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Saturday, January 14, 2023
No Good Guys
By Anna Von Reitz
I used to laugh when I would hear about "the White Hats" and say, "Yeah, well, they look more like Grey Hats with a lot of greasy spots to me" ---- and they still do. It's just two sides of the same coin, the Carrot and the Stick.
Maybe I was the only one who got the joke when they released a Trump poster a couple months after Biden purportedly took office with the caption, "Miss me yet?"
But the Truth of the Matter is that both the Federal Corporations are filthy dirty. Both are bent on evil agendas to boost their own profits. It is, no matter how you try to avoid it, a choice between raspberry-flavored crap and vanilla-flavored crap, take your choice.
Trump orchestrated "Warp Speed" and didn't appear to know what he was doing; Biden followed along and did the same. Are we supposed to be comforted by this performance, when neither leader of either party appears to have any control over the military, which, as we now know, has colluded to murder over two billion innocent people for profit? Including 160 to 200 million Americans?
Pardon me while I retch.
There shouldn't be any military supported by any country or nation that could or would carry out such a mission, yet here they are, using atypical asymmetric civilian "Uniformed Officers" --- licensed doctors and nurses, to do their dirty work for them. And setting it up so that these Uniformed Officers die right along with their victims.
Both the officers and their victims are accorded all the respect of used nose-wipes.
As things stand, they have killed two-thirds or more of our population --- and most of their own Priority Creditors --- without firing a shot. The cowards. The nasty little useless cowards and the King's "civilian militia" known as Bar Attorneys right beside them, one wearing their white coats and one wearing their black robes, and both of them foreign as Kung Fu in America.
Yet where are the Americans? Walking dead and still asleep.
So we hear the Narrative, about how Trump and the "Good Military" are going to save us.
You mean the same "Good Military" that got all this started? The ones that own all the patents and contracts and who are raking in the bucks hand over fist while the people they owe money to are dying like flopping fish on the playing fields and in the streets, on sound stages and in grocery stores and train stations? Slow baked in the public microwave oven that our streets and cities have become for anyone foolish enough to take their vaccine?
Have you noticed the reports that all these corpses are unnaturally hot?
And after this, they are going to give the Survivors what? A half-baked re-defined version of "NESARA" while the old legislation lies dead on full public display, like the sweet people who believed all this nonsense?
Biden is a living joke of all that is bad in this political system. And when he is gone, you will have someone far more competent, and yet, worse in his own way because he is more competent and still going along with all this murder and mayhem.
The only Good Guys are those who wake up and say, "No more of this." --- and mean it.
Good Guys don't try to substitute British Territorial "officers" for American Officers. They don't make up stories about "The Act of 1871" and they don't mistake the Southern Confederacy of 1861 for the American Confederation of 1781, either. They don't try to deceive Americans to benefit the British King. Or the Pope.
Good Guys don't adopt foreign citizenship and "offer" to invade our vacated Federal Republic ---and pretend that they R us. No, no, no, no, no -- that would just be a reprise of when the Brits came ashore and replaced all our American State-of-State business organizations with their own Funky Turtle British Territorial versions. They started running our business "for" us and nobody was the wiser.
That's what the British Rotters are proposing again. Oh, yeah, there will be an "emergency" that they started, because they are killing us, their Priority Creditors, just like they killed the Jews in Germany. There's a reason Bill Gates talks about "the Final Solution" --- and it has nothing to do with religion or race. It has to do with money and assets and who is owed what in this world --- and the fact that they are dishonorable, worthless crooks.
They will try to pretend that they are "American" heroes, when they're just rotten Tories in drag.
The Good Guys are Americans through and through, with no apologies and no ruse or excuse, no phony names, no games. They know who they are and they have a clear, solid vision. They aren't confused about how their government is structured, or who has the right to operate it.
Get a clue, folks. You are the ones that are supposed to be operating your government and telling your troops what to do with all that equipment you bought for them and all of that training you paid for --- not the British Crown, and not the Roman Pontiff and sure as Hell, not any unelected "National Security Council".
Go to: and pass the word: "Good Guys".
See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: