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CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet~~~The Kansas City of the Heart and Mind

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 00:22:41

Dog Poet Transmitting……..

May your noses always be cold and wet.

This can be a cold and seemingly pitiless world. I've seen some amount of that but I am certain I haven’t seen anywhere near the degree of it that some have. The sheer scale of suffering on any given day on this planet is beyond the grasp of any human imagination. Generally we do not know the extent of the suffering, or the level of depravity of the offenses because, in most cases, the news delivery systems are controlled by the people most responsible, over all, for the large majority of suffering world wide; that was some pretty messed up sentence structure but I’m going to go with it.

You can drive yourself mad trying to figure out why it is all what it is. You can reason and analyze till kingdom come but never make sense of it. Ultimately it is what it is and understanding that, you are left with two possible belief systems. One is that it makes no sense whatsoever and that Life is a random happening that manifests in a survival of the fittest fashion and there is no cosmic justice anywhere; just the relentless turning of indifferent gears against each other, in a world where looking out for number one is the only thing that makes sense. There is no after life and there was nothing before it either. That’s one view with a good number of variations upon a theme.

The other possibility is that there is a mysterious force at work that is not understood by anyone at any time and which is reputed to be benevolent by some and completely detached and indifferent by others and there are many variations on this too. One of the larger variations is religion and we have historical record of the impact of religion on life and it is not a good one. It is clear that religion does not understand the force it purports to represent, or else the force is an evil one but… that makes no sense logically in a world where the balance of opposites is obvious. It is true that the world goes out of balance as a result of human agency but it also moves through radical changes all on its own too.

We have historical records of other things as well. We have historical records of unique and remarkable individuals and the general history of the masses that come and go, over the slow course of civilizations rising and falling. There seems to be certain repeating patterns that cycle over and over. War and relative peace change places with each other. Evil and good fight a pitched battle all down the continuum of time. The upper hand is maintained by one or the other, depending on the age in which the interaction takes place. If you’re in a dark time zone there is only so much you can do OR… this is how it appears to be. What seems clear to me, no matter what the truth of the matter may ultimately be, is that one should strive to be a unique and remarkable individual and not a pinball of the status quo. I’m not sure if you have to be a unique and remarkable individual to begin with, or whether you can get there through the fire of aspiration burning the mediocrity off of your being. I am pretty sure that the first has to engage in the second, regardless.

The hardest part of living seems to be the endless fight against declaring the whole operation to be a club sandwich of bad shit. The hardest thing seems to be managing to carry a sense of youthful optimism through each of the seven ages of life; to be able to not let anything get you down for long. I’m guessing you have to be a unique and extraordinary individual to accomplish that or… maybe that is just how you end up at the conclusion of the cycle. It seems to me that life is just a stretch of becoming or accommodating; of being engaged in continuous change, or in hardening your resistance to it and it is easy to see that the latter is the course most chosen. I see it every day in the predictable behavior of people at every age, in every stage. Nearly every time I get into the checkout line at the supermarket, there will be some old lady or old man and every single one of them will laboriously and ever so slowly, once their transaction is complete, fumble with their change purse and slowly, ever so slowly, count out what passes for silver and copper around here. They all count it out the same way, in a truly agonizing fashion and finally add whatever paper money attends the transaction. I have watched this same scene repeat itself hundreds of times. It’s a replicating consciousness, like a suit of clothes you get after a certain birthday.

I watch the young, the very young, those in the variations of midstream (early and late), the old and very old. It is remarkable what you can see if you really look. The constant redundancy of patterns in repetition is consistent with the time zone and is probably consistent with the nature of existence at any time. All my life and even before I had any idea of what was going on, I noticed these things. Early on I knew that something was wrong. I just didn't know what it was. For some time I thought it was me, until one day in the early evening, as I was coming on to some very pure Sandoz liquid, (my first time) when… it all came to me clearly in a whirlwind of continuous revelation and I was never the same again after that. I could fill a book with the details of what passed before the mind’s eye, if I could remember much of it. It’s all in there somewhere.

I’ve heard it said that memory is the key. It’s all about remembering. I’m guessing that just an amount of inquiry into why that might be true would be worth a great deal to the right person; given that only the right person would be interested in anything like that to begin with.

I want to hammer on once again with a certain point and that is about proximity to the great and lumbering ship of the departing age and the force of the draw upon the surrounding waters, when the ship sinks, as it most certainly will. We are not able to see how near to the event we are. We cannot know how rapidly it may occur. If you are not taking steps on the various planes of existence, steps ARE BEING TAKEN that will affect you. Everything is consciousness, just as everything is composed of vibration in modulation and accommodation to the transiting of the age. This is real; obvious, evident or invisible, it is real and you are as real as your capacity to change in accord with the greater changing. Call it a summing up. Call it harvesting and composting. Call it Ray or Shirley; just be damn sure whether or not this is the right time to stop sniffing glue.


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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet~~~The Kansas City of the Heart and Mind
Susoni -- Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 00:22:41
CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: Racing Down the Highway in Stolen Cars
Susoni -- Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 00:24:11

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