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Anna Von Reitz: "American Public Announcement: What Applies to You? ---And Doesn't?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 30-Dec-2023 06:47:55

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Thursday, December 28, 2023

American Public Announcement: What Applies to You? ---And Doesn't?

By Anna Von Reitz

As always, it is a matter of discerning which "law" applies to you -- or doesn't apply to you. People have been contacting me, alarmed by new regulations being imposed by the "Corporate Transparency Act" (CTA) as of next Monday, January 1, 2023.

This Act, like all legislative Acts, pertains only to federal business entities, corporate officials, and corporate employees.

Are you a "federal" corporate business entity, corporate official, or corporate employee?

Let's look at the actual list of who is liable for these new business reporting requirements:

The CTA impacts federal reporting entities, corporations, limited liability companies, limited business partnerships, business trusts, and similar entities that are created or registered by filing documentation with a State of State Secretary of State or Indian Tribal Office. (Indian Tribal Offices are also under the British-connected Federal Municipal System.)

CTA does not include unincorporated, unregistered, unlicensed, and exempted businesses that have not sought public bankruptcy protection or similar limited liability benefits, and therefore are not public entities.

It does include non-profits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have filed paperwork with any State of State Secretary of State or registered their organizations as franchise corporations with any State of State Division of Banking and Commerce, etc.

Bottom line, if you have been unwise enough to incorporate your business enterprises and sought "benefits" for your business from the Public, and then used layers of interlocking trusts and other mechanisms to hide your business relationships, launder money, collude in illegal asset protection schemes, and dodge taxes --- you are in a heap of trouble, boy.

As of January 1, 2024, you have to report on your business relationships, ownership interests, etc., to FinCen, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, of the U.S. Department of Treasury (note, this is not the same as the U.S. Department of the Treasury, LOL).

As of this past week, you were in a heap of trouble, anyway, as your corporations are basically dissolved if they were in any way attached to the British Empire --and most of the corporations in America were, because since the Civil War when the Corporation Craze started in America, the State of State organizations have all been British Territorial Government operations.

Read that -- unknown to you, your post-Civil War Corporations created in America have all been registered or otherwise documented and created by a British Territorial Secretary of State's Office, not an American Secretary of State's Office.

This goes back to the great Substitution Fraud that occurred right after the Civil War, when the British Territorial Government (which was one of our three Federal Subcontractors) declared a "state of emergency" and shoe-horned -- under force and color of law -- the people of each State to create new "State of State Constitutions" providing a service contract for British Territorial State of State organizations to come in and substitute for the American State of State organizations that existed prior to the Civil War.

Prior to the Civil War, our State services were provided by American purveyors operated as, for example, The State of Florida. After the above described maneuver, the same services were provided by British Territorial purveyors operated as, for example, the State of Florida.

The only difference that a person on the street could observe would be a change from "The" to "the", new signage, and some new personnel.

All these organizations and all the organizations created by or registered by these and similar British-connected corporations (this probably means you, if you are an American corporation, limited liability company, yada-yada formed in this country after 1860) have been dissolved and their assets entered into receivership as of last week.

So while reporting under the requirements of the CTA may have posed yet another reporting expense ---and if you were colluding, evading, or entangling in improper ways --- possible fines and other regulatory unpleasantness, there are bigger fish to fry.

Don't worry about CTA or even the U.S. Department of Treasury. Worry about hauling your rumps and assets out of the flaming dogpile.

The only way you can do this is by lawfully converting your corporate business operations -- that is, voluntarily "nationalizing" your corporations to stand under the Law of the Land and the auspices of your American Government still standing on the land and soil of your country.

Otherwise, your companies are unincorporated chattel assets, unprotected and liable for all the "public debts" run up against private assets for the past three centuries.

This is because, ever since Queen Anne, the Brits have been operating their Monarchy as a shell game. The Throne of England has stood vacant for three centuries, and that is a real problem, because in order to charter or register corporations -- a government must hold its sovereignty on the Land and Soil.

And yes, the Poo rolls downhill. Because their Majesties haven't been operating in the proper Office and capacity and under the correct form of Law, they haven't had the power to create or register corporations this entire time.

As a result, all the corporations formed under the auspices of Great Britain and the UK and most American Corporations, too, (because of the Substitution Scheme described above) stand dissolved and their assets are claimed by our unincorporated Federation of States, as the Preferential Creditor still standing.

Under such a circumstance, former British Corporations, like their unwitting "American affiliates", may choose to lawfully convert their operations as American Corporations standing on the land jurisdiction of The United States of America.

Intent to function lawfully from now on may be established by a vote of the Board of Directors, Board of Governors, or other duly seated corporation officers. So long as they honor this expressed intent they will be given a reasonable amount of time to restructure and lawfully convert their operations.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 28th 2023


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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