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PAGES 11-43 OF Questions AND Answers

Posted By: EarthGrid
Date: Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 15:50:50


Pages 11-43 of questions and answers from this thread:

(It's hard to keep the continuity of questions together. Someone would have to stitch every question together so it has a logical flow. When possible, I've moved add-on questions to the original subject it was related to.) Surprisingly, no one's asked about tic-tac-toe boards in the sky, or why precisely orgonite actually works (quartz crystals put under pressure inside resin, with aluminum shavings added, plus additional coils or other crystals).

So, besides the speed mutations occur, species evolved adapting the self to the environment? All started from one?
If so, how, when, why and why only, the humans created the seperation, self-consciousness, i am?
ALTERWELT: We don't have knowledge about how all life began. Humans developed from early hominids. The process was much more rapid than common science believes but it was more or less gradual evolution.

US Army Remote viewing program (Maj. Ed Dames being a part of it) revealed a future event they called The Kill Shot, a series of extremely strong solar flares plus CMEs that would devastate Earth.
Can you confirm such an event is coming in our not-so-distant future?
ALTERWELT: Ed Dames is a fraud, one of many. No killshot is coming. Apart from possible war we're safe.

Can you comment on the Holocaust? Do we have the true story regarding Nazi atrocities or were these trumped up charges, staged photos, fake stories/testimonies...were 6,000,000 Jews really killed/gassed/shot by German forces? Or were these numbers greatly inflated for Zionistic purposes?

ALTERWELT: About six milion Jews, more than eight milion Russians and many others died.

Why did many ancients build their structures in a lay-out to resemble Orion?
ALTERWELT: It was to reflect an important date to them. Once humanity migrated away from its neighbours and established first civilization.

Have you viewed the Yellowstone caldera going off, what were the effects?
ALTERWELT: It never went off fully.

Question, where the ankh crosses used as healing gadgets?
ALTERWELT: No, they were once badges of an order of healers, as such they were later associated with life and health.

Can you give any clue on the methods to soften rocks with chemicals?
I'm sure they didn't just rub talc on it. It has to be a reaction using frequency and a specific combination of elements.
Can you also elaborate on the accuracy of the records contained in the Urantia book?
ALTERWELT: We do not know what kind of chemicals were used, they had an appearance of paste that, once applied provided the stones with a softness of clay. That's how the stones of various south american megaliths fit together so smoothly despite being cut at peculiar angles.
The Urantia Book is not factual.

What is the source of your information. . . is there a library of past events? If so,coffee4 is it a technology?
ALTERWELT: There exist repositories of ancient history, both partial and complete. Most are however controlled by various authorities.
Most of them are not technological in nature though a few examples of records stored via technological means were also encountered.

Seems very difficult to keep all this information locked down unless there is a well organized group of enforcement personnel dedicated to that purpose.
ALTERWELT: Not at all. Most easily accessible evidence is destroyed or under the sea or sand, overgrown with jungles. Even the latest civilization existed 12.300 years ago. The most recent high technological civilization existed 32.000 years ago. Time conceals evidence better than people.

You state that radiation that passes through the ozone is degenerative and thus the reason for our shorter livespans, decreased intelligence, etc. Was their an event that caused the ozone depletion?
ALTERWELT: Multiple events,the greatest contributor was a global war 32.000 years ago, the destruction poisoned the atmosphere to a point of steady degeneration of the layer. Our current industry aids this process.

Has the size of our planet grown or shrank over eons?
ALTERWELT: It stays the same more or less.

Does the historical record reflect crustal plate shifting over time as we are currently taught?
ALTERWELT: No it does not, current geology is based on insufficient scientific knowledge and commits many errors as a result.

Have the land masses changed or moved over time as we are curgently taught?
ALTERWELT: To some degree.

Do the ice ages occur naturally and periodically?
ALTERWELT: Most do, others are hastened or ended artificially.

Is there a historical record of homosexual behaviour and how was it handled?
ALTERWELT: In different periods it was accepted or abhorred. During the high periods it was accepted, homosexual couples could not however raise children in many cultures as it was felt that they were too effeminate to pass on desirable traits. It all depended on the period and culture though.

Of the most successful and developed most recent civilizations:
What was their ideology of government?
ALTERWELT: Atlantis ALTERWELT: it was an empire ruled by an elite council of what you would call nobles. Membership was hereditary, this was a period of severe corruption however.

How did they handle crime?
ALTERWELT: As far as Atlanteans during their high period 32.000 years ago? People who could be fixed or turned were being helped via various medical and scientific means. Those who were damaged and beyond help were killed.

Can you give a little more info on the Mound Builders specifically Serpentine Mound in Ohio.
What was its purpose?
Is there anything to be found inside the other large Mounds in the Ohio area.
What happened to these people?
ALTERWELT: Mound Builders are distant descendants of people who migrated from Cuba and the Bahamas. The original migration ended up in Mexico some 12.200 years ago.
There they erected a civilization that lasted for more than a thousand years. Eventually civil war broke out and the people who would become native americans split.
A larger group, who practised human sacrifice and was less advanced moved to South America where they founded the many realms found today.
A smaller more advanced group moved to North America where they recreated the urban society of Mexico and attempted, without success to rebuild a civilization lost in the flood.
The mounds have several different purposes, the simple ones were used as foundations for dwellings, the serpentine ones told symbolic stories, yet others were used to cover caches of artifacts bhese people brought with them.
Theirs was a sophisticated civilization, they knew and used water wheels, wagons, wheelbarrows and plows, they created large urban centers.
A crop disease wiped them out causing mass starvation some 3.000 years ago after they flourished for some 4.000 years.

Tunguska? Was it Tesla?
If not, who or what caused it?
ALTERWELT: A failed launch of an unmanned drone by an automated facility now submerged in Siberia. The drone was so damaged by milennia of neglect it failed to operate and self destructed.

(They're no longer allowed to land on the moon, also more caches of usable artifacts have been discovered on earth making it cheaper to appropriate them here.)
By whose authority are they not allowed to land? Thank you.
ALTERWELT: Common consensus among nations is that currently the moon is not safe to explore and nothing more can or should be brought back from it.

Can you tell us something more regarding pyramids build in Europe. There is strong evidence of Pyramids in Bosnia. Moreover, other strange ancient structure sites are reported all over Balkans area, further up to Austria into Germany. Practically all over Europe.
ALTERWELT: The Pyramid is Bosnia is a hoax. An old mine shaft is used as a supposed entrance. It's just a regular geological structure.
Civilization thrived in several regions of Europe prior to the end of the Ice Age but not in Bosnia.

I haven't read the whole thread so I hope this isn't redundant. What can you tell us about Russia, just before they decided they needed royalty? Apx 1000 years ago.
ALTERWELT: Novgorod and Muscovites vied for control. If Novgorod would win Russia was to become a second United States eventually. If Moscow won, it would become an autocratic military state.
Pre-Tzarist Russia was a country which showed great promise in a great many areas, that mentality is alltogether gone by today.

