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Posted By: igots2no
Date: Sunday, 27-Dec-2015 08:58:00

In Response To: Reader sends Karen Hudes response to David Crayford (igots2no)

Having read the article of Karen Hudes and also the links she refers to, an answer to same is totally warranted, so allow me to start:-

1) KH Comments, “@KarenHudes I must be over the target, more flak:”

She couldn’t be further from the “Bulls Eye” that what she currently is. That is because she holds very little knowledge about the subject matter and has for 20 years worked with the World Bank (Her own admission) and therefore subjected to the World Bank’s deliberate misrepresentation and deception of the subject matter to protect their own power base and their asses.
The World Bank is an active part of the Cabal and a non-legal arm of the US Government, which is also Cabal controlled, a known factor for decades.

2) KH Comments, “The beneficiary of the Global Debt Facility is humanity. The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF administer the Global Debt Facility. Nobody else."

The beneficial interest of the Global Debt Facility is legally with the International Treasury Controller, as appointed by those persons who are empowered to appoint; for and on behalf of mankind to ensure the correct and professional usage of same for mankind.
As for the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF administering the Global Debt Facility, let’s get down to a few legal factors here.

Are the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF acting as individuals, because that is how it is implied, or, are they acting as Governors of the World Bank and the IMF in which case the latter clearly implies (Wrongly so according to International Treaties) that it is the World Bank and IMF are the administrators not the Governors?

Come on Ms Hudes, now answer that one if you can because you are the one who has stated it.

3) KH Comments: “See paragraph 6 of the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement:”

We have a certified copy of this Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement
whereby Section 6 reads as follows, quote:-

“Whereas,the Sole Heir/Owner shall responsible to give any information regarding the history of ownership followed by the issuance of the Certificate of Entitlement, Master Account Code authenticated by the Office of the Board of Governor of the Federal Reserve System in coordination of the United State Treasury, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund under Secrecy of Bank Deposit approve and amended with Official Seal as Annex – A”.

Nowhere in that section, or any other section, does it state that the World Bank and IMF are the administrators of the Global Debt Facility.

What it does state is that the Certificate of Entitlement, Master Account Code are to be authenticated by the Office of the Board of Governor of the Federal Reserve System in coordination of the United State Treasury, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

That Ms Hudes has a totally different legal meaning to that which you have stated. Your comments do not qualify for the correct legal meaning of Section 6 of the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement.

Furthermore, the Sole Heir / Owner, by legal International Treaty, is The International Treasury Controller, no one else Ms Hudes.

Now Ms Hudes, answer that one point in a definitive matter as well because you are the one quoting it.

4). KH Comments: “Here is why: Richard Karpinski via Google+” and “What is the ITC/OITC? It is a failed attempt of the Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich to steal back the world's gold. It failed. This latest article on Rumormillnews is another doomed attempt of the Network of Global Corporate Control to gain back the world's gold that was put aside for the benefit of humanity by Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos."

Global Corporate Control. What total nonsense. The ITC / OITC has nothing whatsoever to do with such a philosophy. In fact the objectives of the ITC / OITC are the complete opposite to what you have implied in your statement, but of course Ms Hudes you were not aware of that factor because you never opened the envelope of documents we sent to you, in good faith I add, as you stated that you would have nothing to do with “Top Secret” stuff, so you sent the envelope back to us, unopened.

Ms Hudes, this is a “Top Secret” situation and we are aware that you have utilised “Top Secret” or “Cloaked in Secrecy” documents obtained from the World Bank and / or Wolfgang Struck during your adventures into the unknown world of the Global Debt Facility Ms Hudes, so whether you like it or not you are in breach of International Official Secrets Law because, as we are well aware, you do not hold the Level 3 – 5 Security classification, in which case do not try and lay the blame on us, or accuse us of entrapment, because you had your chances when we sent you the envelope which you arrogantly sent back to us.

5). KH Comments: “The IBRD and IMF Board of Governors were created by Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos to return the world's gold to the world's people.”

