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Fulford full newsletter 4/3: "New World Order ends 500 year plan to conquer the planet"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Thursday, 6-Apr-2023 12:31:37



New World Order ends 500 year plan to conquer the planet

On March 30th, the Vatican renounced the Doctrine of Discovery. It was a once in 500-year news event that went almost completely unreported in either the corporate or alternative media.

Vatican renunciation of Doctrine of Discovery

This doctrine -first put forth by Popes in 1452- allowed Christians to murder, enslave and steal the land of non-Christians around the world. It led to over 500 years of relentless wars of conquest and pillage by the West against the rest of the world. That is why Spanish conquistadors would pull out a bible, ask Aztecs and Incas to obey its teachings and then start slaughtering them when they refused. It is what Americans used to justify the genocide of first nations. More recently, it was used by George Bush (Pecce) Jr. to justify a massive invasion of the Middle East.

Now, the Roman Empire is saying “We are sorry we tried to subjugate the entire planet to the obedience of a Caesar.” Pope Francis says: “Never again can the Christian community allow itself to be infected by the idea that one culture is superior to others, or that it is legitimate to employ ways of coercing others.”

There is also talk again of replacing Francis with an African Pope. This may be the real reason talks have again emerged about him resigning “for health reasons.” Vatican watchers note:

The health episode involving Pope Francis appears increasingly indecipherable. The given versions are not only different. They are also in contradiction with each other.


In any case, during the same week the Vatican was making its moves, the head of the Committee of 300 sent a message to Asian secret societies, asking to negotiate a polycentric new arrangement for the planet. Asian secret societies replied as follows:

We seek to realize world peace. We have been deceived may times by the beautiful words of the West but, we are looking forward to the creation of a world new world federation. (世界の平和実現 は我々も求めています。何度も欧米に美しい言葉で騙されてきたが、新たな世界連邦を期待しています)。

These moves by the two main Western power centers -the Vatican and the British Commonwealth- are being made because the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS now control about 80% of the world’s population and GDP. Even France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Netherlands, Slovakia, Poland, and the UK are already breaking with the Khazarian Mafia and trading with Russia.

This means the KM’s “rules-based world order” is now limited to a few puppet leaders like the fake Joe Biden who are about to go to jail.

There is also an outright revolution brewing in the United. States. France, Israel, Germany and the few other KM holdouts.

Another big factor in the West’s suing for peace is military defeat. CIA sources say “Once Putin finishes off Ukraine, NATO will collapse. We already know this. It is crumbling now.”

MI6 agrees saying: “The crux of the matter is money laundering using the arms trade in some kind of fake war to siphon off to pay for bankruptcy. As far as we are concerned the war in Ukraine is over and all that is left is the mop-up.”

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev adds “the collapse of the European Union is not far off.” https://tass.com/politics/1595047

Russia has now taken over the presidency of the UN Security Council and says it will enforce “international law and procedure rules, developed over decades are actually in effect in the UN, instead of the ‘rule-based order,’ which the collective West seeks to replace international law with.”


They are also telling the world “Attempts to use religious, ethnical, or social factors to explain dramatically deteriorating security after the arrival of Western military forces are a manipulation that colonial powers have been using for decades.”

All this is part of a newly announced Russian foreign policy strategy to “eliminate vestiges of the dominance of the United States and other unfriendly countries in world politics.”


This diplomatic offensive started because of the Russian victory in the Ukraine war. As Tass notes Russia’s flag has been hoisted over Artyomovsk (called Bakhmut in Ukraine) city hall, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner private military company, said on Monday.


Every day 6,000 to 10,000 Russian people are enlisting in what they now think of as a holy war to liberate Europe from Satanic control.

By contrast, the Ukrainian tanks are using mosques as cover while other Ukrainian thugs seize churches.

Militarily, there is nothing to stop Russia from sweeping into Western Europe at this point. That is because the US and UK armed forces are not going to fight Russia to save the KM fascist EU and their puppet governments.

However, all the Russians need to do now is wait for the revolution to sweep Europe. This is definitely starting in France where a second revolution is well underway.

