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Reply to Max by reader Phillis

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Tuesday, 29-Nov-2022 04:53:28

In Response To: Reply to Max from researcher Ernie (Mr.Ed)

Re: Reply to Max by Ernie

Hi Max,

I can totally understand your frustration, and I can say that I have almost fallen into similar feelings a few times. However, there TRULY IS a bigger picture here that many in the truther movements fail to see, and it relates to the spiritual aspects of this "war." Straight truthers will generally believe that everything is exactly how they say in the Bible. Of course, we have been lied to about virtually everything and for virtually forever. So, there is a level of knowledge that really may only be available to those who have delved deeply into the spiritual aspect of what is occurring here, and the far bigger picture that comes with that. So, that would be my first point. The next thing I'll say is that I DO see that action is occurring, and yes, sometimes you need to be a really good dot connector & researcher to have accessed this information. For example, I do not need to demand voice prints for comparison to prove to me that various players are actually now avatars - this is because I am fortunate enough to apparently have superior facial (and voice) recognition capabilities - something I didn't even realize UNTIL people started to be replaced in the last few years. I can clearly see simply from looking at or hearing someone that they are no longer the original person. So, I CAN assure you that many people have now been swapped (by whichever side) for clones, actors, dopplegangers etc. The third reason I still believe something good will happen is because I have had an enormous amount of experience in dealing with persons who, let's say, suffer from anti-social personality disorders - which pretty much also describes most of the people we are fighting against. This is where my realization about the need to be patient and exceptionally persistent if you want to counter these people, because they are prepared to fight in ways that would not meet with my own moral landscape. I also, coincidentally, don't watch virtually any of the names you mentioned, although I do quite like reading Ben's report (which I use my discernment with). The last point I would make is about TIMING. There are reasons why I do not want everything laid out for me and why I don't take ANY notice of any dates that may be mentioned or published. Humans are actually going through an Ascension process during this period, IF the soul of that person has chosen to do so - this is an ascension of consciousness to eventually vibrate at a 5th dimensional level. So, we are about to enter a quantum reality, and the other dimensions do not work the same as the 3rd dimension, and one of the biggest differences is in relation to TIME. When people who often quote the Bible tell us we are in the "end times", this is a mistranslation or one of those changes that were manipulated in relation to the Bible. What this time REALLY means for us is that we are at the "end of time." Time only exists as a feature of the 3rd dimension. I once worked out that when a higher dimensional being once referred to a nanosecond, this ACTUALLY (by my estimation) worked out to be around 27 years of our time! I don't want to know exactly what our side is going to do and when they are going to do it, because I KNOW that we can't afford to let any of these folk get away. We need a DEEP CLEAN. Our failure to conclude WWII properly is what finds us where we are today, and so we do not want to make the same mistakes again. I absolutely understand your frustration, however, and I DO think we must be REALLY close now. Hopefully, you might find yourself in a better position by the start of 2023. Best wishes to you Max and well done for being yourself and expressing yourself honestly. As I said, I don't RELY on any talking heads, but rather on my own deep research, which is what has got me as far as I have; not listening to loads of talking heads. I prefer to work things out for myself. For example, I could have given you all box and dice about the jabs, vaccines in general and the health system and more LONG before - like decades ago! Sadly, I really was considered a nutter back then! So, I've been waiting for this for a LONG time, because I was almost born awake! So, whilst I totally understand your frustration, I CAN see that things ARE definitely happening, and we have some excellent big-hitters on our side. Negative emotions are something I try to get away from quickly, because everything is about energy, frequency and vibration. It is actually the collective consciousness of humanity that is driving the timing of all of this - WE are the ones who are TRULY in control. It is, in fact, WE who create what happens on this planet, but we are creating unconsciously (because we've been lied to about who we are) at the moment, which is why the monopolization of media is SO important to the "light-deficient ones" (as I like to call them) - they are effectively manipulating US to CREATE what THEY want; not what WE want. When you understand all of this deeply, then you will understand that we really are all in this together, and I am confident that we are not only winning, but that we are absolutely going to win. We are nearly at the point where things are ready to become more visible, and you should be seeing the signs of this now, with all of the disclosure, exposure and so on. God bless you and I wish you all the best.

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RumorMail -- Monday, 28-Nov-2022 10:28:37
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RumorMail -- Monday, 28-Nov-2022 10:06:24
Reader: Brilliant assessment of the situation MAX! You ask the question, what can we do? Nothing in this realm is as it appears to be
RumorMail -- Monday, 28-Nov-2022 10:21:35
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RumorMail -- Monday, 28-Nov-2022 19:56:22
(Hear, hear! :) Thanks, Reader, for what you wrote in the above post. :) (no words inside this post) *NM*
hobie -- Monday, 28-Nov-2022 19:56:22

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