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Date: Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 10:42:04



I come from Germany. My introduction maybe somewhat lacking but i'm not a great fan of lying to people so here's what i have to share.

No personal details nor details of any sort.

I'm an employee in an educational facility of sorts. Together with my co-workers we're engaged in what ypu'd call remote viewing with a specific goal of targetting and describing ancient civilizations.

The goal itself is to provide our benefactors with crucial information, technological and historical artifacts and whatever data might be useful commercially or otherwise.

On a fun night we've decided to provide our initiative with a little leak.

You may ask whatever you want concerning old history and ancient civilizations, historical or beyond. If its covered by our work you will get an answer, if not then no.

Sumer, Babylon and beyond, ask away, someone will log in every day for an hour or so to answer those questions.

pyramids - when, how, why and by whom? thx.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3924266

Circa 10.600 B.C.E or 12.600 years ago. The entire complex was built for a period of approximately 100 years.

It was built by the local people. The area then was similar to United States today in that it was a melting pot of many cultures.

Why? As a gravestone. These people knew their civilization would end and while many projects were to act as time capsules this one was built as a sort of memorial. In its vicinity were and still are records and caches of artifacts.

How? They used a principle of magnetism to effectively levitate the stones, onto ships from the quarry and then onto their place. They also use a chemical substance to soften the stone for ease of cutting.

Both the substance and the devices used were relatively simple appliances.

Circa 10.600 B.C.E or 12.600 years ago. The entire complex was built for a period of approximately 100 years.

It was built by the local people. The area then was similar to United States today in that it was a melting pot of many cultures.

Why? As a gravestone. These people knew their civilization would end and while many projects were to act as time capsules this one was built as a sort of memorial. In its vicinity were and still are records and caches of artifacts.

How? They used a principle of magnetism to effectively levitate the stones, onto ships from the quarry and then onto their place. They also use a chemical substance to soften the stone for ease of cutting.

Both the substance and the devices used were relatively simple appliances.

I apologise for double posting i don't know how this forum works yet.

Was there an Atlantis, and did they have flying vehicles of any kind?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Yes there was, at some points of their history they did.
What kind of people in Atlantis? White, Black, other, both?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Originally? Reddish, initially this was the only color, other skin colors don't appear untill around 16.000 years ago.
How old are the pyramids, really? The Sphynx?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Pyramids are approx. 12.600 years old, Sphynx is over 16.000 years old.
Anything you have on the Rama empire and have you seen Krishna?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

It describes the final days of a high civilization and a global apocalyptic war that's responsible for the second destruction and the end of the last technological civilization on earth - some 32.000 years ago.
Have you seen Jesus Christ and/or the Crucifixion?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Yes, the guy was a son of God in many ways, he was genuine although the Catholic Bible got many things wrong and twisted even more to fit its dogma.

What do you know about vimanas and nuclear weapons described with precision in the ancient Vedic texts?
Quoting: NewtonsOwn

They were not nuclear weapons, similar but far more destructive. Vimana is a blanket term for various vehicles that the myriad small nations in Asia used at that time.

The nuclear exchange in Ramayana ended that era, almost total casualities, civilization wiped out completely. The happy ending about Rama ruling afterwards was added later.
Have you seen the nephilim, the giants, in the book of Joshua and the book of kings?
Quoting: NewtonsOwn

They're the original iteration of mankind. Larger, stronger, much smarter and much longer lived. One flaw of their species was an extremely slow reproduction rate, they did not survive their own wars and cataclysms, we did.
Have you seen Enoch? What was he like?
Quoting: NewtonsOwn

How was puma punku built and what did it look like?
Quoting: NewtonsOwn

Using machines, mechanical saws, chemicals applied to soften and help shape the stone. It was a complex of rectangular buildings few hundred feet long and up to a hundred feet high, built at mathematical angles with a very modern appearance, narrow tall doors and no windows.
How was baalbek built and for what purpose?
Who built Olytatambo?
Quoting: NewtonsOwn

A nation who's origin was in a place you call Atlantis, at the time they built it as a mountain outpost that overlooked a small colony there. It was built approximately 35.000 years ago.
Who were the "hairy ape men" from the Ramayana?
Quoting: NewtonsOwn

You're referring to Vanara. They were a non human species who built their civilization in today's Pakistan. Fairly advanced but local and few in number, they were wiped out during the war.

Ok, How far back does the Etruscan civilization pre-date the founding of the Roman Republic? Did the Etruscans engage in child sacrifice? Anything else you can tell me about them is greatly appreciated. TIA
Quoting: minimeister 62198626

About a thousand years, they developed from the people know to our history as Raeti, no they did not engage in child sacrifices.

They were an advanced and liberal people who treated their women as equals and enjoyed sex without any moral and few social restraints.

They themselves evolved from the tribes who lived as sheepherds for almost 5.000 years.

Who were the Hyksos and are their descendants still here today?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 53250581

An asiatic people ruling the 15th egyptian dynasty, they invaded the Old Kingdom and melded into it as rulers, overlapping and marrying into the existing ruling class of Egypt.
What happened to the giants with double rows of teeth and 6 fingers?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 53250581

We happened. They were the distant descendants of old high civlizations, without their high technology and with extremely degenerated civilization and low birthrate they lost the competition.

Most were killed off or died out on the fringes of human lands.
What happened to the Minoans?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 53250581

A volcano followed by ancient greek raids and infighting.

OP - Was there a Moses? Solomon? Thanks
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Yes, both are historic figures. Solomon was not jewish though and Moses stole several technological artifacts from Egypt hence Jews were pursued by the Pharaoh.

One of these provided the Jews with safe crossing of the Red Sea, the other helped him carve the tablets (and burned his face for the rest of his life).

Tell me about Atlantis please :-)
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30304601

Extremely general question gets you a very general answer. Atlantis was a continental sized landmass along the Atlantic Ridge.

It was destroyed three times, the size of the landmass steadily decreasing untill it was reduced to one large island off the coast of Africa.

The sinking of this final island is what Plato describes.

I'm going to cut to the chase:

In any of these ancient cultures was there anything you saw that indicates that extra-terrestrials or other bizarre beings of any kind were interfering with mankind or interceding?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

No aliens i'm sorry. There was a significant variety of civilizations both human and non-human but all of theae races evolved on earth.
Or has everything on Earth transpired solely through the hands of man/proto-man?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

There were non-human and pre-human species that influenced mankind in many ways but they were all terrestrial in nature.
Also, as a white person, I'm curious when/how we developed from the original red?

Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Originally people lived in areas of extremely stable climate, ice covered much of the planet and many lands that are today submerged or transformed existed. They all sported a similar mild climate that did not favor variety. Once the climate shifted we began to change based on the conditions any chosen group lived in. The major divergence started over 32.000 years ago and stabilized into different races some 15.000 years ago.

