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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 2-Feb-2015 18:28:50

Hi, Folks -

Found at


2-2-15 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Monday, February 2, 2015, at 1.35pm PST. It’s my mother’s birthday. We’re not talking about that, nor about the Super Bowl. Everyone clear on that?

There’s good news and bad news. I’ll give out the bad news: we are not at the bank this moment. That’s it. I’ll let DC give you the good news.

DC: Thanks for bearing with us while we were gathering more info. Everything else is beautifully lined up, and we are just waiting. According to all our sources, we are just waiting on punch items and timing strategies.

Iraq: the banks, finance ministry and banks have spent the last few days going through other minor checklists since passing the budget, just polishing up minor items so this can be perfect. They don’t expect that to take very long. MPs are getting antsy that this still hasn’t gone through. The budget was published last week, though not necessarily in the gazette – but it should be in the next day or two. Everything is lined up and they are getting frustrated. This is becoming a real issue for PM Abadi, including some minor riots about this and other issues. Customs agents are still restricting movements of dinar throughout the country. On television they are still running “economic reform any time” as they have for the last few weeks.

Tony: Today on Iraqi television, the CBI announced it was done and they would reinstate (RI) on the first of the month. We saw the same announcement in December. Over the weekend, the CBI and GOI said they were ready to initiate the currency reforms. Things we do know and can’t talk about include high-level meetings yesterday and today. Right this minute, we are down to the last couple of times when everything should be completely published and activated. They have specific days and times when they want to do this. I don’t know if that was part of their original agreement. What happened on the 31st? The volatility in the market, is that related to what had been agreed upon?

DC: A lot of people are saying “Okay, that was supposed to be done – why wasn’t it? And what does the agreement say will happen as a consequence?” The US wasn’t holding it back; we have supported it this time. It’s not the US’s fault; it was about Iraq being ready or not. The history of these delays has been “strategic deferral” by the Us, and that didn’t happen. The US said that “we are ready, everyone is in lockdown”; Iraq is trying to make this perfect. They didn’t have to use the agreement because the US is still supporting it. This is confusing for most folks, because Iraq was holding this off to meet US wishes, and now when the US is finally ready, Iraq is delaying. Between Abadi and Shabibi, they understand how serious this is, and are maybe being too perfectionist at this point. They need to get this moving, and senior leaders are making calls about that today. Everyone is saying, “let’s not give anyone time to rethink this – it has to go”. In effect, the shoe is on the other foot considering who delayed this for 18 months.

Bankers are ready to go, but keeping the time as quiet as possible. Nothing will happen until the CBI and PM Abadi both say Go. Everyone has exchange who could until the general public goes.

Tony: Let’s go back to Iraq for a moment so that everyone understands what is really happening. The US was holding it back forever because they wanted some major things accomplished first in banking laws and the Government of Iraq. Finally the US said “You’re close enough; we need to do this (because of global movements) and fix it later.” Now Iraq is into the detail as far as their country and its security… which effectively means “How can we pay our people without paying ISIL?”

DC: I believe they had this plan thought through and executed, but have polishing to do on little tiny items and using that as an excuse. However, the security side is a good point. What happens when you RI and you have a bunch of terrorists running around Mosul and Anbar? How do we NOT make the terrorists even richer than they are. The government has found and removed a lot of hard currency. IN terms of banking, they are making the dinar available electronically in stable areas. In ISIL-controlled areas, they will not revalue. This is a good military and strategic plan. “We thought you at ISIL were rich, but now the government side has a lot more money, so why should I fight for you when my family now has lots of good jobs?” The military wanted this move also because it means people will move around and that gives them more intel to play with.

Tony: This weekend, they cut off the electronic ration cards, and that made the people come in and identify themselves to get their money. They won’t send the money to those areas but bring people out of those areas to get the money and ration cards. That will draw them out and that’s why it didn’t happen this weekend. They changed the electronic banking system so that they can now choose which branches get the updated rate and which do not. That also happened over the weekend. They chose to fix those issues before the RI or RV goes. Now everyone is ready, just waiting on the CBI to say when. We can all see that makes sense. They put out some articles about the ration cards and not paying them electronically, at least in those areas. There was something about restocking ATMs in lower denominations, as they have done several times in the past. The US is NOT geared up, sitting at their computers; they are NOT on standby or with extended hours this week.

DC: This makes sure that the Treasury, the Fed, and the major banks – they have practiced many times and they can gear up within 30-40 minutes. It might take a couple of hours to notify the whole world anyway.

Tony: I know you have been hearing about March, April, May and next year, but I don’t see that happening.

DC: We’re not hearing anything more than minor points, even from those who were most resistant in the past. At the most, it’s “I’d rather see this Tuesday morning vs. Thursday morning” – that level of discussion.

Tony: I know everyone wants to ask a question, but I’ve got guys who have been up here for 1,400 minutes. Everyone cannot do that. I can see your names, and I know some have been on before. Just because you CAN do this, and have been on the call before, that doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it. Right now, there are 83 people with their hands up. Anyone who doesn’t have a really serious question, or would like to be kind to the new people, please put your hand down now. I’ll give you a minute to do that.

816 caller: [Appreciation] You are setting a great example. In 2014, we talked about a plan for Africa. Two countries are unique in supporting one currency. Is there an opportunity there?

DC: Yes. Most African nations have nowhere to go but up. Many have assets to jump-start their economic platforms, and that is their absolute intent. This RV and related GCR is supposed to be the stimulus; that’s why we talk about Zimbabwe and what they are supposed to do.

Caller: Tony, so far as bank fees go, surely they will be making money enough through overnights and such, as well as 2% for 30 minutes’ work.

Tony: They are the bank. They will get 5% and offer you 0.5% off the same money. That is how banks make money, and you want them to make money so that yours will be safe. We don’t want to have them abuse us, that’s all. They will make money anyway they can, including borrowing your money and lending it back to you at higher rates. It’s like women, you can live with them or live with them. I know 2% doesn’t seem right, and the more so if you are bringing 100 million into their bank. All you can do it say “I’ll give you 1%” and see what happens. Or you can go through an exchange and then put the money in the bank.

Caller: There was a British pilot in WWI who lost both his legs; he finally got back into the pilot’s seat for WWII, with 22.5 kills. He was shot down, and the Germans asked the British to parachute in two prosthetic legs for him. The book is called In the Heat of the Battle, and it’s about those who rose to the top… and those who fell out the bottom.

303 caller: Is this Dr. T, professor of dinar enlightenment, and Sir Winston of Lone Star? I have to say, the Super Bowl is the perfect metaphor for the last few years of the RV. We are at the one-yard line, someone calls the wrong play and we lose.

Does it matter if my notes are circulated or uncirculated? I bought through a dealer and I have a receipt.

DC: So the notes are registered to you, and that is fine. For those who bought notes in Iraq, you might need your orders or something that shows you were over there at that time, to show it’s not criminal. Those of us who have been to Iraq in a more secret position will have to get a public document saying you were over there for some reason, to show you have the currency through legal means.

Caller: Recently there was a rumor saying dong might be eight cents – what’s the origin? Is that reliable?

DC: Several banks and a banking friend. It is reliable right now and highly subject to change.

Caller: If so, what kind of Forex exchanger should we look for if we want to set notes aside with the expectation that they will rise after this goes public?

DC: History of how quickly they wanted the public to exchange: they really wanted everyone to get through in 30 days. That was fine until the banks backed out of doing this together, and many got sated by the early exchanges, and they wanted to et out of it. So that changed from 30 to 90 days, realistically. After that, they will make it more difficult for people to use the older dong and dinar notes. Why? They don’t want bad guys to use these massively increased rates to store value. That is also why the US only uses $100 bills, to make it harder for bad guys to move massive amounts of cash around. It can buy a car with cash, but you will be investigated if you do. They don’t want that to happen to the dinar, dong, zim, etc. So what they will do is to ask a lot more questions if you wait until after the 90 days. There will be banks to do so, and they will handle it so long as it’s legal currency. However, expect delays for investigations to make sure you are not a bad guy. It might take up to 90 days in order to exchange at all. If you are willing to bet, you can do various futures and Forex and/or multi-currency accounts to take advantage to a change in value. There are many different answers besides actual currency.

Caller: What if I ask the bank to structure an SKR for me? As in, “here are my currency notes; please lend me some money now against the rising value further down the line.?”

DC: That is a good idea, if you can persuade a banker to do it. As for a timeline, there are some debating the merits of tomorrow, Thursday, the weekend, and right now. They are all possible, with nothing in the way that we know of.

Tony: Good questions. Can I give a non-politicians answers?

DC: You have no idea how my friends chew me out when I say something they think is sensitive.

Tony: If you listen to this call again, you’ll get more information. First mouse gets the trap, second mouse gets the cheese, third mouse gets the cheese factory. For those who can wait, who see the long-term benefits, it will be greater later.

Q: Why are they showing the advert on Iraqi television again? Does that mean another month?

DC: It is for easing frustration as well as to fill air time.

Pam: One member has submitted this question many times. There are unlicensed currency dealers selling people currency, and now the banks are asking for receipts. Will those who innocently bought from such dealers liable to have problems? Might we even have the currency confiscated? I am in Barbados, and a friend in the US bought from such a dealer. I have no receipts, but he did give me a gift letter. Also, it is still possible to exchange 5K or 10K notes just for liquidity?

Tony: it’s like those guys selling dinar as an MLM, and using my name to do it! What happens to those people, who may not have valid receipts?

DC: We are not lawyers or law enforcement. However, they have told us that the bad guys will be caught and punished. For most people, if you don’t have receipts there are a couple of issues. As long as you can track where the currency came from and you are a regular person, you should be alright. Law enforcement is not looking for ordinary people to give a hard time. The IRS is a bigger problem, because the time you bought or received the currency is important. If you’ve had it more than a year, it will be taxed at long-term capital gains rate. If you’ve had it less than a year, it will be taxed at short-term capital gains rate. If you can prove you’ve had it more than a year, IRS will assume that it’s short-term. If you have done things correctly, law enforcement will not come after you.

Tony: If you don’t have receipts, they might want to know what meetings you attended, with whom, how much, etc. They are really looking for the big guys, and if you are not one of them, you should be okay.

508 caller: A number of months ago, I opened up a Wells Fargo account online (because there are no branches close to me); when opened it online, it seems that it was set up through their California entity. It seems to me I would pay Massachusetts tax, not California. What’s your take?

DC: Tony and I are not attorneys or accountants, but my experience is that you pay taxes where you do the business. If you live and work in Massachusetts, you will pay Massachusetts taxes.

Caller: As for the reported 2% exchange fee, and you said that we could always go through an exchanger, I wrote to Sterling asking what the exchange rate would be, and didn’t get a substantive reply. I asked if their spread would be competitive with the banks, and they said they wouldn’t answer a hypothetical question.

Tony: I think the dealers will be competitive.

DC: That is their plan. They will also make a lot from this RV.

Caller: That’s what I thought. I like dealing with Sterling, they are always professional and they have a good site. But they do even less in handling the exchange!

323 caller: Because of the currency change in rates, how does one find a company that will notify when the rates change, someone who doesn’t work for a bank.

Tony: Sounds like this person has a job for you – that you have to let her know when you get the tweet, and then find somewhere for her to exchange and how much that will cost. Nobody does that for free. [Caller: She is not asking me to do it.]

DC: Stockbrokers have people who do that; you can set up criteria to sell at X rate.

Tony: She can set it up so that the broker sells under certain parameters. If she just wants to keep up, there are currency trading apps that will let you know that information.

734 caller: I bought currency from people in Toledo, and how do I get around turning this currency in? It was from the BH crowd; I shook BH’s hand as I was handed the currency. I’m also heavily invested with Sterling. How do I turn this in to the bank?

DC: Document it as best you can – even if it’s bank account receipts, a cancelled check, anything you can use to prove to the IRS that you’ve had the currency for a while.

Caller: It is more about turning it in. I have an envelope with my name, their name, the amount I paid, and the amount I received. I paid cash for it.

DC: We have been told by law enforcement that most of those folks are considered victims, unless the currency itself is counterfeit. Unless you knowingly took part in something illegal, you are considered a victim. Anything you have on paper will help, even if it’s a meeting announcement, for example.

719 caller: I didn’t watch the Super Bowl because Denver wasn’t in it, so who cares? They have been posting on Recaps that the RV has already happened but it’s just not showing. Is that so?

DC: Depends on what you mean. By what they did on October 30, they took a massive step towards the RV, so for those who have already exchanged, Iraq has exchanged, but for the general public (in the US and Iraq) it has not exchanged yet. For the general public, they are still stuck in this nightmare situation of five different rates.

Tony: The Iraqi people are just like us… most have not been able to exchange, although some privileged people have exchanged in whole or in part or as SKRs. They are saying the RV has already happened, and the same thing is true of Iraq.

Caller: If they knew they had ISIL in-country, and they planned to make those in Mosul come in, why didn’t they think of this before? Why the public delays?

DC: Tony and I have differing views on that. Some think they should have done that in October, and others say that they wanted to wait until it was close.

Caller: Okie said the US and Iraq had to work together to fund another international entity, and then it could happen. Then there was a technical delay on Wednesday, but that was fixed.

DC: Yes, I would agree. The technical issue was not that important, but they took the opportunity to get that sorted out as well. I also know of an entity that got funded on Wednesday.

Caller: You guys said that if it hadn’t got done by Tuesday, consequences would come into play? What about that?

DC: We talked about that earlier. The agreement was based on the US screwing this up. Because Iraq is the one making sure this is perfect, the agreement isn’t needed right now. This depends on Iraq. If the US turns into a turd again, they have some options. However, at this point the US is getting pushy, saying “Let’s go!”

Caller: Is there a possibility of this being done by Friday? I have somewhere to go…

DC: Absolutely. In fact, I think before Thursday.

Caller: I was on the other day, but my husband didn’t let me know he put his hand up. It’s *2 to put your hand up, and *2 to put it down again. I hope this happens NOW.

Next caller: I bought enough VNN that no matter what the rate I will have enough to look after my family. Best case, I want to start a reading camp for kids with dyslexia. Now that the VNN is looking like 7-8 cents, possibly, I don’t know what to do. I don’t understand most of what you say, and don’t see what to do. Are there books or videos?

DC: Listen to what we say on the calls, and think about the implications. Vietnam could bring it out at eight cents, and then later they can raise or lower it. Or they could bring it out at the 47 cents we’ve been hearing up to now. They will still have to give some of us access to the contract rate, and by paying attention you have the best chance of getting that. Those not paying attention don’t have a change in hell. You can bet on the contract rate, and you can also exchange what you have and buy more in the hopes that it will go up again. You have a tremendous option (once you invest this money) to look after your family; you might have to join up with others to become a qualified investor.

Re: dyslexia, look for a foundation based in Austin TX on this topic. Listen for further information because we might have some overlap with your project.

Caller: Are there more resources to look up? I don’t know enough about what to do with money. I cannot go to a wealth manager right now, because I don’t have the money yet.

DC: Go meet different wealth advisers in your category, and let them educate you. There are different WMs, products and mentalities for different groups, such as up to one million dollars, one to five million dollars, etc. Ask what their typical client has, because similar amounts have similar requirements. Interview as many as you can who deal with the spread you think you are likely to be part of. Learn from the professionals, as slowly as you can, and then you can make better decisions. Some churches can help as well.

Tony: Everyone should go to their community college and ask what financial courses they run. That way you can get in on the ground floor and learn the vocabulary your WM will use. Also, go to the state lottery office, ask what workshops they run for those who win, and ask if you can enroll now that you have this money.

916 caller: YES! We’ve tried to be on this call so many times! My husband and I have been in this for a couple of years. We don’t get everything as much as we should. My husband would like to know if there is a “final checklist” on the forum. We have our binders together, but would love if they could bring the checklists forward.

Tony: We’ve had that several times – the Ten Things to Do First list, that is different for every person. Yes, circumstances change. If you are already IN the forum, ask where the Ten Things checklist can be found, and the forum members will help you. If you start a thread, they will respond and put in links to whatever versions are available. If Pam says so, she can also put it in the Tony Blast section. Right now it’s in the Banking area.

Caller: [Appreciation] I hope to share the good things we intend when I meet you.

DC: Everybody’s ready. The worst case is we are not in the bank, but everything is lined up in Iraq and in the US. We mentioned several possible times: 1) Any time in the next week; 2) Thursday morning; 3) the weekend; 4) whenever Iraq is ready. The US is being supportive, there are no penalties, and we’re all ready for this to happen. There were good questions today, and also I love the lady who is helping dyslexic kids.

Pam: I’m here! Thank you to the Mods and transcribers for being here this late in the day. Our site has a tremendous Banking area with all that information for our members. Be careful to deal with the investors who deal with Bill Gates and Oprah, and you will find out about them from your Wealth Manager. Also, DC is right that many churches can help you with trusts and other financial issues. On the forum, look for My Big Fat Wealthy Life; we didn’t make it, but someone did a great job putting it together. You can search for that on TNT forum. Take your time and don’t trust anyone; do your own diligence.

DC: I know we are all worried about getting this done, but take a step back and realize how cool the dinar is in terms of how everyone found out about it. Just a few ten thousand people were supposed to exchange through this process. Then some churches and groups stepped in and told us to buy and put it in the sock drawer. It funded a lot of the reserves of the CBI, too. An incredible amount of wealth is going to change hands, and some wonderful volunteers came together to help fun this – Pam and the Mods, high up statesmen, Tony and his intel team, and just folks are trying understand this complex situation. It’s incredibly cool how all these volunteers have gathered this info. IT’s a neat thing to be involved in! It’s speculative, and yet it’s going to do so much good. It’s amazing how all this has come together, and I hope historians will get it right how the whole story came together through voluntary efforts on all levels.

Ray: Continue to enjoy Marvelous Monday. If you don’t like the rate, wait.

Tony: I know some are worried that it’s gone past the 31st. They have picked three firm dates when THEY would like to do it. They are not seeing any issues; they are just waiting for one person in Iraq to say that he is happy for it to go. Parliament and the Iraqi President have all signed off, and now we are just waiting for that one person to let it go in-country. There are three target dates, and they are not in March, April or May. Thanks to the Mods and transcribers, and hopefully I’ll talk to you all tomorrow!


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Monday, 2-Feb-2015 18:28:50
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version
hobie -- Monday, 2-Feb-2015 18:32:03
Reader: "Dinarland is being lied to, Tony and DC are being lied to and their intel team are being lied to."
hobie -- Tuesday, 3-Feb-2015 02:35:44

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