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Reader: "general comment on several subjects currently being discussed on RMN"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 11-Feb-2017 19:39:26

(Thanks, d. :)

Reader d. writes:


everything that i say or write is my opinion based on application of logic to what i have discovered and try to apply in my lifetime.

one of the greatest and most ignored truths that i have ever read is; if you want to make the world perfect, begin with yourself.

since our emotions are probably the strongest energy that almost all of us deal with, it is difficult to apply the advice to work on yourself. it is much easier to be pissed off, excited, worried, bored, frustrated, happy, etc. than it is to calm your mind, relax your body, and release as much tension in your emotions and body as you can, while at the same time remaining mentally focused, thereby beginning the first step in your quest for control of your thoughts and more joy and bliss in your life. Gary Renard has a lot of information available on the internet about how important forgiveness is. one of the first and most powerful steps to take should you want to try is to stop thinking about what pisses you off and instead, focus on what you like.

in addition, you can research what hypnobusters has available online to assist you in focusing, relaxing and increasing your feeling of wellbeing. yellow brick cinema is another good source of uplifting music to accomplish the same results. research online "how to access your superconsciousness" for a good explanation on how it all fits together.

i struggled for 50 years to make this work, and had better results when i finally figured out that i was not getting into a deep relaxation mode and was spending a lot of my awake hours feeling frustrated and somewhat angry from lack of positive results. the light finally came on that as long as i was feeling any negative energy for whatever reason, it was keeping me trapped. i had to learn to discover joy, bliss and goosebumps, and leave behind as much of the negativity as possible if i wanted to have a peaceful, happy and joyful life. jump for joy, shake rattle and roll, loosen up your body so that energy can flow, work on your breathing and find out how closely it is connected to your sense of well being; these are all good tips.

the dark side controllers give us lots of new fodder every day in the media that they almost totally control and we take the bait.

the first step that needs to be taken outwardly is to abolish all central banks that are controlled by a few oligarchs, or keep the banks and just transfer power over them to an honest, caring government (which does not currently exist on the planet, so needs some changes before it can work). canada had a government that issued currency from the mid 1930s until about 1971 when the first Prime Minister Trudeau gave it back to the oligarchs. during that time, they racked up a debt of 40 billion dollars OWED TO THEMSELVES. since then, they turned that debt over to the oligarchs and added another 800 billion to the total.

the core cause of every major problem that exists on the planet is that of central bank ownership. if we lose sight of that and start arguing about peripheral issues, we take the heat off of the banksters. there needs to be a more fair and even distribution of the currency amongst the people. if you remove government restrictions against monopolies in a capitalistic economy, you end up with a "wild west" fascist system, where the biggest, strongest gunslinger controls almost everything. that is what exists in one form or another essentially worldwide today.

Dr. Joel Wallach has presented a theory that lack of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids is the cause of every disease, and eliminating that deficiency can prevent or reverse ALL disease. i believe that he is onto something, and anyone that doesn't look into his theories and try them is running the risk of shortening their lives by 20 or more years and experiencing a lot more pain and suffering than necessary by ignoring his advice. i do not use his products, but i do apply his advice to decide what i need to use and get it from a less costly source. while his products may be better and more effective, what i am using works for me.

diseases caused by pollution and genetically modified food, radiation from fukushima that has killed off about 1/3 of life in the pacific ocean, and other biological attacks of whatever source are excluded from what Dr. Wallach's advice can prevent or cure, but applying it would help mitigate some of the problems the biological attacks are creating. surely, taking a potassium iodide pill every day wouldn't be a bad idea.

Dr. Patrick Flannagan has claimed that he has technological knowledge that will resolve fukushime. i hope that the governments will wake up and agree to test his process to see if it works. otherwise, we are facing a bleak 3d future, barring divine intervention.


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Articles In This Thread

Reader: "general comment on several subjects currently being discussed on RMN"
hobie -- Saturday, 11-Feb-2017 19:39:26
Reader: "Speaking of Fukushima, I have to wonder about this. ..."
hobie -- Saturday, 11-Feb-2017 20:52:30
Yes reader "d", you said it perfectly in your second paragraph: "If you want to make the world perfect, begin with yourself." End of story!!
Bob -- Saturday, 11-Feb-2017 23:00:35

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