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Monday, January 23, 2023
A Message to the Military
By Anna Von Reitz
Everybody, help get this message out:
We are the American People, properly declared, recorded, provenanced, and assembled in our fifty organic States of the Union.
There may not be as many of us returned from over the sea yet as you expected, but numbers don't matter. We have never been organized as a democracy. We have a republican form of government, so we don't need any majority of eligible voters to have a mandate.
Read the Constitution if you need further explanation about our right to assemble and our right to have a republican form of government.
We know what Mr. Lincoln did and failed to do. We know what Grant did. We know that you have all been used as cheap mercenaries ever since and sold out by your own Generals, because they were dependent on the puke politicians for funding. We know.
Most of us are veterans, too.
So, there's no need to make excuses and spin "narratives" and do movie productions trying to make yourselves look like heroes -- when -- let's be honest, you all went along like good sheepdogs for many decades and didn't question anything you were told.
Not even after you got home and noticed that, hey, the streets in America aren't safe anymore. Our kids are going missing. The schools are crap.
And nobody is safe in their beds for fear of some god-forsaken Agency SWAT team breaking down the door.
You were no different from the rest of us law-abiding Americans --- indoctrinated to the bone to listen and obey somebody else.
That's what happens after thirty years of being told what to think and what to do and how to interpret the world by other people in "positions of authority".
If you really want to be heroes and be held harmless for all the graft and crime that has gone on here, make the leap. Think for yourselves.
You are working for a foreign, for-profit commercial corporation in the business of providing government services.
That's a fact.
The "President" of this foreign-based, for-profit commercial corporation in the business of providing government services may be "commander in chief" --- just like Elon Musk is "commander in chief" of Tesla, Inc.-- but that gives him no public office.
All these elections you've grown up with? Those are shareholder elections. And get this--- the corporations you are supposedly a shareholder of, are bankrupt.
This means you and your childrens' childrens' children get to live as slaves and pay all the debts of this foreign-owned, private, for-profit commercial corporation in the business of providing government services.
All the paperwork you signed upon entering "the service" in whatever branch you entered, is fraud on the face of it. They gave you the idea that you were "serving your country" -- not serving the equivalent of GM or EXXON on drugs.
Taken altogether, this means that you don't have a "commander-in-chief" --- all you've got is a foreign corporation "President" pimping you out, and it doesn't matter if it's Joe Biden in a fancy hat, or Donald Trump.
It also means that your enrollment in the service is bogus for non-disclosure. They lied to you.
And they have tried to replace you with an illegal "National Guard".
You will see that each State of the Union is guaranteed its right to a "well-regulated militia" by the Constitution, but there is no provision for any kind of an amalgamated "National Guard" under the control of any "President".
That amounts to commandeering and subverting and "redefining" our state militias as foreign private security personnel at the beck and call of the "President" of a foreign, for-profit, commercial corporation in the business of providing government services.
Unless the "Nation" being protected is the State of the Union population, and unless this "Guard" is acting under the command of the State Assembly Chairman --- its extracurricular treason.
FYI, Brothers.
James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America --- Unincorporated.
See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: