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Ebola Epidemic is a Hoax on the Scale of 9-11 and Sandy Hook - Richard Evans (Vid)

Posted By: Lion
Date: Saturday, 18-Oct-2014 11:52:25


Ebola Pandemic Smells Like a Hoax

October 15, 2014


It's not Ebola that will get you.

It's the vaccines.

The Ebola Epidemic is a hoax on the scale of 9-11 and Sandy Hook. The purpose is to frighten the masses into accepting martial law measures and to send troops to occupy West Africa.

Ebola Pandemic Smells Like a Hoax - Richard Evans


Protocols of Zion, 10:19

by Richard Evans

Please note these facts:

Ebola isn't airborne.

Whenever speaking officially, CDC has to tell the truth that any doctor or nurse will tell you. "This is not like flu. It's not like measles, not like the common cold. It's not as spreadable, it's not as infectious as those conditions,"

That's from Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

People don't get exposed by sitting next to someone on the bus or an airline.

The infection is contracted through ingestion (or injection) of infected fluids entering the body through porous membrane tissue, or open cuts.

To date, they say the death toll approaches 5000 in West Africa, and ONE in the United States.

Did you know that at least 98,000 people died last year from medical negligence in hospitals?

That's 270 a day! Where is CNN for THAT story?

Does Obama Care? [1]

When did the current Ebola media blitz enter public perception?


Media kicked it off on March 19th with a report of 23 deaths in Guinea from a "mystery hemorrhagic fever".

Note: they weren't calling it Ebola yet, and nobody paid attention till they did a month later.

The media sensation started with a bang on July 27th with the headlines that Dr. Kent Brantly, 33, and missionary Nancy Writebol had contracted Ebola near Monrovia, Liberia.

Brantly was quoted saying "I held the hands of patients while they were dying".

The handsome white doctor was flown with much drama to the United States Center of Disease Control flagship, Emory Hospital in Atlanta Georgia.


I don't own a television, so I witnessed the TV coverage at a gym.

The news reports appeared during 'The Young and the Restless' soap opera, so at first I had trouble telling the difference between two stories.

Doesn't "Dr. Kent Brantly' sound like a soap opera character?

He looks like one too. The story certainly sounded like a soap opera:

Valiant white doctor holding the hands of dying natives in Africa, contracts killer virus, flown back to the States. TV viewers all over the world were asking, "Will he survive?"

He did, of course, and so did Nancy Writebol.

Brantly was saved by the only Ebola serum dose on Earth. Wow. That's a real cliff hanger.

(see my August 11th article, Ebola - Another Illuminati Psy Op?)

I still stand by that article when I wrote "The mass media has been EXAGGERATING the hell out of Ebola".

But here it is almost Halloween and they're still at it.

Media psyops usually have a half-life of about 3 weeks. They've sustained this one so long I even began to wonder whether it's 'real', till I'd spent a week researching up to date.

"EBOLA CRISIS, ACT TWO, SCENE ONE was the Liberian national who got a commercial airliner and flew to Dallas, Texas, to his destiny as the first person to die of Ebola in the Western Hemisphere, right here in the good 'ol United States.

'Thomas Eric Duncan' (TED) was a bit of mystery at first.

An Oct. 2nd CNN story that says, "according to the friend, this was Duncan's first trip to America."

In the UK Guardian October 8th obituary, "Thomas Eric Duncan fled Liberian war years before fatal Ebola infection".

So how did he get Ebola? The story goes he was visiting a son and relatives who live in Dallas.


Within a week I noticed the Duncan story memes were being blended with the St. Louis (Ferguson) psyop that had been 'playing in theater two'.

Relatives of Duncan were suddenly produced, and the first thing his alleged nephew said on Breakfast Television was "Duncan died because he was black".

"U.S. Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan was treated differently because he was black, his nephew says"

Then on cue, "Jesse Jackson Claims Racism: "Why Is Black Ebola Patient The Only One To Die?"

I don't want to digress into this aspect of the media sensationalism.

It's just one of many facets of the overall Ebola Psyop.

Let's stop for a moment.

Something else about the Ebola human interest stories IS like a soap opera.

We've seen no photos of these very photogenic Ebola poster people disfigured with the horrible effects of advanced Ebola.

What to make of that?

Luckily there are many very astute researchers who have been working on this. I found these three videos to be gold.

CNN + NYT caught using CRISIS ACTORS! Oct 10, 2014

"Boston bombing and Sandy Hoax pales in comparison to the theatrics we are seeing in the media."

"It's not Ebola that will get you. It's the vaccines."

De Facto Martial Law In Connecticut?...Ebola!!!! Oct 11, 2014

Ebola Hoax: Agenda 21 Green Psyop FULLY EXPOSED! Oct 11, 2014 Using the color green to program people.

Even Africans are saying Ebola is fake.

I've been coming the same conclusion, at least insofar as the Dallas tale.

I also noticed the day-glow green shirts cropping up in lots of Ebola related stories.