What do you find about ruling elites, or families, as far back as you can track it, if there are any. Anything about their origin also.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65099284

They don't exist. There's a multitude of people and groups who believe they're in control, none of them exert such influence as professed by them and suspected by various conspiracy enthusiasts.

There are people with money, power and knowledge that provide them a large degree of control over chosen fields though.

Let's stick to history though, i won't touch on politics and current affairs.

You say Moses stole technology to part the Red Sea...are you implying that Moses was not under any influence other than his own and what he could accomplish with some tools?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

If you're implying God as per bible, no. Moses' motives were simple, he wanted a people to rule and being inducted into the priestly caste of Egypt he was shown the vaults and records of older times including tools and artifacts.
What was the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

A side effect of a faulty mobile algae farm that fed Israelis. It worked but produced excess heat, light and radiation.

Did Moses write the Torah?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

How did these ancients manage to encode Kabbalah into Torah if it was only man at work in it's creation?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

At one point divination was a hard science combining mathematics and mental disciplines. It was possible to predict the future and encode it.
Also, as a remote viewer, does it become self-evident that there is a spirit world and, if so, was Moses likely directed by entities from it?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Moses was a man driven by ambition. He wanted a people to rule and discovered tools that allowed him to appear as a chosen miracle worker to people who did not understand technology from a much earlier period.

Who built Gobekli Tepe and for what purpose? Why was it intentionally buried?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 33707102

Gobekli Tepe was an administrative center of a local civilization. It was built some 10.000 years ago.

They buried it because they were losing a war with a neighbouring kingdom and it was not in their culture to destroy their heritage - instead they preserved it with sand and fled the area becoming nomadic and gradually losing what civilized state of mind they possesed.

Where was the Troy of the Homeric tales? (the supposed location in Turkey does not exactly match the story)
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 54727704

It's where they dug it out, mount Hisarlik. The original war was much less epic than the homeric account. Troy VIIa was a city of some 6000 inhabitants.

What about all those Chinese pyramids?
Quoting: KipKat


Who were the Mound Builders?
Quoting: Lazarus 12468104

Distant descendants of atlantean refugees. They lost a religious war with their brethren in Mexico.

Their opponents migrated to South America while they migrated to North America, they both established disparate civilizations that were the roots of all native american activity in the Americas.
Who were the race of giants with a double row of teeth?
Quoting: Lazarus 12468104

Degenerate descendants of the first human species to reach technological civilization. They survived in Americas as late as 2000 years ago. They died out due to inbreeding caused by low populations.

It took them a100 years to levitate stones into place? Okay now you lost me thanks for playing yada, yada yada.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65464171

The Pyramids consist of hundreds of thousands of stones and the people who built them were not at our level of technology.

The appliances of high technology they had left over from previous eras were sufficient to facilitate the creation of such vast projects but not to do so speedily or with ease.

Any stuff on why crazy things happen in the so called Bermuda Triangle?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65099284

Active power generation units, built to withstand upheavals, the civilization they powered is long gone but they remain due to being housed in such solid structures.

They interfere with compasses, cause visual, spatial and time distortions as well as increase the level of oxygen in the water making it less dense and sinking ships instantly.

The mechanical/scientific reason for these phenomena is not understood, the technology they stem from is centuries ahead of ours but its apparent the millennia of neglect left these devices faulty.

Ed Leedskalnin claimed to have rediscovered the methods the ancients used to levitate stones when he bulit the coral castle in Florida. Inside one of the larger structures he wrote a mathematical formula for the 9 code, one of the key cornerstones scientists are now using in major universities to unlock the secrets of anti-gravity. Some say the work has already been done and is being covered up by the U.S. Government. Were the secrets of levitation anti-gravitational, or were they some force that an ancient artifact used?
Quoting: NewtonsOwn

Leedskalnin was a genius, he was also privy to transcripts of ancient records describing construction.

The method with which to levitate objects is known for decades and experimented upon. It was not made public for various economic reasons.
Also, was Edgar Cayce correct about the "Hall of Records" beneath the paws of the Sphinx? Do such records exist?
Quoting: NewtonsOwn

The hall of records is a massive subterrenean complex accessed via natural caves and multiple entranced around Giza Plateou.

What's beneath the Sphinx is a small cache of artifacts, also it's already been emptied by egyptian authorities at an unknown but recent date.

Can you speak at all on the nature of the Earth's Ages in regards to a specific polarity for each age?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

The ages are an invention of Greek Philosophers. There was no such clear distinction in human history.
It has become apparent to me that we are in "Negative" polarity right now, where the emphasis in this world is on Negativity, Death, Destruction, exploitation, etc.
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

I wont engage in spiritual discussion i'm sorry.
Was there a Positive polarity age on Earth where Truth and virtue were the norm and Evil/Death rare?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

There was a period where civilization reached global unification and a level of technological attainment that allowed society to achieve a post-scarcity lifestyle. Presumably there was crime and unrest but only at personal level as society reached a satisfactory equilibrum.
How far back have you gone, what did you find there, and why not go back further?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

200 thousand years. The further one goes the less fidelity and clarity can be obtained untill viable results become impossible.
Did dinosaurs ever co-exist with any species of sentient biped that populated the earth?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Dinosaurs themselves? No, there did exist large reptile descendants both aerial and terrestrial, they co-existed with humanity for a time.
Was there a reptilian race and have they gone underground?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

No and no. All known species are mammalian.
You have said no Aliens, but how about the they exist and inhabit the Earth?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Not to our knowledge.
Is there anything to Hollow Earth and who lives there?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Earth is not hollow, consequently no one lives within the strata. The myth was born from primitive people rediscovering ancient underground complexes the size of which impressed them so much they presumed the earth itself is hollow.
Was there a Moon as far back as you've gone, or did it become attached much later?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Yes, the moon is present for the duration of our reaching back.

So, how many wipe-outs of larger civilizations that couldn't rise above their technology level to build a sustainable society can you count to? Are we the sixth or the seventh, or less?

It's not good news. We struggle hard right now not to implode. It's such a mess.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65099284

We're the third human civilization to have high technology on a global level.

The number of civilizations that reached some level of technology below ours is much larger, none of them were global however.

The entire span of human civilized history as counted by the broad human genus is approximately 150.000 years.

So there were other civilizations with technology by which they failed, besides the two before us? Even though they weren't global i assume in your answer they were also wiped out. How many and for what reason?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65099284

The total number and the time span is too large to elaborate.

There have been two major civilizations, first centered in a region of Antarctica, once warm - today covered in ice. This civlization was both global and advanced.

It was destroyed by an impact of a small comet that caused a global firestorm and destabilized our planets geology some 50.000 years ago. The remnants of this impact are evident in a layer of ash in India, the comet exploded directly above this continent.