Can you expand on the technology used to levitate stones used to built the pyramids?
ALTERWELT: A principle of magnetism as opposed to gravity. An electrically driven device that interact directly with forces generated by the earths magnetic core to nullify them and create an effective repulsion pillow below any chosen object or item.

What about wifi? If present day humans aren't as smart as previous, why did they not have what we have now? Why no metal structures?
ALTERWELT: They had metals and alloys, more advanced than ours. The issue here is that there were fewer people than in modern times and they lived in areas that are today gone. Time is also a factor, the last advanced civilization perished more than three thousand centuries ago.

Who was responsible for creating religion and why? What was it supposed to achieveALTERWELT: and did it or did it backfire?
ALTERWELT: Originally religion was just a way to organize people. Everyone knew what God is and how the world works. Later it became a tool to stave of the fear of the unknown and govern the populace via dogma.
If you and your team could suggest one or two areas for us to study/look intoALTERWELT: what would it be?

What's the deal with Bigfoot?
ALTERWELT: Remnants of several species. Some pre-human, some a strand of early human. Endowed with natural abilities that allow them to conceal themselves and traverse the terrain faster than possible using just legs.

Is/was there any interaction or guidance directly with the creator of the world? If so how is it known?
ALTERWELT: There existed hard sciences permitting interaction with forces beyond our scope of perception at one point, yes. These were not representative of what you refer to as God however.

The crystal skulls, what's the deal with them? Real deal ancient tech?
ALTERWELT: They're not technological in nature. Most are hoaxes, the few genuine artifacts were brought from Cuba where they were created prior to the end of the last ice age. They're hand crafted works of art with an added ritualistic purpose.

Was there an Internet in those civizations?
ALTERWELT: Yes. The concept and technology are reverse engineered. The form was somewhat different but it functioned in the same manner and for the same purpose that our worldwide web does.

(The Pyramid is Bosnia is a hoax. An old mine shaft is used as a supposed entrance. It's just a regular geological structure.)
(Civilization thrived in several regions of Europe prior to the end of the Ice Age but not in Bosnia.)
Which are those regions of Europe. Mediterranean perhaps.
ALTERWELT: Coast of Spain hosted a large collection of colonies. France west of Paris hosted minining colonies. Flooded landmass that surrounded the British Isles was a place of large urban centers.
Greece, Malta - then a much larger landmass. Sicily and parts of Italy. Europe in these times was considered a frontier, the center of civilization was elsewhere.

Shell game, OP. Throw away the word "Annunaki" and you still have the host of Sumerian Dieties Ea, Enlil, Enki, etc. Call them "The Steves" if you prefer, their tales exist in one form or another with or without Sitchin, so Sitchin's errors/fraud do not eliminate a Pantheon of Deities, you see what I mean? They are still credited for creating man by mixing their blood with the blood of "Mud Man" in any translation you want to choose, so the question remains: What of them?
ALTERWELT: A more advanced culture who arrive to Sumer some 8.000 years ago, bringing with them the arts of medicine, irigation and society. They became the rulers and rebuilt the region after it lied desolate for more than four thousand years.
The claim they were Gods came from their greater physical stature and knowledge. Much of their myths was lost in translation, even more became artistic license or fell victim to people like Sitchin.

It concerns the ethnic people of Ireland. It is said that they were of particular relevance, in the dim and distant past, to the development of mankind, but that they were targeted and in some way damaged as a race by another people, whose leaders were aware of their potential influence, in order to prevent them fulfilling their role.
ALTERWELT: The Irish are not special, no single people are that special in current times.

Do you have any observations about the repression of the ancient inhabitants of Eire, their descendants and the island they occupy, particularly with regard to Ley Lines and Earth energies?
ALTERWELT: In regards to the last ice age.
The center of civilization was to the south-west and south of Ireland. The British Isles were a large penninsula jutting out of the greater european landmass, more than three times as large as today.
The lowlands of that penninsula hosted the largest urban civilization in Europe, Ireland as with the entire english islands at that time was a hinterland where only shepherds lived and few settlements existed hence the scarcity of ruins and artifacts.
By that period people were no longer able to draw from the earth, Ley Lines are a new age interpretation of a different concept alltogether.

Who were the founders of Roman empire, and is there any correlation with the Trojans.
ALTERWELT: No, Romans did not descend from Troy. They were just innovative people who learned all they could from Etruscans and then proceeded to conquer them.

Who were REALLY the Goths.
ALTERWELT: Descendands of a proto-group of thracian tribes east of Danube.

I don't think anyone asked about Stonehange yet.
Sup with Stonehenge? What was its purpose, who built it, etc
ALTERWELT: People from whom the tradition of druidism originated. It's a permanent structure erected some 6.000 years ago. Prior to it a wooden structure was in place and was first erected more than 10.000 years ago when a people fleeing the results of a changing climate settled in England.
This monument in both its forms was erected as a ritual claim of the land, it essentially tells a bystanted "this is our new home".

As we know, most of today's Jews are either Kazars from Russia or from one specific tribe or area of Israel. Who are the lost tribes?
ALTERWELT: The lost tribes are gone, diluted among the peoples they joined to the point of no recognition.
Original israelites were descended from Sumer and carried its myths and ways with them, later these diverged due to distance and long term separation.

Who are the Israelites, today, really? Did they go West and settle Europe and become Anglos, Saxons, Gauls, Visogoths, etc?
ALTERWELT: A mix of all ethnicities present in Europe and Middle East.

Did any of the previous advanced societies develop their abilities/ civilization along these lines?
ALTERWELT: Yes they did. The principal sources of energy were the earths magnetic core and the sun. They were both sources of easily accessible and renewable energy that could be converted into electricity and used in many other ways.

Will you elaborate on what he knew about how the creation operates (and attempted to give them a manual for self-betterment)?
ALTERWELT: Jesus learned in India, Tibet and other places, he attempted to convey that knowledge to people in a manner in which they could understand it.

Anything on Easter Island?
The Voynovich (sp?) Manuscript?
The codex Gigas?
ALTERWELT: Easter Island - once an outlying seaport of an archipelago dwelling nation, the Moai were built thousands of years later though.
Both books you've listed were written by people with significant knowledge, they're however not wholly factual. Voynovich manuscript describes data from an older period without referencing or explaining them.

Where did the Sumerians come from? Indus Valley? Did Indus valley also have a civilization?
ALTERWELT: No they did not come from Indus Valley, yes it did have civilization. Urban civilization in reduced form survived the end of the ice age in Indus and rebuilt though drying of their principial rivers eventually meant their end.

