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CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: Racing Down the Highway in Stolen Cars

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 00:24:11

In Response To: CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet~~~The Kansas City of the Heart and Mind (Susoni)

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

May your ears always be open within and without.

It is truly impressive how the force of false media can control public perception. Sandy Hook is a good example. When you think about all these staged events, orchestrated by intelligence agencies, with crisis actors and the outrageous numbers of people who must be involved for this to take place and who have obviously sold their souls for money or are kept in silence by fear... it boggles the mind that it can even happen but it does; The Bombing of the Boston Marathon, obviously a government op, all those staged shootings elsewhere. Then there's the phony shooting in Ottawa and that bizarre fabrication in Woolwich. Nothing else besides being a willing automaton for the forces of darkness makes sense and then? There's all the evidence of exactly that.

When you think about what low life’s the people engaged in all of these things are; all those false flags and the financing of world wide terror, mass murder in the Ukraine, genocide and living torment of The Palestinians, fomenting of race wars and now appearing more and more in the public view, the ritual sacrifice of children (including rape and murder effected to manifest the greatest terror, since that is a kind of fuel and power generator)… well, it’s hard to explain how they could be such incredible monsters, without bringing in their near certain supernatural alliance with ancient forces of darkness. They surrender their humanity through a series of ever greater offenses against their humanity, in order to make themselves a living abode on the manifest for creatures who ordinarily reside in the infernal regions.

Just calling these people psychopaths is not comprehensive. The best descriptive phrase, I think, is that they do evil for the sheer joy of it. For them it is a mystical experience on the opposite end of that attributed to saints. Since this is Kali Yuga, the capacity for and access to the practice and instruments of black magic, at the deepest level of it potential for iniquity, is there to be had. There are beings far older than any of us, who thirst for human forms to occupy so that they can get up to all kinds of things that no actual human being would ever countenance so… they transform the human countenance into the demonic. They are not unlike joy-riders who go racing down the highway in stolen cars. They do it with hijacked consciousnesses. This puts it all in perspective. This explains it all. These people, who were formerly people, are housing units for dark forces who are celebrating their hour of presence, until they get their clocks cleaned so that they never tell that kind of time again… until the next time? This I don’t know.

There is an insidious shadow afoot, with an intensity unlike any other time, in its now, near universal presence. Here is the sort of thing going on in ashrams these days. Everywhere that there is anyone with pretensions of integrity, this shadow is looking for a way in and more often than not it finds a way in. Here is admonition by example, as to why people should not set themselves up as gurus and a clear proof that power corrupts. Most people can’t handle power. They think they can, until the get behind the wheel. Most people think they can handle money. You always hear them say that they wouldn't be like all those other people if they had that kind of money, or they won’t be like that when they get their money but… they do and they are.

There’s a power in money. There are varieties of power in all of the things that people covet and their ideas of themselves, fore and aft of the possession of these things, are not the same at all; not at all. It takes a superior sense of command to be stronger than certain archetypal temporal forces. Unless you have command over yourself… something will.

I am by no means the smartest or strongest guy on the planet but at least I know what I’m up against and how to stay out of the riptides. I have watched people in their bravado head into conditions and situations more powerful than they were. You can’t argue with them and it appears there is no other way for them to learn and sometimes they still don’t learn, chalking their failure up to one thing or another besides themselves; given that they survive the event. One of the greatest liabilities anyone can carry about with them is the failure to admit they are wrong. The ability to turn back and go another way, when you have been shown you are going the wrong way, is a marvelous asset. The inability to is a liability. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. We all do. Some learn from them and some do not. Some think if they just do the same thing again, with a few modifications, then that will be fine. Given the level of moral depravity running around… the consideration that something might be good or evil doesn't even come into the picture. These days, the lines are blurred to such a degree that a clear and precise definition is impossible for many people.

I've said my piece about Michael Brown but I was surely less than comprehensive. Just because I think Brown was ‘no kind of an innocent bystander’ does not mean I support the actions of Darren Wilson or the follow-ups by the Ferguson Police. I do not. What I think is that the example picked for street level, racial injustice was among the worst possible choices. Here is a much better example.

It’s not my place to go into the deeper reasons behind crime in certain neighborhoods. This is a complex thing that is worked to whatever ends the agenda or argument is directed. What I know is that racial profiling of blacks is a fact. I probably have a little more insight into the whole dance, given the time I've spent in prisons and other lockups and were it not for the support, with nothing asked in return, by the biggest and baddest dudes inside, there could well have been a different outcome to my situation. Karma, neh?

The CIA, which should be labeled the SIA (Satanic Intelligence Agency) and which isn't even supposed to be operating on domestic turf, funnels drugs into the black communities and then the domestic law enforcement arm of the Octopus of the Inferno, locks them up and then the court system sends them away. It is nobody’s fucking business what anyone puts into their body and if alcohol, which is the most destructive drug going, is legal and if the very worst drugs are being prescribed by the medical community then… I’ll take whatever I please, whenever I please and it is nobody’s business; nor do I ever feel like I am breaking any valid law; certainly no law relevant to me. These days the Israeli trained American police forces are just shooting people down in cold blood in the street but… as wrong as that is, this does not mean that everyone caught in a street altercation is innocent. There are plenty of criminals out there of every color.


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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet~~~The Kansas City of the Heart and Mind
Susoni -- Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 00:22:41
CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: Racing Down the Highway in Stolen Cars
Susoni -- Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 00:24:11

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