A post submitted by CGI member MAXtheMAGAnificent.
It is somewhat disconcerting to watch and listen to multiple well-meaning conservatives in the alternative media contending that we the people of the United States in conjunction with some sort of patriot or “white hat” alliance are winning the third/fourth/fifth generation war that has been/is being waged against us by the China/Globalist/Drug Cartel alliance (CGDCA). It is disconcerting because these well-meaning conservatives are oblivious to the fact that the war for all intents and purposes is over…the CGDCA won and everything that is happening now is just the CGDCA going in for the final kill that will make their win permanent long-term. I believe that what the conservative pundits seem to think is evidence that we are somehow winning this now over war is the occurrence of isolated successful pushback events against the CGDCA’s mopping-up operations by the patriotic resistance…events that will ultimately have no real effect on the CGDCA’s ongoing operations.
Here's what all of us have to realize…the CGDCA war on the USA has been quietly going on for at least the last four decades…starting with China alone. China, which now leads the alliance, definitively stated long ago that it’s goal with respect to the USA is to physically possess the continental land mass of the USA with all of its infrastructure for the benefit of China without possessing the people of the USA…the people have to be literally eliminated…like dead. To achieve this goal China began a new type of war against the USA which would happen in eight steps:
1. thoroughly debase the industrial structure of the USA, relocating most of the productive industries out of the country to China;
2. gain effective control over the core industrial base remaining in the USA by co-opting top corporate management;
3. thoroughly corrupt all major private and public societal institutions of the USA (government, courts, military, intelligence services, academia, media, religions, corporate governance, financial, etc.) so that none of those institutions will not only NOT stand in defense of the USA and its central Judeo-Christian culture but will actively seek to destroy the USA and its central Christian culture;
4. use the thoroughly corrupted public and private societal institutions of the USA to dumb down, pervert, and demoralize the USA population so that it will not stand in defense of its own country and will essentially abandon the Judeo-Christian culture;
5. obtain control of the electoral system of the USA so as to remove the representative nature of the government;
6. use the China controlled and corrupted USA electoral system to overthrow the national government of the USA and install a puppet government;
7. use the puppet government to collapse the USA from within and kill off the citizenry via biological weapons (don’t want to harm all of that wonderful built infrastructure); and,
8. eliminate the no longer useful USA puppet government, consolidate the former USA land mass into China, repopulate the former USA land mass with Chinese, and govern the America Province of China under the CCP. The way that I see it, right now we’re well into step 7., steps 1 through 6 having been more than successfully accomplished. The puppet government is now in complete control and ready to inflict its next series of biological weapons to continue to kill off the population. So, it’s pretty much game over for the USA at this point and by the way, for Canada too…heck, Canada has as much land as the USA and only 10% as many people as the USA that have to be killed off.
You might be wondering how the globalists and the drug cartels got involved in this enterprise with China. It’s different for each. The globalists hate the very idea of the USA as much as the Chinese do. The globalists see the USA, the USA as founded not as it is today, as the greatest impediment to the imposition of their 1984 style “new world order.” This “new world order” would essentially return western society to the feudalistic societal structure of Middle Ages Europe but much, much worse in terms of high tech absolute tyranny over the serfs by the royals…and of course the royals would be the globalists. The globalists also agree with China that not only the population of the USA, but most of the population of the world needs to be killed off, so they are really soul brothers with the Chinese when it comes to mass genocide. Finally, the globalists are enchanted with the way the CCP imposes absolute control over the Chinese people through their highly advanced surveillance state and social credit score system…you can’t go to the bathroom in China without asking the CCP if it is OK! Oh, and how about those concentration camps for the Uighurs in China…why der Fuhrer would be envious, right Klaus!?!
One thing that the globalists have that the Chinese really want to exploit and control is the western pharmaceutical-industrial complex that is really good at making bio-weapons that are disguised as things like vaccines and prescription drugs that people generally want. The Chinese know that just like a neutron bomb, bio-weapons take out the people and leave the buildings and nobody does medical bio-weapons better than the western pharma companies like Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, J and J, and the rest of the usual suspects. On the other side the globalists know how much money they can make through their pharma companies off of the pandemics and other health related catastrophes that the Chinese wish to visit upon the western world…especially the USA.
Anyway, the globalists love the Chinese and all that they are doing but the Chinese are not particularly in love with the globalists, especially the European globalists. Why? Because the Europeans used China as their imperial/colonial playground for a few centuries (remember the opium wars?) and the Chinese have long memories. However, the Chinese also are extremely strategic and on the whole much brighter than the globalists. China doesn’t have a problem using the merry globalists to help them to obtain their goals and then disposing of them later when they are no longer useful. Sounds like a plan!
The drug cartels are super organized, super violent, and in it for the money. They’ll do anything to anybody if it will make a buck for them and increase their market power…deadly drugs, human trafficking, child trafficking, sex slavery, organs, murder, theft, gun running and military arms, illegal alien invasions, money laundering, government corruption at the highest level, blackmail… you name it, they’re a one stop shop for anything in the evil catalogue. Who in the world would be a better partner in crime for the Chinese than the international drug cartels? China has totally outsourced to the drug cartels its deadly fentanyl operation in North America. China supplies the fentanyl raw materials to cartel manufacturing operations in Mexico that make the stuff up and then cartel distribution operations throughout North America makes sure it gets to where it has to go.
