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Anna Von Reitz: "Consider the Hypocrisy"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 26-Jan-2023 04:12:43

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "A Message to the Military" (hobie)

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Monday, January 23, 2023

Consider the Hypocrisy

By Anna Von Reitz

We see it all the time. They rub our noses in it.

While talking about the evils of climate change and CO2 emissions, the Evil Edjits in Davos arrived there aboard gas-guzzling private jets piloted by unvaccinated pilots.

They hide the facts, and don't teach The Carbon Cycle in schools anymore, because these Vermin are intent on selling yet another "reason" for draconian government controls and, of course, taxes, taxes, taxes.

This, when we now know that all world governments have been fully funded since 1941? The consummate Evil Edjit, Robert McNamara, prevented peace from breaking out and stole-by-control money that should have been made freely available to other countries. And to us, too.

There is no reason that anyone should have paid a thin dime to "support the government" in any of its functions including infrastructure development. All they had to do was get their poop in a group and show some initiative and common sense, but, no.

They had to be greedy, foolish, short-sighted little power-mongers instead.

These are the kind of men that we have promoted to the highest levels of government -- cretins that we would have despised at school have floated like big, fat ones to the top of the swirling madness.

The truth is that the carbon dioxide is building up because the oxygen is being depleted and we already know why the oxygen is depleted: pollution and lack of investment in long-term soil and forest resource management.

So, why aren't these geniuses at Davos pitching investment in new means of sanitation? Why leave us pumping untreated sewage into lakes and rivers and the oceans throughout most of the world? How about tougher measures on all the industries that are polluting everything with industrial wastes?

And why not massive reforestation and water clean-up projects? Why not re-seeding the restored oceans with phytoplankton and diatoms and seaweeds?

Why this ridiculous concentration on CO2 levels and hysteria from the Davos Crowd, all while doing nothing to curb their own "consumption" of everything imaginable?

The climate change mantra is an excuse for taxes and more government control. More power for them and less for us. As Elon Musk said, "It's never wrong to mistrust the government and big corporations."


Here is a good example of it. When they aren't being drowned or suffocated by mudslides caused by uncontrolled flash-floods, Californians, Nevadans, Arizonans, Utahans, Texans, Coloradans, and New Mexicans are crying for water.

The entire Rio Grande basin is being drained dry. The Columbia River is under stress. Water rights are rights to life for farmers throughout the western States. So here's a headline they all need to see and a fact they all need to think about: 95% of the rainwater in California flushes out to the ocean.

This causes soil erosion, devastation of crops, and uncontrolled flooding and mudslides. Gee, who knew? It also means unnecessary worry and financial ruin for farmers.

Any Great-Grandma looking at the situation knows the score.

All these years and all these government programs to "help" farmers have done little or nothing to help farmers or fix the real life problems we are facing. Most of those programs did nothing but bait farmers to go into debt and to buy petrochemicals --- inorganic fertilizers and pesticides.

Now the natural soil is ruined and the farmers are dependent on chemicals they can't afford and the food has lost more than half its nutrition value since the turn of the century.

With all that government money and expertise we are looking at another Dust Bowl in the West, chronic diseases and conditions linked to malnutrition, and food shortages.

As if that isn't bad enough, all the State-of-State Legislatures have been sitting on their hands allowing "aerial spraying" of industrial waste products on our land since the late 1980's when the nutcase Vatican came up with that brilliant scheme to increase industrial profits. Looks like the Texans, at least, finally woke up:

How much longer is it going to take before we outlaw the addition of toxic industrial waste products (fluoride) to our drinking water? Isn't it apparent that this isn't doing anything to help our dental health?

They add fluoride to the drinking water because they can sell it as a product to idiots in the local "state-of-state" government and municipal officers --- otherwise, the aluminum industry would have to pay to properly dispose of a dangerous chemical by-product of aluminum manufacturing.

Fluoride has already been outlawed in Europe for decades. And once again, I tell everyone, everywhere, wake up.

These out-of-control commercial corporations are THE problem we have to solve, and developing some common sense in the quote-unquote "world leadership" is another.

Why doesn't Klaus Schwab get reality stuffed down his throat for once?

Am I the only one sick of his Hitler imitation?

Did you all see those dead-heads at Davos, sitting in their chairs like so many trained dogs, afraid to laugh or speak in any kind of voice but a well-modulated whisper?

They are afraid. They are not leaders. There is no proof that they can even think an original thought.

So, up on your feet people, in this great land of self-governance. A blind duck could give the world better leadership and more inspiration than Klaus Schwab.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:


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