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SORCHA 4/6: "“Gang Of Thugs” Attack On Putin-Trump Throws Kennedy Scion Against Biden"
Posted By: MrFusion Date: Thursday, 6-Apr-2023 12:56:47
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~April 6, 2023
“Gang Of Thugs ” Attack On Putin-Trump Throws Kennedy Scion Against Biden
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An informative new Security Council (SC ) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin met privately with Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko yesterday, says their “substantive ” talks lasted “well past midnight ”, and is a Belarus whose military vehicles have all been marked with the “Z” war sign used by Russian military forces conducting the “Special De-Nazification Operation ” to liberate Ukraine .
Following his war council talks with President Lukashenko , this report notes, President Putin informed the world: “I would like to stress Russia is open to constructive partnership with all countries; we do not intend to isolate ourselves from anyone, we have no preconceived or what's more hostile intentions towards anyone...We hope that our partners will adhere to the principles of equality and mutual benefit in their relations with us...The most important thing is that Russia, as a sovereign and self-sufficient state, will be actively pursuing a balanced, multi-course foreign policy prioritizing our domestic development and with particular awareness to the responsibility to maintain stability and security at the global and regional levels ”.
After informing the world of the peaceful intentions of Russia , this report continues, President Putin met with Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin , and they addressed the implementation of major projects on the two countries’ joint] agenda—after which President Putin presided over a televised ceremony of new envoys presenting their diplomatic credentials for his approval, where he told American Ambassador Lynne Tracy : “ Dear Madam Ambassador, I know you may not agree, but I cannot but say that the United States' use of such tools as support for the so-called colour revolutions, support in this regard for the coup in Kyiv in 2014, ultimately led to today's Ukrainian crisis...Relations between the Russian Federation and the United States, upon whom global security and stability directly depend, are going through a deep crisis, unfortunately...Its roots lie in the fundamentally different approaches to the formation of the contemporary world order ”.
President Putin , this report notes, next told the new envoy from Denmark : “ First, I will mention the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines which took place in September 2022...We hope, Mr. Ambassador, that the Danish side supports our proposal to set up an independent, international commission to establish all the circumstances of what took place...Relations between our countries span some 530 years...Att one time, the families of the monarchic ruling families were related...As you know, the wife of Emperor Alexander III - Maria Feodorovna, was Danish by birth...That is, our countries have always been close to one another historically, and behaved like good neighbors in the Baltic Sea...Unfortunately, today the situation in the body of water can be described as literally turbulent thanks to the attack on Nord Stream, which took place off the Danish island of Bornholm ”—then President Putin told new Norwegian Ambassador Robert Kvile : “ Today, bilateral contacts between Russia and Norway have been reduced to a minimum…Interaction on important international and regional issues, including in the Arctic, which is so significant for both countries, has been frozen…It is unlikely that all this is in the interests of our two peoples...The current trends are a reversal of decades of constructive ties, like the thousands of Soviet soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of northern Norway from the Nazis in 1944 ”.
When asked by reporters for a comment on the “national disgrace ” farcical legal proceedings against President Donald Trump , this report continues, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov replied: “We don't interfere...The way I see it, they're fine without us ”—are farcical legal proceedings famed American civil rights attorney Harmeet Dhillon said shows the socialist Democratic Party “is now a gang of thugs ”—and when noticing that the 30 March inducement against President Trump didn’t even name an actual crime committed, it caused world-renowned American constitutional law expert Professor Jonathon Turley of the Georgetown University School of Law to exclaim: “The indictment seems to address the lack of legal precedent with a lack of specificity on the underlying "secondary" felony…Bragg has done nothing more than replicate the same flawed theory dozens of times…This is where math and the law meet...If you multiply any number by zero, it is still zero...If the New York bench retains any integrity, this case will be thrown out as legally improper with an admonition to Bragg and his office for politicizing the criminal justice process...I remain hopeful that there remains a modicum of judicial integrity in New York to stand against this effort...However, this is a defining moment for many who have rationalized this abuse of the criminal justice system...For those attorneys, they have reached the point described by Robert Oppenheimer after the development of the atomic bomb...He stated "In some sort of crude sense which no vulgarity, no humour , no overstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose" ”.
Now joining the farcical legal proceedings against President Trump , this report notes, is the just published leftist Washington Post article “Russia’s U.N. Session Amplifies Disinformation On Ukraine Child Abductions ”, wherein it states: “Britain and the United States charged Wednesday that Russia is using its position as current president of the U.N. Security Council to spread disinformation and propaganda, and blocked the U.N. webcast of a Security Council meeting Moscow called to defend its removal of children from Ukraine...The International Criminal Court last month issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova , Moscow’s commissioner for children’s rights, for the “war crime” of “unlawful deportation and transfer” of children to Russia from regions in Ukraine occupied by its troops ”.
While it’s true that both the United States and Britain beyond all belief blocked a United Nations Security Council global webcast to keep the world from knowing the truth about how Russia protected children in the Ukraine war zone, this report continues, it’s a blatant lie that President Putin and his child’s rights commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova were “issued arrest warrants ” by the so-called International Criminal Court , whose authority isn’t even recognized by Russia or the United States —and in factual reality, neither President Putin nor his child’s rights commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova have ever been presented with warrants or any other legal document, rather, on 17 March , the International Criminal Court issued the press release “Situation In Ukraine: ICC Judges Issue Arrest Warrants Against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin And Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova ”.
With President Putin and his child’s rights commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova being the only two people in history having press release arrest warrants issued against them, this report details, it’s most critical to notice that the International Criminal Court admitted all of its evidence was contained in the American State Department funded Yale School of Public Health document “Russia's Systematic Program For The Re-Education & Adoption of Ukraine's Children ” published on 14 February —is an actual lie-filled propaganda document whose researchers freely acknowledge they didn’t travel to either Russia or Ukraine to interview officials, parents or children, rather they complied all of their evidence using Google searches and admit: “The investigative methodology for this report relies on extensive open source research…This process includes aggregating and cross-verifying multiple sources to understand the system of relocations, camps, reeducation, adoptions, and foster placements…Facilities that allegedly host children from Ukraine were identified through social media posts, government announcements and publications, and news reports ”—and buried deep within this propaganda document, it explains why Russia evacuated children from a deadly war zone with the short statement: “Parents hoped to protect their children from ongoing fighting, to send them somewhere with intact sanitation, or to ensure they had nutritious food of the sort unavailable where they live ”.
While watching these godless socialist Democrat Party and neocon warmongering “gang of thugs ” attack President Putin and President Trump for the crime of wanting global peace, this report concludes, yesterday it caused Kennedy Family scion Robert Kennedy Jr. , whose father Senator Robert Kennedy Sr. and uncle President John Kennedy were publically executed for also seeking global peace, to warningly proclaim to the American peoples: “The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom's new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power...China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power...The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocon's short-lived American Century...The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence ”—a warning proclamation Robert Kennedy Jr. immediately followed by filing paperwork with the United States Federal Election Commission to run for the presidency in opposition to Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden for the nomination of the once peace loving Democrat Party . [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
April 6, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
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