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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Friday, 28-Nov-2014 16:51:15

Hi, Folks -

Found at


11-28-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Friday, November 28, 2014 – oh my God. I’ve got some good, up-to-date information for you and a timeline for you. DC is not here so I can say anything I want. I have stacks of mail from you all, with letters from Congresspeople and Senators, from banks saying they never sold dinar, and then people sending their receipts where they bought dinar from the banks. There are personal letters of what this has meant to you, and letters as individuals. Here is one that relates to this process and how we are all going through it together. This process IS coming to an end…

I can’t give you stories with bankers, or with family and friends, because they will have me declared unfit. I look at my siblings who could benefit from this, but don’t have the courage to share it with them. Already my views of religion and politics take them outside their comfort zone. All I could do was put myself into debt to buy currencies for them, and look forward to share the joy and wonder with them. For many of us, money has always been an issue we have yet to grow out of. We have been working for many years on the RV, and those behind the scenes might be the very ones being vilified. Thank you for your courage in looking past your nationalities and borders; I hope that you will eventually be acknowledged for your efforts and for being more humane than most, and I hope you will be publicly acknowledged and applauded on the podium.” This is from a dinarian in South Africa. It’s not just us in the US, but people in many countries, and we hope everyone will be thanked for their efforts when this is done.

I want to give you the information, and I want you to understand this: I don’t’ work for the government. I was in the military for 15 years, and I respect the government although I know things about the government you don’t know. There are global effects from this as well as all the US citizens. I don’t work for them, they don’t direct this call or tell me what to do. I never worked for any of the dealers, none has paid me, none has paid the TNT site. I don’t get paid to sell dinar, I don’t own a dinar site, and nobody pays me for buying or selling dinar, OR for any exchanges. I don’t advertise on my site, we don’t get paid for doing calls – it doesn’t pay us a dime. I do this because of that letter I just read, all the letters you send me, the comments in the forum, and because it’s the right thing to do. I’m telling you that because we have built our site. We have been asked to do things and I do the things that will help us get to the bank to get exchanged! As long as it’s not going to hurt you, I agree with that. I don’t talk about every detail because not everyone will understand those details. Sometimes what we tell you affects how they negotiate in the room, and that affects us. There are people in our government who know my name, and I wish they never knew my name because there are results that I am now going through. “Everything that glitters is not gold”; people are talking about me around the water-cooler and that is not always a good thing. Because of that, some good people are helping us, so you can’t pick and choose. The same is true in the banks – some powerful people in the banking system are pissed off at me in the past and might be again, but I’ll find somewhere to put my money. We are not doing things because they control us; they have asked us to do certain things because they help you guys, and that is why we are here. If we can help, great; if not, we’ll help you on our own. It’s all part of the process. However, that doesn’t mean we work for them. They have never hired us, or paid us a dime. If we were consultants, they’d be doing things differently!

They seem to be too high up to understand how this affects the common man. I saw a film the other day where the girl asked the millionaire how much a gallon of milk costs, and he couldn’t say because he doesn’t live in that reality. What we are trying to do her is bring you information that will help you hold onto the money.

We’ve been telling you for weeks that everything is done that needs to be done in Iraq and in the banks. They are actually exchanging people today, as we speak, and more are scheduled to be exchanged throughout the weekend. Iraq tried to push this through again on Wednesday. The plan was to have the 800numbers come out this weekend so you could schedule for Monday. It still hasn’t happened, but it was supposed to. Everyone in the world is ready for this except for us; we keep blocking it for some reason. I don’t know what the reason is. WE know it was supposed to go, the IMF+BIS said for it to go through, and they held it up again – this time, because it was Thanksgiving! They were all sent home yesterday morning. People who we scheduled to exchange flew all over the country, and they didn’t exchange – they had Thanksgiving in hotel rooms. They are tired of being lied to.

Today there are meetings at the BIS today to ask, “What part of you aren’t going to interfere did you not get?” because they did it again! Iraq has the authority to do this. The problem is, if they do it and it doesn’t go around the world, there will be problems. They want it to be a smooth transition around the world, not piecemeal. That’s what will happen if they force it through – it will be a mess. So we don’t know where we are at! Now they are saying, “If you don’t want your people to go through until the 1st or 5th of December or 1st January, if you want to screw your people, we no longer care! Stop screwing with the rest of the world!”