The prominent Journalist Thierry Meyssan (the first to report 911 was an inside job) speaks for most French people when he writes:

Everyone notices that nothing is going right: the level of education has very dangerously collapsed, the police can no longer maintain order, the justice system does not have the means to do anything before two years, the army is unable to respond to high-intensity warfare. The problems are so numerous that one does not know where to start. public services should not be patched up, but redesigned according to new realities: The French, who in 1789 took the initiative to overthrow the Old Regime and create a modern society, hope to take another initiative to create a new world.

The protests all over France are now far from peaceful. More than 1,000 law enforcement officers and firefighters have been injured in demonstrations and riots across France , Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told local media on Sunday.


In another expression of revolution, an allegedly “Anonymous” French police officer offers some strategic tips for overthrowing the government:

1. Block the outskirts of every major city using truck drivers.

2. Let in only farmers with their tractors, which may be useful against heavy vehicles of the police.

3. Use rubbish trucks to block any police station and surrounding streets.

Other protesters have acted by shutting down companies like the Total Energy Company.

French and German prosecutors did their part by raiding five Rothschild-controlled banks on Tuesday as part of an investigation into suspected cases of massive tax fraud and money laundering, prosecutors said.


Presumably, the raids are connected to claims by French billionaire Philippe Argillier he has four databases that will expose 38 individuals who run the “shadow government”. Bill Gates is one of those 38 individuals.

This is no longer about pensions being stolen either, French Protesters want the guillotine for Rothschild puppet President Emmanuelle Macron.


No wonder Macron is trying to flee to China this week along with EU commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

Maybe would be Israeli God King Benyamin Netanyahu will also go to China and ask for political asylum. Netanyahu is fooling nobody by trying to say there is no connection between his ongoing corruption trial and his government’s far-reaching legal reforms,


As Israel’s Channel 13 TV reports, refusal to serve in the Israeli army is expanding and for the first time, it is joined by “Shayetet 13” soldiers (more or less like Navy Seals) who have announced that they will not continue serving in the reserve if judicial reforms are implemented.

The KM headquarters in Switzerland headed by Klaus Schwab Rothschild etc. is also under attack. Polish intelligence reports:

CIA documents show that Schwab’s Escher-Wyss company was run by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Department of State. This would suggest that Klaus Schwab was a triple agent working simultaneously for the CIA, MI6, United Nations British American Pilgrims Society, the Nazis (now Germany) and Switzerland. His Escher-Wyss company used slave labor (Russians, Gypsies, Hungarians, Romanians, Poles) and prisoners of war.

Also, NSA reports that in Switzerland UBS is now refusing to pay on bonds and seized all Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nation assets after taking over Credit Suisse.

The merger has caused a public outcry and is opposed by three-quarters of Swiss citizens. Now Swiss prosecutors are joining their French and German counterparts in going after the Rothschild puppet masters behind all this.


In any case, the various powerful people who had their money stolen by the Swiss bankers are not going to accept what has been done. “Watch as OPEC cuts off the West and Biden orders US oil wells shut down and more refineries to be blown up,” the NSA source predicts.

In the US meanwhile, four of the wealthiest men there –including Google co-founder Sergey Brin- have been hit with subpoenas into JP Morgan’s ties to pedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein


That is just part of the massive legal storm brewing there.

As is being widely reported Donald Trump has become the first-ever former president to face criminal charges. Look at the Photo at the top of the article linked below.


“This is not the real Trump. He is too thin. This is a double look alike. So it seems there are 3 Trumps. The video done by the Kyle Cheney of Politico has the heavy-set white eyes Trump in it. Very interesting,” a CIA source comments.

The attack on “Trump” is backfiring big time on the Demonrats as 83% of Americans think Trump’s indictment is politically motivated. Now Governor Ron DeSantis has thrown down the military gauntlet by saying Florida ‘will not assist in an extradition request’ for Trump.

“This was the white hat alliance plan. It is a brilliant 5D chess move. This opens the door to go after avatar Obama, Avatar Bush, and the whole lot of KM minions,” the CIA source says.


This means that even if actors are being used to play “President Biden,” etc. they can still be brought down.

