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There Is Talk In Russia About Hitting Targets In The U.S. Because Nuclear War Has Become “Inevitable”

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Thursday, 7-Sep-2023 11:46:57

By Michael Synder

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how close we are to nuclear war. Our politicians confidently assure us that the war in Ukraine will never spark a nuclear conflict, and the mainstream media in the western world rarely talks about such a scenario. But over in Russia, things are completely different. They regard the war in Ukraine as an existential conflict between Russia and NATO, and there is constant talk on Russian television about the possibility of nuclear war. Here is the latest example that I have come across…

A Kremlin propagandist has issued the latest nuclear threat against the West regarding the war in Ukraine, warning that the U.S. could be in danger of a Russian missile attack.

Igor Korotchenko, editor of the newspaper National Defense and a regular guest on the Russia 1 channel where guests have repeatedly called for strikes against Ukraine’s allies, took exception to criticism of Russian conduct in the war.

During his recent appearance on the Russia 1 channel, Korotchenko openly talked about a “first strike” which would involve hitting “targets on the territory of the United States of America”…

“The most important message we should send to the Americans is that we will not wage war with you in Europe,” he said in a clip subsequently posted on X (formerly Twitter) by Ukrainian internal affairs adviser Anton Gerashchenko.

“In response to your attacks on Russian military or civilian facilities, the first strike will be a preventative limited strike against targets on the territory of the United States of America,” he told the anchor of 60 Minutes, Yevgeny Popov. Last week, Russia announced that its Sarmat strategic missile system, which can reach the U.S., had been put on combat duty.

That is pretty stunning.

But Korotchenko’s remarks are tame compared to what retired Major General Alexander Vladimirov is saying.

Vladimirov is the author of Russia’s “war bible”, and he is entirely convinced that a nuclear war involving the United States and Russia has become “inevitable”…

Nuclear war is the ‘inevitable’ conclusion of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a Russian general who wrote the nation’s ‘war bible’ has warned.

The chilling forecast came from retired Major General Alexander Vladimirov, who penned Russia’s three volume book called the ‘General Theory of War’.

Why didn’t this make headline news all over the United States?

According to Vladimirov, “nuclear weapons will be used in this war”, and he wants his country to actively prepare for such an outcome so that they will have the best chance to survive…

He warned: ‘I am sure that nuclear weapons will be used in this war – inevitably, and from this neither we nor the enemy have anywhere to go.

‘The sooner our politicians and leadership realise this, the sooner we start to train troops and the population for this – the more chances we will have for survival, which means victory.’

Sadly, Vladimirov is seeing things quite clearly.

If we stay on the path that we are on, it will result in the unthinkable.

That is why so many of us have been advocating for a peaceful solution in Ukraine.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden and his minions just keep escalating matters. They are deeply frustrated with how poorly Ukraine’s counteroffensive has fared, and they are pushing the Ukrainians to make more of an effort to achieve a breakthrough in the south…

Half a dozen US officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The New York Times and other outlets that they are starting to question some of Ukraine’s military tactics, including where on the frontline they are placing their combat units.

Ukrainian commanders are dividing their forces equally between the east and the south of the country when they should be consolidating them more in the south, the officials said.

They urged Ukraine to push through the vast minefields left behind by Russia in the area, even if this means losing more soldiers and equipment in the process, according to the reports.

But what are the Ukrainians supposed to do?

The Russian defenses are extremely well prepared, and tens of thousands of Ukrainian men have already been slaughtered during fruitless attempts to break through Russian lines.

Meanwhile, the Russians have been making significant gains on the eastern front…

The Ukrainian Army is facing a major strategic defeat on the eastern front as it shows obvious signs of collapse along the entire defensive axis from Kupyansk to Svyatovo-Kremina-Liman-Serebryansky-Belogorovka.

As we can see, the situation in the Kupyansk and Krasnolimansky directions is becoming more and more difficult for the Ukrainian formations.

It is no coincidence that Kiev forces in the Kharkiv region, with the support of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine), conduct door-to-door walks in the territory, and almost all men, even the elderly, are mobilized into the ranks of Ukrainian formations.

The Ukrainians are running out of warm bodies.

At some point they are going to get very desperate.

And as I always say, desperate people do desperate things...

Ever since Joe Biden entered the White House, his administration has been endlessly provoking both the Russians and the Chinese.

In the process, they have been driven closer together.

And now the Russians are actually proposing that North Korea should also be included in upcoming joint naval exercises…

Russia has reportedly proposed conducting three-way naval exercises with North Korea and China in the Indo-Pacific, potentially formalizing a union between countries that already individually pose security threats to the U.S. and its allies.

According to South Korean news agency Yonhap, South Korea’s National Intelligence Service revealed the proposal to lawmakers in a closed-door briefing on Monday, alleging that the Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu offered such a show of alliance to North Korea during his meeting with Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un in July. Just this past weekend, Russia’s ambassador to North Korea, Alexander Matsegora, told Russian media that it “seems appropriate” to include North Korea in joint military drills between Russia and China.

The stage is being set for the hot phase of World War III.

But most Americans are clueless about all of this.

Most Americans simply believe it when our “experts” tell them that everything is going to be just fine, and for the moment ignorance is bliss. (excerpts)


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