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New Book: Treasure Planet – Synopsis, Part 3

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:05:27

In Response To: New Book: Treasure Planet – Synopsis, Part Two (GeorgeEaton)

The Quotes tell the story:
During the early arrival of the Anuniki on earth they did seek gold, silver, jewels and other treasures. But once the reigning king from Nibiru heard how this was enslaving the people on earth he immediately put an end to it and withdrew the Anuniki leadership and colony from earth.

It was in the absence of the Anuniki, that the Draconians along with their henchmen the reptilians, flew into the cities and then took control of ruling over the people as gods. It was the Draconians and the reptilians that deceived the people and established the idea and practice of human sacrifices. This was not only done in Central and North America by the Mayans and the Aztecs, it was also practiced in South Western Asia - in ancient Babylon, Assyria and several Middle Eastern countries of that time - thousands of years before the Aztec age. The created gods like Baal were examples of corrupt government systems being created for the express purpose of pleasing the gods ‘from the sky’.

In one case a corrupt religious system had a giant metal god made with the head of a bull and his hands over a fire outstretched as it stood. And the couples that wanted a blessing from their god would bring their baby and place it on the glowing hot hands of the statue as a sacrifice.
A person would think this horrible act would be devastating to the parents, but the very opposite was the case. The Draconians knew and understand humanoid behavior and knew that it was possible to tap into a “taboo” section of the brain, that when a person does the opposite of what is normal, wholesome and good, like protecting a child, that they would in some cases receive a high-level adrenaline flow, much like sexual fetishes and perversions.

This worked in the demon Draconians favor. They were able to set up a religious system of priests and nuns at temples that taught the concept of sacrificing a child, and then the husband would be taken away to have sex with the nuns, and the wife would be taken away to have sex with the priests. This allowed the priests to have a magnified sexual incentive to propagate that so-called “faith”. And when the people worked hard in the fields and in shops, they were also told by the priests to donate a percentage of their gains to the temple.

All of those ancient religions then were based on the concept of “sacrifice” that the people were told was good for their civilization and that it pleased the gods. This was done successfully for generations because there was no competing philosophy or religion that could see the evil in the system and cause the people to end the corruption.

If the people rebelled or refused to follow those doctrines, the priests would tell the returning Draconians or reptilian overlords that they have people that need to be taught a lesson. So, the next time they flew back from their planets to check on the government system they set up, they would kill or abduct the rebellious people on a wholesale basis. But the underlying phenomenon of the priests, guards and people receiving an adrenaline chemical for sacrificing, raping and harming the innocent - is what perpetuated the corrupt system for generations.

This concept has never ended, and is operating on earth in one form or the other to this day, albeit in secret and behind closed doors. It is the drug of choice by the wealthy elite today and is exactly why the wealthy elite on earth and the reptilians had an affinity for each other - and were working together for the same agenda of controlling the people of earth as a crop to be harvested or as a herd of cattle to be slaughtered. In addition to that, the conspirator’s scientists discovered how to harvest a chemical like drug called adrenochrome from the bodies of children and adults and use it as a drug.

Once Michael recognized this evil, he revealed it to his father Markus and was given the authority to fight against the corruption in any form it was found. In this respect one of the prophecies in the Bible actually came to pass, that: “Michael and his angels fought the Dragon and his followers in the air, and Michael prevailed.”

However, it was a truth that was never revealed to the public. And the ignorance of the masses to this day allows evil to flourish in any religious doctrine that promotes a “sacrifice”. The truth is, no god would ask people to sacrifice their children, for any reason. No god needs your money or gold for any reason. No god needs your blind allegiance and slave like respect. And no god can offer you a heavenly afterlife in return for giving him earthly money, children, and wives. Why? Because any god that does such things is NOT a god, but operates on beastly human greed and a power lust without a conscience.

The planets had been fooled long enough. Now was the time that the mass deception was exposed and stopped. And this last mission to Draco Prime was critical in stopping the resurgence of an evil system that originated with the Draconians - who were proven to be demons incarnate.

Our top priority is to prevent any beachhead from being set up on earth again. I can’t stress that enough. Markus made this very clear to me. Obviously, they are working on doing that very thing, if they haven’t already. This is why they’re here and why they have this sophisticated underground base. They have spent a lot of time and resources to set up this base, and their next step would be to set up other bases that can influence politicians, law enforcement and business leaders. The way they operate is to implant some kind of control over an influential person. Then that person introduces them to others and they keep the process going until they have dozens of key people that can provide them with food, women, children, supplies and access to even more supplies. In the end they are trying to change the political environment so that socialistic government control is prevalent against the people. In the past the globalists pushing for a one world, socialistic government - and the alien agenda were actually the same.”

Mike then stood with Judith and Kelleigh and went through the folder of the man of interest. His name was Horace Benton. He was a pastor of a church in Fulton. Mike threw his head back, “Of course! It’s always the wizards that are doing these things. They hide beyond the minister’s position to do whatever they want, and no one is the wiser. I should have known.”
“Wizards?” Kelleigh asked.
“Yes, that is what Mike calls ministers, pastors and priests.” Judith explained. “They use religious ideas to fool the people into doing what they want. No one suspects a pastor that is advertised as close to a god, and is supposed to protect his followers. It can often be the perfect disguise for their nefarious activities on planets.
Throughout the centuries the Draconians and the reptilians set up the religious priests to be representatives between them and the people. In return, the pastors get to sexually abuse the women and children and organize human sacrifices to supposedly please the gods. It is the most horrible and despicable practice ever invented by beings of any kind.”

(End of quotes. This book deals with sensitive subjects but it is not graphic in any way. I felt that it was a subject matter that needed to be addressed so people will be armed with the truth and know how to defend against evil when it is uncovered. If anyone is interested in reading the book, they can send me an email and I will send you a file of the entire book at no cost. All of my books are available free in this format.)

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New Book: Treasure Planet – The Continuing Battle Against The Demonic Aliens- Part One
GeorgeEaton -- Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:07:27
New Book: Treasure Planet – Synopsis, Part Two
GeorgeEaton -- Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:05:27
New Book: Treasure Planet – Synopsis, Part 3
GeorgeEaton -- Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:05:27
Re: New Book: Treasure Planet – The Continuing Battle Against The Demonic Aliens- Part One
CliffR -- Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:07:27

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