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The Russians also attempted to penetrate the interior world in 1956 but this was stopped by a deliberate warning beam of laser power and ...

Posted By: Bob
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17

In Response To: Adolph Hitler is convinced of the validity of a northern entrance to the hollow earth from reading "The Memoirs of Grand Admiral Tirpitz" (Bob)

Recap - Germany and America were the only nations back in the 1930s and before, given 'assistance' to develop 'round-wing' planes, but the Americans were privy to much more of this technology than were the Germans for reasons known only to these 'helpers from 'out there' - form Venus it is 'claimed'.

The Russians were a big 'no-no' for this 'outside' assistance afforded the Americans and Germans, and the Russians were restricted to rocketry/explosive ('old-school') technology, only.

So what is the origin of the Japanese (oriental) race? Read on and see if that claim makes any sense to you, the reader!


"In 1924, the Imperial German Navy dusted off the old records of the 1913 expedition into the northern throat of the world.

The expedition had not penetrated into the watery corridor beyond an approximate 400 miles but it had proven the existence of an opening.

So, in the reasoning of German engineers, if there were an opening that led ultimately to the earth's interior, another such voyage would verify just where that northern doorway ended and the inside of the world began.

Information is indeed sparse on the cruise of the German icebreaker that was used on the expedition.

What is known comes entirely from American Navy Intelligence sources of 1924-25. In 1924, American Naval vessels followed the German icebreaker towards ice fields northeast of Greenland when the German vessel broke passage through the ice and disappeared.

The American Navy records say the German ice breaker returned a year later (1925), stopping ten days at the capitol city of Iceland before sailing for her home port of Hamburg, Germany.

The ship and crew had spent the better part of a year in the earth's interior, the American intelligence records reveal, with its final destination unknown.

A third possible German naval visit is rumored to have been made by the Germans in 1932, but this report could not be confirmed.

The Russians also attempted to penetrate the interior world in 1956.

They sent in a battleship, according to Canadian intelligence sources, but the Russian trip was stopped by a deliberate warning beam of laser power and allowed to exit to the surface with superficial damage and a stern reminder to captain and crew never to return.

The next year, in the dead of winter, the Russians sent in a 16,000 man task force of troop-carrying vehicles, heavy artillery, regular tanks and armored cars over solid ice fields and islands through the polar throat into the interior.

The invaders came up off a land mass in the extreme north of the interior where they encountered the old Vikings.

The Vikings bombarded the task force with lasers, stopping all the Russian motorized equipment, so that the army was powerless to move.

(Does this sound familiar, in today's world? - Bob)

By radio they ordered the invaders to turn and head back to the surface. “Should you return,” the voice warned in Russian, “it will be a one-way trip."

The Russians retreated. A 30,000 man back-up army of reserves waiting in Siberia was not called upon to take the inner world by force.

In 1939 and ensuing years the Germans continued their exploration of the Inner Earth, and in the autumn of 1943 Germany dispatched an aerial expedition into the hollow earth by way of the 'South Pole' region!

The expedition was peaceful, its purpose to inquire if Inner Earth lands were 'available for colonization' by 'upper-world Germans'.

The upper Germans brought gifts and were well-received by those Germanic-Saxon cousins who had migrated below in the 1600's.

On the same exploration, the upper Germans from the Third Reich encountered what is perhaps the world's most superior race in development --->

The 'Bodlanders', another German offshoot whose cradle of life began in the Antarctic but who had migrated below 30,000 years ago via tunnels from what is now Iran.

(Language scholars claim that Iran [Persia] retains a similarity to ancient Germanic writing symbols and the spoken word.)

As the reader is already aware, the visiting Germans from the upper world were invited into the capitol city of Bodland, named Bod, where they were guests at Parliament and entertained by the King.

Officials explained to the upper Germans that their hosts were ancestors of the first distinct race which had migrated to the inner side of the planet's shell. Later interior racial arrivals included the Vikings, the Atturians (or Atlanteans) and the Eskimos.

The Bodlanders 'claimed' that the 'Japanese' had no ancestral relatives inside the earth, but were, in fact, . . . . .

'Descendants from the sunken continent of Mu', . . . . .

Which some records say predated the sinking of Atlantis by as much as 250,000 years.

The Bodlander chroniclers below said that four civilizations had already developed and faded away on the upper Earth, the present being the 'fifth'.

In 1943, the visiting Germans were also told, and NASA confirmed in 1979, that there are three large continents below in the interior world and two smaller ones.

There are seven named oceans, the largest of which is the North Ocean. The name often applied to the entire interior is New Atlantis.

The German expedition of 1943 also discovered that the largest interior continent is that of 'Agharta', covering a continental area three times larger than that of North America, and occupied mainly by a distinct people called Atturians.

This group are the descendants from the sunken continent of Atlantis whose ancestors immigrated into the interior 15,000 to 11,500 B.C. prior to the final sinking of their original homeland when many millions of their ancestors perished.

The Atturians claim they are related to many surface white races also and that their combined mother race was brought from Venus 33,000 years ago, but that adventure was not the first Venusian attempt to recolonize Earth.

They also claim Venus was originally an Earth colony."


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Adolph Hitler is convinced of the validity of a northern entrance to the hollow earth from reading "The Memoirs of Grand Admiral Tirpitz"
Bob -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17
The Russians also attempted to penetrate the interior world in 1956 but this was stopped by a deliberate warning beam of laser power and ...
Bob -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17

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