The second civilization, much closer to ours both in technology and lifestyle though still above our level destroyed itself in a global war some 32.000 years ago.

The final destruction was caused by a rapid submerging of the final remnant of Atlantis some 12.300 years ago. Human civilization by then was less advanced than we are though still possesing a sophisticated and significant level of achievement, also enjoying some leftover technologies with capacity to maintain them but without the ability to reproduce them.

Did you forget my question?
Quoting: KipKat

There are so many, please repeat them.

Are the islands in the Caribbean the tips of a submerge Atlantis? From where the people of the islands in the Atlantic came? Atlantis? Are there any technology. Hidden around in those islands?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 62902620

The Carribean are not direct remnants of Atlantis rather than remnants of one of the many archipelagoes that once surrounded the landmass.

There are cultural and architectonic artifacts scatted on them but no operational or recognizable technology.

The flood? Noah? All the animals? True?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 60159666

To a point. The final remnant of Atlantis was approximately the size of Scotland. It's rapid submergence caused a tsunami over three thousand feet high as well as a change in golfstorm.

The result was the inundation of the coastlines as deep as a hundred miles inwards, massive floods and torrential rains that lasted for weeks in many regions of the world. The north american and european glaciers provided the required water while melting.

The Bible offers a dramatization of the actuall geological event.

Many people survived using boats and ships but clearly the entire globe was not inundated, there were efforts to herd animals into safer zones such as highlands but no, there was never a wooden ship meant to house a pair of each species.

So, I guess you guys messed around looking into the future? :)

Got anything to say about that? Will there be a fourth civilization after we, most likely, will mess up...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65099284

The future is not set, possibilities exist, free will is a factor. Precision is not possible to a degree that assures viability and what is viable cannot be disclosed.

Antarctica was once warm but not in 35 million years it is thought. Even if they are a bit wrong on this it is possible to get ice cores from Antarctica that date back 800,000 years setting an absolute minimum to when the Antarctic was ice free.

In other-words this aspect of your story cannot be true. I find your comments interesting though!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65392968

You're probably right about the ice cores. Still a significant portion of Antarctica was ice free as recently as 52.000 years ago and hosted a hub of global civilization.
Say what you want about this guy but he knows how to answer all questions so far. Props to him

Do you see our current civilization repeating the same mistakes that ended previous civilizations?
Quoting: The-One

We do not yet have weapons that provide us with potential for total destruction like our predecesseors did, also there is no geological or spaceborne threat that can be recognized in the immidiate future.

A tsunami caused by a rapid submergence could in theory occur - but the speed of the wave would be such that "herding animals into safer zones" would not have been possible IMHO.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 60159666

You misunderstood. The people and all animal life caught in the wake of the wave were destroyed of course.

People attempted saving themselves and their animals by transferring to higher grounds in response to vast regional floods and torrential rains which became a survival level issue on the plains.

A side effect of the sinking of the last remnant of Atlantis was the change in sea currents and an extremely rapid melting of the glacial sheets, the result is heavily dramatized in the Bible as 40 days and nights of rain.

I find this remarkable and fascinating. Thank you so much..

I recently began researching tales of giants in the area I live, Indiana (ohio valley), can you offer any info to help my research? A new direction I can look into?

Thanks for sharing your knowledge
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 28444350

I'm not certain what are you looking for. Save for one recovery the vast majority of biological remnants of these people come from their final period when they existed in an almost completely uncivilized state.

Any evidence of high civilization that they once constructed is innaccessible due to either being destroyed or existing in inaccessible places either due to geology or the fact that what little was found is already claimed by various authorities.

If you want to find more detailed data make an attempt to contact native american elders, preferrably Sioux. Native Americans clashed with the remnants of these peoples from the moment of their arrival to Americas. They have a rich tradition describing these conflicts.

Broad strokes on Mu/Lemuria if you would. Also a sinking?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

It's still here. It's current name is Australia. Parts of it sank but much of it remains.

It was host to earliest human cultures and civilizations. Simple and close to nature. People abandoned it almost completely when its climate shifted.
How did this culture differ from Atlantis?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

Neither Atlantis nor Lemuria had one distinct culture, they were continents that hosted multiple civilizations, often pararell to each other.
Oh, How about language?

What was the language of Atlantis and what does it closely resemble today?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

There was once a universal language from which all others evolved, it remained in its form as a trade/common language but vanished after the end of the last ice age destroyed civilization and isolated the various groups.

For the past 12.300 years humanity developed and evolved different languages, there is no close descendant today that would provide a lingustic base for viable analysis.
Same question: Rama (though I suspect Sanskrit is pretty "pure" from ancient times)
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

It's not. Mahabharata describes events that happened over 32.000 years ago, over such a period of time a language evolves to a point where its previous form is no longer recognizable.

Was there ever a civilisation that was peaceful?

Thanks in advance

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 62920965

Yes, quite a few.

Thank you so much OP,fascinating.Not yet satiated,I want more! If you have the time,please,curious,not religous;what of the Adam nd Eve story,
Quoting: ANONYMOUS COWARD 51682533

It's an allegory on when first proto-humans became self aware to a point where they were able to realise they're mortal. Once their brains became sufficiently complex their evolution began. It has no bearing on actual history from archeological standpoint.

did you view any crucifixion of the one known as Jesus (Essa-Aramaic) was he born into poverty or really a Prince as I have read. Did he marry Mary Magdalene since all Rabbis were required to marry
Quoting: ANONYMOUS COWARD 51682533

Yes, Jesus was married, he had children, he was also in many ways a very special man.

He was not born into poverty, his parents were part of a group that's analogous to our royalty, he would have lived in significant wealth if he chose to spend his youth with his family.

Any info on the Neanderthal people?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12468104

Smarter than us but devoid of imagination. They built significant civilizations with an extreme level of social sophistication but their technological progress was extremely slow. Also their technologies were marked by an attempt to move away from mechanical and utilize natural forces and resources in ways that provided them with efficiency and achievements that at one point rivaled our own.

Was the sword Excalibur, myth or real.
Quoting: grimmjow

We never looked into it, i'm sorry.
How far did the ancient civilizations go with their medical advances.
Quoting: grimmjow

I'm under assumption you're asking about the very highest point during the most advanced period?

They had the possibility to prolong their natural lives to great lenghts, they also artificially enhanced their own lineages - the result of this are unnaturally long lifespans listed in the Bible.

These people were distant descendants of the elites of that high period, their longer lives were a genetic gift handed down from their ancestors who bolstered their bloodline with an artificial booster of unknown means but presumably technological in nature.


Could you elaborate on contemporary physical traits as leftover evolutionary adaptions to local environments?


