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WW3 PROCEEDINGS: Exclusive interview of Defense Online: What the Libyans think of Italy?

Date: Monday, 4-Jan-2016 11:27:50

(Francesco Bergamo)

Now the Libyan issue is becoming a mantra repeated obsessively by national media. Yet Libya has not yet said everything in detail.

Last years Libyans in transit in Italy told of a country in which turned a large volume of money (unlike the times of Gaddafi) but totally insecure (vaccations times Gaddafi!). The breeding ground for the ISIS we then created us Westerners putting in power incapable and corrupt?

The newspapers write daily in the country, and sometimes there is sudden warriors ready for battle ... How is the situation from the inside? How do you judge the foreigners and especially Italians?

As evident from the questions above, there are some gray areas of information that does not allow you to have a complete view of how things really are. To make up for this lack, Defense Online interviewed a person living in Libya with the intent to understand what goes telling the people, ordinary people, to understand from their point of view how things are and what their aspirations . The source, which boasts high-level contacts in Libya, has agreed to answer but asked to remain anonymous.

How was Libya with Gaddafi?

"Colonel loved the country and fighting enemies and false friends.

There was security. In the evening he turned to walk away, the prices were monitored by the government and many fears were fantasies of the people. No one was starving and the economy turned. The bourgeoisie speculated as today. There was discontent, but who would not after forty years of the same government? "

As it is now?

"Foreign countries are competing for the allegiance of that or the militia. All friends - officially in the international institutional - and then bitter enemies underhand.

Many here have sold the country. Many are convinced that a leading member of the revolution has had the political responsibility of having sold Libya to the US behind generous compensation and now they would be abroad.

The Libyan people initially believed in the army, but then saw that many were interested only to steal and make money, that are sponsored by various foreign nations and lobbies interested in creating chaos. Money for many are also willing to sell ISIS "the web" that constantly tries to make propaganda on the territory. The Libyans have realized that there are few truly patriotic militias.

In the chaos the powers that can freeze and robbing the money of Libya abroad, take and maybe not pay for gas and oil, destroy the Libyan assets with speculation. An example: the power plants destroyed replaced by generators obsolete hired at great cost to governments of Tripoli and Tobruk.

The embargo on the Legitimate Government, prompted by normal elections, used to sell weapons at higher prices, of course, to keep him from fighting the Isis / Daesh.

The economy is in shambles! Here prices rise to speculations and were destroyed generations of the 80s and 90s. This war has brought to power thieves, crooks and murderers. Honest people have seen worse his status of life and is impoverished. "

How you are seen Italians?

"Fine! Despite the ambiguity in the last few years. Gaddafi confided in the protection of Italy. He did not consider, however, that Italy is bound by debt to international banks and military ties with the US.

For people Italy, when he denied support for Gaddafi, damaged its own economy losing orders gained with so much sweat and endangering plants ENI.

Libyans mourn the beauty and the organization under Italians. There were the knot Omar Moktar and concentration camps, but the benefits were so many same. The current thinking is that if the Italians had remained Libya today would be as beautiful as Italy.

When the people look at the buildings made during the Fascist period and compares them with those made by Gaddafi and those not made during the Ottoman occupation, the comparison makes it increasingly winning Italy.

Libya has felt betrayed but still harbors the hope that Italy take the situation in hand and can remedy it.

We appreciate the ingenuity and industriousness Italic and the abandonment of any colonialist idea. Idea that the US, France and UK still pursue.

The Libyans would accept the help, if that meant bind Italy economically and politically and perhaps militarily, but do not want an Italy that is only the mask of the colonialists who use Italy to conquer Libya. "

The power of the Isis is rooted and extended?

"The Isis in Libya is like the phoenix: Foreigners say that there is, but the Libyans have not yet! I mean the Isis video that run in the web: the boys muscled, well-dressed, clean and turning professional movies.

Here militias consist of emaciated children with camouflage of many colors, crumpled and dirty, tired, deluded, malnourished, often filled with alcohol, hashish and pills to deal with a reality that is not easy to deal with every day.

They are varied: from the secular to the most extremist, often in disarray and without funds. For a few thousand dinars will carry the black flag at home and turn the video you need the media to alarm the world and convince governments to increase the military budget at the expense of social ones.

Here we are young irreversibly devastated by war. Those who were saved were just cowards, the spoiled children, those who have had a strong family that kept them at home and those who really have had much luck: those who have followed the war from the living room or the bedroom a hotel or an apartment in Tunisia or in another country or who really do not know how, it emerged unscathed physically but not psychologically.

The boys are in disarray prey militia. They follow a leader or occult powers, or not convinced of what they do, just to have a bit 'of money and feel proud. A Derna, for example, where Islamic extremists have returned driven by Gaddafi and who had gone to reinforce the Taliban in Afghanistan and Iraq, local families often have asked the government to help them remove their children from the street, to give their job or occupation, to remove them from these ruthless mercenaries who buy them for two pennies, a Kalasnikov, a bit 'of alcohol, hashish and pills. But the new Libyan government, with all its problems, was unable to deal with them.

