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CGI's Morgan: Having Skin in the Game of Unfortunate Trends~~~DOG POET

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 12-Dec-2014 19:45:52

In Response To: CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet~~~The High Value Potential of each Living Moment (RumorMail)


Dog Poet Transmitting…….

May your noses always be noses.

Unreliable sensory perceptions; frontotemporal dementia. Yeah… that’s a condition that gets confused with Alzheimer’s. All kinds of things get confused with all kinds of things. This world is a hotbed of personalities, states of being and conditions being confused with each other. We live in times of chronic miss-diagnosis. We live in a time where the whole medical profession is nothing more than a pill dispensing industry. Without a doubt there are physicians who mean well and even do well. I’m just about trends. What is the most significant thing about trends? What is the most important feature of trends? The most significant and important thing about trends is where they lead.

So… when we talk here about the incredible depths of contemporary ignorance and indifference, we are not seeking to malign stupid people, or people who don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves. When we talk about the ‘gross’ obesity ‘epidemic, we are not seeking to offend people with weight problems, nor are we even calling attention to a few extra pounds here and there, some heavy people (and I know a few) are just as they are supposed to be and are light on their feet and as graceful as anyone else I’ve ever seen. We are talking about the kind of weight situation that requires two airline seats and which renders the hundreds of thousands, millions actually, who suffer from this, into perpetual victims of all kinds of health problems.

We firmly believe that there are interest groups that intentionally promote dietary practices that bring the ignorant and indifferent into these states and they do it in order to sell products on the one hand and ineffective and expensive medical treatments on the other. Having observed Monsanto, Syngenta, Dupont and Bayer at work, I have concluded that feeding the world is not their motivation. Controlling the world’s food supply for the purpose of enduring corporate profit and population control is their motivation. I have observed that 90% of the politicians, presently in office, are completely unconcerned about their sworn duties to the people they are presumed to serve. They are concerned about serving those interests that have guaranteed them a large and protected income, once they have left their sold out positions. Public Service is a euphemism for self interest.

Why am I tossing out these obvious examples that we all are and have been aware of for some time? I am pointing them out because of the direction they are trending in. Why did I bring up ‘frontotemporal dementia’? I bought it up because of the state it trends into and the country it travels through, to its terminal result.

Why am I bringing up stress and pressure so often now, here and at the radio broadcasts and wherever I am engaged in conversing with anyone directly or virtually? I do it because of the direction it is trending in. Stress and its relative intensity are a heat source. Anyone who has walked the streets of New York City can feel the force of the place and is aware of an invisible propulsive force that sends them at a faster rate up and down the street than they might ordinarily engage in. When you confine a large number of people in a relatively small space, they become a heat source. When you gather a large group of people in a space of certain dimensions; a crowded cocktail lounge or dance club, or a theater or concert hall, they generate heat. They are a heat source. When two or more people engage in sexual congress, they generate heat. They are a heat source. You can actually measure the heat that comes out of people’s bodies. You can feel it. You can feel the different degrees of radiant force from different centers in the human body and there is an obvious difference between a living and a dead person. Dead people also generate heat during the process of decomposition. Here we are also speaking of trends.

Everything that moves can be trended. Everything that doesn’t move can be trended. If you have the time, you will surely see that everything moves and everything changes. Mountains grow old and eventually turn to nothing but rolling foothills. The more high and jagged a mountain range, the younger it is. If it is volcanic it is younger still. They quite often create the new land masses. I’m getting a little far afield here and I am not a scientist but… I think I am generally correct. There may be exceptions and there may be more detailed arguments than my simplistic presentation but… what is important is if my point gets made in a comprehensible way. Hah! What do you know? Volcanoes generate heat too.

Heat is part of temperature levels just as cold is. All the complexities of weather come about through their interplay and there is a serious dance of oceans and mountains that account for all kinds of conditions. Emotions run hot and cold. One might come upon some interesting possibilities when they transpose these two opposites into the metaphysical realm. Hell is supposed to be hot? Does that make Heaven cold? Certainly if you move up through the different atmospheres it gets colder and colder. The further into the Earth you go it is supposed to get hotter, after a certain point.

The point of my dancing all over the map here and saying nothing conclusive is to provoke thought. There are some things you just can’t come right out and say. As far as I can see, no one ever has. This is the thing about learning past a certain level of awareness. You have to come to certain understandings on your own. They don’t contain their greatest value and permanence otherwise. It’s like not valuing something you didn’t pay for. Of course we are not talking in a purely financial sense. I would think that we are often put through things simply to attach value to the end result.

Shaktipat is a kind of heat transfer. Something already ignited, ignites something else. Someone already ignited ignites someone else. The Sun is the source of all heat on this planet, including that which is in the Earth. It is, indirectly, the source of all heat within us and all life as well, period. In the mystery schools of the ancient world there were certain teachings that were common at the time and which explained so many of the things that are now a mystery to most of us. These schools have never gone out of existence. The lineage of certain metaphysical schools is unbroken. Whatever may have happened to various secret societies (the ones we are ‘generally ‘familiar with), which turned them into what they are today and regardless of that, there are subtle, intricate and enduring truths. Whatever perversion and corruption might have resulted from the efforts of the shadow upon the weak, in those societies, is irrelevant to those cloisters where perversion and corruption have never entered in.


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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet~~~The High Value Potential of each Living Moment
RumorMail -- Friday, 12-Dec-2014 19:44:08
CGI's Morgan: Having Skin in the Game of Unfortunate Trends~~~DOG POET
RumorMail -- Friday, 12-Dec-2014 19:45:52

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