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Saturday, January 14, 2023
Nothing "Novel" -- All Contrived; and Some Hope For Us
By Anna Von Reitz
Go to YouTube and look up a posted video conference between David E. Martin and Reiner Fuellmich entitled "A Manufactured Illusion: Dr. David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich".
This conversation features the results of Dr. Martin's exhaustive analysis of the information available from the EU and US Patent records related to SARS-2 /Covid 19 and the implications of those records (and others) with respect to prosecution of the guilty individuals and corporations responsible for the death and damage that has been willfully and with malice aforethought created for profit motives.
Here you will see that there is no such thing as any "novel" Coronavirus involved in any of this entire genocidal hoax, and that any other impression was deliberately created by varying the frame of reference when reading the same sequence of genetic code.
In other words, if you start reading the sequence at one point it will appear different than if you begin reading the same information sequence at a different point on the same sequence. Try it yourself with any length of random sequencing of four elements: AABCDDCCA, etc.,
This is the puerile deceit involved in claiming that any "novel" coronavirus ever existed in nature; instead, what we find is that in 2005 a biological weapon was created based on an artificial "synthetic" sequence of genetic information to produce a lipid nanoparticle envelope to work as a transfer agent to dump payloads of whatever pathogen or pollutant into healthy cells using the polybasic cleavage site and receptor of the SARS-2 virus.
This explains how they delivered graphene oxide, hydra and parasitic worm eggs, fragments of HIV, liquid mercury, foreign clotting factors, luciferin, and aluminum among other pollutants and poisons directly into the cells as well as the bloodstreams of their victims.
It appears that the CDC, which is a privately owned and operated commercial corporation, violated 35 USC 101 when it issued the following patents related to the SARS-2 Gene Code and Detection: US Patents 7220852, 46592760 (2P), and 776521. It also appears that there was collaboration through Sequoia Pharmaceuticals which published a patent for the treatment of SARS-2 --- US Patent 7151163 (defined three days earlier by the CDC Patents) and ultimately DARPA, US Patent 9193780.
The Great New Invention was nothing more or less than a vector to distribute poisons, pollutants and fragments of disease, like HIV, into the cells and bloodstreams of the victims.
And that's what the Vermin did with it.
The reason Ivermectin, a horse de-wormer, is an effective therapy, is that it also kills an exotic Middle Eastern parasitic heartworm of sheep, one of the gifts given to Americans and people throughout the world by Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, Johnson and Johnson, etc., because these corporations were assured by members of the U.S. Congress that they would be held harmless no matter what adverse impacts any of their vaccines had --- and, by correlation, no matter how irresponsible these manufacturers were.
Congress gave them a license to sell snake oil -- literally. And they profited themselves with billions of dollars given to them by the same corporate Executives and members of Congress who stood to benefit from killing and maiming billions of people with these "products"--- while the Dr. Mengeles at DARPA got to stage the largest human clinical trials on toxic chemicals and blood parasites and clotting factors and HIV and blood-borne magnetic particles and all sorts of other "I wonder if...." questions that these Vermin cared to pose while making a buck.
There is only one response that is appropriate and that is absolute and total outrage.
Meantime, there is some hopeful news coming out of Germany-- at least as regards the blood diseases and abnormalities which have been caused by these injections. I only have a German-language link with English subtitles, but will pass on this important and hopeful finding that therapy with dilute chlorine dioxide is able to restore normal oxygen and Co2 carrying capacity and normal clotting characteristics to damaged blood and also reduce cell death rates (shown by reduced levels of lactate and creatinine) associated with systemic inflammation:
See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: