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Reader: "Things about this whole RV is not really making sense when you start factoring in all the things about it."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Friday, 21-Nov-2014 19:03:34

In Response To: *** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long) (hobie)

(Thanks, j. :)

Reader j. writes:


Have you ever heard of that axiom; "Things are not what they appear to be." Well
that's exactly what has been going on with this RV.

Things about this whole RV is not really making sense when you start factoring in
all the things about it. It's using your six sense, also known as your intuition,
that I'm talking about as well as your intellect.

We have all been watching this game of volleyball being played between the US and
Iraqi government as far as who has control of this RV trigger and yet isn't that

actually the smoke and mirrors we are expected to pay attention to when in fact
something else seems to be taking place behind this game?

What I mean to say is isn't it odd that we keep getting all the reasons under the
sun as to why this RV has not been triggered by either side and yet not one reason
as to why it has been triggered. Lets face it, unofficially the banks are
exchanging people's Dinar so it actual has happened, just not with an official
international rate, correct?

Abadi's country of Iraq is imploding financially, morally and politically and yet
after asking for only 2 days to do some "checks", he has not triggered the RV and
now it's been 4 days. So here we have a new government with egg on it's face for
the past 6 weeks who have promised their people so much and yet has not delivered
anything of any real significance. Iraq still faces ISIS at their door step, still
has people not paid, has multiple currencies, has people rioting in streets, has
contracts and billion dollar debts they have not paid, and has 6 provinces
proceeding with bankruptcy, and yet no RV has been triggered. Is this not
counter-intuitive to what a leader should or would do to save their country? I
don't think it's because Abadi doesn't want to, it's because he can't. And it's the
same with the US as well. Both countries have claimed so often that they have the
ability to trigger this RV and yet neither one of them have despite the financial
world crumbling around them, Why?

Because our governments are not the ones who are actually in change of triggering
this RV event. Yes, they both appear to have this power and have claimed as such,
but for years neither one has actually triggered it because I believe they really
don't control it and that another entity, behind this game of volleyball, does
control this RV and is allowing the world to financially implode before this RV
will be allowed to be implemented. How do you catch thieves who have raped the
world for decades? Let it implode on itself financially.

The evidence to this idea are the tier 1 and tier 2 banks that have been furiously
exchanging people's Dinar by the hundreds of thousands to save their own financial
skins and to top it off they have the US Treasury's blessing to go ahead to do
this. The banks intuitively know these governments do not have the ability to
trigger this RV event so they are so desperate to save themselves they are willing
to exchange people's Dinar (now for 3 weeks), with no official international rate.

We have all heard every excuse under the sun as to why this RV has not happened
and yet look at all the reasons as to why it should have happened and yet has not.
Probability dictates that those who claim to have the ability to fix things would
have done so long ago and yet, nothing.

What excuses will we hear when we blow past this coming weekend with still no RV
triggered? Abadi will have had this "supposed" power to trigger it for over a week
by then. It will be because he can't trigger it and neither can the US or they
would have done so just to save their financial systems that they rely and depend
on to keep their jobs and good standing within their governments.

What kind of leaders allows the entire world to financially implode, to allow
millions to sit in abject poverty and to allow terrorism to continue to fester
among them? The answer is leaders who have no control over this RV trigger event
but only the appearance that they are in control of it.

That's what this game of volleyball has been all about. It's the smoke and mirrors
that they want us all to watch and pay attention to and not to try to dissect as to
why they have never triggered this RV event despite both countries claim they could
have, countless times.

It just doesn't add up no matter which ay you try to present it. These two
countries, the US and Iraq are not in control of this RV event and do not have the
power to trigger it which means they are both impotent and at the control of
whatever entity that does control this RV event.

We have far too many facts as to why this RV has not happened, and should have, and
yet all we end up hearing are all the excuses as to why it hasn't happened.

Who does that makes sense to when your intuitive sense is telling you there is
something wrong here that really stinks.

The only conclusion I can come to is the ones who claim to be in control, really
are not in control.

What kind of leader of a country continues to allow their country to implode 6 ways
to Sunday, while they claim to have the ability to stop it from imploding?


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Wednesday, 19-Nov-2014 18:07:16
hobie -- Thursday, 20-Nov-2014 16:52:17
Reader: "Things about this whole RV is not really making sense when you start factoring in all the things about it."
hobie -- Friday, 21-Nov-2014 19:03:34

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