Who gave them their language?
ALTERWELT: No one, they possessed it all along as a permutation of an even earlier language. They did lose the art of writing thousands of years earlier hence the cuneiform.

What can you tell us about the 'Seven who decree fate'?
ALTERWELT: The Igigi were the original royal family, remembered due to their long rule and lives.

What are Shedu/Lamassu?
ALTERWELT: An amalgam of the kings face with a bull body. The bulls were considered divine animals, sticking someone's head on them was considered an honor to that person, hence all the statues ALTERWELT: they depict people of note and position and honor them in this fashion.

Did some of this tech "interface" with the user?
Was it perhaps controlled/ directed/ amplified through touch/thought, rather than strictly mechanical?
ALTERWELT: No. It was all strictly mechanical.

This is a strange request, but I want to know about the Exodus. Moses.
ALTERWELT: Moses was an ambitious individual who was adopted by the Pharaoh's family as a child and inducted into the highest orders of egyptian priests. There he was given the known history of the world and shown the repositories together with their artifacts.
He then proceeded to steal some of them, used them to convince the Jews he was sent by God and led them out, once his theft became apparent he was pursued by the Pharaos forces, he used the devices to stave off the pursuit and aid his new followers.
He led his people to Palestine, it took him about a year, the four decades would be added later.

What of King David, and his descendants. The House of David.
ALTERWELT: A member of the royal family associated with Saul. He defeated a local force led by a man later called Goliath.
Saul died in that battle, David survived and went on to rule Judah.

President Eisenhower and the Alien threaty?
Joint Human-Alien underground bases/citys?
Yes or no? Or you dont know.
ALTERWELT: There is knowledge and acknowledgment of extraterrestrial life in the government but that's it. No projects of such nature as you described.

Did some of the Sumerian kings live thousands of years like the king chart shows? Or were there multiple kings in line with the same name? Also what came before the Sumerians? I can trace my line back to Sumerian kings but not beyond.
I hope this is a true post, as I believe there is much to be learned. Is it possible that time is circular and is much like movies being played over again?
ALTERWELT: The original dynasty lived for several centuries, their descendants had each shorter lifespans but even the final line lived well over a hundred and twenty years.
The list of kings is accurate, the lifespans are inflated.

Yes the governments of the world are aware of alien presence but there is no corporation with them? According to intel leaks there are several meetings with different alien species.
ALTERWELT: There are no intel leaks. What reaches the general public is what is supposed to or what's not important enough to matter.

Did FDR know the Japaneese were going to attack Hawaii in time to have prevented the magnitude of the losses?
ALTERWELT: Yes. The attack was needed to schock the nation into going to war.

Was JFK assassination a conspiracy? Were there multiple shooters?
ALTERWELT: There was a second one.

You describe "non-human" civilizations on Earth. Who were they? Please clarify.
ALTERWELT: A variety of races that evolved and attained a civilized status before any iteration of humanity became dominant.

Were either of the Shuttle disasters sabotages?
ALTERWELT: No. One was an accident, the other was a tragic oversight.

Do you know anything concerning Wingmakers?
ALTERWELT: A very garbled account. It manages to pile together creation myths, an old regional conflict, the tales of surviving chimerae. It's multiple different stories rolled into one.
The fact that it's an Akkadian translation did not help it either. Baybylonion artistic license made it even harder to decipher.

If these other races were non-human, what were they?
ALTERWELT: Bipedal mammals or different size and composition. Mankind is a species that was most suited to survival which is why we're still around and they're not.
Their level of development was varied but they had a common trait which was a low birthrate. Such a disatvantage eliminates a species in times of hardship.

Are there shadow government's possessing and using advanced technology and intentionally suppressing this knowledge to maintain power and control?
ALTERWELT: No. Real governments do that. No need for shadow ones.

Has any civilization left earth?
ALTERWELT: As far as exploring the solar system like we do? Yes.
As far as space colonization? No.

what happened to Nikola Tesla was justified? Aren't we ready to advance to a new paradigm?
ALTERWELT: Tesla's research would lead him to provide free energy. His method was an almost exact copy of the energy generation used in the last high period.

Is there an ancient underground rail system portions of which are useable? If so what do they link and what are they used for?
ALTERWELT: There are undeground networks, the largest are in Africa and South America but these were used as long term shelters rather than railway.
During the last technological period most transportation happend via aerial vehicles, without the need for rail.

Did the ancients ever deal with climatic changes caused by their interference?
ALTERWELT: Yes they did.

Are we responsible for climate change and are there covert programs being used to mitigate this change?
ALTERWELT: We partially are. Yes they are.

What other planets are humans currently residing on? Are there two space programs, public and hidden?
ALTERWELT: None and no hidden space programs.

Where was President Obama born? What is his real history?
ALTERWELT: The hidden part is that he was born a muslim, everything else is true.

What is the Voynich manuscript and what language was used in it? What was its purpose and who created it?
ALTERWELT: It's not written in a language, its written in a cypher using a dead language. It was a message from one representative of a secret society to his colleagues. It's not meant for the casual reader.

Given our history they know about why would they not build a colony off world on the Moon or Mars so humanity wouldn't have to start over in event of an apocalyptic event on Earth?
ALTERWELT: We do not possess technology to build a permanent colony of the size required.

Also J.R.R.Tolkien claimed that the Lord of the Rings was actually the real history of the Earth.
Sounds like its possible!
ALTERWELT: Tolkien was privy to much information as a member of a secret society. His works are heavily allegorical and cointain hidden facts.

There are, at the root of almost every ancient civilization, deities that were identified as snakes or snake men. Quetzacoatl, Kukulcan, Amaru, the Naga, etc. Quetzacoatl and Kukulcan were snakes and also tall bearded white men. The Egyptians, the Sumerian, the Babylonians, the Vedic Indians, the Chinese, the Greeks, all worshipped snakes at one point or another. There is the serpent in the garden of Eden, which actually means sorcerer in Hebrew. Then there is the brotherhood of the snake. My question is, why the proliferation of serpent worship in so many disparate cultures? Why the constant presence of these snake/Dragon priests in every single ancient cultures? King Arthur was said to fly a banner of a red Dragon, the hittites worshipped dragons, and on and on it goes. It seems to be a common thread that binds every single ancient culture. What is your explanation for this?
ALTERWELT: A winged dragon in the shape of a snake was a symbol of a brotherhood that attempted to revive civilization after the flood.
These people thought ancient natives in South America about agriculture, their member saved Egypt from famine and more.
Their symbol survived them.

what can you tell us about Kensington Runestone?
ALTERWELT: Made by nordic monks as a memorial.

Sumerians and Phoenicians made a "pit stop" in south america. Why?
ALTERWELT: Trade for herbs, gold and very rare dyes.

and do we have any undiscovered artifact in Brazil yet?
ALTERWELT: Yes, thousands.

