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Jay Newman: "In response to misinformation about SAFETY"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 4-Apr-2024 17:12:55

In Response To: CGI's empyyrean: Colloidal + Ionic Silver what it actually is and what it is not (RumorMail)

Jay Newman writes:


I'm Jay Newman. I'm now providing a responsible response to misinformation posted
about SAFETY

All the false nonsense spread by people selling colloidal silver makes chemistry
professors laugh and laugh. And for me, as a person working to make a living while
helping people with their health and maintaining an immaculate level of integrity,
seeing this nonsense has been frustrating. I empathize with the public. I work to
educate people and help people and, yes I've turned down a number of professional
potential investors predicting hundreds of millions of potential value for my

company because I refuse to get in bed with people who value the dollar more than
the people we get to help. My reputation is clear.
But one topic is beyond the pale for me. Colloidal silver makers are free to spew
misinformation, either out of ignorance or a lack of integrity, but is it NOT okay
for people to be harmed because they've been told this product or that product
cannot permanently discolor the skin if consumed in excess and cause the condition
referred to as "argyria" (are-JIH-ree-uh).

As I and my company have always made very clear, ALL silver products that are
ingested can and will cause argyria if consumed in excess! PERIOD! Full stop! It
frankly pisses me off that people make these false claims to sell their silver
saying theirs is special and can never do that no matter how much is ingested. And I
know of a number of people whose lives were compromised because they trusted those
claims and consumed too much of that product and their skin became discolored.

Please read my lips: ALL silver products no matter what they're called can discolver
the skin if consumed in excess!

This does not make silver unsafe, by the way. Anything in excess has consequences.
Ketchup. Vitamin C. Salt. People have died from drinking too much water too quickly.
That doesn't mean water is unsafe. Stupidity is unsafe. Too much silver will
discolor the skin. It took an emormous amount but has happened because people were
grossly misinformed.

The facts are fully laid out in the links I've provided that appear in this thread,
starting with the original article. Please inform yourself!

The bottom line is that all silver products have only one possible way of providing
any bioactive activity in the body, and that's by delivering and releasing "silver
ions," which is also referred to as "ionic silver." And once that occurs, it's a
level playing field! Too much can discolor the skin. It's that simple. Ignore all
the hocus pocus claims about any form of silver being exempt from this basic fact
and law of physics.

Now, I will go furthe, as much as I wish I didn't have to be here addressing
misinformation. Guess it goes with the territory.

The reason "colloidal" silver is generally limited to about 30 ppm is that more
concentration than that doesn't remain suspended in the water. It's made with a
process called "electrolysis" that results in tiny "colloidal" particles of ordinary
inert inactive silver metal with a very thin haze of "oxidation" on the surface
called "silver oxide" which is silver "ions" married to oxygen ions. A product
that's a higher ppm is "usually" just Mild Silver Protein, which has been around for
ages and is just ordinarly silver (completely inert, inactive, like in any silver
metal) that's been ground up to a very fine powder and mixed with a protein to mix
it through the water so it doesn't just pile up at the bottom of the bottle. (And
no, when making colloidal silver through electrolysis it doesn't "turn into" MSP
when the concentration goes higher than 30 ppm, for goodness sake. The rest would
just sink to the bottom.)

Every bit of all this is clearly explained in the educational video at the links I
provided. Educate yourself. Please. For the wellbeing of your loved ones and your
own wellbeing. This doesn't have to leave good people just trying to do what's best
for their family being forced to weed through flat earth theory and Salem witch

Watch the educational video I provided. It's really clear and easy to understand.
Maybe ask a college chemistry graduate to watch it and tell you what they think. Or,
watch me speaking at the links and make a character judgment.

By the way, the ionic silver my company makes and sells and my nonprofit charitably
distributes has never once resulted in even a hint of a report of argyria, this is
after more than half a million bottles have been sold, distributed and used over a
period of more than twenty years. The reason it's so safe is that only a tiny bit
needs to be used for profound results, which is due to the highly advanced

What's that chemistry? It's really simple. Colloidal silver is about 1-3%
bioactive silver "ions" (the rest is inert silver metal that does nothing), and
that silver ion content is in a strong bond with oxygen ions that makes it very
inefficient at ever releasing that little bit of silver ions in the body. The silver
product my company makes and my nonprofit distributes contains almost 100% bioactive
silver ions along with a time-release mechanism triggered on exposure to the
body's chemistry to help bypass the chloride ion in the body that would otherwise
grab and neutralize it -- called the "dissociation constant" in chemistry.

To clear up the misinformation about the famous case of the man who turned blue
using too much silver, I spoke with the man and can reliably tell you the facts. He
was making his own colloidal silver -- ordinary colloidal silver, made with
electrolysis -- and was drinking it by the glassful for years. His facial skin had a
severe bacterial condition and was literally falling off. He maintained not only to
me but on mainstream news in a video interview that the silver is what saved him and
that he knew very well that continuing to consume the quantities he was was was
discoloring his skin but chose to continue because it healed him.


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