What nonsense Ms Hudes. The Board of Governors, along with the respective qualities of same, were the responsibility of the Nations of the World, not Rizal or Marcos.
The next thing you will be saying is that Rizal and Marcos were the ones initiating and implementing the institutionalisation of the IMF and IBRD, which as we all know was initiated and implemented by the Nations of the World at the Bretton Woods Conference.

6). KH Comments: “The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was created at the same exact time and the same exact way as the International Monetary Fund. Both the IBRD and IMF share the same Board of Governors. The IBRD and IMF Board of Governors were created by Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos to return the world's gold to the world's people.”

The IMF and World Bank were initiated and implemented in 1944 by agreement of the 188 Nations of the world attending the Bretton Woods Conference.
If you correctly read the Agreements of that time you will see that the IBRD was actually planned to be the leading body to grant loans to all countries that had suffered devastation from WW II.
The 188 Nations of the World agreed that the IBRD should be a subsidiary of a Holding Body, being the World Bank because the World Bank was already acting as an agent of the Global Debt Facility whereby a “Conflict of Interest” would arise so the World Bank came into being with the IBRD and the IDA as subsidiaries of the World Bank. IBRD is owned by the governments of its 188 member countries, which are represented by a 25-member board of 5 appointed and 20 elected Executive Directors.

Ferdinand Marcos was never at the Bretton Woods Conferences, even though he was M1, being Master Custodian and Manager of the Global Debt Facility.
Neither was José Rizal because he died on December 30th 1896.

So Ms Hudes stop trying to obfuscate the issue by your pretence of the facts and your ability to confuse people.

7). KH Comments: “the reason that Ronald Reagan never issued the uncut Treasury Dollars held in the Global Debt Facility, after Reagan's Grace Commission showed that US income taxes were all leaving the country and going to the Network of Global Corporate Control.

This is what I stated, and will stand 100% by that statement Ms Hudes:-

Allow me to start with the uncut US Dollar

Notes. These are NOT the normal US Dollar Notes currently in circulation, referred by many as Federal Reserve Notes. They are in fact the “Reagan Dollars” or otherwise known as the “Asian Dollar”. These were printed in the Philippines and China for a purpose which is a “Common Currency” for the whole of the South East Asia Region (Ten (10) countries to be precise). In fact there were Trillions of these Dollar Notes printed which are all mainly in storage in China, but there are some in the Philippines, as well as within UBS (The European Agent for the Federal Reserve). China have been attempting to do a deal with the Americans on these Notes based upon a 50/50 basis.
This “Common Currency” was supposed to have been initiated in 1998 but it all collapsed because the 10 Asian countries involved rejected it because they did not desire to be controlled by the Federal Reserve. Introduction of this currency was then rescheduled for 2004 but again it collapsed because the 10 countries rejected it.
This is what all the arguments are partially about re: Thaksin Shinawatra (Former P.M. Of Thailand, convicted criminal and fugitive from justice) and his Sister (the current Prime Minister of Thailand). The fact is they are working very closely with the Americans, along with other leaders of some of the Asian countries involved, reference to the introduction of the Asian Dollar.
With reference to the Gold backing for this currency, there are three vitally important issues here which will open people’s eyes and allow them to understand these things better:
A). Although Marcos executed this agreement with Ronald Reagan, he later pulled out of the agreement and rescinded same, because he had established what the Americans were really trying to do, and it certainly was not for Humanitarian purposes as indicated within the agreement. It was for political purposes combined with a common currency controlled by the Federal Reserve. Total control over the the 10 Asian countries achieved by devious means.
Americans had undermined Marcos reference to the ABL currency (a Common Currency for the 10 countries of South East Asia which was Gold Backed) which the 10 countries had previously agreed to under International Treaty (Note: I have those Treaties on record).
Now you know some of the reasons why Marcos, in the eyes of America, had to go. Haven’t we all seen similar instances in the more recent years.

B). The second vital point here is that Marcos withdrew the Gold he had previously agreed to reference / allocate to the aforesaid agreement. Therefore this “Reagan Dollar” or other referred to as the “Asian Dollar” is just “Fiat” currency with no real value, and certainly hasn’t got any Gold backing it.