2ALTERWELT: Does the singularity occurred in the past? Any other civilization thought that technology would make them immortal?
ALTERWELT: No singularity occured. Ways to achieve physical immortality were sought after, great longevity and much corruption resulted.

3ALTERWELT: Do we learn - as a species - only through our language skills? or do we have any undiscovered sense that was what the other spiritual leaders were talking about? Like in the allegory of Adam and Eve becoming self aware and starting language as the means to learning and domination of reality?
ALTERWELT: We have many forgotten senses.

4ALTERWELT: Babel Tower, does it refers to the above question? The myth of mankind overcoming itself through technology?
ALTERWELT: Babel tower is an allegory for technology causing downfall, yes.

What was in Eridu? How many times it was destroyed/rebuilt?
ALTERWELT: The oldest city of Sumeria, established as a settlement directly after the flood it lasted for almost 10.000 years. It was rebuilt more than 15 times.

How many floods were there?
ALTERWELT: One global, many regional.

Were they artificialy induced floods?
ALTERWELT: They were caused by natural events.

Is Homo Sapiens engineered genetically from primates?
ALTERWELT: Partially.

Have we seen the greatest pyramids ever built?
ALTERWELT: No, the largest ones exist in the Amazon, they're overgrown and mistaken for small mountains.

Op is thoth the atlantean real, to the emerald tablets exist?
ALTERWELT: No and no.

Can you explain who or what built the structures in Wiltshire?

Stonehenge, Avebury Circle, Silbury Hill, West Kennet Long Barrow....and the regularly occuring crop circles there?
ALTERWELT: Avebury Circle is a ritual border of a place where certain druidic activities took place. In its center there lived a grand healer who took the ilness' of other people as his own.
ALTERWELT: I have no information about crop circles, i'm sorry.

No one has asked about Angkor Wat and its relation to being layed out like the pattern of the constellation Drako. Tell us about Angkor Wat? Why built? How? Why like Draco?
Are you aware, OP, of the significance of ancient monuments around the globe and their relation to leaving behind the ancient knowledge to pass on to those who may be able to decipher their inherent messages at later times?
These structures were built to leave behind messages. Tell us about the yuga science and how mankind will once again re-learn this knowledge left behind.
ALTERWELT: Yugas just like the greek ages are a distinction made by primivite people's who's philosophy seeks repetition and patterns in order to justify the destruction of previous worlds.
Angkor Wat is patterned on Draco because that's what the pecularity of the mathematic design that lies behind it demanded. It was built according to an old school of architecture which used the stars in its equations in a manner too complex to fully describe here.

You said earlier they captured saucer technology from the nazis in Antarctica, are you saying they have been sitting on it for 70 years and not do anything with it?
ALTERWELT: The magnetic propulsion of these craft are used in secret aircraft, these are atmospheric though.

When in the past did "we" become selfaware?
ALTERWELT: A quarter of a milion years ago.

Jesus learned in India, Tibet and other places, he attempted to convey that knowledge to people in a manner in which they could understand it.
Was it Vajrayana Buddhism and Kalachakra?
ALTERWELT: Neither. Buddhism got many things wrong. Jesus got all of them right.

Was there any kind of time travel (or at least manipulating time) in ancient civilzations?
ALTERWELT: There were attempts yes.

There are references in hindu mythology (King Raivata Kakudmi who travels to see Brahma and when he came back some hundred million years passed on earth).
Or a japanese legend of Urashima Taro who visited the underwater god an when returned after three days, 300 years have passed.
How accurate is the book of dzyan?
ALTERWELT: Time dilation, hindu mythology inflates the numbers, if a device malfuctioned it could skip a century of five but not a hundred milion years.

Please do explain more in detail. I've got time. This is a certain topic of great interest to me and I am working on a book directly related to this and any available info you have would be greatly appreciated.
Yugas are much different than the greek ages as they pertain to mans mental dharma and directly connected to the precession of the equinox and the contstellations themselves.
ALTERWELT: They're the same. Once people lost all the advantages of civilized life they still remembered it for a time, power of flight, medicine, ease of communication, quality of life.
They attempted to make sense of the loss of civilization so they kept coming up with all the cyclic ideologies. Later an entire pseudo science and philosophy grew around it and eventually you have the Yugas.

Why were Ancient Peoples so interested in Stars and Planets? Was it because of travel?
ALTERWELT: Immidiate Pre-deluge civilizations missed their highly civilized and technological state hence longing for the ability of powered flight and great interest in astronomy.

Did much of the travel between Middle East, Europe and North and South America take place by air? And not as we are taught to believe ALTERWELT: that most travel was by sea or land.
ALTERWELT: During the last high period of civilization almost all travel was aerial.

Astrology - birth signs, is it as informational as we are led to believe?
ALTERWELT: Yes, in the hands of a learned specialist it is.

In the text of the Book of Mormon, "Cumorah" is a hill located in a land of the same name, which is "a land of many waters, rivers and fountains".[7] In this hill, a Book of Mormon figure, Mormon, deposited a number of metal plates containing the record of his nation of Nephites,[8] just prior to their final battle with the Lamanites in which at least 230,000 people were killed.[9]
Does or did this hill exist and the ancient Nephites?
ALTERWELT: Whereas most religions stem from older misunderstood sources the Mormon religion in particular is almost completely made up.

The House of Dan (Rothschild lineage) is genealogically connected to King Nimrod of Babylon?
ALTERWELT: No, Rothschilds are just rich people with lots of time and capacity to do much with it.

Someone mentioned the bigfoot a while back, and you said they had a method of travelling that doesn't entirely rely on walking. Is this a form of time dilation?
ALTERWELT: The technicalities are unknown. It functions as a short distance blink, they vanish and reappear within a few miles. It taxes them physically and may cause death.

Although you said that time travel was proven dangerous and abandoned, you mentioned that time dilation was used as a transport method by the first high technology civilisation. Are we likely to rediscover it?
ALTERWELT: No, time dilation was a side effect of certain devices unrelated to time travel. It was rediscovered but our current science is incapable of reverse engineering it. Even the principles behind it are not understood fully.

Did prior civ. tech allow them to fly freely or with a jet pack or something similar?
ALTERWELT: Personal devices did exist, they provided limited capacities.

I have a deep interest in Art, and have always wondered about the HALOS we see depicted on the older religious works.

Did some people actually have Halos? Or, was it more like an Aura?
Is there any specific work of Art, that has survived the elements, that you consider to be more important or revealing than we know.
ALTERWELT: Halo was a symbol of royalty in pre-dynastic Egypt. The rulers who migrated from the altantean remnant used the halo glyph as their sigil.
It was ever after associated with highborn and later with divine.

What was the Baghdad battery used for?
ALTERWELT: Generating light, that's how ancient egyptians painted inside pyramids without torches that would cover the frescoes with soot.