Also, ask yourself why does Reuters have to write “U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration?” instead of just President Biden? Ohhhh that’s right, because the fake masked Biden isn’t President.


Now, look at how the fake masked Biden’s judicial nominees can’t even answer Sen. John Kennedy’s basic questions—including a nominee who was unable to explain Article V of the Constitution. It is actually pathetic how stupid these judges really are. See for yourself in the video below.

It is all a stage full of actors. The photo below showing the body double writing with the opposite hand from the other Biden is just the latest confirmation of this.

“Biden” is not even the best-paid actor. Officially, Tom Cruise was 2022’s highest-paid actor. He made $100 Million. However, actually, Volodymyr Zelensky was the highest-paid actor. He got $18 Billion.

We won’t even bother getting into the latest staged mass shootings because they have used that trick so often, people have stopped reacting.

As a Mossad source notes “The crazier sh*t gets, the closer we get to the finish line.”

In any case, such antics are like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic because the entire financial system is going down.

“I will tell you that a collapse is coming that will change everything” TV commentator Glenn Beck says, echoing many others.

‘Most U.S. banks are technically near insolvency, and hundreds are already fully insolvent,’ widely recognized and followed Economist Nouriel Roubini says. “We’re not out of this banking crisis. In fact, it may be just the beginning,” a Mossad source elaborates.

The crisis has begun to expose massive financial crimes. For example, we are now finding out the Silicon Valley Bank bailout was to help 10 Chinese billionaires who had $13.3 billion in the bank.

“This revelation is a serious blow to the KM-controlled Federal Reserve,” a CIA source notes.

Now documents reveal the US Government Sold 9,800 Bitcoins on March 14. This caused Bitcoin to plunge over 9% in minutes. They reportedly plan to sell a further 41,500 Bitcoin in four batches over the course of the year.

It is a pretty good bet these bitcoins were obtained by manipulating cryptocurrency markets over the years.

These antics are causing citizens to revolt against the banks. In the last week of March large banks lost $129 billion of deposits, the biggest weekly outflow ever. By contrast, small banks actually saw an inflow. The total 5% drawdown in US domestic commercial bank deposits is the largest in history.


These comments on the Zerohedge article reporting the bank run reflect popular sentiment:

“So, that’s $130B that the banks can’t get their hands on via ‘bail-in.’ “

“Out of banks and into credit unions/gold/crypto/usable goods.”

People are also protesting against attempts to impose mark-of-the-beast biometric payments by using cash for purchases.

Many people are taking things further by resorting to outright theft. Almost every day we see reports about some major corporations – Target, Walmart, Walgreens, etc. – leaving a major city due to a rise in crime and theft. Portland native Dustin Michael Miller told Fox News : “Our city is out of control. It is unrecognizable. I’ve lived here my whole life, and it’s just deteriorated over the last five years.” He could have spoken about most major US cities and not just Portland.

This will only end when the financial system is taken back by the people. As Polish intelligence sources note “Money is not everything. The tree of life on a pre-war Polish banknote…is a reference to life, rebirth and longevity.”

The KM is trying to fight back with ever more extreme bursts of fear porn, such as the following that was fed to Polish intelligence.

mRNA technology has already been injected into 100 million animals and hardly anyone knows about it. “This mRNA technology is funded by the foundation of Mark Zuckerberg and his wife. They’ve been doing it all over the country for a year and a half.” Gavi (Bill Gates) is busy injecting mRNA into vegetables like tomatoes, avocados and lettuce. They want to kill everyone.

While the KM is trying to use gene editing technology to kill us or enslave us, it looks like the Chinese are starting to use it to create super-humans. For example, the report below shows the Chinese have figured out how to use genes from virtually indestructible micro-organisms known as tardigrades to create super soldiers.


Finally, in more signs we really are entering unexplored territory as a species, here are the latest UFO sightings:

1. UFO over Iran

2. The 2 suns exposed Arizona, USA

3. Cigar-shaped UFO in Mexico

4. Plasma energy Orb in Canada.

5 Cluster of UFO drones in New Jersey, USA 2023


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