Skin: We know dark skin results from high levels of pigmentation that protects from high levels of UV exposure. Eye color derives from pigmentation levels as well.

Hair: What environmental factors drove curly, straight, thick, thing?

Build: What about our build? Why do some have wide shoulders or visa versa? What drove height vs shortness?

Ideally the answer will allow someone to be able to analyze their own physical traits to determine what type of natural environment is most suitable for maximizing health (and visa versa).
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 61373691

I'm not Edgar Cayce i'm sorry. I'm not capable of providing reliable responses beyond a few chosen fields associated with history and archeology.

I've already asked my share of questions but I have just one more. Did any of the past civilizations make it off the planet and become spacefaring?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12468104

Yes. During both high periods they travelled relatively freely within the confines of the inner solar system. In fact the only fully intact facilities of theirs we may hope to find will be present offworld since the moon provides a sterile and stable enviroment which preserves structures despite the passage of time.

Okay, quick question:

How do you and your team calibrate your ability to see accurate results? Are there control tests that prove reliability in these matters?

Also, could you comment on what it takes to do what you do? How does one recognize a latent ability to do these things and/or how to develop them?
Quoting: The_Last_In_Line

It's not precisely remote viewing, the term was used because you people are familiar with it. I'll refrain from providing details, they would not be helpful in any case.

The best mechanism to prove reliability is recovery of hardware when such is located in a place that can be accessed by professionals.

If there were past advanced civilisations, why was there so much fossil fuel available for our industrial age considering the rate at which we have consumed it?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 44476862

We're the first civilization that consumes this volume of fossile fuels, our predecessors evolved different solutions that based themselves on more exotic but far more efficient and renewable sources of energy. Their industrial ages depended on steam and coal shifting directly to processed solar power and what we assume was a form of fusion.

The first high period saw a far more exotic source of energy that i would struggle to explain.

Hmm...but assuming you can 'view' the past you should be able to see how human physical traits change based on environment over long time frames. If you do that for a few areas, you should have a decent answer to my question.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 61373691

Perhaps but it was never our focus. As a people we shrunk from an average of seven feet to six feet. We've lost our dark brown skin and universally black hair in favour of various pigmentations. Our skulls and brains decreased at least 10% and we live significantly shorter lives.

Even during the last ice age people living in civilized areas could achieve over 100 years of age consistently while today it's considered an achievement.

As for direct evolution of ethnic groups it was simply never a focus of work being done. One consistency is size. People got progressively smaller after each upheaval due to less quantity and variety in their diet and medical supplies.

Are pole shifts recurring, periodic, and predictable? Did our ancestors build in Egypt around 10,600 B.C. because they knew cosmic events would inevitably cause a cataclysmic pole shift on schedule?
Quoting: Horus of the Two Horizons 34531932

The pole shifts as new age movements define them never existed.

The complex at Giza was being built because the people of that period perfected divination as hard science and for a long time received a consistent information that their world would end.

Some time before the end the geological instability of remnant of Atlantis was discovered and various projects such as time capsules containing records and migrations to perceived safezones started.
What location hosts the most amazing cache of prehistoric technological evidence not yet found? Where, and what exactly could be found?
Quoting: Horus of the Two Horizons 34531932

The smithsonian university warehouses. Artifacts from all periods can be found including records, functional technological artifacts in operational state and mortal remains of ancient people. The inventory of items appropriated by people affiliated with this particular university numbers hundreds of thousands.
Have you seen biblical artifacts like the Ark of the Covenant, and if so where is it currently located?
Quoting: Horus of the Two Horizons 34531932

Yes, in Libya, it's a core of an ancient energy generation device. No longer operational, still heavily radioactive.
A previous poster asked: has humanity ever ventured into space, become spacefaring, colonized other worlds? Are we in contact with spacefaring humans and if so are they simply an offshoot from human civilization on Earth? Or are we the colonists here? Have humans built bases on the moon long ago, and can you describe them if we have?
Quoting: Horus of the Two Horizons 34531932

Mankind never reached a level in which it was capable of interstellar travel. There were period when space travel was possible and practised far more intensly than today but never to a point where full fledged colonisation was possible.

Yes there are multiple facilities on the moon, some quite extensive, they existed for purposes of research and low gravity manufacture. Once the civilization that built them was destroyed their inhabitants went back home once they exhausted their resources.

Are you aware of the material that Anastasia (Ringing Cedars of Russia) has divulged about the past? she is able to accurately access the last 9,000 years.. She says that most history we are taught are lies... Was Man originally Vegetarian? According to her this is the 5th time humanity has re-emerged after planetary catastrophes.. Also what about the Russian guys book that all the history is made up? the dates dont match up, etc.. he says history is really only about 1,000 years old, all the way back to Egypt...
Another question about the dolmens, can you specify their purpose and age?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65469119

I'm not familiar with Anastasia nor the book you mention. Dolmens were gravesites of a tribal people who lived in the coastal areas near today's cities of Krasnodar and Noworosyjsk.

1- What can you tell us about figures such as Ceopatra and Alexander the Great? Where are their tombs located?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 64474772

Cleopatra - six miles north of Taposiris Magna.
Alexander the Great - Soma, the communal mausoleum of Alexandria, now submerged.
3- Who are the red-headed mummies found in China?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 64474772

Original inhabitants of China. Redheaded, white skinned people who. by the arrival of proto-chinese chan ethnicity were in severe decline as a populace, the few holdouts eventually mixed with the new arrivals.

Prior to the deluge they presided over a large conglomerate of democratic city states that spanned much of continental China, the deluge saw them decimated and displaced to the point of losing their achievements and becoming reclusive shepherds.

Op, you say that didn't saw aliens or alien contact so far, but ancient civilizations could reach the moon and inner planets. This means that maybe there are structures in the moon, but these were build by humans from the earth?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 59548428

That is correct. There are such structures and they originate from earth as does all debris and ruins present on the moon.
What about, all the records of flying machines, gods, etc. ?

Can you tell us something about Nazca lines?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 59548428

Part of it is less developed people observing much more advanced neighbours, part of it is survivors of various upheavals trying to maintain a link to their own past.

For a society of hunter gatherers an ancestor who lived in a skyscraper built of stone and glass and achieved various technologically assisted results perceived by them as impossible was a god.

As you stated previuosly lemuria was located on the continent of Australia. I have believed this for some time but any evidence of ancient civilisations that have been found are usually attributed to the ancient egyptians who possibly mined gold on this continent. Which areas of Australia would you think the most evidence of lemuria could or would be located and did the egyptians regularly travel here and if so for what purpose?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12885421

Lemuria never hosted a technological civilization so there's not much to go around. Egyptians never travelled to Australia to our knowledge. They did maintain trade links with North America for a time.

