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Reader B: Too Cynical!

Posted By: Lion
Date: Saturday, 31-Dec-2016 20:38:46

In Response To: Five "Predictions" For The Trump Presidency That May Keep You Awake At Night....While Thinking About Your Preps... (Watchman)


Re: Five Predictions (too cynical!)


Again writing you because Watchman refuses to post own email, thanks.

Responding to the Five Predictions.

Re Huge Increase in Well Organized Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil: Per Benjamin Fulford in his July 2016 video, it is false that the worlds of Islam and Christianity need to be at war with each other, this is created by NWO to deflect attention from them and sate their arms-industrial followers.

If the economies of the world will function in resonance, plus the funding sources in US government for ISIS/ISIL are cut off, plus the drug and fiat money sources are cut off, plus the militants/illegals are repatriated to sequester nationally-identified populations, plus the reverse-discriminatory policies are eliminated, employment becomes the source of compensation, Communist ideologues removed from government and academia, puppets manipulated by blackmail and bribes are removed -
- actions will be based on generating value, not scamming others.

People will be too busy earning a living to participate.

The idiots remaining will be much more easy to deal with.

RE: Trump and Putin are hard headed egotistical personalities and both want ...want to be the main dominating world superpower and will do what it takes:

These two will ignore each other as much as possible so long as markets are fair and the US stops destabilizing governments or propping up others, and withdraws the Ob buildup in Ukraine. I predict all of these.

RE: "The best outcome President Trump could hope for, would be to prolong this debt bubble for as long as possible, but that would make the ultimate outcome even worse. On the other hand, he could try to deal with the crisis right away, but that would mean an extraordinary amount of pain for the whole country, something he’s not likely willing to do for political reasons, regardless of how much it would help in the long term."

Listen to Bill Holter's most recent Youtube video (on X22spotlightreport), he compares Trump to a pilot on a plane with no fuel.

In those cases what do you do, pretend there is fuel?

He will try to execute a controlled crash.

There IS no option to continue on with financial manipulation since the fiat cash required to do that increases exponentially.

To continue down that path, some country, whether the USA or another like Russia, has to be taken down and looted, while useless eaters are eliminated.

Trump got himself elected because he was sick of manipulated systems, bribery, and lies.

He is an expert at putting an entity through bankruptcy.

He understands that nonprofitable enterprise will have to be cut off while profitable enterprise is created.

His team will assess how to do this, the pace, to best avoid mayhem within America.

But he is NOT going to wait to do this, being fearful of the press.

If the press get in the way, they will be steamrolled;

Ob even recently passed a law permitting him to do this...anticipate the revocation of one or more broadcasting licenses by the FCC to set the tone...or the threat, threats often are enough.

If necessary certain broadcasters will be branded and exposed, many of them have skeletons...this against a panorama of exposures as pgate expands to international tribunals, and all those in public life scramble to distance themselves...

and as more comes out about the corruption behind socialism/communism/fascism/corporatism, there will be an avalanche or running for cover...

without McCarthy this will still become McCarthyism on steroids, which will wipe out the Democrats and build new parties...

a resurgence of patriotism will be the message to be broadcast, as Americans band together to help each other through tough times, and thankfulness for NO WAR.

The CIA will be reduced in size and will have NO money to create trouble, their only function will be to report information, if in fact they even continue to exist.

The money sources laundered through the CFoundation will be destroyed, and the need for world influence will be diminished as the Euro is removed and nations scramble to manage their own economies.

The focus of the US will be to achieve a stable and even balance of payments, since this means we are consuming no more than we produce...this will be the new indication of success, the S&P will be denigrated as an indicator of success since it never indicated the success of America but rather the success of manipulation and globalism.

But a rebirth of capitalism is necessary to this, getting jobs for people and getting people off the dole.

INTENSE ENERGY on the part of Trump will be the necessary ingredient to do this.

If taking polls and doing what is popular would accomplish this, would we be where we are?

It is a mistake (much as I like a LOT of what the author of subject post writes here) to say that Trump is going to worry about being a politician when in fact he is going to be the best businessman for America we could ever hope for.


: We can all agree that as president-elect Donald J Trump will
: have a lot to deal with when he takes over the office, and
: we hope that he does well and does everything that he can
: to bring the country back to where it needs to be,
: unfortunately, I think it is too far past the tipping point
: to be brought back to center.

