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CGI's Morgan: DOG POET ~ In This Harvest Time- What a Bounty We See- as They Are Bringing in The Sheaves of the Liars... Murderers... and Thieves

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Tuesday, 24-Oct-2023 16:25:03

A post submitted by CGI member Morgan.



God Poet Transmitting.......

This being Petri Dish, it is the place to talk about the #1 byproduct of material existence. What would that be, Visible? That would be lies, and as these Times of Material Darkness intensify... we are looking at a bumper crop this harvest time. What a bounty we see as they are bringing in the sheaves of the liars... murderers... and thieves.

People lie for the purpose of gain. People lie because they are lazy. People lie because the truth would prove a distinct disadvantage to them. They lie because they are too stupid to tell the difference. They lie because they have been lied to, and they believed what they were told. They lie because they don't know any better. They lie in self-defense because the truth brings the dreadful appearance of danger to those who traffic in it, but... are without fear nonetheless.

I'm not much of a hand at Physics. It does fascinate me, however, and I spend time regularly entertaining myself with its tricks and mysteries. I am a better hand at Metaphysics because nearly all of my composition is right brain. The only thing I have in the other hemisphere is my rising sign. Everything else is compacted in 4 houses on one side.

Here is a little something to think about, Desire is fire, and lies are extremely flammable. All the lies you tell yourself to justify the exercise of your desires... they accumulate. They concentrate. They fester in a chemical way. Sooner or later you have flames.

How do you think an apocalypse comes about? Lies are compounded like dirty paint rags that gather in a corner of your basement. The World's lies pile upon one another. They create pressure because The Truth must be free. Not only must The Truth be free. The Truth IS FREE... ALWAYS. Lies piled upon lies, eventually... according to a law of Metaphysics... makes it so The Truth burns free of the lies... by consuming the lies in the fire of revelation.

Then one sees the bullshit upon which kingdoms were built... and fortunes were made... bursting into flames, and dancing their exposures through a flaming transparency. You can see through lies. You don't need an apocalypse for that. An apocalypse comes about for those who refuse to see through the lies.

If your life is grounded in truth... that will be revealed. If it is not... that will be revealed.

I was speaking with an angel of God this morning. I assume it is one of God's step-down transformers. No one speaks directly to God, except certain angels, and no one comes face to face with God except Metatron. However... I am ALWAYS reminded that it is God I am speaking with.

Let me clarify for just a moment. Many people are offended... put off... and whatever it is that occurs to them when someone mentions talking to God or his angels. Why anyone would find that strange is strange to me. Mostly, they do not understand why God and his angels are not talking to them, while... all the time... God and his angels ARE talking to them but they are not listening.

God is speaking to us in myriad ways, but... the noise of The World... and The Desire Body drowns it out.

One must cultivate this relationship. God does not drop in on people who aren't paying any attention to him. He has others that handle that area. HOWEVER... speaking with God and his angels in a back-and-forth manner requires persistence and dedication. I hammered on the door for decades. Sometimes... a brief window would occur and... Wow! Then it was back to The Grind.

Persistence furthers. I kept at it and kept at it and finally, God said, “I am here now.” Since that time it has been a process of ever-clearer and ever more constant states of interactive communication. What do you have to do to make this happen????

It is simple and I guarantee success. I absolutely... by God.... guarantee success. All you have to do is make God #1 in your life, and everything else a distant #2. In fact... you can think of everything else as being... literally AND metaphorically... #2. Whatever comes up before you... hand it right over to God. Rely on God for everything. Do not concern yourself... one wit... about how God will handle it... or when God will handle it. God WILL handle it.

God will test your resolve. God will make sure you are sincere, and... a moment will come when you will be made aware of his abiding presence, at... all... times. Now... let me return to what I was going to say when I said, Let me clarify for just a moment; Earlier... I was speaking with God through the intermediary and I said, It is a matter of some curiosity to me, Lord, that I have zero apprehensions about what I see coming in the patterns and trends of these times.

He replied, “Well, that's as it should be. None of the terrible things looming in the form of appearances... in The Event Horizon... have anything to do with you. You may be a part of the solution. You are not a part of the cause. You have thrown your lot in with me, and it is no longer any concern of yours.

“Visible, those who are deeply invested in the conditions of these times, WILL have a return on their investment. Those taking sides... those in the support infrastructure... will all be attended to as required by them. If you have boarded a large ship, you walked up the gangway on your own. The same as if you boarded a train or a plane. If you caused yourself to be born as a certain person, of a certain sex, in a certain location, at a certain time, there you are.

“At any time, you can throw your lot in with me. You can let me handle The Details. If you choose to do otherwise, for whatever your reasons, so be it. People who make me the all and everything of their life... I will be that. Handle it yourself and you will have mixed results, and where will it leave you if you don't know where you are going or what you are doing... or why you are doing it... in the first place?”

We are each of us on a plane of contrived reality that we have convinced ourselves is real. In Times of Apocalypse we find out if it is real... or simply a tissue of lies waiting on ignition. If you are awakening, those tissues of lies are being consumed by another kind of fire, the fire of realization.

If you have gone Woke, you have attached yourself to some material facade, for purposes of self-interest via a willing self-deception. It is your intention to get ahead of The Curve, never considering that it is the nature of a curve to loop back upon itself.

My recommendation is that people should not bother concerning themselves with whether I speak to God and his angels or not. My recommendation is that you should be doing EVERYTHING possible on your own account to be talking to God and his angels too. That will prove to be the single... most important investment... you ever make.

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