The 800 numbers could come out today, tomorrow, sometime this weekend… and we could be in the bank by Monday. Nobody believes them any more anyway. It was supposed to go last week, then this week, then the 1st. When does it get cut off? As long as we are still in the process, which we are right now, then there is nothing we can do about when they do it – unless the only reason they are NOT doing it is to delay or block us from the process. If it’s about something else, that is government business. Then we will do what we need to do. Right now, that is what we are waiting on.

People are still being the contract rate on Wednesday, so we know it’s still there. People are still scheduled to exchange here in the US; we have the locations, and each bank is doing something a little different. Each bank has their own procedure, but what we have heard from those exchanging so far is that people are going in and being offered a rate. They are agreeing to that rate, and then setting up a meeting 72 hours with their wealth manager, who then offer a bit more depending on your amounts and how much you are willing to leave it in the bank. That’s what is happening with the exchanges so far, that you can negotiate in the second appointment. They don’t’ have the time to do that in the first appointment. We don’t have the package yet, and we don’t know how long they will do that. It’s not locked in – this is just what we are hearing about so far from those who have been exchanging. I can’t guarantee it will happen any one way because each bank has their process and their way of doing this.

The 800 number was supposed to go out, you call with your information and then tell them what bank you want to go to. It’s the same 800 number for ALL the banks. Now the only bank that is required to take everyone is Wells Fargo, but that doesn’t mean you will be their customer for more than 30 days. The other banks are not getting the same benefits as WF, so they get to pick and choose their customers. This process has been changed so many times, we don’t know how it’s going to come out! But the 800 number is for appointments, not just for the contract rates. We don’t know the criteria for who gets the contract rates, but it will come out sooner or later. We have enough insiders to get the information so we know it was fair.

215 caller: I have a project in Philadelphia for a transitional housing program for homeless youth, with a shelter, soup kitchen, day care, and different training programs so they can come out and get jobs, and learn to live independently. One question I have is something DC talked about in the last call, which areas have a lot of dinarians.

Tony: The large concentrations are about big churches and military bases, but all areas will have exchange centers. It might take you a few days to get your appointments, but there will not be lines out the bank.

Caller: As far as dinarland, how do you determine if you’re in that group? Do you have a list of those who are on the calls or what?

Tony: Those who are paying attention on the internet or on the calls will get the tweet, call that 800 number, and that defines you as part of the internet group. If they have a totally different plan for the other 4.5 million people, and they don’t want them to go until January, that’s okay – those people have not been involved, on the roller coaster with us, how to protect and use that money, so I’m not concerned if they have to wait another 30 days. They weren’t here arguing and fighting for us, sending out twitters or calling their Senators and Congressmen when we asked… they didn’t get involved, so I’m not putting my neck on the chopping block for someone waiting to cash in at my expense. The other gurus aren’t at risk; they are going after me, and I’m okay with that for you guys who are here, listening for 3-4 years, etc. I’m doing it for those who don’t know me and didn’t stand up for us all this time.

Caller: What about the friends and family who will give those same 800 numbers to others?

Tony: That’s what people will do. But I would make my appointment first before calling anyone else! I know there is a desire to do spread those numbers out, but if they have to wait 30 days, that is fine so long as we get to go through and we are being treated fairly. If they are delayed, that’s okay with me – they were not part of the process. Guys, one question only – we only have another 20 minutes.

215 caller: This is not making sense. The last time you said it couldn’t be stopped if Iraq pressed the button, then we hear that it was stopped because of Thanksgiving.

Tony: Iraq clearly can do this when they want to. The only problem doing it when they want to is that it creates a problem if the US doesn’t let it go through our system. So even though it was supposed to take ten minutes going round the world, it could take 10-20 days if the US blocks it. So Iraq is trying to get the BIS to force the US to do it the way it was planned. The US is saying “Do it when you want, but if it’s not when we agree, then we don’t care how much of a problem that created.” Hopefully someone will get the US to agree. We keep hearing it’s going, it’s going, but yet again, it didn’t go through. They don’t seem to care about dinarians. They would prefer to the general public to go through in January. We heard that they would send out the 800 numbers for us, and then shut it down for the five million. If they just take of us, I’m good with that. They haven’t been in the fight for us, although we have been fighting for us. They just want us to tell them when it goes, so I will, and if that turns out to be January, that’s fine with me.

Caller: It looks like it is still the old guard trying to save the dollar.

Tony: I wish that were the case, and I don’t know, but people in every country we talk to have not come to that conclusion. Nobody seems to know the reason why this is still on hold. Every stumbling block has been overcome. Iraq is 100% ready and telling their people that the economic reform will be completed by 1st December. That is completed, so we will see.

