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PUTIN'S KILLERS; How agents of the Russian ministry spread death WORLDWIDE & Jade Helm California dekuge

Date: Thursday, 23-Feb-2017 10:31:54

In Response To: Genetics are the New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce the Human Population By F. William Engdahl (IZAKOVIC) | 23. 02. 2017 to 06: 52h


The latest book about Putin's agents reveals how they got rid of his chief enemy. "Daily Beast" has published an excerpt from a novel about a man who until 1998 was a senior official of the FSB, Russia's intelligence services, and directly subordinated to Vladimir Putin. Alexander Litvinenko died on 23 November 2006 from the effects of radiation poisoning from polonium, six years after escape from Russia and joining the British intelligence agencies, and suspicion fell on people about whom they write a novel now.

Of all, emphasized the two Russians who arrived that morning. It was hard to determine what the exact number seemed suspicious. But in the mind of Spener Scott, assistant investigator at Gatwick airport in London, there was a curiosity, standing in the introduction of the story "Very expensive poison" Luke Harding about Alexander Litvinenko and his death.

The judgment of the High Court: "Putin has ordered the liquidation of the spy Litvinenko"

"It was on 16 October 2006. Passengers were coming down the flight from Moscow. They collected the luggage. The mass of people with new flights arriving slowly passed through passport control and customs clearance. The first Rus was of medium height, in the 30s , slovenian bright hair. he wore a simple jacket, handy set of leather laptop bag. the other was dark-haired, with the first signs of balding, slightly yellow complexion, apparently in the company of the first one. Actually, i did not behave strangely. Then again, there was something concealed in them as prey attention of the Deputy Scott.

- I thought they were worthy of interest, so I stopped and examined virtually as soon as they passed through the controls - he recalled.

Scott nobody told them to be inspected, and I worked on the basis of its own feeling. He asked them to name. One spoke English and introduced himself as Andrei Lugovoi. His friend said, was Dmitri Kovtun. He did not say anything. It seemed to speak only Russian. Scott hastily took their grainy low resolution photos, writes

Lugovoi is in the picture was right, it looks like a hidden dark spots. It was 11:34 pm. Lugovoi and Kovtun story seemed plausible enough. In London flew to a meeting. Lugovoi said he owns the company "Global Project", a friend of his was a member of the finance department at the prestigious Moscow bank. Their travel agent booked them two nights in the "Best Western" Hotel Avenue Šatesburi. Hotel was not cheap: 300 pounds for the night.

Lugovoi showed reservation that was original. However, Scott had the feeling that something with their answers was wrong.

- As if they are kept at a distance to questions such as why come to the UK. It was customary that those who stop, speak at length about families, vacation plans, about the appalling weather in England. The two Russians, on the contrary, were very restrained. If I asked them the questions, did not give the answers I wanted to hear or what I expected to hear. They responded very, very brief - said Scott.

Their answers did not provide "any information". Scott searched the Internet, but the company "Global Project" was unable to find. The Russians have told him that they have a business meeting in "Continental Petroleum Limited" in 58 Grosvenor Street in London. Scott phoned firrmu, got his answer and confirm that both are registered with the British financial authorities. OK. Vice detectives checked then the police database. Nothing.

Then and British intelligence agencies, MI5 and MI6, and again there was no Logovoja not Kovtun. It seemed that they were not interesting. One's impression was one thing, but hard facts another. Without evidence to go on, Scott has listened to his sergeant told him to let the duo go on. British police system is based on the presumption of innocence, unlike Russia, the homeland of Lugovoi and Kovtun, where judges receive informal guidance from higher levels.

They took our luggage and headed for the center of London. Scott was a picture of them left in the file labeled: "Only for intelligence purposes. ' Just over a month later, Scotland Yard is faced with a situation of unprecedented international horror, I realized that Scott's hunch was in place. The two Russians were not business people. They were killers. Their story was just a filler. They were trained you for months, maybe years. I worked them.

"Something that Europe has never seen"

This morning Lugovoi and Kovtun to Britain entered something of the heritage have failed to detect. She was not the word addiction is not about the big sums of money in cash. Something so rare and unusual, so that in this form had never been seen in Europe or America. It was, as Kovtun told a friend in confidence in Hamburg, "a collection of poison." The toxin is his secret trip to London began from the secret nuclear facility in southwestern Siberia.

Invisible high-tech means to kill. Lugovoi and Kovtun were supposed to use him for the murder of Alexander Litvinenko, a Russian immigrant who fled to Britain six years ago. He became a constant source of trouble the Russian government. He was a relentless critic of Vladimir Putin, the Russian secret police officer who became president. By 2006, Litvinenko was growing anomaly, because in Russia many sources of opposition stayed crushed.

Why is Putin wanted Litvinenko's death?

There was a special reason why Putin wants could Litvinenko's death. Pre brain 2000. Litvinenko was working for the FSB ... And now he had another employer: British intelligence agency MI6. The Government of Her Majesty gave him a fake passport, protected mobile phone and a salary of 2000 pounds per month that had arrived on an anonymous account at HSBC. He had a secret name in MI6, "Martin".

Litvinenko was not just like James Bond, but the British intelligence sensitive information forwarded to the Russian mafia groups and their connections across Europe, and powerful people from the very top of the government of Russia, as Putin. According to Litvinenko, the Russian ministers and their gangsters were essentially part of the same criminal organization. Mafia state. It was his contention that the criminal organization replaced the dysfunctional ideology of communism.

Litvinenko knew about the mafia activities in Spain. He was, as testified one of his friends, a walking encyclopedia of organized crime. In such an extent that by MI6 at one time rented fellow Spaniards in Madrid. All of which made it izajicom Litvinenko, a KGB punishment for treason homeland was clear. From the very beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Moscow has used poisons, bullets, bombs hidden in cakes and other lethal methods to eliminate their enemies.

KGB 'sleepers': Spies that for years no one has discovered

Whether at home or abroad, from Leon Trotsky to Georgi Markov, a Bulgarian dissident and writer poisoned on Waterloo Bridge in 1978. ingenious umbrella with the tip containing ricin. As the famous Stalin remarked: "No man, no problem". There was a spectrum. It went from the killings that were demonstrative, to those in which the KGB traces can not be found as long as it is finder.

Boris Yeltsin has been in post 90's with such methods. KGB poison factory went into mothballs, Russian democrats were on the rise. But under Putin are such methods returned. FSB has become Russia's most powerful institution. Omnipotent, above the law and, as in the case Leninist predecessor, a tool of the state terror. In the glory days of the Soviet Union KGB hired professionals and illegals to perform extralegal killings, known in spy jargon as "wet affairs".


This is another strait translation from Google machine (it's AI gets better)


Google says it has now proven that D-Wave’s quantum computer really works



& California deluge.


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PUTIN'S KILLERS; How agents of the Russian ministry spread death WORLDWIDE & Jade Helm California dekuge
IZAKOVIC -- Thursday, 23-Feb-2017 10:31:54

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