The Sisters of Derna who fled away, plants from all households after forty years of honorable work and dedication to the local people (unfortunately, too) were a consequence of the mismanagement of Libyan youths after the war.

The Isis is here in the embryo and makes use of local forces in disarray.

Unfortunately lately the Isis web order to implement sometimes the ancient and barbaric Sharia laws, as is happening in Sirte and as has happened in Derna.

Some rumors say that there would be at Sabratha training camps for these kids and that would be trained for terrorist acts aimed at creating panic in Europe.

Finally, it remains Benghazi, where extremist militias are giving a hard time to Haftar who is asked to fight them without weapons, as is still suffering the embargo.

Oil wells are safe because they are protected by the Special Forces of the Oil, created by Gaddafi, the only efficient in Libya today. They are controlled by Ibrahim Jodhran and are headed to the only NOC (National Oil Corporation, the national oil company, ed).

If NATO did not make the mistakes he did in Iraq, bombing the army that was fighting the Isis, the Army of the oil we would definitely hold off the Islamic extremists.

For the people would be enough to block the money arriving militiamen, why not execute more orders. The most popular idea is that this is not the true intent of the powerful puppeteers.

The Libyans do not like Islamic extremists, even if at first they were protected because they were right that Gaddafi had fought them. Once known their true face and nature, they changed their minds. "

For the Libyans the Coalition is fighting terrorism?

"The Coalition is fighting for the powers which aim colonization of rich countries economically and politically independent and rising military budgets of the countries around the world.

If you truly want to fight terrorism, with the control systems to which all are subjected today, it would be impossible for the terrorists do it also for the sale of arms.

In any case, people say that:

1) Terrorism to act needs money, weapons and a local presence. Because Western intelligence agencies and governments can not monitor these three components?

The arms of a Western country, where the controls are very high, where they came from if not from the local armies?

2) Terrorism uses hate to try labor. If NATO was only protecting the borders of the countries that compose it instead of going to make war on the right and left, it would avoid such hatred and terrorism could not readily men.

3) Terrorism is often recruits in impoverished countries. If corporations would stop exploiting certain countries and put in command of corrupt governments, welfare would prevent terrorism to make recruitment easier.

For the money it sells everything - including the lives of others - and often to help their families to poverty. This is happening in Tunisia where many jihadis are recruited after the revolution. What's that door? To force governments to make important decisions in a short time and irreversible. A weapon of blackmail beautiful and good. "

The governor of of Tobruk is legitimized by the people?

"The Government of Tobruk flows from regular elections (2014) and that for security issues that have seen a turnout did not exceed 10%. The elected Parliament formed the government.

The Muslim Brotherhood were losers and did not accept the result: forcibly seized power in Tripoli. Parliament and government have taken refuge in safe areas like Tobruk and Beida. The Libyan people have seen that the international community has not given the opportunity to defend themselves by lifting the embargo on arms, creating a situation of powerlessness. There was no military power in the territory. The various militias and secular, including wire Isis, have jumped at the opportunity. Many Libyan funds abroad are still frozen and the government actually has little money.

You see, if the UN had wanted a stable and secure Libya, he was supposed to protect the 2014 elections in a way that the turnout had been higher and empowering to those who had won, including weapons at will and unfreezing of funds to ' Foreign, as the militias have come constantly from him and many countries that promote instability of Libya. The people claim that part of the responsibility of both Turkey and the Gulf countries.

The Muslim Brotherhood have taken Tripoli and created a new government. It's crazy to make them participate in the negotiations for the formation of a Government Act: means recognizing them even if they have lost the elections. "

Who currently controls the oil wells?

"As I said before: the Army of Oil."

What say the Libyans of 4 Italian hostage?

"They say it's a great mystery, because the Libyans love Italians and then condemn the hungry of money you have taken them.

I became interested in their liberation, but now it seems that no one knows anything. They seem to have disappeared into thin air. Anyway behind this abduction there are many mysteries. "

If the Italian armed forces arrived in Libya, they would have the support of the people?

"The Armed Forces Italian would consent to Libya if they were to help the army during the elections, not to protect the government from a guy who was chosen by few and not by the people and therefore it is seen as a puppet government chosen by colonialists.

The Libyans do not want to go the way of Iraq even if the road seems to be.

The Libyans know that the UN or NATO want to send Italians in Libya because they are the ones most loved by the Libyans, but they know that this would only serve to cover the facade Italian colonialism of the USA, France and UK. So long as you do not want it! "

The Isis is rooted where? It 'true that controls 250 km of coastline?

"The militias that Isis uses the web are located in Sirte, Benghazi, Derna and Sabratha.

They control some areas, I do not know exactly if 250 km of coast, but in all cases are monitored by the secular. "

Recently a government official of Tobruk hinted in the press Russia to enter Libya and defeat the Isis. It would be a good idea?

"A Tobruk has not remained that this, as the UN maintains the arms embargo and bombing when the Islamic extremist militia in Sirte the UK does reproach!

In short, the Coalition is certainly not helping Tobruk and given the results that Russia reported in Syria is obvious that you look with interest to Putin.



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