: The best that we can hope for is that president Trump will be
: able to cause a slow down of what’s coming thus giving us
: more time to prepare for what is the ineludible outcome
: that we will have to deal with and that is economic
: collapse, major terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, and
: eventual nuclear war with Russia…

: Below are my top five predictions for the next four years of
: the Trump Presidency…

: 1. A Huge Increase in Well Organized Terrorist Attacks on U.S.
: Soil

: During the coming Donald J Trump presidency, I look for a HUGE
: increase in terror attacks on U.S. soil by ISIS as well as
: from the domestic far left (such as BLM). As we know the
: U.S. Government acting under the Obama regime has been
: funding, arming and supporting ISIS in Syria and in other
: parts of the middle east. Under Obama, we have also had an
: open border policy and this policy has allowed hundreds of
: ISIS members and their supporters into the U.S. were they
: have been freely able to organize, plan and train.

: This is why we have not seen any major attacks (like 9/11) on
: U.S. soil since Obama took office because the Obama regime
: has been supporting ISIS and their efforts in the Middle
: East.

: When Trump takes office, the funding will stop and the support
: will stop. President Trump will go after their training
: camps in the U.S. and safe havens and they will retaliate
: via large-scale attacks here in the U.S. via mass shooting,
: bombing, and other tactics that will result in hundreds if
: not thousands of Americans being murdered. I also look for
: far-left domestic terrorists to plan and perpetrate similar
: attacks but on a smaller scale.

: 2. Trump Will Flip-Flop and Call for and or Support “Assault
: Rifle” and Full Capacity Magazine Bans after another Mass
: Shooting

: I’m sure that this prediction will ruffle a lot of feathers
: and I hope that I’m wrong, after all, I did vote for Donald
: J Trump, but I only did so for one reason and that is that
: I knew he had to be a better choice than Hillary Rodham
: Clinton.

: A turnip would have been a better choice than Hillary Rodham
: Clinton.

: Okay, here it goes… I predict that if there is another mass
: shooting with the shooter using a semi-auto “assault rifle”
: with a 30 round magazine that Donald J Trump will turn on
: the Second Amendment, the NRA, and his voters by calling
: for more gun control in the form of semi-auto bans and
: limited magazine capacity.

: Yea, I know… he said he was pro-gun and a firm supporter of
: the Second Amendment while he was running for office and
: wanting your vote… but he wasn’t always a supporter and in
: the past has openly called for semi-auto bans and for
: limiting magazine capacity.

: In his book “The America We Deserve” Donald J Trump wrote: “I
: generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on
: assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting
: period to purchase a gun.”

: I know a lot of folks will argue that he has changed his views
: on gun control and an “assault weapons” ban… well folks, he
: has changed his stance on a number of key issues over the
: years and who can guarantee that he won’t change it back
: again when the body count goes up after another mass
: shooting…

: I hope that I’m wrong, I really pray that I am on this one,
: but I think that if put under pressure by perceived public
: and media outcry on the issue such as would be the case
: after another major mass shooting that he will flip-flop
: again on the gun control/ban issue and call for more gun
: laws and or complete bans on certain firearms and limiting
: magazine capacity.

: 3. Another Cold War that Could Turn Hot

: We were told by the mainstream media that Trump is a puppet
: for Putin and the Russians and that Russia hacked the
: election which resulted in a Donald J Trump victory – all
: nonsense and government propaganda coming for the Obama
: regime and the controlled media of course, but that doesn’t
: stop the sheeple from believing such B.S. because
: unfortunately, they believe everything they are told on the
: nightly fake news broadcasts coming from the mainstream
: media.

: The election of Donald J Trump did postponed war with Russia
: comparative to the election of Hilary Clinton who would
: have had us at war with Russia in weeks if she had been
: election/appointed. However, the threat is still there and
: I predict a further breakdown in relations with Russia
: under Trump during his term.

: I think that President Trump will be extra stern and
: un-wilding toward Putin and Russia to prove the mainstream
: media wrong in regard to their claims of him being a puppet
: for Putin and the Russians.

: Also, both Trump and Putin are hard headed egotistical
: personalities and both want the best for their country and
: both countries want to be the main dominating world
: superpower and will do what it takes to reach that point of
: power and influence.

: Heck, it looks like a new nuclear arms race is already
: underway and Trump hasn’t even been sworn in yet… Trump,
: Putin both seek to boost their nuclear capability.