Hey OP, what is the origen of humans? I have read you have said we have evolved, but from what specifically? With whose aid?
ALTERWELT: Apemen, not yet found. Pre-human people who believed we would inherit the world sped it up a little but beyond that it was wholly natural.

What was Cuba before? His people ? Piramids south of Cuba? What about the north of Puerto Rico . A mountain in Puerto Rico with extrange phenomena? Thanks!
ALTERWELT: Cuba prior to the end of the last ice age was a tip of a large peninnsula and one of the two surviving civilizations of Atlantis. The other existed on an island off the west coast of Africa.
Most of the submerged ruins are from this country.

What is the purpose of the Georgia Guidestones and who made them? Thank you!
ALTERWELT: A rich but somber member of one of the secret societies in America, he believed the world would end, it cost him more than 40.000 dollars. Joke's on him.

They found a cave in the north of Finland.
It had signs of people living up there 35 000 years ago.
Fast enough it was closed to public wiev.
Anything on that?
ALTERWELT: I'm not familiar with that particular case. Finnland would have few artifacts of note. It did not host any civilized populations for the past 50.000 years.

Has there ever been a shift in the Earth's magnetic poles where north becomes south and vice versa?
If so, when was the last?
What impact, if any, did this shift have on the planet's biosphere, in particular, any humanoid populations?
ALTERWELT: No, the poles move very slowly and gradually. A shift as describes in popular theories would result in total extermination of all higher life.

What do you know about the 'Hunnebedden' structures in the Netherlands? What was their real purpose? Were those people just farmers or were they more civilized? Has there ever been a high civilization in this part of europe before?
ALTERWELT: Simple tribesmen. This was their form of commemorating a leader who saved them against a seafaring tribe from England.

Was the apostle Paul a double-agent who infiltrated and redirected Christianity as originally established by Jesus?
ALTERWELT: No. Just an ambitious man who saw an opportunity to control others.

Is the mayan Long Calendar legit or baloney?
You guys know anything on Solar System One and the Moon Chain Cycle? Real/Fake? Whatever?
Is there any time period in ancient history that you don't know or don't have information about? Or access to? Is there anything above your pay-grade per say? I'm trying to say is, you know an incredibly vast amount of information, what relevant information on ancient history don't you know?
ALTERWELT: It's legitimate but misiniterpreted. Yes there are entire periods not available to us. Also we don't know everything there is to know from analyzed periods.

OP somewhere in these threads you mentioned pre-human civilizations. Were these close relatives (hominids), further away (some other kind of primates) or even further away (felines/ungulates/marsupials/etc.).
Were there any earth-based civilizations before 65 million years ago? (like intelligent dinos)
ALTERWELT: All of them evolved from mammalian primates. Many were close relations, others had a wholly different genetic makeup.

Also, what about Odin and Thor? Remarkable men that legends just called them gods?
ALTERWELT: Odin and Thor are nordic names for mythologized leaders from the technological period of 32.000 years ago. Virtually whole nordic mythology is an extremely garbled and allegorical account of events that transpired in that distant time.

can you give us some details about dragons, were they just a symbol or a real creature?
ALTERWELT: Both, a winged reptile of large proportions did exist as a distant descendant of dinosaurs.
Like the lion or eagle he became a part of the ancient peoples emblems and sigils.

Also, the garden of Eden, where is it and can you give us any details on the garden or the story of Adam and Eve?
ALTERWELT: Garden of Eden is a double allegory. It means the time when people were not evolved enough to be aware of their mortality and it means a time when civilization and knowledge provided a quality of life unhead of since. Both lost.

A previous poster mentioned the 11:11 phenomenon. I see this there something to this?
ALTERWELT: We have no knowledge of that.
A site of New York hosted cities as far as 50.000 years ago. In every period it was a massive urban hub.
The founders of New York knew that. Central Park is standing in a place where ALTERWELT: prior to the end of the last Ice Age was the heart of a largest city in North America, its ruins are the reasons why Central Park is left untouched, it's a sacred place to many.

I'm still interested in the ancient drawings found in those caves in France and what the site was used for originally.
ALTERWELT: After the deluge and the end of the ice age the close descendants of the people living in western Europe attempted to maintain some sort of continuity with what little they had left, the drawings are the result.

Would it be possible to find these ruins at some point? Are they the source of the rumours about subterranean caverns under NYC?
ALTERWELT: No, but underground complexes and tombs exist. Yes it's possible they're perfectly preserved.

Also you mention the pre-human civilisations arising from other primates of a wholly different species / genetic background. Are there any examples of these in the fossil record (e.g. Homo Erectus, Heidelbergensis, etc)?
ALTERWELT: Homo Erectus and Homo Heidelbergensis were humans, Homo Erectus was slightly less inteligent than us while Homo Heidelbergensis significantly more so. Their IQ averaged at 20% higher than ours.

5) Is it true that Paleolithic texts reveal a collective global preoccupation with the waning strength of the Atlantean pyramid network and that it was caused by a perceptible dissipation of infrasound resonance within our entire solar system? Artifacts found in Lascaux Cave, Carnac seem to support this.
6) Is it true that infrasound resonance of the Sun, Earth and Jupiter are directly linked with the Great Pyramid? Was the pyramid built by Atlantean engineers approximately 73,000 years ago? ( I know you answered on the pyramid before but I hoped you would look at it 73,000 years ago and share what you find.)
ALTERWELT: The answer to all above is no. 73.000 years ago Egypt was a vast forested area with pine trees, there was another river, much larger than Nile, Nile itself was larger and longer.

elongated skulls...who were these people?
ALTERWELT: One of the older human races. One of several races responsible for the creation of the second high civilization. Also they maintained their's civilization at a much higher level than any other survivors of the end of the high period 32.000 years ago.
Later natives tried to imitate them by bandaging their skulls.

Starchild skull, any info?
ALTERWELT: A half-human mutant conceived with one of the last members of a non-human race. The mother was exiled by her tribe due to her childs strangeness and starved in that cave.

Any Cryptozoological creatures other than bigfoot (Mothman, sea serpents, Nessie. etc) actually real?
ALTERWELT: We don't concern ourselves with cryptozoology.

Was gold used or consumed by the ancients in the form ormus or monatomic elements?
ALTERWELT: It was used with alloys and solar energy processing equipment. It was not valuabe as means existed to produce it in a synthetic form on an industrial level.

What about The Camino de Santiago? Who built it and how did they know to align it with the Milky Way and lei lines? What relics are at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela which is the church at the end of El Camino?
ALTERWELT: Ley lines do not exist.Some monuments are built in specially devised places where location allowes for specific conditions to arise but it has nothing to do with what you call ley lines.

Also was Sargon the Great half human? In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is part human and part god.
ALTERWELT: Almost all of Epic of Gilgamesh characters are human.

Did they posses technology like a 'replicator'?
(I guess your employers now also posseses this tech? No good changing to a new gold standard then...)
ALTERWELT: No, post scarcity was achieved by aquiring raw materials off-world and processed via industry that was largely automated and ran on renewable energy.

When did dogs become companion animals with humans?
ALTERWELT: Approximately 100.000 years ago.

2) Were there different companion animals of humans in the past?

3) how do companion animals attach to humans and why?
ALTERWELT: Animals feel an instinctive need to cater to human emotional faults. It's a natural requirement of balance.
In return they aquire intelligence above their natural capacity via interaction with a more complex being.

What was the specific form (or closest to) of divination the Egyptians used to gain accurate higher knowledge? Was it omens, sortilege, augury or spontaneous?
ALTERWELT: The Egyptians did not use an accurate or viable for of divination. Their predecessors did.

What was the specific form (or closest to) of divination the predecessors of the Egyptians used to gain accurate higher knowledge? Was it omens, sortilege, augury or spontaneous?
ALTERWELT: A drug induced state for visions where a person was guided by a handler coupled with mathematical formulas, astrology and mechanical devices that allowed what was termed full vision.
This disparate forms of perceiving the future were brought together in a specific regime of interpretation based on mathematics and other hard sciences we have no analogy to and produced concrete, highly detailed and completely accurate results.

This artificial means of creating gold, was it done by the 'transmutation' of an existing material, or did they create it 'atom by atom' so to speak?
ALTERWELT: The exact principle is unknown, it was done in industrial scale laboratories where massive volumes were produced in a short span of time.

Have you viewed the Hayu Marca mountain region of Southern Peru where a portal door is supposed to be? If so, what is it?
ALTERWELT: It's not a portal. It was originally meant as casing for a machine with the depression being a socket of sorts. The architecture comes from over 34.000 years ago.
The stone itself was cut with devices that weakened the particle bindings making the rock soft like clay. In later periods a simple chemical made into a paste would be used for similar results.

What was the machine meant for and who was building it? Did they succeed with this machine, elsewhere?
ALTERWELT: It was meant to create a kinetic shield for a city below. No, the entire region was inundated and all of its inhabitants were killed shortly after. Prior to that event the entire region was a vast construction site and there were urban centers all around. Their ruins are still scattered across the mountains.

What have you learned about Machu Picchu?
ALTERWELT: It's a site to shelter the Incas from the Spanish, built in a deliberate proximity to a much older site from a precursor civilization that the Incas considered sacred.

What were the risks (of time travel)?
ALTERWELT: Absorption of one timeline into another in which case one or both seized to exist in their original form.
If you travel in time you cannot travel within your own timeline. You have to calibrate to enter a paralell one, if you fail a person will jump into a void, the void will be forced to balance a consciousness and another paralell timeline will be created that mirrors the timeline a person originated from.
If that happens the original and newly created timelines merge which can remove people, places, periods, memories and more.
It's not annihiliation, explaining it would take too much. Think of it as an undesirable reboot of a singular reality.

It is said whales are record keepers. Do you agree? Have you viewed them and if so, what things have you learned?
ALTERWELT: Whales and dolphis were genetically modified. If proper sciences are developed and correct specimens are singled out there will be knowledge available albeit in a form that an animal could comprehend therefore limited in scope.

And if these correct specimens are singled out, are you saying they have the knowledge? And would the knowledge only be comprehended by animals? If so, I am assuming this would be of benefit to the animal kingdom to do so?
ALTERWELT: By knowledge we meant memory. A dolphin's ancestor would remember being used in the capacity of a lifeguard but that's it. Their genetic memory is limited to what interaction they had with members of earlier cultures.

Also, you said Moses was a fraud. So what about the 10 commandments?
ALTERWELT: Many emergent sects and ideologies mix apparently good and benevolent content within their control structures.

What happened to Mars' atmosphere in the past?
ALTERWELT: It evaporated some 200.000 years ago after a particulary powerfull planetoid impact.

Was the Sphinx' face carved into a human later on after it was built?
ALTERWELT: The Sphinx always had a human head, it was simply proportionate. Original face belonged to a governor of that particular region. The man was an able administrator and was honored with this statue.

How often do climate changes happen? Are we going through a cold change now?
ALTERWELT: It's not cyclical so giving such an answer is not possible.

How long did it take them to reach the moon or mars? Days, hours, minutes?
ALTERWELT: During the last high period it took them approximately four hours to take off, reach the moon and land.
They reached Mars in about two months.

And that what happens in one does indeed effect the other?
ALTERWELT: There exists an infinite number of parallel realities. It will be covered by physics during this decade albeit in theoretical fashion. Yes they influence each other.

Did either of these two advanced civilizations tinker with genetics to create slaves?
What were their fundamental religious beliefs, if any.(atheist/diest etc)
ALTERWELT: The second one did. Gene splicing and other methods were used to strip people of their consciousness and reduce them to biological automatons.
They believed in a prime force, both sides. One hated it for having to die, the other embraced it as chance for liberation.

If ancient civilizations had space travel did any leave the planet on these ships? Does their lineage live on off-world? Have they come back before?
Are we indirectly the ancestors of these ancient civilizations?
ALTERWELT: No, what installations and populace existed off-world were not self sufficient nor did they possess the neccesary resources to rebuild. Once their consummables ran out they were forced to return planetside.

Thank you for the answer on Mississippi. Would it be possible to discover remnants of artifacts with a metal detector?
ALTERWELT: Mound Builders used little metal and it degraded, the older culture exists at a layer more than sixteen thousands years old, too deep for a commercial metal detector.

Much like the Mississippi question, is there anything of consequence to be found in the area now known as Maine?
ALTERWELT: Megaliths erected by primitive descendants of several ice age era cities that collapsed due to starvation.

Any info on how our species devolved from the first civilization to the second/third? Did it involve prior genetic engineering?
ALTERWELT: Both high periods of civilization saw multiple human species making up their general populations. Not races, but species.

Can you give any insight on any very important person from the second civilization? Perhaps a political/spiritual leader?
ALTERWELT: There were thousands of important people and leaders.

Did the elite of the second civilization use genetic engineering to extend their lifetime? Would this mean that those genetics get passed down along the generations of those who survived?
ALTERWELT: Yes but they no longer work with the same efficiency. Today they just mean a decade or two of extra life and a higher immunity.

Was Jesus a vegetarian and if so did he recommend it to others/followers and if so for what reason.
ALTERWELT: He ate meat.

How did the Dogon tribe get their knowledge of Sirius being a binary star system if we couldn't verify that until recent times? Carl Sagan believed they were in contact with a more advanced civilization, but the Dogon oral tradition claims that their knowledge came from visitors from Sirius.
ALTERWELT: They did come into contact with advanced contemporaries, they added the Sirius fragment later.

please a name would be useful.
ALTERWELT: Mashra ALTERWELT: the leader of the coalition from the asian region later recorded as Rama.
He led his people in a war against the people from the Atlantic region and fought them down to a stalemate. He, his people and his country died once both sides used weapons of mass destruction.

Where can we find Jesus' true teachings?
In the most unchanged form?
ALTERWELT: Dead Sea scrolls.

So diabetes for example is not a natural mutation?
ALTERWELT: No. The genetic deterioration came from experiments, thinning of the ozone layer and inferior diet and conditions which led to the overall degradation of the human body.

So the Last high tech period where more totalitarian like Nazi Germany/Usa ?
ALTERWELT: Far more.

ALTERWELT: No, the principle was magnetism. These vessels could fly although in case of civilian and commercial version such action consumed much power and reduced speed.

Did they use a form of A.I. or central computer to manage their civilization?
ALTERWELT: No. Civilization was not centrally managed. Learning machines were used for many tasks at one point however.

something at a museum that we can view?
ALTERWELT: Saqqara bird and associated valley temple artifacts exist in London.

Can you speak of breatherians? How they achived their state?
ALTERWELT: They did not, the movement is a fraud.

How "old" were the two previous civilizations?
ALTERWELT: The first developed for approx. 100.000 years. The second one laster approx. 10.000 years.

Looking at our civilizations current age (using first world countries as a reference), has or did human-kind evolve at similar rates, based on societal structure, technology, etc...?
ALTERWELT: We're advancing much faster due to genetic memories and reverse-engineering. Once we reach the previous level the progress will slow down to it's natural speed.

If post-scarcity was achieved in the first civilization, why were societies authoritarian?
ALTERWELT: They were not. They became authoritarian during the period of the second civilization.

What problems emerged as a result of post-scarcity and how did societies address those problems?
ALTERWELT: None. The society of the first civilization was effectively free of most issues that we have.

If in the second advanced civilization, consciousness was "taken" from some citizens for the purpose of having biologic automatons? Who were these people? Criminals? Pyschopaths? Were those non-conscious biologic humans treated as slaves or fodder for war?
ALTERWELT: They were members of defeated nations and prisoners of war.

Does this imply that consciousness resides in the brain? Or is the brain a receiver and they merely shut off the mechanism that allows consciousness to function?
ALTERWELT: The consciousness resides in the brain and much of it is created by the brain. Some of it is not.

what really happened at Dyatlov pass??
ALTERWELT: They were affected by a storage dump where an experimental soviet weapon resided. They turned on each other.

But how does that explain the internal injuries?
ALTERWELT: Force of blows. A chemical imbalance provided them with a strength multiplicator.

Was it a genetic tweak that made the Jewish people able to access more of their brain power, and is that why they were targeted for genocide in the past (for control purposes?)
ALTERWELT: Jewish people are not smarter than any other people. They have a clearer genetic memory however. This allows some of them to reinvent old concepts slightly more frequently.

It is assumed the Khajuraho Temples have to do with Tantra.
However, some of the frescoes depict smaller beings with larger beings. Have you viewed these temples and found anything other than what is typically believed?
ALTERWELT: Two different species of humans.

What was the date of these 2 species and were they that much different in size as portrayed in the frescoes? And, were the species giants and pygmies or what?
ALTERWELT: Modern sized humans and descendants of Homo Heidebergensis.

I'm curious about Croatia. There seems to be quite a lot of artifacts there and it seems it may have been a crossroads for ancient civilizations. Is there anything interesting there and esp. Zagreb, the capital?
ALTERWELT: Croatia was a hub of stone ega migrations some 7.000 years ago.

The report included a world map that shows all four of the Earth’s high corners are located in the Earth’s oceans and that there are also four low spots, which are additionally found in the vast oceans. Each of the high spots covers several thousand square miles of ocean and were a staggering 220 feet “higher” than what the equalized average depth of the ocean should be in that area. The low points on the other hand are apx. 253 feet “below” [what should be] the stabilized oceans average.
Have you viewed this and can you tell us why the high areas in the ocean don't flow into the lower areas?
ALTERWELT: Crustal displacement following the sinking of a continental size landmass. Plates shifted to accomodate the added mass.

Did our ancestors/former civilizations have a much wider or a more general understanding of a connection between consciousness, matter and time and were these subjects part of teaching and technologies, maybe at some point more metaphorical for better comprehension ?
ALTERWELT: Yes, at one point they understood the concept of death and what is beyond fully. In the second period they lost most of their knowledge but still had hard sciences and much greater knowledge than modern man.

OP, Is this a visual playback of the Destruction of the 2nd Civilization.
If not, a playback of what? Thanks so much.
This was recorded in a form of Art of the time.
ALTERWELT: An aerial battle between two skyfleets.

OK, why so many anomalies on the 30th parallel?
ALTERWELT: In some regions that it crossed old machines remain active. It was once an ice free belt where much development took place.

What are these old machines doing? Is anyone studying them to see if they can be used or reverse engineered?
ALTERWELT: Trying to power laboratories and factories that no longer exist, malfunctions cause mechanical failures in aircraft and sinking of the ships.

Thanks! Can you say of what time frame?
1st Civiliz.
2nd Civiliz.
Skyfleets of what time period?
ALTERWELT: Second civilization. Final stages of the global war. In that period nations had aerial navies as well as naval ones.

What calendar and timekeeping system did they use?
ALTERWELT: 16 months, 100 days a month. Our calendar is influenced by seasons, seasons did not exist for much of human history.

Was it still 24 hour days? What changed so we have seasons now?
ALTERWELT: ice age ended. It was 26 hours with a shorter hour. Earth was spinning faster.

What is consciousness, then? And that which is not created by the brain is created by what?
ALTERWELT: Consciousness is a medium by which an autonomous sentience perceives reality. The explanation would take too much.

Will you tell me more about these historical people and how the gained their knowledge? Were they given their "genius" from outside influences from entities (lack of better word) or some unknown method?
ALTERWELT: Da Vinci. His genetic memory and genius were such that given right materials he would be able to recreate almost any old achievement.

Are the monoliths on the moon and on phobos part of the structures the ancients build? What was their purpose?
ALTERWELT: There are no Monoliths on Moon or Phobos. Moon has structures. These were industrial and scientific bases.

Are some still used today?
ALTERWELT: No, most of their personnel left for earth almost 32.000 years ago, those who chose to stay died as their resources ran out.
A few are operating on automatic.

What about down syndrom, was this "deficiency" created way back or is it a recent condition?
Any important information regarding chakras and any truth in how they work?
ALTERWELT: Down's syndrome is a result of meddling with the genes, the disease started first over 32.000 years ago.
Chakras are points where a body accumulates energy which physically takes form of microscopic electric charges, they can be utilized in a variety of ways.

Also interested in the kinetic strike you talked about at crater lake. Can you tell us more about the civilizations that lived in Western United States and Canada? Is there any hidden tech or sites still unfound in Washington and British Columbia?
ALTERWELT: Canada and the Western United States hosted colonies from the place you refer to as Atlantis. By the period of the war they were long since separate countries each in their own right, still allied with their motherland.
Yes there is technology present in both Washington and Columbia.
The kinetic strike was done via a pellet. A projectile roughly an inch across with density that provided it with a mass of a small asteroid it was shot from what amounts as magnetic cannon in orbit. Such a kinetic strike produced very specific results obliterating crust and releasing much energy.
Larger projectiles were called pebbles, they were the size of a bowling ball and were capable of destroying large islands. This was one of the favored types of weapons of mass destruction at the time.

Alterwelt, what was the most important breackthrough in each of the previous ages? To what point is it posible for us to reach another level of understanding, a higher one if possible, with the available genetic memory and data?
From what you see, did we reach this point yet or will we surpass our energy production capabilities with our birthrate?
Thank you very very very much! Most stimulating thread of the year! Kudos!
ALTERWELT: Gunpowder and hot air baloons. They allowed original societies to finally expand. Before that people were not really able to hunt the local fauna. The predators were too large, too smart of both.
Once humanity developed effective gunpowder weapons and unpowered flight mass hunting parties pushed the borders of small societies, hunted the local predators to near extinction and allowed for agriculture to develop.

Did the 1st and 2nd high orders have to deal with cancer ? How were their healing methods different from ours ?
ALTERWELT: No, cancer is as recent as 6000 years. The first high period saw mostly non-invasive medicine, the second was in many ways like ours.
Herbs and subtler forms of healing were not abandoned but spare organs were grown, surgery was practised. Gene splicing in early months of pregnancy was available to those who were entitled to it.

Tell me about the flower of life as it pertained to past civilizations?
ALTERWELT: It's a chemical symbol in graphic form. It's a substance with potent reinvigorating and regenerative capabilities. The graphic form is a mathematical cypher.
Once approached properly it will deliver a chemical formula.

So Buzz Aldrin is full of sh*t?
ALTERWELT: No, he's just not sure about the details of what he saw.

What did he (Buzz Aldrin) see?
ALTERWELT: The main facility still intact. It's the size of a small city.

Did people implant memories in other people's head via technology back then?
ALTERWELT: It was possible but not practiced, the process of acquiring knowledge was valued.

Is there any technology in the deep waters north of Puerto Rico in the Atlantic?
Or in land?
ALTERWELT: None operational. Remnants exist in the coastal waters and inland.

OP you mentioned before the first civilization had knowledge of after death/universe...any insight into what methods were used, both on a personal scale and spreading of the information to the masses with them knowing truth as well.
ALTERWELT: Scientific research and mass education.
Any specifics? Math? Physics? Or completly exotic to our current understaning?
ALTERWELT: All three. Math delivered ways. Physics delivered means. Other avenues supplemented both of them and made obtaining such knowledge possible and easy.

Anything you ever view indicate to you that the Moon is an artificial satellite?
ALTERWELT: It's not, it's a naturally formed planet.

what type if music did the high ancients listen to? is there anything similar to it from today's music?
ALTERWELT: It was softer.

what is the biggest influence that the high ancients have on our society today? if any?

did the high ancients have a stock market in the same way we do?
ALTERWELT: No. Commerce was conducted differently.

The Arizona crater, was it a meteor or is it a scar from the wars?
ALTERWELT: It's another pebble fired at a much lower velocity.

Are most craters we see today results of these weapons? Was the Chicxulubcrater done by a real asteroid?
ALTERWELT: No. Most pebble craters are under water. Yes Chixculub crater was formed by a real asteroid.

what was the THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM used for? is it significant?
ALTERWELT: Astrology and astronomy. It was to the Romans and Greeks.

You have explained that evolution from early humans ocurred in accellerated bursts - generations instead of thousands of years.
What would drive such evolution, if not selection from more fitting attributes (survival of the fittets)?
ALTERWELT: A natural trigger buried in DNA of all living things.

In the first civilization, how did human-kind subsist? Have plant materials and animals always been used for food or were other technologies available that did not require the taking of life for subsistence?
ALTERWELT: Accelereted growth fruits and vegetables and vat grown meats. Living tissue that mimics the cellular structure of specific animal meat.

In the first civilization, were plants and animals treated with more reverence or respect? Were other living biologic entities treated as entities with sentience?
ALTERWELT: Fauna and flora was understood for what it was.

To what degree did robots play a part in the daily lives of commoners? Did people engage in personal relationships with robots?
ALTERWELT: Automation made life easier on a public level, not on personal. You can't have a relationship with a machine.

That begs the question, if andy such bursts have been observed in modern history.
In plants or animals?
ALTERWELT: No. Our worlds is old and evolutionary stable.

Were male/female physical differences the same today as in the first two high periods? From what I've read from your group so far, my guess for at least the first period, is that men and women were valued equally but I'm interested to hear more about gender roles and their impact in the past.
ALTERWELT: Yes, male and female physique was similar to modern one. There was a clear social distiction but if a woman chose to step out of it she was free to do so.

Did each house have its own toilet or was it only public bathrooms? How was their general waste system organised, recycling or massive dumps?
ALTERWELT: Yes, people had all amenities available to them. Waste was dissolved into it's component particles and recycled on that level.

Atlantean Crystals?
ALTERWELT: A more exotic form of power generation. Originally mined in Africa, later grown synthetically.

Was jesus the only one being that fully comprehended to construct of our universe ?

And, most species are now at/near their evolutionary end?
Doesn't sound like a good ending for the hominid race, does it?
ALTERWELT: They're not. Evolution is a process that works inwards. Once the body is at its limit the brain and then the mind start to evolve. That's how a species achieves a higher level of self awareness and with it it's body starts to change anew.
The process repeats itself once every several milion years, it's also synchronised for most species.

You talk about Jesus, anything on the antichrist?
Nostradamus' predictions?
ALTERWELT: Antichrist is a catholic invention. Nostradamus was genuine.

Can u give an example (name to be precise) of people that gained and understood the principles of creation ? and how to harness them ?
ALTERWELT: Jesus and Buddha

were there any successfull attempts to "get out of the box" meaning jumping out of reality ?
ALTERWELT: Jesus and Buddha

does high magnetic/gravitional forces enables a man to bend the timespace ?

: Source:

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IZAKOVIC -- Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 09:01:53
IZAKOVIC -- Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 10:42:04
PAGES 11-43 OF Questions AND Answers
EarthGrid -- Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 15:50:50
Yep, thx IZ. Only 34 'pages to go, so far :). Another "guru" with NO SOLUTION or LIGHT about the TRUTH in site, as usual
Bob -- Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 16:56:01

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