Not to mention too many creepy obviously posed 'Hazmat' costumed images.

Yes, it smacks of another Sandy Hoax, Boston Bombing, etc.

However, AFRICOM is real.

Obama is actually President of the United States, and those weren't 4000 GI JOE dolls he's been deploying to West Africa.

Something is killing people in isolated villages in Liberia, Sierra Leon, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria.

The photographic evidence we've been shown is FAKE.

That means we're not being show what's really been going down over there.

Guinea: "Health officials killed by mob who believed they were infecting people with the virus".

"On 17 September 2014 a mob of villagers killed an 'Ebola Awareness team' in a village about 900 km from Guinea's capital. The Guinea correspondent reported that locals attacked the team, which comprised local administrators, two medical officers, a preacher, and the three journalists.

According to the correspondent, the villagers instigated this attack because they thought Ebola "is a political lie orchestrated by the authorities and that the disease is not real."

This follows previous riots in Nzérékoré in August after rumours that health officials who were disinfecting a market were infecting people with the virus."

One Guinea native said that Ebola is being spread by Doctors Without Borders, a charity with Zionist connections.

Is it coincidental that the death toll in Guinea stopped growing after these incidents prompted their government to stop sending in such 'teams'? [2]

Obama deploys Special Forces fight a virus?

Look at all this troop deployment to Africa - and Iraq -- within the last week.

Not just our 'ol pal the UK, but SPAIN.

I had a flash memory of something I noticed back summer of 2004.

The G8 Summit was at Sea Island Georgia that summer (near the infamous Jeckyl Island).

Most Americans didn't know about it because media overshadowed this meeting with the week long Apotheosis Rituals of Ronald Reagan (aka, President Reagan's State Funeral).

At the time the American public still believed that the EU, Russia and the UN opposed US/UK aggression in the Middle East.

This was not the case.

The 2004 Summit is relevant because that's when they signed a joint (international) military treaty to commit troops to the "Global Peacekeeping Force" they created.

'suspected of carrying Ebola' - UK sending troops to West ...

4 days ago - Spanish authorities kill dog 'suspected of carrying Ebola' - UK sending troops to West Africa - U.S. authorities begin screening air passengers. Britain sending 750 soldiers and medics to Western Africa - › ... › Health News - private

The Independent 5 days ago - Britain will send 750 troops, three helicopters and a military vessel to support the ... In Spain, there was criticism of the authorities over the ...
Spain to send 300 troops to Iraq to train ISF - Iraqi News

... New ISIS map includes Europe, half of Africa, 25% of Asia and ...

ebola.jpg(Ignore the real epidemics...)


There can be no Ebola epidemic in countries with toilets and good hygiene.

When the UK and France also deployed soldiers a few days ago, I reached the conclusion that Ebola is quite simply the pretext for "medical" martial law.

I've also collected the documentation to show the international treaties and Executive Orders to enable the Pandemic Quarantine cover for martial law were put in place between 2004-2008.

Actually, it goes back much further than that, but we don't need to go back any further than 2004.

I'm talking about recolonization of Africa by the former Colonial powers.

Only this time they're in lockstep as the New World Order.

When a hoax is sustained for as many weeks as Ebola, be sure and keep checking the back page news, 'cause this is when the most treasonous legislation is passed, among other things.



[2] US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pushing to Vaccinate Entire Countries with Ebola Vaccine

Related - Lots of Ebola is a Hoax articles (google search)

----------- Firestone Contains Ebola on its Plantations in Liberia

------------Jon Rappoport - Fixing the Numbers

------------- and Defining Ebola

--------------"Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD? Scientists Allege links-us.html#QWL0Yu2QKlR6wbdV.99

NOTE: I asked Richard about the google images of Ebola victims;

I saw all those photos when I was researched. It turns out they're file photos from the real Ebola epidemic in Zaire in 1976.

That strain was eradicated at the time.

That's why they don't use those photos in today's news, and use the silly green T-shirt photos instead.

Also, I was surprised to see the Protocols have a line:


I thought inoculation wasn't developed till the 1920's to combat the syphilis epidemic.

Looking into it this morning I find Voltaire wrote in detail about women in some Arab place inoculating their children with a homemade smallpox vaccine.

If Voltaire was aware of it, the Illuminati knew about it too.

First Comment by GF:

The statistics tell the tale:
Global deaths from Ebola since 1976 = 4,521 (That includes the 3,019 deaths in 2014, as of the end of September 2014.)

Global deaths from influenza in 2009 = 284,000 (CDC data)

Global deaths from malaria in 2012 = 627,000 (WHO data) - 90% of malaria deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa.

Ebola epidemic = exaggerated propaganda.

Purpose - to provide an excuse for US and NATO military intervention in resource-rich Africa.

Dick writes:

A great article by Richard Evans, I agree 100%.

But there's another angle.

This is also a proxy war between London and Beijing.

Look at the 4 victim countries, and ask who the main trading partner is now (China) and was until now (Britain)

Case in point, here's an article about how Chinese companies are driving London mining interests out of Sierra Leone, and building up local infrastructure.