: 4. No Decrease of Illegal Domestic Spying on U.S. Citizens and
: Most likely an Increase Instead

: I don’t see any decrease or roll back of any of illegal
: domestic spying on U.S. citizens under a Trump presidency
: and most likely we will see an increase and of course, just
: like under Obama it will be deemed as necessary for our
: “protection” from the “terrorists” the same terrorists that
: the government should be watching, arresting and or
: exporting back to whatever craphole they crawled out of.

: Trump has already called for “closing off parts of the
: internet to limit militant Islamist propaganda” whatever
: that means and urged a boycott of Apple products over the
: company’s refusal to help the FBI unlock an iPhone
: associated with last year’s San Bernardino, Calif.
: shootings.

: And let’s not forget that he supports the unconstitutional
: stop and frisk policy and a mandatory death penalty for
: anyone that kills any law enforcement officer. The later is
: very dangerous and naive because such cases should be
: judged on a case by case by basis… i.e. what if the police
: officer was trying to kill you because his wife left him
: for another man and the officer thinks that you’re him
: during a traffic stop and just wants to end you for it and
: you have to defend yourself with deadly force against the
: law-enforcement officer – should you get the death penalty
: for defending yourself just because your attacker wears a
: badge… No, you shouldn’t – each case should be tried on an
: individual basis…

: “I imagine (Trump) is going to be a guy who is probably going
: to mandate backdoors,” said Hank Thomas, chief operating
: officer at Strategic Cyber Ventures and a veteran of the
: National Security Agency. “I don’t think he’s ultimately
: going to be a friend to privacy, and the fearful side of me
: says he will get intelligence agencies more involved in
: domestic law enforcement.”

: Fortune

: 5, A Major Long-lasting and Far Reaching Economic Collapse

: Right now, even before Trump has taken office the stock market
: is up and there have been reports of companies who are
: planning to move back to the U.S. from abroad and of others
: who are postponing company moves since Donald J Trump was
: elected and I think that if not for the agenda of TPTB that
: Trump might be able to postpone the coming economic
: collapse. However, TPTB and the far political left want
: Trump and the “Trump movement” to fail and they will do
: everything in their power to see that that happens even if
: that means collapsing the economy (or starting a nuclear
: war with Russia).

: The powers that be (TPTB) do not want a strong, United States
: of America because a strong U.S.A. will stand in the way
: their plans for a one world government. The U.S. and world
: economic system are set up to crash and those holding the
: strings can crash it at any point in time that they see fit
: and what better time than during the Trump presidency…

: And in the words of Michael Snyder from the economic collapse
: blog “The truth, of course, is that the result of the
: election did not somehow magically alter the outlook for
: the U.S. economy” and that my friends is the fact no matter
: how hard to swallow. We are still nineteen plus trillion
: dollars in debt and that debt figures out to be more than
: 110% of total US GDP.

: The statement below from sums up the
: current economic situation and eventual outcome
: realistically…

: “Trumphoria,” a phenomena describing people who were once
: preparing for the impending global collapse, but have
: somehow been duped into believing that a Trump presidency
: can turn around decades of poor monetary policy. Those
: people are sorely mistaken! That’s not a knock on Trump’s
: ability either. The simple fact is that our nation has
: accumulated the largest mountain of debt the world has ever
: seen, and as Dr. Willie explains, our status as the World
: Reserve Currency is almost at an end.

: The best outcome President Trump could hope for, would be to
: prolong this debt bubble for as long as possible, but that
: would make the ultimate outcome even worse. On the other
: hand, he could try to deal with the crisis right away, but
: that would mean an extraordinary amount of pain for the
: whole country, something he’s not likely willing to do for
: political reasons, regardless of how much it would help in
: the long term.

: I predict that the economy will collapse during Donald J
: Trump’s term as president – whether by design and on
: purpose by TPTB or under the massive amount of debt that
: just keeps growing, the economy is going to crash and it
: will do so while Donald J Trump is in office.

: The U.S. economy will crash under Donald J Trump, not because
: of him or his policies but because it’s already crashing.
: We have already passed the point of no return and there
: isn’t anything President Trump or anyone else can do to
: stop it (slow it down maybe, but not stop it) and combine
: that with the fact that TPTB aka the Globalists want Trump
: to fail and we have nearly a 100% probability that the
: economy will collapse under Trump.


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Articles In This Thread

Five "Predictions" For The Trump Presidency That May Keep You Awake At Night....While Thinking About Your Preps...
Watchman -- Saturday, 31-Dec-2016 10:11:07
Reader B: Too Cynical!
Lion -- Saturday, 31-Dec-2016 20:38:46
"IF" ?
Watchman -- Sunday, 1-Jan-2017 12:34:29

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