+1 for the Holy Grail

Also, you said Jesus had kids. Are his descendants still among us? And are they special in any kind of way?
Quoting: The-One

Holy Grail is an allegory. Arthur - a centurion drawn from the locals sought a locationwhere Tuath Danann, ancient refugees from a different period stored their artifacts of scientific nature.

Merlin was one of hereditary caretakers, his magic is science, medicine and mechanical devices as witnessed by early dark age society.

Given the genetic branching there must be tens of thousands of descendants of Jesus but no they're not special. The reasons for Jesus' being special were not his genes.

Thanks for your answer. I have read differing views of where Lemuria extended from Australia some say west some north but most seem to say off the east coast of Australia encompassing many of the pacific islands and perhaps extending all the way to Hawaii. Can you confirm this and would you expect that remnants of past civilisations such as statues, pyramids, heiroglyphs and stone arrangements that have been found would be from Lemuria or have other civililastions visted or lived on this continent?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12885421

No meaningful artifacts have been found of Lemuria to date. The lack of high civilizations on that landmass combined with its antiquity means lack of any archeological finds of note.

Anything about the Maya? Curious about their tech and seemingly otherworldly knowledge. Also, their knowledge of the cosmos. Lastly, how did Mayan civilization finally crash?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 37773327

The Maya did not possess any advanced technology. They were a sophisticated stone age society. From their ancient precursors they inherited mathematics and a keen interest in the stars.

The Maya civilization failed due to disease and war, consequently they suffered an economic collapse which in such a simple culture meant famine and mass starvation. This led to migrations and dilution of the centres of civilization.

I've enjoyed reading this thread so far

My questions are

1) Do you know why a small percentage of humans today have rh negative blood?
Quoting: TouchedByAnAngel

No i don't.
2) How did humans get on this planet? Are we descendants of beings that came here from elsewhere?
Quoting: TouchedByAnAngel

No, we evolved here.
3) You said Jesus was a special man, but not because of his genes. Can you please explain more about him?

Thank you
Quoting: TouchedByAnAngel

Jesus was the first man in a very long time to understand the mechanics of creation, life and more. He attempted to share that knowledge with the masses.

I'm going to repost this... I think humans made a leap from Mars to Earth...and that Mars got destroyed by something a long time ago. What's your take on that?
Quoting: Grippya

They did not. By the time human civilization first traveled beyond earth Mars was a dead planet, presumably for a very long time.

All human races evolved on earth. They helped each other, they were also helped by contemporary pre-human civilizations when they did not compete with them.

Can you tell us about the Armenians?
Quoting: ara 64626860

A people who rose some 1400 B.C and established a series of realms near the borders of today Turkey and Iran.
Where did they come from and how back does their history go back?
Quoting: ara 64626860

As an ethnicity approx. 1400-1500 B.C
What else can you tell us about Urartu the Lost Kingdom of Van and how is it related to Armenian civilization?

thank you
Quoting: ara 64626860

Urartu and Van are the same thing, they were the hub of ancient armenian activity which at the time was mostly military in nature. Urartu is in fact the bibilical kingdom of Ararat

Can you give any examples of any of the advanced technologies? Eg, vehicles, medicine, other cool stuff?
Quoting: The-One

You would have to name a period. During the second high period of civilization solar power, magnetic propulsion, artificially grown crystalline hardware were commonplace.

One major difference was that most energy was renewable and what consummable fuel existed was significantly more efficient than ours.

Among the artifacts from the final high period of civilization there is a prelavence of devices and appliances that have few moving parts or lack them alltogether deaspite their technological nature.

During the later iterations of civilization much technology was lost but the appliances to carve and transport stone were retained due to simple means required.

Great thread! I have some questions if I may:

1) Who were the people who built and inhabited Teotihuacan? Why did they abandon the city?
Quoting: Bluefool 55542147

A precursor to the Toltec civilization. Stone age in technology but with a large population and a significant level of social organization.

It was built some 1600 years ago.
2) Who built Machu Picchu and for what purpose?
Quoting: Bluefool 55542147

The Incas around 1450. It was built for the priests and elites who worshipped a much older site in the vicinity. Later it was used as a safe haven during the spanish conquest.
3) Did the ancient Mexicans and South Americans who built these places use the same levitation technology as the Egyptians used for the pyramids?
Quoting: Bluefool 55542147

No, both cities you listed have been built within the last 1600 and 500 years using fairly primivite methods.
4) How did the peoples of 32,000 years ago destroy each other (I know war, but do you have more details)? Are there any remains, physical or cultural, of their civilisations?
Quoting: Bluefool 55542147

They used weapons of mass destruction, kinetic and energy in nature, they destabilised the geology of the planet and poisoned the ecosystem for a long period of time, the loss of life and infrastructure was such that survivors reverted to stone age levels.

Yes there are artifacts left over from that period.
5) Has the solar system undergone any changes during the period of your viewing or are the planets still in the same orbits now as they were 150,000-200,000 years ago?
Quoting: Bluefool 55542147

No major changes.

Did the second high society ride the tides of the first high society to develop, or did the second society primarily develop on its own?

What were the final moments of the second society like? What circumstances led to its demise?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

There was a continuity of human history for the past 150.000 years. The total loss of knowledge happened only recently during the end of the last ice age.

The last high civilization ended with a global war. The direct remnant of that war is evident in large radioactive sand deposits all over the world.
Do you know which modern ethnic groups have the most genetic similarities to groups of previous high societies?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

We all do. We're all descended from some of the people of that period.

Do you know for what reason the global war erupted during the second civilization? Can you give any details on some major players in that war?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

One side believed in an enslavement of all minor human species to use them as tools. The other did not. Both sides consisted of major nations and minor allies with imperial ambitions.

The desitre to dominate led to conflict. The inability to break the stalemate led to the use of weapons of mass destruction and a mutually assured destruction scenario.

The participants on one side were people from the land mass in centre of Atlantic along its ridge now submerged, their allies who lived on the plains of western Europe around british isles - today flooded, people who lived on and around Cuba and in the Americas.

On the other side were the nations and states that inhabited areas of today's Indo-China including the portions of land now submerged, large part of Africa and mediterrenean as well as parts of today's Black Sea coast.

All belligerents were wiped out, on both sides.
And do you know the peaks of global population for the first and second high civilizations?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

The highest total never exceeded half a bilion individuals globally for all the species.

Hey op, fascinating thread... few questions if I may.

1) You speak of jesus having an understanding....does this then roll into remote viewing etc, knowledge providing "abilites" based on the universal math? ie - egyptians having perfected divination.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 47939715

What you refer to as abilities are a side effect of understanding. The process of understanding involves mental disciplines that transform a person untill his point of reference to reality allows him to step out of it in a manner. Egyptians did not possess divination. Their precursors did. It was different in that it was hard science based on mathematics and physical media while Jesus thought how to blend various elements that compose a person into greater understanding.
2) With the rise and fall of empire after would seem ours is destined to be a myth for people a thousand years from question being, was there growth or "point", or simple biology birthing and dying...?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 47939715

I do not understand the question, please elaborate.