732 caller: I’m a bit disappointed today to hear this news…

Tony: I don’t want you to be disappointed, but to live in reality. This could happen in the next hour, the next three hours, today or tomorrow. It didn’t happen Wednesday because ti was blocked again. Everything could be over with tomorrow, or it could be next Friday. I don’t know, I am just trying to give you the information. It could happen any moment, because there is nothing specific getting in the way. Iraq has announced everything has been done, all the laws passed, and it could go any moment. It is the holiday and they sent people home. J People at the call centers are at work, ready for the 800 numbers. Some bank people are scheduled for Monday and some for next Friday. People keep asking me how confident I am that this is happening, and I have less and less confidence because they keep saying it’s schedule and then it doesn’t happen! But we still know it could happen any minute. I’m just trying to lay it out the way it has been explained to us around the world. Nobody has explained the reason to me or anyone else, and nobody knows why it’s been blocked again. A lot of people have confidence this is going this weekend, but they had confidence last Monday and the weekend before. When you bring in people to the call centers, the banks and everywhere else, saying “this is about to go down”, and then it doesn’t … and we don’t know why … that’s just how it’s going.

954 caller: You said this will be over by the 1st.. thank you.

Tony: I hope that Iraq gets it done by then and that the US lets this go so we can all get to the bank. I‘m not blaming anyone, I’m just telling you how it is.

262 caller: I’m in Milwaukee WI. I do have a comment; I was in a chat room where DC was in the there, and before I could type the question, he had answered two questions! I have a comment that could maybe help people out. You have suggested people set aside 50% for taxes. Several professionals have told me that contract rates will be taxed at the normal rates (i.e, more than the international rates), so keep at least 50% aside.

410 caller: We need to stay positive and keep visualizing the same positive rates. Will there be one 800 number and will be for the whole country? Deep breathes, everyone!

Tony: I will tweet out one 800 number, and it will probably divert your call to a regional center. This is just supposed to be a truthful, straightforward call, with the truth from several countries and banks. This si what happened –they didn’t want to do it on thanksgiving. When Iraq tries to do it again, hopefully it will go through this time. This is what we go through every day. We live in the moment, what’s happening in the meetings every day and all the rest of it. It could go either way at any moment, because there is nothing major stopping it. Nobody needs to have a meeting, pass a law, approve a budget – it’s just someone saying they will let it go because they have what they want or need. Nobody is saying that there is anything blocking this. So far as we know, they are not trying to shut out the internet people. If they are doing it, they have trained a lot of people and set banks in motion, so I hope not. They have exchanged a lot of people and continue to do so, because we are getting information on both sides of that. There is no way they will be able to hide that part.

941 caller: An easy way to handle all this is for people to show up at the banks with their currency and say they want to exchange also. If they don’t that will create problems for them, not us. Take someone with a camera to document it.

Tony: If it comes to that, we have documentation that they have exchanged others. We have a plan, if it comes to that. If don’t work for the government or the banks; I was willing to help them keep everyone calm and on track, to get through this as easily and smoothly as we can – for your sakes. But negotiations are done, the procedures are done, Iraq is trying to push this out, the banks are exchanging, and I DON’T KNOW WHY it hasn’t been released. We could still have a great weekend. We’ll tweet it out as soon as it happens. I know everyone was expecting something after the Wednesday call, when the BIS said they would not stop it… but they did stop it again.

All around the world, people appreciate that we are trying to get this done. There is no bank, dealer or government paying us to do calls or explain this process to you. We hope we are doing the right thing for you guys to get make this as smooth as possible, to get on with our lives, and so that you can create a legacy that will last more than 1-2 years. We are still hearing it could go this weekend – absolutely. It could go! It’s not based on any other laws, agreements, etc. Our contacts are able to use their cards internationally, and Iraq is announcing that economic reform will be completed by the 1st. They are making it as public as they can that they are absolutely ready to get this done. Don’t’ be sad or negative – this could still go at any moment. The rates are still there, they are still exchanging people, and I just got a text that they are doing it right now. So thanks, and have a great day!

Pam: I would like to remind you all that there are a lot of people out there with opinions. They have been counseled by their professionals about things that will work for them, they might not be the best course for you. Talk to you own professionals about your specific situation.

Ray: Enjoy your Fabulous Friday. I’m excited about your future.

Tony: I’m looking for something over the weekend. Monday is the public date that Iraq is putting out, that this will be completed by the 1st.


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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
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