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CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet~~~The High Value Potential of each Living Moment

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 12-Dec-2014 19:44:08


Dog Poet Transmitting…….

May your noses always be cold and wet

I must admit, I don’t really know what it’s like out there in the places where I used to be. It seems like an entire lifetime ago and… I suspect that it has been. One of the things we have to keep in mind when things change for us is that… it is always a possibility that our whole world will also be changing too, in accord with the force that initiated the change in the first place. This isn’t always the case but… I have been led to believe that when the particular change takes a great deal of time; far more time than one might reasonably have suspected and… when the circumstances within the changes are fraught with serious events that can become almost like watermarks and… when finally, on the cusp of the change FINALLY coming to pass, everything starts moving in uncanny ways, there’s something more than the obvious going on. I used to know that this kind of thing happens but I had forgotten; it involves people and circumstance as well, coming seamlessly together.

Can’t look at the news, since Arizona is at St. Louis this morning and I don’t want to accidentally come across the score. It’s a brilliant sunny day today. The weather here has been magnificent all through the fall. That is quite to the contrary of conditions in the USA! USA!! USA!!!

Torture reports are a big, big deal and the bad guys are really doing that purpose of demonstration thing so that everyone can see where they are at behind it. This news is circulating all around the world as sort of a Christmas gift, after a fashion. We also got the surprising news that the torture psychologists were given 80,000,000 dollars for their contribution to the torture. Imagine that! This article was given us with a picture of one of those ‘torture psychologists’. It’s no big thing for him, nor… according to him, is any of it true either. Why… of course not.

As we have stated here a number of times; there is a dreadful irony to the whole affair, whereby, since it was Israel in concert with various intelligence services who did 9/11 it was truly Kafkaesque for them to torture these people for crimes that they committed and for information that they did not possess. What happened to the so called ‘mastermind’ of 911 was/is really obscene. What kind of people are these who can do something like that? That is truly Satanic.

I don’t want to spend the morning talking any more about these things. Christmas is coming and I want to talk about the birth of the light, not the presence of the darkness. Given that the darkness is a false construct, it cannot endure indefinitely. We, being creatures of light, at least potentially if not partially, can endure indefinitely.

A few days before the day on which we celebrate Christmas, there comes the solstice, which symbolize the birth of the light in those avatars that have come every two thousand years or so. This means we are certainly due at some point soon. That avatar may already be here, or be on the way, or… coming this time in the hearts of humanity, which would be fitting, given that it happens under the Aquarian template which, symbolizes world brotherhood; hard to imagine as things look now. Maybe that is slated for the aftermath, where all those opposed to brotherhood have been dealt with, or have the good sense to slink away into dark corners, till their opportunity for mischief comes round again. This is precisely the reason that the avatar sweeps the planes clear of them when he comes. If he comes in the hearts of humanity, that would mean he sweeps the enemy out of the minds of those presently hosting it.

In our day to day existence, under the cloud cover of the dream blanket, it surely appears to most people that the supernatural doings of an avatar are something remote from anything they have become familiar with. That is one of the characteristics of the divine. The divine is generally unseen and unfelt, for the purpose of demonstration (grin). The populations get into the groove of thinking that whatever there may be of the divine, it is unlikely that he would suddenly appear on this plane and begin performing wonders. In times of material darkness, the very idea of that strikes most people as a fantasy and that includes believers as well. One cannot overestimate the power of the force of illusion upon the collective mind and it should be kept in mind that the power of the collective mind exercises a very strong influence on the collective perceptions of the masses. This is how they are controlled in the day to day.

Anyway… one of the most important things about the time in which we celebrate the birth of the light is that this is one of those narrow windows in the calendar year when dramatic spiritual changes can and do occur. They can occur at any time, of course but… in times of material darkness it is always less likely and even should such things happen; they pass unseen. For those who have been dedicating themselves to the pursuit of the light there is always the possibility that they will be invited to the higher planes where luminous being celebrate this event every year. This is why I am on about Christmas Spirit.

Most of us, when we were young, had the experience of being filled with the wonder, awe and joy of Christmas Spirit. These days, so many people are turned off by the crass commercialism of the season, that they wind up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This is a stupid, ignorant and self defeating thing to do and all of us have been guilty of it here and there or all the time (grin). We have to learn to ignore outward appearances and simply focus on our inner being and this will open us up to that Six of Cups thing. Maybe some of you are afraid to look ridiculous in front of all those cynical souls who have tossed it all into the dustbin of their lives. Certainly there is a particular segment of the population; a very small by powerful segment that are making war on Christmas and one of the intents of the war is to kill the natural upwelling of feeling, to reduce the moment to a pedestrian turkey day holiday …but the real turkeys are the ones buying into this shit. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet~~~The High Value Potential of each Living Moment
RumorMail -- Friday, 12-Dec-2014 19:44:08
CGI's Morgan: Having Skin in the Game of Unfortunate Trends~~~DOG POET
RumorMail -- Friday, 12-Dec-2014 19:45:52

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