C). The third point is equally important, and probably the most important. That is the January 1995 Treaty agreements executed by the Nations of the World which appointed a Legal Heir to Decadency, a legal Owner, Sole Arbiter, and Controller, of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, otherwise known as the Collateral Accounts, Global Accounts, Global Debt Facility. That person was Dr. Ray C. Dam, the former Gold Signatory to the G7, and just like Marcos, Ray Dam had
to go.

These 1995 agreements and the content thereof, superseded all other previous agreements entered into by the Americans with any Holder, Custodian, Signatory, etc of the Collateral Accounts, prior to 1995, and there are many of them, all of which are voided, invalidated, and legally unenforceable.
This being the real situation, then that agreement executed by Marcos and Reagan as shown within the said article / report, is legally void, is now invalid, and legally unenforceable. So in simple terms, it means nothing and holds no legal substance whatsoever.

However, Ms Hudes what really matters and what confirms our practical assessment of your position is the statement, not mine, nor of my initiating; which follows what I stated and is:-

The real question now is who is trying to mislead the public into believing something which legally no longer is valid and has no meaning whatsoever.
Let me now attend to specific and important issues in reference to the article written by J C Collins within the aforementioned web article:

i). I have to agree with J C Collins’s
comments, quote “it is my contention that she is the lead figure in a psychological operation meant to distract away from real events and processes happening in the world”.
Karen Hudes has proven nothing yet, other than having a small amount of information which she believes is the whole picture, followed by the constant repetitiveness of her interviews and the deviation to other subjects within her comments

Furthermore, Ms Hudes the “Sovereign Decrees” issued and enacted in May 2012 by the new International Treasury Controller, are final legal support and confirmation of the statement above, quote “mislead the public into believing something which legally no longer is valid and has no meaning whatsoever.”, and the fact that the same content of those “Sovereign Decrees” were incorporated into the January 1995 and May 2012 International Treaties.

One thing you should do Ms Hudes is read thoroughly Marcos's Last Will and Testament and the Global Settlements Agreement. Then you might start to understand just a small amount of this highly complex subject/

You are very good at taking little parts of a subject or a statement and using it for your own purposes Ms Hudes, claiming you are the correct one and that what you state is the truth. Unfortunately for you, you are not good enough because I, and others, can see right through you and your character, hence why I stated that you are a “Psychotic”.

Tell me Ms Hudes, why did you not send your response direct to RMN instead of sending it through a third party ????????????????????? Are you afraid that I might see it and respond ????????????????? Unfortunately for you I did. You can get right back up again Ms Hudes but I will continue to render your position and your lies for exactly what they are ……….. Lies and total fabrication favouring the Cabal who you work for and are complicit in their criminal activities.

Happy New Year Everyone

David P. Crayford

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

igots2no -- Saturday, 26-Dec-2015 09:54:08
Readers respond...
igots2no -- Saturday, 26-Dec-2015 21:21:59
David Crayford responds to Readers .
igots2no -- Saturday, 26-Dec-2015 23:26:11
Reader sends Karen Hudes response to David Crayford
igots2no -- Saturday, 26-Dec-2015 23:05:59
igots2no -- Sunday, 27-Dec-2015 08:58:00
Reader N: Mr. David P. Crayford have you really seen the documents of the UBS UNCUT Dollar?
igots2no -- Wednesday, 30-Dec-2015 10:10:11
David Crayford responds to Reader N
igots2no -- Friday, 1-Jan-2016 01:35:44
Wolfgang Struck has some comments...
igots2no -- Friday, 1-Jan-2016 09:31:39
Reader I asks an interesting question or two...
igots2no -- Sunday, 27-Dec-2015 09:05:00
David Crayford responds to Reader I...VERY informative answer
igots2no -- Sunday, 27-Dec-2015 17:47:00
Reader A makes some comments...
igots2no -- Sunday, 27-Dec-2015 09:14:05
Karen Hudes: The Office of International Treasury Control
igots2no -- Sunday, 27-Dec-2015 12:31:08

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