Is it possible for you to go more in depth on how previous civilizations extended their lifespan? Did this entail other personal modifications, such as improved extrasensory skills and such?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

Genetic modification that prolonged the aging process and cell regeneration devices.
Can you describe the race(s) of the humans that thought they were superior to others at the end of the second civilization? For instance, is there a modern race that bears similarities to them or is even a direct descendent of them?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

We all have some percentage of genes from many of precursor races or even species. There was no direct analogy to the old civilizations in our history.

The people who lived in what is called Atlantis believed in their supremacy as the premiere technological power of that old period.
Has there been a positive progression or negative progression in terms of human evolution? Are we continuing to devolve or do we have advantages over the previous iterations?

Thank you very much, OP.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

We live shorter lives, our health and overall physical attributes are much poorer, we're also not as smart but we're restless and we have an extreme birthrate.

Human race while much less refined than it was evolved into what might be called a survivor.

Were awakenings such as that of Jesus more common during previous societies (as you mentioned, him being the first person in a long time to rediscover certain functions of creation)?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

At one point such knowledge was common, perhaps not at the level he represented.

Are the Annunaki of Sumerian legacy simply humans with access to ancient technologies? And are the various modern legacies of ancient catastrophic war fragmented memories of the fall of the second civilization?

The Annunaki are the invention of Zacharias Sitchin. The man was a fraud.

Is there a notable influence that the fallen second civilization has over our modern society? Such as its technologies or knowledge, etc
Yes, atomics, scramjets, magnetic rail technology, crystalline parts of our computers are all reverse engineered from the artifacts found at one point or the other. Presumably there's more.
What happened to the region of Africa that is known as the Sahara? Was it always so barren?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

Sahara was a fertile savanna as late as 11.000 years ago. Prior to the end of an ice age it was a heavily forested region. The original saharan desert was barely a tenth of what it is today. It enlarged after the climate shifted.

If I may continue -
Have there been others of Jesus type in history?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 47939715

Yes, multiple.
I guess most pertinent...did any such "real tradition" exist, or continue to exist
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 47939715

Large parts of it exist in some places but in its entirety its not present anywhere in the world at this point in our history.

OP here's a suggestion to get accurate data.

Use blind targets, and have multiple viewers get their "impressions" from the same blind targets.

1) By doing this, you don't get "impressions" based off of previous knowledge.

2) If multiple viewers are getting different "impressions" from the same blind target, more than likely their "impressions" are merely their own imaginations.

Is your method like this?

For example, if I said, what's your impression of Atlantis, more than likely since I already said "Atlantis" you already have preconceived ideas based on previous knowledge and research.

Therefore you want to use blind targets.

And of course if the viewers are all getting different impressions from the same blind target, it's more than likely their own imagination.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 56819692

There are no impressions. As stated the methods for obtaining knowledge are not precisely remote viewing. The term was used because you're comfortable with it. I will not at any point elaborate, i'm sorry.

Did you view the moon landings? What really happened and what was the real goal? Did the moon missions really stop or are they done out of the public eye now?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

They stopped. The race to the moon started after the various goverments realised that it's the last repository of functional technology from previous periods.

They're no longer allowed to land on the moon, also more caches of usable artifacts have been discovered on earth making it cheaper to appropriate them here.

Is the Philosopher's Stone merely an allegory or something more?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

It was a medical device that survived into roman times and late medieval. It healed the body. It did not allow for tansformation of matter though. That part was added later as dramatic license by unknown sources.
How long did the first civilization last? Were they larger because of previous, better conditions for life on earth?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

Almost a hundred thousand years. The ozone layer was much thicker letting less radiation in. This resulted in overall larger size of animal life, longer lifespans and healthier bodies.

These people were also the first iteration of mankind, not yet damaged by genetic modification, harsh climate and aided by advanced technology, all of this provided them with a much higher quality of life and physical endurance.
75,000 years ago did earth have a solar system wide civilisation that ended in a devastating war?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 30045519

No, our civilization was always centered on earth.

They're no longer allowed? Why not? And who has power to tell governments what to do? Thanks for answering
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

There's examples of technology still present and functioning on the moon that if brought to earth might prove to be a global threat, everyone realised it's not safe to continue, nobody wished for an extinction level event. They're no longer allowed? Why not? And who has power to tell governments what to do? Thanks for answering
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

There's examples of technology still present and functioning on the moon that if brought to earth might prove to be a global threat, everyone realised it's not safe to continue, nobody wished for an extinction level event.

Where were/are these caches located?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 140124

All facilities are located in the northern edge of Sea of Tranquility and within the surrounding mountains.

There exist at least one large scale facility and dozens smaller ones. All of them have been mapped and photographed, only one was actually accessed.

No large permanent colonies built on the other inner planets or dwarf planets in 100,000 years? Or a way discovered to travel to other stars? Slightly off topic but if that's true it makes it seem like the simulation theory for our universe is true since that technology is only 50-200 years away for us. That or something kept them from leaving.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

There were large facilities on the Moon and Mars but these were industrial or scientific in nature. No colonies or settlements.

It took these people a long time to develop to a point where they travelled beyond earth, also they were less curious than we are due to having media or research and observation over interstellar distances without the need to be physically present.

No, you said they were on earth. Where on earth are these caches?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 140124

South America, subterrenean shelters in the Andes, repositories in Giza, ruins in Bolivia, remains of defensive installations and settlements in Syberia, some abandoned cities buried in the Gobi desert, drowned regions in the Bahamas, under Paris, in Italy, in underground facilities of today's India and Pakistan, in multiple chinese mountain ranges and more.

Did any previous civilization explore Venus or Mars to see if there had been life on them at some point in time? i.e. fossils
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

I have no knowledge of that.

Do you know approximately many humanoids survived the collapse of the first civilization? What about the collapse of the second civilization? And do you know if ancient technologies influenced any wars in the past several hundred years?

Thank you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

Less than 3% after the first destruction, less than 10% after the second.

No, no wars were fought over ancient technologies. Hitler and Americans both recovered atomic related knowledge prior and during WW2 but that's it.

I swear when I went to bed this thread had at least thirteen pages.

@OP: What was the preffered choice of public transit in the other two technology advanced civilisations. We hava cars and they had what? Cause I'm sure they didnt trvel around with oxe carts?
Quoting: Matjaz

During the first civilization it was a network of devices that bent space in a manner that allowed to travel vast distances in a single step.

