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Saturday, January 14, 2023
Last Monday, I Told You the Bad News:
By Anna Von Reitz
The Department of Defense and the unelected National Security Council have been in charge of the whole mRNA injection campaign -- as shown by patents, government contracts, executive orders, and Congressional acts.
And, according to the DOD's own research, the seven year survival rate of this mRNA "therapy" is 1:40,000.
I also told you that the members of Congress exempted themselves from these injections and exempted their families and their staff members and their families and also members of other favored groups including employees and officers of the Big Pharma corporations and members of the Church of Scientology.
They have, in effect, killed 200 Million Americans without firing a shot, by hiding behind "Uniformed Officers" conscripted under Title 37, and used these "irregular forces" in a Mercenary Conflict they are merely calling a "war".
Now, Japan has raised the alarm, too.
Kyoto University Professor Emeritus Masanaro Fukishima:
“People are already doing research all over the world,” Fukushima told health ministers during a conference earlier this month. “Japan’s prestige is at stake. You have vaccinated so many people. And yet, only 10% of the members of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, who are leading members of the vaccine campaign have been vaccinated. Is this a joke?”
Similar to Congress, the Japanese officials exempted themselves, too.
This is a "smoking gun" that reveals that the members of these organizations, the U.S. Congress and the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, knew what they were doing and avoided death and disability for themselves and their families, even as they mandated it for others.
An examination of policy-making bodies throughout the world reveals the same thing. They knew they were murdering their own people, protected themselves, and did it anyway.
At this point we should all realize that this has been promulgated by a Corporatist Death Cult that has had a worldwide reach into the top echelons of government, in at least the 31 countries that former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara unjustly favored and rewarded for their willingness to act as proxy states of the Cabal running Washington, DC (1966).
McNamara was a crook. Pure and simple. He withheld benefits that should have been freely shared with the other nations of the world, but refused because they would not relinquish their sovereignty to the growing cabalistic monopoly created by the "city states" government that was secretly establishing itself and usurping against the national governments mandated by law and custom.
It is now our job to put an end to this "breakaway civilization" of nutcases and psychopaths attempting to take over the world via "independent international city-states" such as the US, UN, DC, VC, IC and OTTAWA pox-marking the landscape of other nations.
These small "enclaves" are established without full disclosure or authority and used as "free trade zones" for smuggling and allowed "self-rule" instead of being held responsible to the Public Law.
These pirates actually think that they can create new entities by arbitrarily redefining what words mean--- for example, they believe that calling a rose a "helip" creates a new flower. Or calling encapsulated mRNA a "vaccine" makes it into a vaccine. Or calling a man a "person" makes him into a corporation.
They think that changing a street name creates a new property.
They think that naming themselves after their enemies gives them power over their enemies (until the enemy wakes up and charges them with identity theft).
Nobody who makes profit from war or death or disease can be trusted. No corporation that makes profit from war or death or disease can be trusted. All of these persons and entities must be strictly regulated and held in non-profit status from now on. They must also be prevented from making political contributions.
Come on, folks, let's get it together. There's a way to shut down the spike protein and the people responsible for this. Let each man go into his own country and declare his own law:
See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: