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Was Vatican color revolution engineered by the Obama administration, i.e. NWO deep sate, and Vault 7 release?

Date: Friday, 10-Mar-2017 10:33:25


...Successor to Pope John Paul II, German Cardinal Ratzinger, was elected on April 19, 2005, on the second day of the papal conclave after only four ballots. It was one of the shortest elections for a long time. Interestingly, April 19 is the feast of St. Leo IX, the most important German pope of the Middle Ages, known for instituting major reforms during his pontificate.

His first appearance as a Pope at the balcony of Saint Peter's Basilica was made known to the public present at Vatican square by announcement that the new Pope has been elected:

"Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum; habemus Papam:

Eminentissimum ac Reverendissimum Dominum,
Dominum Josephum
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Ratzinger qui sibi nomen imposuit Benedictum XVI"

Link to WIKIPEDIA section on Pope Benedict XVIAfter entering the balcony Pope Benedict XVI made his first speech saying:

"Dear Brothers and Sisters,

After the great Pope John Paul II, the Cardinals have elected me, a simple and humble laborer in the vineyard of the Lord.

The fact that the Lord knows how to work and to act even with inadequate instruments comforts me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers.

Let us move forward in the joy of the Risen Lord, confident of his unfailing help. The Lord will help us and Mary, his Most Holy Mother, will be on our side. Thank you."

Benedict XVI, ex Cardinal Ratzinger, born on April 16, 1927 in Marktl am Inn, Bavaria, Germany just before Hitler’s rise to power, choose his present name after The Order of St Benedict, also known as the Olivetans. The founder of this order, St Benedict himself has prophesied that before the end of the world comes about, his Order will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil, which may well account why Ratzinger chose his name. He said he chose the name Benedict XVI because he greatly admired Benedict XV and his Papacy. He said would like for his Papacy to reflect the concern for people that Benedict XV displayed in his times of turmoil.

Benedict XV was Pope during the first world war, when Christians were killing Christians and his motto was "Religion Depopulated".

Archbishop Malachy O’Morgair prophesied

in twelfth century that the Pope, whom he named From the Labor of the Sun, shall be followed by 111th Pope form his list whose pontificate shall be characterized by the name "From the Glory of the Olive".

(for full details about Pope Benedict XVI click on image that was taken during his first appearance)...




Nor John Paul I nor John Paul II did want to be crowned by tiara, but they have incorporated it in their Papal shields immediately after they become Popes, as all their predecessors did.

Benedict XVI who now presents himself with Bishop's mitre primarily as Bishop of Rome, which is his prime and oldest title, by this sheds the last external sign of rulership dignity, which is exactly in accordance with conclusions of Second Vatican Council.

Treregnum, or Tiara, that has still remained on the shield of the town of Vatican, was, supposedly, given by Emperor Constantine himself to Pope Sylvester as the sign of the liberation of the Church. Its shape and name draw their origin from the headpiece Persian Emperors carried.

Soon was noticed that in the same yearbook, in the listing of the titles of the Pope, the title it "Patriarch of the West" is missing. This omission has been commented in various ways so Vatican on March 22, 2006 had to publish explanation which finishes with the following statement:

"Consequently, the title it "Patriarch of the West", little clear from the beginning, in the evolution of history became obsolete and practically not more usable. It appears therefore senseless to insist on dragging it along.
That much more when the catholic Church with the Vatican Council II has found for the Latin Church in the shape of the Episcopal Conferences and their international reunions of Episcopal Conferences, the canonical
ordering adapted to the today's necessities.
To omit the title of "Patriarch of the West" clearly does not change nothing to the acknowledgment, so solemnly declared by the Vatican Council II, of the ancient patriarchal Churches (Lumen Gentium 23). Still less such
abolition can want to say that it under-intends new revenges. The renunciation to said title wants to express an historical and theological realism and, at the same time, to be the renunciation to one pretence, renunciation that could be of help to the ecumenical dialogue."

According the St. Malachi's prophecy that was published by Vatican in 1980, the last Pope will be 122th, “Peter The Roman" and during his reign Rome will be destroyed.

The Book of Revelation prophesies destruction of Rome also. According to Baxter, as present
Pope is 79 years old, this could happen rather soon.

But there are other opinions that state that the original prophecies of Malachi did not contain the Petrus Romanus motto - it was added after the 1820 publication of the prophecies, at the time of the First Reich.

This could mean that Benedict XVI is the last Pope and that we shall witness Great Tribulation during his reign...


Italian Archbishop: Obama Forced Pope Benedict XVI to Resign
Thursday, 09 March 2017

An Italian archbishop close to Pope Benedict XVI has stated that the Obama administration may have been complicit in the “tremendous pressures” that led the former pope to resign in 2013.

It is “no coincidence” that some Catholic groups “have asked President Trump to open a commission of inquiry to investigate whether the administration of Barack Obama exerted pressure on Benedict,” said Archbishop Luigi Negri in an interview Monday, citing other revelations by Wikileaks regarding efforts by the Democratic Party to sway the direction of the Catholic Church in the United States.

“It remains shrouded in mystery for now,” he said to news outlet Rimini 2.0, “but I am sure that those responsible will be found out.”

The archbishop was making reference to a letter written by a group of American Catholics to President Trump last January requesting that the administration conduct an investigation into a possible Soros-Obama-Clinton conspiracy behind the resignation of Pope Benedict.

The letter stated specifically that “we have reason to believe that a Vatican ‘regime change’ was engineered by the Obama administration.”

Approximately a year after an e-mail conversation released by Wikileaks, the authors contended, “we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left.”



Claims of sex orgies, prostitution and porn videos shake Catholic Church in Italy

Josephine McKenna

Religion News Service
Fri, 10 Mar 2017 02:08 UTC



‘Hypocritical democracy’: 2016 US election was full of ‘lies & farces,’ China says

Published time: 10 Mar, 2017 13:32
Edited time: 10 Mar, 2017 13:53

The 2016 US presidential election was full of “lies and farces” and was driven by “power-for-money deals,” which in itself was sign of “hypocritical nature of US democracy,” a Chinese government agency stated in a report on America’s human rights record.

“In 2016, money politics and power-for-money deals controlled the presidential election, which was full of lies and farces,” read an annual report released by the China’s State Council Information Office, as cited by Xinhua news agency.



#Vault7: US will use ‘full force of law’ if WikiLeaks dump contains factual info, Pence warns

Published time: 10 Mar, 2017 13:42

The US will use the “full force of the law” to go after those behind the latest WikiLeaks release if its contents are found to be valid CIA documents, Vice-President Mike Pence has warned.



Vault 7

Published time: 10 Mar, 2017 10:04



"We need to think about the idea that married men can become priests"

Pope Francis said in a recent interview that he was open to the idea that married men who deeply felt faith become priests and perform certain tasks

Friday, 03.10.2017. at 14:45

German weekly "Die Zeit" published an interview with Pope Francis. Popa said he was open to the idea that married men to become priests.

The lack of vocations to the priesthood is becoming a more serious problem with which the Church must face, the Pope said in an interview, reports CNN.

He added that it is necessary, therefore, to deepen better involvement of married men in church ministries with proven deep faith, especially in some areas where the shortage of priests feel stronger, but it should specify the tasks that they can take on.

He argues that the abolition of celibacy is not an option and that it is impermissible to let the Seminary of young people who do not have a true vocation.




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Was Vatican color revolution engineered by the Obama administration, i.e. NWO deep sate, and Vault 7 release?
IZAKOVIC -- Friday, 10-Mar-2017 10:33:25
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