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"IF" ?

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 1-Jan-2017 12:34:29

In Response To: Reader B: Too Cynical! (Lion)

We all have our thoughts on Trump. But, this one fact remains==

"Deals", at least voluntary ones, only result when each side believes that they have made a suitable compromise for value.

Which brings us to determine "value".

*IF* Trump actually is not interested in accumulating more money for himself, the people have a chance at getting great benefit.


The DC kabal can give up their idea of having all the marbles for themselves.

The chances of both events occurring I place somewhere between
none and non-existent.

Most will go home from the prom with the one that brought them.

Whether you like it or not, in the limit it *WAS* Trumps personal wealth which dealt him the Presidency. Virtually no one contributed to him.

The future, as always, is left to discern.

: ---------------------

: Re: Five Predictions (too cynical!)

: Lion,

: Again writing you because Watchman refuses to post own email,
: thanks.

: Responding to the Five Predictions.

: Re Huge Increase in Well Organized Terrorist Attacks on U.S.
: Soil: Per Benjamin Fulford in his July 2016 video, it is
: false that the worlds of Islam and Christianity need to be
: at war with each other, this is created by NWO to deflect
: attention from them and sate their arms-industrial
: followers.

: If the economies of the world will function in resonance, plus
: the funding sources in US government for ISIS/ISIL are cut
: off, plus the drug and fiat money sources are cut off, plus
: the militants/illegals are repatriated to sequester
: nationally-identified populations, plus the
: reverse-discriminatory policies are eliminated, employment
: becomes the source of compensation, Communist ideologues
: removed from government and academia, puppets manipulated
: by blackmail and bribes are removed -
: - actions will be based on generating value, not scamming
: others.

: People will be too busy earning a living to participate.

: The idiots remaining will be much more easy to deal with.

: RE: Trump and Putin are hard headed egotistical personalities
: and both want ...want to be the main dominating world
: superpower and will do what it takes: These two will ignore
: each other as much as possible so long as markets are fair
: and the US stops destabilizing governments or propping up
: others, and withdraws the Ob buildup in Ukraine. I predict
: all of these.

: RE: "The best outcome President Trump could hope for,
: would be to prolong this debt bubble for as long as
: possible, but that would make the ultimate outcome even
: worse. On the other hand, he could try to deal with the
: crisis right away, but that would mean an extraordinary
: amount of pain for the whole country, something he’s not
: likely willing to do for political reasons, regardless of
: how much it would help in the long term."

: Listen to Bill Holter's most recent Youtube video (on
: X22spotlightreport), he compares Trump to a pilot on a
: plane with no fuel.

: In those cases what do you do, pretend there is fuel?

: He will try to execute a controlled crash.

: There IS no option to continue on with financial manipulation
: since the fiat cash required to do that increases
: exponentially.

: To continue down that path, some country, whether the USA or
: another like Russia, has to be taken down and looted, while
: useless eaters are eliminated.

: Trump got himself elected because he was sick of manipulated
: systems, bribery, and lies.

: He is an expert at putting an entity through bankruptcy.

: He understands that nonprofitable enterprise will have to be
: cut off while profitable enterprise is created.

: His team will assess how to do this, the pace, to best avoid
: mayhem within America.

: But he is NOT going to wait to do this, being fearful of the
: press.

: If the press get in the way, they will be steamrolled;

: Ob even recently passed a law permitting him to do
: this...anticipate the revocation of one or more
: broadcasting licenses by the FCC to set the tone...or the
: threat, threats often are enough.

: If necessary certain broadcasters will be branded and exposed,
: many of them have skeletons...this against a panorama of
: exposures as pgate expands to international tribunals, and
: all those in public life scramble to distance themselves...

: and as more comes out about the corruption behind
: socialism/communism/fascism/corporatism, there will be an
: avalanche or running for cover...

: without McCarthy this will still become McCarthyism on
: steroids, which will wipe out the Democrats and build new
: parties...

: a resurgence of patriotism will be the message to be
: broadcast, as Americans band together to help each other
: through tough times, and thankfulness for NO WAR.

: The CIA will be reduced in size and will have NO money to
: create trouble, their only function will be to report
: information, if in fact they even continue to exist.

: The money sources laundered through the CFoundation will be
: destroyed, and the need for world influence will be
: diminished as the Euro is removed and nations scramble to
: manage their own economies.

: The focus of the US will be to achieve a stable and even
: balance of payments, since this means we are consuming no
: more than we produce...this will be the new indication of
: success, the S&P will be denigrated as an indicator of
: success since it never indicated the success of America but
: rather the success of manipulation and globalism.

: But a rebirth of capitalism is necessary to this, getting jobs
: for people and getting people off the dole.

: INTENSE ENERGY on the part of Trump will be the necessary
: ingredient to do this.

: If taking polls and doing what is popular would accomplish
: this, would we be where we are?

: It is a mistake (much as I like a LOT of what the author of
: subject post writes here) to say that Trump is going to
: worry about being a politician when in fact he is going to
: be the best businessman for America we could ever hope for.

: ---------------------

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Articles In This Thread

Five "Predictions" For The Trump Presidency That May Keep You Awake At Night....While Thinking About Your Preps...
Watchman -- Saturday, 31-Dec-2016 10:11:07
Reader B: Too Cynical!
Lion -- Saturday, 31-Dec-2016 20:38:46
"IF" ?
Watchman -- Sunday, 1-Jan-2017 12:34:29

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