During the second civilization it was an automated system of vessels that hovered a few hundred feet above ground and covered a global network of destinies, much like our railway does today but with much greater speed and not limited by bodies of water.

Why was Hitler so interested in Antarctica? Is there anything there? Entrances?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 140124

It was the hub of the first major civilization and some technology is still there. Hitler was under the wrong impression that Germans are direct descendants of this first iteration of civilized mankind.

Are there any civilizations, ancient or otherwise, living below the Earth?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 140124

No. There are native american tribes in Amazonia and the Andes that inhabit ancient underground complexes but their relationship with them is religious, ritual and cultural, they're not their builders.

Are you not allowed to talk about the chinese pyramids?
Quoting: KipKat

You're referring to the Xian pyramids? If so these are the tombs of rulers from a white culture that dominated China prior to the end of the last ice age.

Any indications of other dimensions? Were they able to travel or look into them if discovered? Big question: Any of them try to find (or did find!) the reason life exists or why the big bang happened?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

Death and what is beyond was known at some points in history and there were hard sciences that dealt with it as well as technologies devised to cope with an extended knowledge of reality and creation.

The full span of the precursor knowledge is unknown but they did have contact with what you would call "the other side" and approached it from a scientific standpoint rather than religious.

Did they see anything in the interstellar distance that was surprising or disturbing? Any signs of life in other solar systems that was deduced or observed?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

I'm sorry. I only ignore question venturing to far into spiritual and religious but there's enough of them that i get lost.

No. To our knowledge the previous human civilizations did not encounter any threat from beyond our planet save natural disasters.

Why is there no history pre-Sumerian? Or is it being hidden by someone?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 140124

Yes, its being supressed.

Serious question

How could I find out if I have the ability you have?
Would I just know?
Is there a way to test myself?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 56146668

You don't have it.

Where did some of the mesoamerican communites disappeared too? Archeologists say they simply wanished without a trace left no tracks behind. Was it interdimensional travel involved?
Quoting: Matjaz

Many different cases.

Some died out, some were enslaved, others traveled far enough that archeology lost track of them. Most reasons are fairly mundane.

Are you not allowed to talk about the chinese pyramids?
Quoting: KipKat

You're referring to the Xian pyramids? If so these are the tombs of rulers from a white culture that dominated China prior to the end of the last ice age.
Quoting: Alterwelt

Can you say why there is a lake of mercury underneath the great white pyramid, what did they use it for?
Quoting: KipKat

Mercury was emulating water in a miniature presentation of the region.

What are you able to share? You mentioned no elite families are really in control, so who is able to repress such a vast amount of knowledge? Royalty?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 140124

The scientists built their careers around certain theories, should these be overturned everything, economy, academia, medicine and religions would be faced with greater truth and consequently everyone who has much would lose much.

As a result there is widespread dislike over digging to deep, its socially ingrained rather than externally steered.

Why do Chinese refuse to excavate it.
Quoting: Alterwelt

Hundreds of white skinned, red haired and well preserved corpses that prove China was inhabited by a white race prior to the arrival of the chan ethnicity.

Did either the first or second civilizations create chimeras? Such as half-human half-ox, etc?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 39073058

Yes, perhaps not half human half animal but gene splicing and taking away a persons cosciousness to make them a biological automata was a practice against those defeated or considered inferior at one point.

Do you focus at all on future and not want to discuss it, or purely history?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 56146668

I would prefer sticking to history.

I dont buy this one, sorry. Your are good though. What would we lose if we knew our past? What would the elite lose if there is no sinister agenda behind?
Quoting: Matjaz

Religious people would be forced to forfeit their beliefs. Archeologists, philosophers and others would be forced to admit their knowledge is insufficient and concerning the history they know as little as a common person.

Reverse engineering the renewable energy sources would deprive vast companies of their income, cheap and effective medical technologies would undermine the medical complex and so on.

The change of this magnitude is too much for a great many people.

Is there really a shielded cave in the Bucegi mountains in Romania filled with advanced technology and knowledge? What happened with it?
Quoting: KipKat

Same question for a cave in the Grand Canyon that is supposedly heavy protected containing lots of artifacts.
Quoting: KipKat

An old kingdom priestly sect built their haven there, the complex itself is even older, built prior to the end of the ice age. Its location was known by a secular sect of old kingdom priests who moved there after being exiled from Egypt.

You mentioned sitchen a fraud. Is Jordan maxwell a fraud?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 56146668

I'm not familiar with Jordan Maxwell.

Is there really a shielded cave in the Bucegi mountains in Romania filled with advanced technology and knowledge? What happened with it?

Same question for a cave in the Grand Canyon that is supposedly heavy protected containing lots of artifacts.
Quoting: KipKat

and who are the beings seen entering and exiting the underground caves in that area.
Quoting: Matjaz

Researchers from authorized government groups.

he is entertainig but I dont like it when he says there is absolutly no alien interference on our planet. Thats just retarted. Who are they then, OP? Interdimensional beings? Because the phenomena do exist. Nobody could deny that.
Quoting: Matjaz

Presumably aliens exist. We never focused on them and yes, our history was not at any point influenced by any extraterrestrial beings.

Sorry to doubt you OP, but its a healty doubt. I got one more. Why did the mesoamericans did blood sacrifices?
Quoting: Matjaz

After the deluge it was simply tradition and mindless repetition of misunderstood rituals who's true purpose was lost but it stuck for millennia.

You're starting to skip a lot of questions
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

It's difficult to keep up

Did those first two civilizations also use gold/money or was their economy set up differently? Did they use a centralised energy generation system, or did they produce energy individually/locally?
Quoting: KipKat

The first iteration of human high civilization achieved a post scarcity status. Currency was not used. The second civilization used currency as we do today. It was made of alloys in the forms of coinage. There was no paper currency.

Did the US really find an ancient Vimana in an afghan cave? Why was it hidden in a cave?
Quoting: KipKat

No, they did find flying machines in Arizona, Alaska and in South America, none operational but intact.

Did those first two civilizations also use gold/money or was their economy set up differently? Did they use a centralised energy generation system, or did they produce energy individually/locally?
Quoting: KipKat

The first iteration of human high civilization achieved a post scarcity status. Currency was not used. The second civilization used currency as we do today. It was made of alloys in the forms of coinage. There was no paper currency.
Quoting: Alterwelt

Did the first civ use barter, or something like that? Could you also adress the previous energy question?
Quoting: KipKat

No, all personal needs were catered for freely. Their level of technology allowed them to manufacture goods with little cost and what work needed to be done was done so voluntarily.

Both civilizations produced power both regionally and globally much as we do today.

Were you able to find out what the other side is like? Should we have no worries or do everything we can to stay alive?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

Also were they able to create artificial intelligence?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

Yes, learning machines with some form of self awareness did exist.

