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Fulford preview 10/16: "Like failed bank robbers, the Khazarian Mafia seize hostages in desperate bid to avoid justice"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 16-Oct-2023 15:28:42

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Like failed bank robbers, the Khazarian Mafia seize hostages in desperate bid to avoid justice

The events in Israel are in every sense a hostage-taking event by Khazarian Mafia criminals seeking to avoid arrest and war crimes tribunals. They are also trying to start World War III as their get-out-of-jail-free card. They are doomed to fail.

To understand what is really happening though, we need to step back and look at the big picture because what is going on is truly biblical. It is the end of a multi-thousand-year attempt by a Satanic cult to enslave humanity. It is also about the liberation of the Jewish people from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery.

Let us start by pointing out that nowhere in the Bible do they mention the Star of David. Calling it that is an insult to the true descendants of King David. That is because in Acts 7:43 and Amos 5:26, it is mentioned as the star of the sacrificial cult of Molech and Satan, the sworn enemies of King David.

Clear evidence we are dealing with an ancient Satanic cult came when Turkish police confiscated Torah Scrolls decorated with Satanic Illuminati symbolism that were stolen from the 2000-year-old Synagogues of Satan in Syria.

After investigators carefully unraveled one scroll they discovered a picture of a ram’s head inside what appears to be a pentagram. There are more Torahs found in Syria in 2018 featuring Satanic symbolism such as the demon Baphomet, Illuminati triangles with the all-seeing eye, blood libel, serpents, kabbalah hand signs, owls and many other things. It is interesting to note, by the way, that the Rockefellers are descended from Syrian Jews.


This cult takes over societies and forces them to work against the interests of their own people. To understand what happened to Western Christian society and to the Jews long ago, please watch this 8-minute video of a parasitic wasp at work.

The wasps start by taking over the brain of their host by injecting pleasure-causing chemicals to make them accept their parasites. The parasites then start by enriching their hosts until they are ready to subvert them and suck them dry before moving on to another host.


It is an exact metaphor for what happened to the United States and many other Western countries.

When I first asked Asian Secret Societies to help liberate the West I told them “You would never have surpassed us (in GDP) if we had not become infected by these parasites.” They were warned they were being groomed as the next host.

Polish intelligence provides us with a good case study from S. Wysocki’s book “Jews in the history of Poland” of how a society is subverted.

The carving out of the Jewish state from Polish lands was proposed by, among others, Jakub Frank already in the 18th century. “Brothers and fellow believers! We need the country to become our kingdom (…). Try to remove Poles little by little from all the more important positions and concentrate all threads of social power in our hands. Everything that belongs to Christians should become our property, The Israeli union will provide you with the necessary means for this. In order to carry out the plan to wrest Galicia decisively from the Christians, all our rich people have signed up for considerable sums. Baron Hirsch will give, the Rothschilds, the Bleichreds and the Mendelsons and others will give (…).”

The other thing to understand is they are willing to take many centuries if necessary to take over a society in order to prevent their host from realizing what is going on.

The recent pandemic and vaccine crimes, for example, were planned for more than a century in advance. It started with the Rockefellers taking over the medical associations back in the 19th century. There was also a report describing the planned pandemic by the Rockefeller-controlled World Bank in 1975.

What is now happening in Israel, Gaza and elsewhere has been planned for at least a century. Freemason Albert Pike wrote this BEFORE WWI:

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences…between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other….We shall…provoke a formidable social cataclysm…Then everywhere, the citizens…will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity,…will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer.

So the events in Gaza, the mass murder via vaccination, the huge influx of military-aged male migrants into the West, the collapse of social order in the US, etc. are all part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity.

That plan is now failing because the people are waking up. They know there is no American Government, nor any other Western government. There is only the Khazarian Mafia and the world governments they control.

Truth Social user austerewyatt1 link 1

This is definitely coming to an end. High-level intelligence agency officials from Mossad, MI6, the P3 Freemasons, etc. have reached an agreement to...

~~~~~ END OF PREVIEW ~~~~~

Check back Thursday for full report, which has 14 images and 5 videos.

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