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Adolph Hitler is convinced of the validity of a northern entrance to the hollow earth from reading "The Memoirs of Grand Admiral Tirpitz"

Posted By: Bob
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17

"1980 (the year of this information) will be the first time that the people of the known world first learned that they were not alone on this planet.

Over half a billion lost relatives of us surface dwellers live peaceably inside the Earth's center.

Moreover, these highly advanced people occupy a land mass greater in area than the outside surface.

Their civilizations flourished thousands of years before Moses gave the Israelites their first code of laws.

Their people were driving automobiles and flying in "aerial cars" when ancient Greece laid the foundations of Western civilization, and their commerce swept the interior oceans when the Mediterranean was but a Roman lake.

Yet these shy inhabitants of the hollow earth have remained incognito and free of war for 30,000 years.

At what period this inner world was first colonized is unknown, but the existence of the largest group concealed in the earth's interior dates back 15,000 years -- 3,000 years prior to the sinking of their upper continent of Atlantis.

They claim that catastrophe is the deluge known to us as the Noah flood or Gilgamesh Epic.

But the 'oldest race' in the inner world is of 'ancient Germanic origin', tracing its beginnings to the 'frozen Antarctic' in the world above when that sub-continent was once an inhabited 'tropical paradise' of unsurpassed riches and beauty.

Their exodus to inner earth was 30,000 years ago.

Regardless of international government censorship, thousands of surface dwellers in several countries know something of the inner earth due to its recent enterprising colonization by modern-day Germans.

But additional evidence is irrefutable that the ancestral races of the Lapps, Eskimos, Chinese, Scandinavians, Germans, Greeks and other large ethnic groups still live inside the earth.

First, lest the dubious reader wonder if this is the beginning of a chapter on mythology, it will be revealed that constant ocean commerce is at present being carried on (unknowingly) between certain nations above and (knowingly) by their counterparts below.

Further, it is in various government records that over 100 of these inner earth inhabitants work or study in the U.S.A., as many in Canada and several hundreds in Europe.

When they come to the surface via Arctic sea routes, they travel on Icelandic visas, but they also arrive above by means of at least three major train tunnel arteries, one of which is in the Western United States.

These professional and technological "missionaries" from the interior who have been landing in such places as the United States, Canada, Germany or England for many years come only as:

Friends without political or religious motives and could best be compared to the 'American Peace Corps Volunteers' to underdeveloped countries.

When Admiral Byrd flew into the interior of the earth in 1927 through the northern entrance, he brought back to the outside world the first authentic pictures of the lost people and cities to which this chapter refers, and the two 1947 flights of the American round-wing planes (unbeknownst to Admiral Byrd at that time) with their maps and photos, amply verify the early Byrd record.

(In 1965, NASA did a complete, detailed mapping of the interior world.)

But to understand the hollow earth facts and why they remain discredited, the reader should be made aware that a veil of inter-national government secrecy has kept them under wraps for 50 years.

In lieu of the truth, the fiery molten earth core hypothesis has been accepted as the current geological condition inside the earth's interior.

Many scientific papers and books still expound this theory and grade schools teach it.

But such an explanation, while perhaps explaining the earth's formative beginnings, is outdated.

Today reputable scientists secretly scoff at the given story allowed to persist by such a prestigious institution as the National Scientific Foundation.

Several old chronicles of Scandinavian and Eskimo origin persist in telling of people who were carried into the Earth's interior by ocean currents and returned years later to tell of it.

But there were three projects developed by the 20th century Germany that unravelled the reality of the Earth's interior with more discernment than did unsubstantiated myths.

Those German endeavors to validate the existence of the hollow Earth, and devise methods to penetrate it for their colonization, began for all practical purposes in the year 1913.

A paper on this unusual scientific sea journey was sponsored by an un-named science faculty at Georgetown University in 1977, and a West German national delivered the lecture.

The lecture caught officialdom by surprise, and later on, all who heard the talk were instructed not to speak of it.

The following narrative, except for the early Americans hereinafter mentioned, is part of that lecture.

Perhaps the Germans know of the early theories of John Cleves Symmes, of the U.S.A. Infantry, that the earth was actually hollow and open at the poles.

Another American, Cyrus Teed, also held to this theory, though openly ridiculed.

The hollow earth was written of in a book published in 1816 by James McBride, and in 1838 an American expedition actually left for the Antarctic after Symmes' admirers in Congress made it possible.

Symmes' expedition, of which we know little, inspired Jules Verne to write his JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH.

In March 1913 the German imperial pocketcruiser MOLTKE left Keil, Germany on a top secret mission to find a northern passage over the top of the world.

Like attempts by other nations, the Germans were searching for an Arctic route via a northwest passage through the Bering Strait to the Pacific.