Why was the first high civilization unable to stop a simple comet?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

It was not aware of it untill it was too late, they were powerful and extremely advanced but still just people. The comet itself is also not a small threat.

They did reduce the threat from global extiction to mass dying by destroying it high in the atmosphere, if impact was made only bacteria would have survived.

What was the biggest, most monumental city/hub ever build in history of makind? And how did it look(size, architecture, height of buildings)

Or is Tokio today the ultimate human hive ever build?
Quoting: Matjaz

Is terms of space our cities are much larger. The largest cities of the high periods housed a milion, perhaps two. A city holding a hundred thousand people was considered large.

During the second period they built in a style we could recognize, high towers of glass, alloy and white stone with bases of carved granite. United States is notable for some attempt to recreate an old style by groups that fancy themselves inheritors of the old ways.

Did operation Highjump really encounter flying saucers? Who do they really belong to?
Quoting: KipKat

Yes, these were experimental nazi germany gunships fulfilling the same role as our modern attack helicopters. They were built to copy an ancient design of a similar craft.

Did operation Highjump really encounter flying saucers? Who do they really belong to?
Quoting: KipKat

Yes, these were experimental nazi germany gunships fulfilling the same role as our modern attack helicopters. They were built to copy an ancient design of a similar craft.
Quoting: Alterwelt

So, are the nazis still hiding in the Antarctic?
Quoting: KipKat

No, Americans dismantled their base upon their victory.

What was the biggest, most monumental city/hub ever build in history of makind? And how did it look(size, architecture, height of buildings)

Or is Tokio today the ultimate human hive ever build?
Quoting: Matjaz

Is terms of space our cities are much larger. The largest cities of the high periods housed a milion, perhaps two. A city holding a hundred thousand people was considered large.

During the second period they built in a style we could recognize, high towers of glass, alloy and white stone with bases of carved granite.
Quoting: Alterwelt

Sorry one more..The most I wanted to hear how high were those towers? 70, 100, 500 meters?
Quoting: Matjaz

As high as our skyscrapers, in some cases higher.

Bump. Someone asked the money question right after I did and you answered that. I'd be interested to know about the other two questions and the food aspect of question 3).

Thanks for keeping the thread going. Very interesting stuff.
Quoting: Bluefool 55542147

They ate meat, grains and vegetables. Some cultures chose a vegetarian diet, in higher period synthetic alternatives to meat were available.

The multitude of nations, races and even species as well as a significant time span the question covers makes it impossible to answer in detail.

The very same goes for economies, capitalism in some form and fashion was common during the second civilization. The first one did not have an economic system other than voluntary labor, education and development was also voluntary. High output, largely automated industry coupled with low populations allowed for such a lifestyle.

Urartu and Van are the same thing, they were the hub of ancient armenian activity which at the time was mostly military in nature. Urartu is in fact the biblical kingdom of Ararat

thank you OP

You didnt answer all of my questions that I had in the first post.

The answers that were giving were textbook answers.

I was surprised that you didnt mention anything about Nairi, Karahunj(Zorats Karer), or Mount Nemrut or how they were called the watchers.

They are also much older than you mention and a lot is unknown.

Also, nothing about Nor Geghi 1, which has artifacts going back 325,000 years.

Armenian history has been suppressed and rewritten. I am not sure as to why.

Maybe you can elaborate on these.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 64626860

I do not cater to national pride. Neither will my colleagues.

Much of Armenian history overlaps the canon, also bear in mind we wont have answers to all your questions. What we know is limited by what we aquired.

Yes, these were experimental nazi germany gunships fulfilling the same role as our modern attack helicopters. They were built to copy an ancient design of a similar craft.
Quoting: Alterwelt

So, are the nazis still hiding in the Antarctic?
Quoting: KipKat

No, Americans dismantled their base upon their victory.
Quoting: Alterwelt

Why isn't there much publicly known about the battle of Antarctica?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

Because it's tied to a larger picture, both politicaly, historically and scientifically. Most Germans captured lived out their lives in United States working under various projects.

Do the americans now use this saucer technology, and did their experiments with it lead to the Roswell crash?
Quoting: KipKat

Yes they do. We never bothered with Roswell.

We never bothered with Roswell.
Quoting: Alterwelt

In other words you can't talk about it. Are you also not allowed to discuss the afterlife?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

I'd prefer to stick to history.

Can you tell something more about the battle in the skies witnessed over Neuremberg in 1561?
Quoting: KipKat

Places remember, emotions implant themselves into walls, the air, the ground. When some site was a place of dramatic event people will feel odd and should conditions arise a sort of visual playback might become available to a viewer.

That is what happened over Neurembeg in 1561.

Great thread op.
So, humans evolved in a way, science is claiming today? Like from monkeys? Thanks to cyanoshit?
Without any affect from outside nor inside? Please explain.

Great thread op.
So, humans evolved in a way, science is claiming today? Like from monkeys? Thanks to cyanoshit?
Without any affect from outside nor inside? Please explain.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 52601796

More or less.The missing link to the evolution theory is that early in the species history it mutates rapidly. Changes that normaly are meant to take hundreds of thousands of years happen over the span of generations.

This process is unknown to general sciensce since all species on earth are past this stage and unobserved it escaped Darwins attention.

You're saying something triggered a memory of the past? It was something like a mass illusion/ fata morgana? (Project Blue beam?) Do you know what triggered it?
Quoting: KipKat

The exact conditions differ and the mechanism is not fully understood but correct. Someone fought over Neuremberg in the past just like in twenty thousand years people will see dogfights over where London once was should similar conditions allow.

"You may ask whatever you want concerning old history and ancient civilizations, historical or beyond. If its covered by our work you will get an answer, if not then no."

Those are you words yes?

so,where do you get national pride?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 64626860

I apologize if there was a misunderstanding. As far as Armenia goes i have parted with all available information.

Out of left field and bizarre misdirection. Aliens, UFOs and the afterlife are off the table, 10-4.

In your viewings of the past was time travel ever attempted or did you ever see time travelers?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65480503

It was attempted, succeeded in a way but failed to create expected results and provided very real dangers so that avenue was abandoned very quickly.

Do you think this mechanism is also responsible for a lot of the current UFO sightings?
Quoting: KipKat

Yes, some of them.

any info - Oak Island
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 65268166

An old viking ruin purported to be a treasure hoard. It's not.




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IZAKOVIC -- Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 09:01:53
IZAKOVIC -- Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 10:42:04
PAGES 11-43 OF Questions AND Answers
EarthGrid -- Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 15:50:50
Yep, thx IZ. Only 34 'pages to go, so far :). Another "guru" with NO SOLUTION or LIGHT about the TRUTH in site, as usual
Bob -- Thursday, 27-Nov-2014 16:56:01

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