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CGI's Leathur: 3 fold law truth

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Sunday, 30-Jul-2023 23:33:22

A post submitted by CGI member Leathur.


The Tribe counts on the Christian tenets of "turning the other cheek" and "loving thy enemy" in order to continue perpetrating their Evil upon mankind.

Dec 17, 2009

The ''Three-fold,'' the ''Ten-fold,'' The One-hundred-fold?; all of these were invented by a few human beings to frighten the masses, in order to maintain spiritual control. With the availability of knowledge in modern times, witchcraft could no longer be suppressed, so the oppressors had to find a way to keep it inline so real power and control can remain in the hands of a few. These few *know* the truth and are adepts in black magick which they use liberally to spiritually enslave the masses. They control the mainstream religions that are nothing but programs to suppress knowledge and control humanity. The article below exposes this lie for what it is:

''The first known reference in print to the three-fold law of return appeared in 1970 in ?Witchcraft Ancient and Modern? by Raymond Buckland who was initiated into the craft by Gerald Gardner and was instrumental in introducing Gardnerian
Witchcraft into the United States.''?

With enough research, it is evident that the ''three-fold'' emerged with the ''Gardnerian Tradition.'' Then, we have the ''seven-fold'' and I?m sure everyone has heard of the ''ten-fold.'' My point here is none of this recent man-made nonsense

has anything to do with the original religions. Its sole purpose is to keep people from using their inborn power and to promote a passive attitude that is accepting of abuse. This is no different from the Christian Church.

This ''three-fold teaching was taken from the eastern concept of ''karma'' after it merged with Western Christianity. After the eastern teachings of karma picked up the Judeo/Christian overtones of divine punishment, the product evolved into yet
another system of control with the same theme of keeping power in the hands of a few who know how to use it to exploit humanity. One thing led to another and Gerald Gardner added more to this and promoted the belief that witches must never use their powers to cause harm. Everybody has to take abuse and keep the passive attitude. [Feck that shite.]

The Wiccan Rede: ''An it harm none, do what ye will.'' According to Gardner, the ''creed'' is derived from ''Good King Pausol'' who declared, ''Do what you like so long as you harm no one.'' King Pausol is a fictitious character from the French novel by Pierre Lou?s (1870-1925): Les Adventures du Roi Pausole: Pausole
(Souverain Paillard et D?bonnaire) (1901 and reprinted in 1925 numerous times since), or the Adventures of King Pausole (The Bawdy and Good Natured Sovereign). This is the basis of ''Wicca.'' Wicca is nothing more than a Christianized version of the old religions. Wiccans have taken selected rites and teachings to suit their whims, from the original religions and have twisted, corrupted and transformed them and are now passing themselves off as the original religion. The hypocrisy can be readily seen in the Gods they acknowledge. Many, if not most of these Gods and Goddesses that they claim to worship, were the ones who brought the teachings of magick to humans, both white
and black magick. They are known as ''The Fallen Ones.'' The original Horned God is Satan. In addition, few Wiccans bother to do any indepth research regarding the Gods and Goddesses they commune with and worship. Most of these deities are of the Pantheon of Hell. Many Wiccans and modern Pagans also unknowingly mix their deities (Angels with Demons) and this can spell disaster. I read a long list of deities these people claim to worship and it is obvious they really know nothing much about them. Most of these writings consist of nothing but double talk, for example: how ''Ishtar'' should be evoked instead of ''Ashtaroth'' even though they are the same Goddess. They claim using the name ''Ashtaroth'' is different, even though they readily admit she is the same Goddess.

According to author Raymond Buckland, Wiccans claim their religious roots to be evident in a Paleolithic cave painting of a man dressed in stag skins presumably performing a dance. ''Caverne des Trois Freres at Ariege France'' is the site of this cave painting. It is just that- a man dressed up in animal skins and is no proof of anything.

CONTINUE READING: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=215855

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