Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #66
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 29, 2024 | psychology |
Your strength and confidence emanate from your convictions
Not from external approval
Do not let your self esteem be dependent on validation
Free yourself from the bonds of worrying about the judgement of others
Dismantle false beliefs ingrained patterns and conditioned responses
That have long obscured the true essence of your being
Dissolve the walls of the ego
And heed the quiet voice of intuition
Self care affirms to yourself you are important
And requires unwavering self compassion
Attention is the driving force for change
Redirect your thoughts and focus on what you want
And reality will reconfigure itself in response
What we perceive understand and hold in our consciousness
Becomes the reality we experience
When you accept then divert to what is desired
You are releasing energy
That was previously wasted on resistance
Acceptance is not resigning yourself to defeat
But it is recognizing the present reality
Embrace the worst case scenario
And free yourself from anxiety about the outcome
Tap into your power by loving yourself
Choose the greater frequency
And the universe will basically encode the shift into your life!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #67
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 29, 2024 | psychology |
You are shaping the new era
By what you concentrate on
And hold in your consciousness
Align with your power
And manifest your intention by way of what you focus on
If we do not clear out past issues
And resolve the energetic conflict
We will repeat the same pattern
When we accept then change our past
We change the timeline we have been traveling on
When we come to terms with our past
We move outside the trauma timeline
Your body is a God Consciousness technology
That impacts larger fields by stabilizing disharmonic frequencies
You can choose to utilize your inner light to circumvent disasters
And create harmonic patterns
As the sphere of your influence grows
So does your ethical conduct
That is derived from lessons by which we build a strong moral character
The virtues of a strong moral character are required
To move into a higher state of consciousness
We need to release energy blockages and remove distortions that mask our identity
When we no longer have a foundation of self deception
We can also help clear the macrocosm
The soul wounds we carry have closed down our true divine nature
And each of us must choose to place effort in healing ourselves
From personal trauma and emotional injuries
As we accomplish this
We open our hearts and fulfill our true spiritual purpose and destiny!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #68
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 29, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, History, Spirituality |
Cosmic intelligence is flowing in an abundance of golden chalice frequencies
Coded light imagery with crystal keys in the form of sacred geometry
Transmit information to those ready to receive it
We energetically move up in higher octaves
When we are initiated into elevated frequencies
Within these dimensional octaves are stations of identity
Which comprise our forgotten selves
They hold our consciousness intelligence matrices
And make up our spiritual identity
We are designed to reclaim our true selves during the ascension cycle
And to tune into the identities that exist in the various timelines
We have to move through a series of timelines in each dimensional octave
And reclaim our identity while recoding and deleting false realities
Cultivate personal integrity and heart based authenticity
For creating deeper spiritual connections
Seek truth as top priority
Practice compassion on yourself on other humans and on all of Gods creatures
The eternal spirit is not found within the confines of written words
But within the flow of kindness between living beings
Traditional doctrine has been promoted to represent the absolute word of God
And thus is not to be questioned
It is a cruel deception to confuse people about the nature of reality
Most of the prevailing religious texts available have been heavily manipulated
Since the fall of Atlantis humanity has been under an amnesiac hypnosis
And forcibly mind controlled to forget their true origins
A jealous and angry god has been espoused to be worshipped
The common person has been subjected to a slavery mindset
And embedded with salvationist theology
The worlds religions of today have been set in motion by non humans
And are controlled at the very top by imposters
The alien invasion event that overthrew Atlantis and other advanced cultures
Has been twisted into a humanity as sinners narrative
In order to set forth an assortment of mind control dogmas
Throughout the worlds religions
Esoteric knowledge of universal laws has been given to secret societies
The leaders of which make up the ruling classes
While we are given a false narrative about human origins
And fed ongoing cover ups about ancient civilizations
To promote propaganda based mind control
For the purpose of consciousness subjugation and spiritual oppression
We have to clear false and inorganic architecture
Which suppresses and impairs our consciousness
Claim your power
And reverberate the potency of your intention
In your choices you send a powerful vibration!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #69
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 29, 2024 | geography, psychology |
At the suggestion of someone else
The masses as they are standing on an earth utterly devoid of motion
Are willing to believe they are spinning furiously around
That ships sail on the sides of a globe
And upside down at the bottom
In order to uphold the imagination of a madman
NASA puts out false globular earth images
Every single one has been forged with a fish eye lens
Or created completely through computer graphic illustration technology
And are rarely examined with a skeptical eye
It is utter absurdity and an affront to common sense
When one believes in the globe earth and the heliocentric model
When that happens a schism occurs in their psyche
And no longer can they trust the empirical evidence of their own senses
Nor can they use experience as a criteria
But must accept information completely contrary to it
A lie has the power to make one a mental slave
And to keep us attached to 3d illusions
Our spiritual reality reveals our divine blueprint and purpose
In positive and life affirming ways
The heart felt desire for expressing reverence for life
The longing to pursue truth and beauty in all its living light forms
Expands us into higher consciousness
Venus the Cosmic Mother emanates silvery white flames of consciousness streams
To reconfigure the distortions of artificial holograms and reversal blueprints
The Queen of Heaven is providing a window of opportunity
To create vast changes and corrections in the energy architecture
Which impacts present and future timelines
Every action we take connects us to the golden threads woven in the fabric of time!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #70
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 29, 2024 | geography, Science |
A parallel universe contains the antiparticle mirror of our universe
And holds the exact mirror opposite to our timeline
The interaction between the two holds the architecture of both
And can be accessed in the inner world of our earth plane at certain domains
Where the merging occurs new architecture can be created
Which impacts the particle world and its anticipated reflection
The intersection crosses at a 45 degree angle
Which is respective of the particle spin
This zone acts as a buffer to keep both worlds closed off from each other
But it is being dissolved as timelines merge
Entry points get created
And is a phenomenon that occurs only at certain phases of the ascension cycle
As timelines merge it creates access into other realities
Which were previously unavailable to both positive and negative entities
These portals contain much higher frequencies and are changing our lower atmosphere
When one understands that the required vibration is accessed from inside your own body
The integrity of your light body expands
And your chakra column becomes a ray of platinum white gold interwoven with crystalline frequencies
At this point your 12d shield becomes permanent
And you are called to spin the immediate energy field into larger congruent ones
As a person reclaims their spiritual nature
They move up into the next dimensional octave
Moving through dimensional octaves is synonymous with moving forward in time
We are moving through compiled future timelines
The impact of this is the amplification of forces that radically magnify polarities
Where ones frequency stabilizes will determine their direction and future
And which timeline they will reside in
Our consciousness is a gateway that leads to the spirit realm!