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Anna Von Reitz: "Retrain Your Brain"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 30-Dec-2023 07:30:06

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "International Public Announcement: The Answer is Simple" (hobie)

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Friday, December 29, 2023

Retrain Your Brain

By Anna Von Reitz

Ever since you were born, you have been trained to accept and obey "authorities".

First, it was your parents and grandparents and older siblings, then it was your teachers in school, your drill instructors in the military services, professors in college, and bosses at work.

All your life you have been indoctrinated to let other people tell you what to do and how to do it and when to do it and how much to do it. Most of the time, they didn't bother to tell you why, or think very deeply about that themselves.

It just seemed to be part of the order of things that others gave you orders, and you obeyed.

Later, you became parents and started giving orders, you advanced in ranks and started giving orders, you advanced at work and started giving orders.

Everything in your life has been "positional" and reduced down to either giving or taking orders.

Doesn't that seem the least bit strange? Have you ever imagined other possibilities and ways to live?

And now here I am, for the moment playing drill sergeant myself, and going, "Pssst! Stop doing that! Stop assuming that you have to either obey someone or give orders yourself!"

There are other options.

You need to learn them.

This is a brain retraining exercise.

I want you to think of yourself as a consumer of government services, in the same way that you are a consumer of automobiles and television sets.

Would you put up with an automobile that strapped you in and took you where it wanted to go?

How about a television set that only played channels that it liked?

So why would you put up with and pay for a government that charged you for providing services you didn't order?

And provided these "services" in a way detrimental to your safety and security and well-being and comfort, too?

If it were an automobile or television, you'd either not buy it in the first place or take it back to the store. If that was the only kind of automobile or television you could get, you'd probably start doing without either one.

It can be the same way with a run amok "government services corporation", and just like you could let the car manufacturer know what was wrong with their product, you can let the government corporations know what is wrong with theirs.

You can be discerning and picky. You can decide which services you receive and which ones you pay for. These "governmental services providers" are, after all, just corporations like General Motors, Inc.

Once you really, truly understand that, your world changes. You change. You become empowered.

You realize that these public employees have been charging you for services you never ordered, and not providing services and exemptions that they are required to provide by the Constitutions allowing their businesses to exist and operate in this country.

You don't have to get mad, but you do need to get even.

Realize that you are the buyer, so you call the shots. Realize that you are the employer and they are the employees -- so stop groveling or pleading with them.

Tell them what to do.

Just like you wouldn't abuse your own employees on the job, or be impolite to people for no reason, there's no reason to scream and shout. Just level out and look them in the eye and tell them what to do.

"I am. I am not part of any organization. You are acting as a subcontractor and employee of my actual government and you owe me good faith service, therefore I am instructing you to....."

....get off my property.
....set me free and don't bother me again.
....stop making false claims concerning me.
....stop trying to subject me to foreign law.
....stop trying to impersonate me.
....stop evading your constitutional obligations.
....stop trying to collect money, when you have cause to know that there is no actual money in this economy.
....stop misaddressing me as "Mister" or "Missus" or "Miss" because I don't have or accept any foreign titles.
....stop sending me mail addressed to an unauthorized Municipal CORPORATION being operated in my name.

And the list goes on. Be creative.

....stop pretending that I ever gave you permission to interfere in my life and kidnap my children.
....stop pretending that I need a license to conduct business in my own country, or a license to get married or a license to travel in my car for non-commercial purposes.
....stop doing what you are doing. It's not right and it's not appropriate.
....show me where I agreed to loan this bank my house as collateral for them to borrow against?
....show me where this bank gave me full disclosure about what they were doing?
....show me how owning a debt note issued by the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation makes me a debtor?

You get the idea.

Deal with the "government" the way you would deal with any services vendor that got too carried away trying to sell you "services" you didn't want or products you didn't like or need.

You just need to retrain your thinking about the government, and before you know it, your relationship with the government will change.

Your employees will no longer be ordering you around, and you will no longer be obeying them. At which point, the world will flip right-side up and the tail will stop wagging the dog.


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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