(At Reader's request three minor corrections have been made to the text.)
A response sent into us from a RMN reader.
It's a war for your soul... imho Lynda
Re: CGI's MAXtheMAGAnificent: The War is Over ....
This is a war against God: the Psalms 2 War.
As a former military intelligence analyst and retired chiropractor, I, too, have been watching the real-time worldly events which have been, just as ominous as you stated here. Anyone doubting his presentation of the CCP's plan to take down America using economic and biological warfare, were thoroughly laid out in the Jamestown Foundation's "China Brief" following the CCP's millennial conference in 2000. If you would like to go to the source, you should be able to find this in their year 2000 archives. Having continuously reviewed all elements, I could easily say we are in Checkmate, but only if I give up my belief in God.
I hear what you are saying about God not seeming to take sides in our wars, but this situation is different for many reasons. First, there is far more involved than just what we see on the board. Second: there is also the UFO thing which is coming to a peak at the same time, and as some astute observers have noted, with the Euphrates now drying up, we could very well be into the 19th chapter of the book of Revelation, thus showing that the biblical timeline known as the "time of the Gentiles" is ending and we are coming to the close of an entire era, and the final judgment. Third, this is not just a war against the United States, this is a war against mankind’s Creator.
The deep staters worship Lucifer under his many pagan names Molech/Baal//Apollo… etc., amidst their various secret societies and satanic churches. They also practice human sacrifice, the adenochrome experience, etc.; which means the blood of hundreds of millions of innocent infants cry out to God from the ground against their ungodly abortions, abduction/murders, etc. Add to that the chemtrail killings (Cliff Carnicom 's website shows like-microscope and electron microscopic images of the bizarre biological weapons, such as bacterial-fungal combinations, which can only be created in a weapons lab, not to mention a host of toxic chemicals, such as cadmium, zinc, lead, aluminum, etc. then we have the Pfizer/Moderna/AstraZeneca bio weapons released against us from the ground, the air, and now even our food and water.
Put simply this is an assault against God. The FBI records recently released, according to the Faull Brothers' Video Productions Channel on YouTube, states that former Pres. Dwight D Eisenhower entered into a treaty with some of these entities flying around in their UFOs. However, they did not identify themselves as an alien race, but as NEPHILIM, which were the original "Watcher Angels", referred to as Watchers, in the book of Enoch. Additionally, the records further reflected their expressed purpose for being there was to enter into a final war with God, which they were going to win. Now.
Anyone who really understands the Bible knows the crown of God's creation is mankind, and his promises to protect and watch over those who trust in his name are too numerous to count. However, from the very first time I read a review of Salomone's: The Future of Life circa 1976 (in Time or Newsweek), I couldn't believe that people actually could buy into the idea that global warming was such a great threat that we should reduce the population drastically through a vaccine-poisoning program, but it wasn't long before I heard and/or read David Rockefeller, Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger saying the same things in the eugenics Council of the UN. About that time (‘90s), men began returning from Operation Desert Storm, with symptoms of some kind of rare, deadly diseases no one could identify.
Considering the possibilities, it struck me the vaccines were killing these guys over time. In fact, they even had a medical doctor and RN following the progress of recovery for the soldiers. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it went something like this: 20% died within the first two years, with 50% dead at the five year mark. Finally, at the seven or eight year mark, with over 70% fatalities, the investigating doctor announced the VA needed to go public with the results, or shortly the entire study’s population would have perished within a few more years. The VA’s response was not to call in desert veterans for immediate workups, but to terminate the program, and order the doctor and his nurse to not talk about it. (Apparently they only wanted these figures for their own tracking.) Fortunately, the doctor and his nurse disobeyed their orders and went around the country speaking to churches and universities, wherever people wanted to hear their message, and I was able to hear them speaking at a small church in Wisconsin.
