostilities in the so-called Civil War.

Where we differ is that we call the "Civil War" what it is --- and always was --- an illegal commercial "Mercenary Conflict", just like Vietnam. You will note that the Vietnam "War" ended when the Kingdom of Ethiopia recognized the fact that it was an illegal Mercenary Conflict and NOT a war. The same thing has happened now, but the US, INC. and the USA, Inc. are fighting the realization and the international pressure -- trying to excuse themselves for what they have done here, because they began their illegal activities before it was illegal. This is like saying murder is okay, because there wasn't a specific law against it prior to 9,867 BC.

We do not agree that it is possible to jump from the High Seas back to the soil jurisdiction of this country without returning first the individuals and then the State and then the County government structure, step by step. This is mandated by law, by jurisdictional barriers, and even by the structure of the government that the Founders established. American "Isolationism" isn't only about foreign policy. It's about our "queer custom" of protecting our soil jurisdiction from international intrigues by isolating it and making access to our national soil jurisdiction exclusively through our land (State) jurisdiction.

The Maxim of Law is the Maxim of Law: "As a thing is bound, so it must be unbound." We were individually contracted with, and "bound" as first British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and then, secondarily mischaracterized as Municipal citizens of the United States --- impersonated as PERSONS. As a result the first step in freeing ourselves is to repudiate the Municipal PERSONS, then the British Territorial Persons, and finally to arrive back in our own proper standing as Lawful Person standing on the land and soil of our States --- where we began. Once our own political standing and status is corrected on the public record, we become "recognizable" as Americans and from that vantage point, we have been free to correct the rest of the Mess we inherited.

The American States Assemblies have followed the logic of the history, the law, and the circumstance that we found ourselves in, to arrive at the only safe, sound, and demonstrable conclusion --- which includes the restoration of the States and the Counties and the American People as the lawful Government in international jurisdiction, represented by our Federation of States or via Roll Call Vote, and the people of our soil, acting as the Government of our Counties, represented by The United States.

Everything and I do mean -- everything -- that I have done, has honored and protected the rights and the property of the American people from every State of the Union and every jurisdiction. There is nothing held back, nothing that isn't a matter of public record, and nothing in place to take anything whatsoever away from any American or any State or any County. What does, however, remain, is for the Americans to wake up and reclaim their own identities and their own property interests.

Imagine it this way --- my husband and I and the others who were awake, claimed back all the property and assets and rights and prerogatives belonging to this country and its people from the clutches of the would-be Globalists. This creates a gigantic Slush Pile of individual inheritances and estates, some of which are larger or smaller, of longer or shorter duration, or greater or lesser wealth, along with public interests which are separated by the nature of the individual States and Counties, and yet, which provide for some universal material interests expressed as Natural and Unalienable Rights and Constitutional Guarantees owed to every American.

As you entered the foreign system(s) one by one, via the birth registration process, you have to return home one by one. And as we made the claims and cured them and made them stick, it is up to us as a collective population to enforce the Constitutional contracts and property rights we are owed. We can only do that together as a united force acting upon the same basis and making the same claim--- and that is why the Founders set things up with only one (1) State Assembly per State, which we have properly and with authority summoned into Session to conduct business and prosecute our claims in international jurisdiction. All the so-called "District Assemblies" that have sprung up since the Civil War are in fact foreign to us, both the Territorial District Assemblies and the Municipal District Assemblies have nothing whatsoever to do with the American States, nor the long-vacated American States-of-States that have been represented by State Trusts since the "emergency" take-over and rewriting of the State-of-State Constitutions to fit the British Territorial versions acting as custodians after the Civil War.

Ron and pals are busily trying to rectify the situation, but they haven't properly understood where the starting point of the process has to be, with the result that they just spin their wheels. They don't understand the entirety of the history or all the name-changes and other verbiage that has to be grasped to safely navigate through it all. They don't even properly grasp what happened to the American States-of-States or the (mostly self-interested) presumptions that were made about them once Lee's Army surrendered.

The same can be said for the Oathkeepers, which Ron insists on comparing with our State Assemblies, even though the Oathkeepers (like Ron) never listened to me or any of the other knowledgeable Assembly Members in their own States.

What Ron is doing, like many other otherwise well-intentioned Junior Woodchuck Patriots, is to grab onto just one small piece of the puzzle and try to extrapolate powers for themselves based on that one piece.

I can tell you all -- with fifty years experience and the evidence of a great many patriots who have served jail time --- that this approach that Ron Vrooman is advocating, is incomplete and doesn't work. It won't stand the test of examination in all three General Jurisdictions. So. While he has a 20/20 bead on part of the problem "as he sees it" --- he doesn't see the whole problem that needs to be solved at all. Doesn't even have a glimmer.

This whole silliness of Ron's and all the PMAs and other "National Assemblies" etc., need to be ignored, because: (1) we already figured it all out and acted upon it; (2) there is only one "State Assembly" per State and they are already properly declared and defined on the Public Record and have been in Session for over three (3) years and (3) there is no room or need for any other solution to the problem.

The British Territorial and Municipal Governments have not been able to mount a single complaint against what we are doing or deny who we are --- and it hasn't been for lack of trying.

Unlike Ron and the Oathkeepers, we closed the circuit and finished the job of restoring our members and our States and our Counties to full functionality and standing, prior to going off half-cocked and not having our own ducks in order.

As for the National Trusts ---those were established by the Federal Constitution in 1787 and have not changed one iota. None of the actual Constitutions have changed.

What was changed, behind our backs, was our own identity and standing as Americans deriving our nationality from our States of the Union, a process that "redefined us" into de facto British Territorial U.S. Citizens or equally de facto Municipal citizens of the United States --- foreign "persons" who never had a National Trust and who never had any Constitutional Guarantees or protections to begin with.

So, if you want to protect yourself and your families, and want organizations standing on firm ground already, lawfully and peacefully pursuing their restoration of the full powers of government vested in the people of this country, and already having their property claims and national trusts in place --- then don't muck around trying to recreate the wheel our Founders designed for us. It is what it is and it's a good, sturdy, and worthy edifice, which in the end, has only been wounded by the deceit and self-interest of our foreign public employees --- not overcome.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "About Ron Vrooman and Other Would-Be Assemblies"
hobie -- Monday, 16-Jan-2023 06:16:40
Anna Von Reitz: "Public Trust Proclamation - No "Second" Constitution for Americans --- No Debt, Either"
hobie -- Monday, 16-Jan-2023 06:25:54
Anna Von Reitz: "No Good Guys"
hobie -- Monday, 16-Jan-2023 06:31:23
Anna Von Reitz: "Last Monday, I Told You the Bad News:"
hobie -- Monday, 16-Jan-2023 06:37:35
Anna Von Reitz: "Nothing "Novel" -- All Contrived; and Some Hope For Us"
hobie -- Monday, 16-Jan-2023 06:47:01
Anna Von Reitz: "A Reply to Ron Vrooman and All Would-Be Assemblies -- Make This Go Viral, Too"
hobie -- Monday, 16-Jan-2023 06:54:58
(* MUST READ *) Anna Von Reitz: "Told You So"
hobie -- Monday, 16-Jan-2023 07:01:27

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