The international drug cartels have effectively become the on-the-ground operations arms of the CGDCA…they are the capos like in the Mafia who run the streets and the rackets, pay off the judges and the cops, keep everybody inside and outside in line, collect the money, set up the hits, etc. The globalists do a certain amount of this using operations like ANTIFA and BLM as enforcers and at a higher level the NGO’s like the UN, WHO, and NATO, and especially foundations like the Tides Foundation, The Open Society Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Ford Foundation, etc., but the real muscle and a lot of the cash is provided by the drug cartels.
So here we are at stage 7 of China’s program to add the depopulated USA land mass to China and then repopulate that land mass with Chinese people I call the phase of stage 7 that we are in now the “hey, look at what we can do” stage. The CGDCA, having overthrown the government of the USA and installed an undeniably destructive puppet government in its place, is now causing really strange and really bad things to happen to and in the USA that the people of the country never thought possible and cannot understand. These very strange and very bad things include: first and most importantly putting an unpopular, demented, corrupt, sociopathic liar who “campaigned” from his basement into the presidency of the USA when his opponent was wildly popular and obviously (and provably) got at least 15 million more votes than he did; taking away the people’s constitutional rights at the drop of a hat for their “safety” in a bogus pandemic; engineering a full scale invasion of the USA across its southern border of millions and millions of aliens from all over the world (many men of military age including loads of Chinese nationals and known terrorists) and having the invasion incredibly endorsed and enabled by all relevant agencies of the federal government; charging and arresting the seemingly defeated president of the USA from whom the last election was stolen and who is now running to reclaim his office in 2024; waging a war in eastern Europe that serves no interest for the American people but could cause an all out nuclear war with Russia for no apparent reason; and amazingly causing Bud Light and Jack Daniels, two American male icon products, to take on transgenders (as in guys dressing up and acting like girls) as their brand spokespeople! It’s the, “Hey people of the USA, look at all the wild and crazy things we can do to you and your country and nobody can stop us…we’re in control of everything, and you are definitely f…..d!” This is the CGDCA’s post-victory total demoralization phase prior to total societal destruction prior to total population elimination for the USA. They want us to know that when it comes to their plans for us, resistance is futile.
So the next time that you hear one of the pundits on our side say something like “the patriots are in total control,” or “this is what winning looks like,” or “the deep state is panicking,” or “Joe Biden is really a white hat plant to wake up the people,” or “Donald Trump is still commander in chief ,” or “the galactic federation is really upset and is going to return to earth to take out the bad guys,” or “Trump signed all of these executive orders that establish continuity of government and we can rely on them to return Trump to office,” ask yourself: does it really look like any of these statements could possibly be real as we as a people and a nation collectively stare into the abyss?
The other thing that we hear is that our only path to victory is to act locally…to run for school board or for city councilman and do this from the bottom up...remove CRT and LGBTQP ideology from our schools and rebuild our families and our towns and defeat the CGDCA by strengthening our society’s core values. That stuff is all good but it’s too late. It’s like telling the passengers on the Titanic to go down and try to patch the hole in the side of the ship when the propellers are 100 feet in the air and the deck is at 45 degrees bow to stern. The CGDCA is in Stage 7 and moving very quickly now to simultaneously introduce new bio-weapons to kill us off without requiring us to consent to or cooperate to receive them (think injecting our food supply with mRNA materials, chem trails, etc.); destroy our food supply by denying vital fertilizer and animal feed to our farmers and burning down and otherwise destroying our food processing infrastructure in order to starve us and cause chaos; shutting down our energy production and selling off our strategic energy reserves; crashing our financial system and our currency to destroy our wealth, and pave the way for CBDC’s which will impose a complete tyranny on each individual who hasn’t been killed; damage our goods distribution infrastructure to hobble our economy further; institute a complete surveillance state; institute a police state using the FBI as an American Stasi; shut down any dissent; destroy our families; and, foment a nuclear world war that will kill millions of us and destroy our society. THIS IS ALL HAPPENING RIGHT NOW AND NOTHING THAT WE DO ON THE LOCAL LEVEL IS GOING TO STOP ANY OF IT. Remember, the DGDCA has already won the war…they are in the ‘kill off the population phase’ and anything that we do now other than address their current total destruction campaign will be totally useless.
By the way, the other thing that our pundits say is that God will not allow the USA to be destroyed…that this is our “Red Sea moment,” the moment that God will do for us what he did for the Israelites when all seemed to be lost as Pharoah’s great army bore down on them at the edge of the sea. I believe in God, but the history of man is the history of war and it sure looks like God generally doesn’t take sides in our wars. What it comes down to is that when you finally think that you have to depend on divine providence to save yourself, you better get busy finding a way to save yourself yourself.
So here we are, it’s 1776 all over again but it’s worse…the CGDCA has incredible technology that can take down any people, any country, any society without firing a shot and to a large extent without the people of the target society knowing what is happening to them. Our conventional arms are largely useless to us in a fight against the CGDCA on their playing field. They have overthrown our government and totally control what government we now have, they own our military and our intelligence services (who have thoroughly infiltrated patriot forces), they have vastly superior weaponry including wildly dangerous AI and EMP, and they are effectively in the position of already having won the war that they designed and set upon us.
We The People who were the sovereigns of the now fallen republic that was the United States of America are captured and are now behind enemy lines. Anything that we do from here on out must recognize this fact and we must act accordingly.