I had also suspected (and still do) they were carrying out trials in Third World nations, in preparation for their planned, full-scale attack. One report from the NVIC gave a total of 26 children dying in Africa. This was after the Gates foundation arrived at an elementary school and began giving out shots without parental notification or permission. What was all, too obvious was the fact, that whenever I heard Gates questioned about it, he always sloughed the blame off on improper refrigeration, which, if true, could have easily been fixed through protocols, but considering the callous manner in which he practically laughed it off, it seemed obvious to me this man had no real, human compassion.
That's about the time (early 2000’s) the media and the medics went bonkers in California and throughout Hollywood. Suddenly a new term to rival "conspiracy theories" appeared. It was "Anti-vaxers." And suddenly there were new shows: "The View" and "the Doctors" on steroids against anyone with any concerns regarding vaccine safety. Over half the action movies seem to feature our future society fighting against deadly, invisible viruses, and then over 10 years of virus apocalypse shows popped up out of nowhere. (The Walking Dead set audience attendance records for years.) That’s when I figured the game was on.
Following closely every report of avian bird flu approaching the United States, it looked like they were about to pull the trigger on vaccines here, when a news article came out from Germany announcing the first vaccines being sent to Europe were tested and found to be contaminated with AIDS and one other deadly (anthrax?) microorganism. The vials were traced back to an American lab, and suddenly all investigative actions were dropped. Curiously, no one was arrested for that, except the lab tech, (whom, if I remember correctly, worked in a CDC center on the border of Poland, Germany, and Czechoslovakia). She was fired for having rightly tested and reported the contents of the vials, which obviously they did not want anyone to know. So, once again, I waited for the next round, which arrived around 2014, in the form of Ted Talks, with Bill Gates, speaking at a college campus. The talk was entitled:
“The Next Great Outbreak, We are not ready!”
For all the fear mongering and negativistic scenarios presented, there wasn’t a very large audience. It was conducted on a college campus, and when he finished projecting all his paranoia upon the kids, he opened the presentation for questions. Apparently it scared the living life of everyone, for there was only one young man in the entire auditorium, who even had the nerve to ask a question. That question was, quote Aside from the obvious advantage of stopping disease, are there any other upsides for the vaccines?” To this, Gates smiled, saying, “economically, I put $2 billion in two vaccines in 2000 and in 10 years I had $20 billion. And also, if we do a really really good job with the vaccines, we should be able to reduce the population by 10% over time.” At this point, I could not believe those college students weren’t standing up and demanding to know how you actively reduce the population, while trying to save it! But alas!
Most people have no idea that chiropractors study all the same subjects as medical doctors, with the exception of surgery. We also go into less detail while studying pharmacology, as our focus is much more on nutrition, since the field of chiropractic has always believed most physical conditions can be corrected through proper alignment of your joints, proper diet, and sufficient exercise. We take the same basic national board examinations for diagnosis, infectious disease, and epidemiology. Subsequently, I recognized the fraud from the start, given the fact that there weren’t enough cases in those countries, outside of China to even consider it a local epidemic. I mean, they were calling out five cases in one country and seven in another, with a few deaths here and there. (In the 1860s, when the great yellow fever epidemic was in Wilmington, NC, there were more than 500 deaths per day, and that was in a city of 50,000 people – not 5, 10, or 15 million!
Additionally, they have bribed our legal and social systems so heavily, our society is on the verge of implosion. However, the Good Book is filled with promises for the believer, as well as examples of what God has done for His people in the past. The stories of Esther, Daniel, David, and Jehoshaphat’s miraculous deliverances, provide us examples to place our faith more deeply, but this particular abomination – the attempted murder and reduction and perversion of men, women, and children for the purpose of abject slavery, is the final stand, and God has already written to tell us how it will turn out.
This is the Psalm 2 War as predicted in Scripture. More detail in the book of Revelation.
Psalm 2:1-12 (NKJV)
1 Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,
3 "Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us."
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The LORD shall hold them in derision.
5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure:
6 "Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion."
7 "I will declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me, 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
8 Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.' "
10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with fear, And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.