War clouds made it necessary to keep the mission classified.

The ship was under the command of Captain Von Jagow, now deceased.

Also on board was Lt. Von Tirpitz, grandson of the Kaiser and great-grandson of Queen Victoria.

It was the son of Captain Von Jagow who was interviewed in September 1977 about his mission.

With him at the interview was Lt. Von Tirpitz (now 81 years of age), who at one time was Grand Admiral of the German North Sea Fleet, as were his father and grandfather.

The MOLTKE under Captain Von Jagow steamed first towards Iceland, then past the southern tip of Greenland and northwest along Greenland's west coast to Canada's Baffin Island.

It was late May when the ship anchored off the northern end of Baffin Island in the vicinity of 70 degrees latitude and 60 degrees longitude to wait for the pack ice to break up.

Within two weeks a navigable northernly channel appeared instead of the better known westerly route in the Lancaster Sound area (referred to as the Northwest Passage and first recorded in 1903-04 by Roald Amundsen).

The ice buckled and broke, permitting passage of the Moltke to open waters further north.

This was the first unexplainable situation. The open waters to the north were more extensive than the Germans expected them to be.

As they moved northward on an apparently navigable course, the open water stretched as far as the eye could see.

By the end of May, the crew were still sailing cautiously into warmer waters.

Robins and bluebirds were identified and on islands they had passed there were reindeer and black bears, coming from the north.

The German ship still maneuvered slowly further north, sounding the depth carefully. Daylight was continuous.

Then the captain became perplexed. The sun appeared to be low in the sky instead of above and its position was lower the further they sailed.

By the end of June the sun had apparently set or disappeared and the battle cruiser was sailing in darkness.

The compass was erratic and the true north indistinguishable.

The air became misty, the wind increased. Gradually the darkness lifted and a new light from the forward direction shone faintly.

As they sailed on, the glow from the new sun's position never changed. The sky was now grayish to black.

The navigator surmised they had sailed beyond the North Pole and were somehow headed south again on an unknown course.

Then they passed an Eskimo in a kayak, who spoke a Greenland dialect of Danish.

He said he had come from a place called Vineland located about 500 miles south where he had wintered.

For 300 miles Captain Von Jagow continued to steer a southerly course.

A continuous chart and depth record of that voyage is today on display in the German Federal Archives in Bonn along with the ship's log.

Finally the ship reached a rocky island inhabited by Eskimos who canoed out to meet them.

Some of these also spoke Danish and had been to and from Greenland on several occasions.

One of the group said he was a Lapp from Russia. The next day was a surprise.

Tne German log says they saw on an island what they believed was a species of supposedly extinct dinosaur.

The 'dimension' they had entered was too unreal to comprehend.

The Captain called an officers meeting.

They were utterly lost and orders were given to reverse course.

Fourteen days later, travelling at full knots, the true sun having reappeared, they found themselves back at the same bearing at which they had anchored in late May off Baffin Island.

It was then that Captain Von Jagow made a decision to explore the northern waters more extensively.

Drawing an arc, the ship directions were so given that the German battle-cruiser actually sailed around the edge of the hole leading to the interior.

On the outer perimeter of the circumference they ran into thick packs of ice and bitter coldness again.

They finally (wrongly) calculated by checking compass movements that the elusive north pole might be inside the doughnut hole leading into the Earth.

Explorers before them had been fooled also.

On July l0, a course was set for Germany and on August 1, 1913, the German ship and her crew reached home.

A complete report was made to the Imperial German Naval Command, but its contents were not published.

In 1922, one of the ship's officers, Lt. Von Tirpitz, wrote of the experience under the title "The Memoirs of Grand Admiral Tirpitz.”

From avidly reading this naval officer's account of the northern inner sea, Adolph Hitler became convinced of the validity of a northern entrance to the hollow earth."


For those of us screaming for partial or full "disclosure" open your eyes, you are hearing it (from the past) everywhere now.

Why do we need to hear it from official-dom of government, who themselves are shit-scared to admit that the US had phenomenal flying disc technology back in the 1940s, capable of travelling from the north to the south pole in an hour or so, as personally stated and observed by Admiral Richard Byrd in Live TV broadcasts at the time?

Unfortunately, (or fortunately, actually), he was never told by his superiors at the time, that these craft he encountered, with their fantastic speed and advanced (and 'deadly') laser-technology which he personally observed, were from his own government!

"Full Disclosure" complete! Haha. What else need be said?


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Articles In This Thread

Adolph Hitler is convinced of the validity of a northern entrance to the hollow earth from reading "The Memoirs of Grand Admiral Tirpitz"
Bob -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17
The Russians also attempted to penetrate the interior world in 1956 but this was stopped by a deliberate warning beam of laser power and ...
Bob -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:17

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