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Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 9-Jun-2022 03:03:12

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie
Please find below Monograph generated by being included in a discussion thread concerning construction, or more to the point re-construction, of one provision of the Peoples Constitutions.
Hereditary Benefits.
The thread participants are all brilliant people and prolific writers.
My hope is to be involved in their dialogues so that discussion may be expanded both in scope and to escape limited positions based on yesterdays positions controlling todays adventures.
I hope the readers enjoy the brain tease and exercise.

Controlling Major Premise for this Monograph.

The People’s Original Political Jurisdiction created our constitutions which out of thin air constructed the administrative state, called governments, to which every public servant issues personal Fidelity Bond, of their own free will because they accepted the People’s backing of their pay check guaranteeing performance serving our law as written by the People.

Thus, in our country there are two primary jurisdictions, one superior and one subservient. The Superior jurisdiction, the People’s Original Political Jurisdiction, and the subservient jurisdiction administering the People’s powers and authorities defined by the People’s contracts called Constitutions, creating and known as governments, the administrative jurisdiction.

All transfers of property or property rights require transfer document identifying the property, the right, the owner or trustee and the transferee and acceptance, unless denominated gift identifying the property and its history.

If not, assumption rules which is the invitation to confusion.

Years ago when I came across Burness Speakmans on trusts I knew immediately what the solution was to the fatally defective assumption of heredity being a major factor in accessing and enforcing rights enumerated in our countries founding documents.
Application of a few principles, facts, laws and understanding the importance of procedures clarified my understandings. Then I acted.
At the end of this monograph is declaration of what I did. Any one who has followed political, legal and commercial issues domestically and internationally will recognize a growing set of growing anomalies in behavior of the systemites since June 2013.

First, dead men can not bind a live man to their contract. Trusts are contracts! The contract positions and benefits from them must be accepted and properly executed as to CONSENT.
Second, in order for any one to be bound to or beneficiary of a contract they must be a party principal. In other words be properly identified as party to the contract. No individual acceptance of beneficiary position by alleged beneficiary, in writing, bars participation in the contract. Trespass based on assumption of facts not in evidence.
Third, assumption that any one is bound to or beneficiary of a dead man’s contract is a trespass. Maters not whether the contract is active or resulted in a position or right in the present among live men.
Fourth, ALL the references to traditional and generational law or procedures prior to the 1783 Treaty of Peace were voided as binding because a whole new class of people and political, legal and commercial positions were created the moment King George released forever his property owners positions in the American Peoples governments, his land titles, and his proprietary properties known as subjects, chattel property, live people. No law available which was created by the new class of people as a culture, body politic, commercial identity.
Fifth, All the prior law, practices and procedures operative the day before the Treaty were written and empowered by SUBJECTS to some King or potentate or owner of the chattel property in service to their owner, for the Kings exclusive benefit from his property.
Sixth, the English common law and equity were in 1783 and still to day private secured property of the English Queen the same as all corporations and trusts or registered licensed entities constructed or administered by subjects to the English Crown are.
Seventh, when the federal and state governments defined the rule of decision in American judicial operations as English common law and equity to be interpreted by American judges the use of the Kings private property became the foundation of our American legal operations.
Eighth, the use of another’s property is either authorized and that authorization is of record, or the use is unauthorized, in other words theft.
Ninth. Use of the Kings law for application by American judges is the presence establishing control of our law system by American judges using Kings law which is an agency to the King as the principal. Master and servant.
Tenth, citing a class of people as a beneficiary to the public trust does not bind those who could qualify as beneficiary.
Eleventh, no one can bind another to a contract, or in this instant discussion, beneficiary class created by a trust with out consent which can not be assumed because that’s a badge of slavery.
Twelfth, transfers of property or property rights requires a transfer document because the trust as a written instrument requires a writing to be in evidence to witness the benefit because a trust is deaf. Positions in written documents require written proof because only like kind structures can recognize each other. This is particularly true in contract issues.
Thirteenth, the Peoples Public Trust fundamental founding and guiding intent was and is to serve and protect the concept as the ultimate right of the People to the term, CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. No consent in evidence = no position in the contract = no jurisdiction created by the contract creating LEGALIZED FORCE possible!
Fourteenth, manufactured consent is a fraud and badge of slavery. Assumed consent is negligence. Either or both are TORTS at all times in all circumstances.
Fifteenth, the administrative jurisdiction created by the People called governments operate exclusively on written records. This is so that the proof of fact and law compiled by public servants can be shown to the bona fide Beneficiaries proving compliance with the duties and obligations created by the contract and paid service to it. Conversely, Lack of proof of compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract serving the principles, fact, law, and procedures required by the contract is in fact the high crime and always a TORT!
Sixteenth. Spoken Word is how live men communicate, constructed entities communicate through writing. Writings are done by men expressing their consent!
Seventeenth, the VOTE is a transfer of consent with out title and ownership being of written public record which in results in assumption of invitation to conversion of intent and theft of private political will property. The cause of the fraudulent 2020 election and the usurpation of the People’s political property resulting in rule by men.

So, in 2013 I ALLONGED my signature, Nunc Pro Tunc, July 4, 1776, to the Declaration of Independence, the New York original constitution as the model for Wyoming the birth state and Washington where I live. Both ALLONGED.
I filed the documents in my county of birth where all records concerning me begin. Data entry control point.
I served the Holy See and the Pope and the office of the Secretary of the State in June of 2013. Franchiser of various and numerous operations world wide managing human capital for private gain. Slavery in fact and deed.
In September 2018, 18th, I served via Registered U.S. Post the People’s White House and Peoples Office of President, Donald John Trump public servant.
One of the documents served along with the ALLONGE as the political, legal and commercial attachment to the Queen, the execution on the 1783 Treaty of Peace as a first party beneficiary of the contract. This served to the British Ambassador by order to Trump as execution on contracted service agent. Please recognize his recall shortly thereafter.
Link to publish of Ambassadors Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes found at Rumor Mill News.

Link to People’s Prayer where our American adventure in personal liberty began.

This Monograph is presented in hopes that open dialogues concerning the content are opened with critical thinkers.
Do I have the contract?
If not, why not?


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hobie -- Thursday, 9-Jun-2022 03:03:12
Reader: "You can always win when you know what they are using against you. Knowledge is power."
hobie -- Thursday, 9-Jun-2022 03:03:12

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