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New Book: Treasure Planet – Synopsis, Part Two

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:05:27

In Response To: New Book: Treasure Planet – The Continuing Battle Against The Demonic Aliens- Part One (GeorgeEaton)

I will let the quotes from the book tell the story:

Mike couldn’t help but think about the dangers of another Draconian faction sprouting up and then carrying on another diabolical invasion campaign against free planets. The Draconians had without a doubt proven themselves to be the number one risk to other sentient beings in the galaxy. They were ruthless in their methods and laid waste to nations through deception, murder, slavery and hardship that was literally incalculable.
Millions of lives were lost, homes were split up, children became fatherless, women were enslaved and ruined for life, children were abducted and raised, abused and killed on other planets, and the civilizations they established were brainwashed to sacrifice their own children.
The broad spectrum of negative effects on free planets was truly done on a Galactic scale. To have stopped and conquered the Draconians was nearly miraculous and was seen as destiny itself intervening in the battles. The Draconians were advanced in their societies, technologies, and even in their thinking processes and had infiltrated even the freest planets like the Anuniki of Nibiru and the humans on earth.
If they couldn’t defeat a nation in one way, they would shrewdly innovate and find another way to enslave their prey. In the last few years of their power on earth alone, they used three different methods to control the minds and lives of the people they manipulated to continue their power on earth. Earth and its defenseless inhabitants continued to be an attractive target for the Draconians
In the past the Draconians had infiltrated the earth’s political movements, banking, finance, corporations, military, religions, entertainment, and the education system to name a few. They were so pervasive in their power and control that Michael and his team had to keep inventing new detection devices to locate them in society.
It was said by researchers that the Draconians were so cunning, so diabolically evil, that it would take a thousand years of research just to study their methods and try to comprehend the depth of their wicked thinking, and how and why they were so driven to find new ways to harm others. If they would have used only 10% of their energy in helping others and standing for good values, rather than enslaving free people - the entire Galaxy would have benefited greatly. But unfortunately, that was not the case. It was proven time after time to Michael, the Anuniki and his friends that the Draconians were demons incarnate, driven to do evil in the Universe, and would do so until they were soundly stopped and destroyed.
The Anuniki and Michael employed several methods to stop the Draconians from harming others, lying, taking part in mass deceptions, stealing and killing anyone in their way – but, absolutely nothing worked for long. It wasn’t until Michael came up with a plan to ensnare them in their own invasion plans and then wipe out their civilization on Draco Prime, that the abductions, abuse and killings stopped. It was for all of these reasons and more, that Michael made the decision to immediately notify Markus, the king of the Anuniki and planet Nibiru, and let it be known that there were Draconian survivors that needed to be dealt with.

For many decades the masses didn’t know their nations and societies were being attacked by a silent weapon from a central source of global conspirators. The idea seemed preposterous and nearly impossible to comprehend. But when Michael uncovered the conspiracy, he traced it back to the origins of these corrupt concepts and knew these anti-social ideas were harming the nations, destroying the family unit and harming children. This realization was in addition to the covert operation by the Draconians to abduct children and others and use them as slaves, not only in their mansions on earth but on other planets.

This meant that evil was connected. These negative, detrimental and offensive moves against society came from a central source of wealthy elite conspirators that also had ulterior motives against the entire planet. This realization was alarming for Michael, and also with his father Markus.
Once this was realized, the battle for earth and other planets was fought in earnest, and was won. Until now that is - until they discovered Draconians had survived the war on Draco Prime, and had the potential to mount a new counter attack against free planets and free people.
when it comes to the Draconians, since they have developed as an unforgiving predatory demon species, they must be eradicated 100% from existence. Hundreds of millions have died or been enslaved because of them, and this fact alone requires any sentient being to destroy them. Their actions have made it abundantly clear, that they have forfeit their lives by their own evil actions.”
“I agree with Markus.” Michael added. “They cannot be dealt with through treaties, peace talks or agreements. They must be destroyed wherever they are found. Does anyone here disagree with this decision?”
Everyone looks around the room at each person without saying a word. The only one at the conference table that had the marker gene was Kelleigh Warwick, whose mother was a Redshield. She then spoke up.
“I believe with all my being that the Draconians should be destroyed from existence. I lost my mother and father and my older brother to these demons and their deceptions. I was a firsthand witness to their beastly acts of terror and murder. But my experiences pale in comparison to the hundreds of millions that were slaughtered, cannibalized, enslaved, and sexually abused. These crimes cannot be fathomed or fully comprehended in the human mind. Their unrepentant acts go way beyond the savagery of predatory animals that exist by instincts. They are by all accounts; demons incarnate that have magnified their campaign of murder for power and pleasure. Their actions clearly show to any thinking person, that they have forfeit their right to exist. I beg you, do not let them live and do not show them any mercy. They have by thousands of years of criminal actions, already sentenced themselves to death.”
King Markus then stood up and spoke: “Well said young lady! Let it be known this day that we will not let those crimes go unpunished. The blood of the innocent cry out from their graves for justice, and we shall not fail them!”
(More in Part three of the Treasure Planet synopsis)

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Articles In This Thread

New Book: Treasure Planet – The Continuing Battle Against The Demonic Aliens- Part One
GeorgeEaton -- Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:07:27
New Book: Treasure Planet – Synopsis, Part Two
GeorgeEaton -- Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:05:27
New Book: Treasure Planet – Synopsis, Part 3
GeorgeEaton -- Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:05:27
Re: New Book: Treasure Planet – The Continuing Battle Against The Demonic Aliens- Part One
CliffR -- Tuesday, 22-Nov-2022 00:07:27

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