How do they do it? By giving Africans a better deal:

You also need to look at who is the beneficiary of Ebola, which turns out to be London-based Glaxo Smith Kline.

The timeline goes like this:

May 2013 GSK teams up with Save the Children to pay for the training of non- prof healthcare workers to deliver vaccinations throughout West Africa.

July 2014 As Evans points out, the Ebola panic begins with all the made-for-tv storylines.

August 2014 GSK starts fast-track trials for its experimental Ebola vaccine (well that was awfully quick!) releases/2014/ebolavaccinetrials-fast-tracked-by-international- consortium/

September 2014 The first British volunteer gets an Ebola vaccine idUKKBN0HC17K20140917

October 2, 2014 GSK and Save the Children are the featured participants at the "Defeating Ebola" conference, jointly hosted by the UK and Sierra Leone governments.

Yes, there's ample reason to be concerned about forced vaccinations, etc.

But ultimately, I suspect this is about the British empire re-asserting control over its former colonial holdings, where the uppity Chinese have something better than eternal slavery on offer.

Look for a lot of real Africans to die from Ebola shots, but also for a UN-controlled crisis zone that will allow guys with blue helmets and rifles to expel Chinese mining, oil and construction companies. - See more at:

Jackie said (October 16, 2014):

I have lived in Monrovia Liberia with my parents for 4 years. (1964-1967).

We never heard of Ebola when living there.

With regard to Ebola I think that if there really is a case of Ebola it is inflicted on the people by the Illuminati and their henchmen!

Fact is, Liberia has lots of diamonds, gold and iron and most likely the Illuminati are very interested in robbing the country of these items.

The most common disease in West Africa is malaria. My mother had a bad case of malaria when we lived in Nigeria (1958-1963).

I do know that cases of Ebola have been seen in Congo and some neighboring countries (dark Africa as it is often called).

If there is really a case of Ebola in these west African countries it must have been inflicted on the people deliberately.

So as far as I see it, it's a huge lie.

Anon said (October 16, 2014):

These issues in Africa were predicted by Professor Duesberg from UC Berkeley, CA.

His book about the fact that there is no HIV resulted in his being demoted and stripped of his graduate students and labs, even though he was the recipient of NIH grants that gave him 7 years to do research in his field, without requiring periodic reports. His research had been so impeccable that he was on their preferred lists.

When I discussed facts such as these with even intelligent people (I thought), I was shrugged off as one of those crazy conspiracy theorists.

As a scientifically trained Ph.D. from UCLA, I only mention Karl Popper's Principle of Falsifiability to disprove any incredible hypothesis, which means going back to the drawing board, and people start running away screaming.

Dr. Duesberg predicted that the pharmaceutical companies would help Africa by providing HIV "medicine" at reduced costs.

I no longer talk about these and other issues because the intelligence level of Americans has sunk to such a low that they truly believe, e.g., that carbon fire can melt down a steel building, not to mention bldg. 7 in New York that spontaneously "fell" in its own footprint.

The Common Core Curriculum gave me the rest: total video surveillance of children and one set of "teaching", err brainwashing, for all -- individualism be damned -- by the State.

Stalin and Orwell would never believe that their dream was exceeded by multiple orders of magnitude.

I am glad that my children are grown, but even they believe in Darwin and the rest...

David said (October 16, 2014):

Henry, I think it was a former CIA director [William Casey] who once said the mission of the intelligence agencies will be accomplished when they can put out a news story -- no matter how irrational or contradictory -- and it will be accepted without question by the masses.

Diane said (October 16, 2014):

Yes ebola is a huge hoax.

I have been watching this since January as well as fake Isis.

The "flood of lies" of deception has gone full throttle.

The gullible people that have their minds "seared as if with a hot iron" are now panicking as planned.

Neighbor against neighbor, race against race, country against country...false Christianity based on luciferian doctrine lies...this nation will fall but the true people of the Lord...the true Israelites will stand for the God of Abraham at the appointed time and nothing or no one will ever stop the truth that will be spoken when the time comes.

All these things were told to us in the Holy Scriptures and there is no evil that will not and is not being exposed.

Watch Watchmen Watch.

V said (October 16, 2014):

Great article 'Ebola Pandemic Smells Like a Hoax' by Richard Evans.

From all the pictures I have seen of poor African's dying in those 3 countries (Sierra Leaone, Guinea, Liberia) I believe that most of them died of something else besides true Ebola such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, typhoid fever, etc.

Those three countries are in the equatorial belt where tropical diseases are endemic coupled with poor nutrition, sanitation and forth world medical care.

Like Jim Stone said on his website all you saw was people dying and not people dying of Ebola because you have no idea what they died of.

The media is telling us these days that everyone who died (that wasn't an 80 year old senior) in those three African countries died of Ebola.

They could have even died of cancer because they never knew they had it as the hospital service is forth world or from any of the other tropical diseases I mentioned above but the satanic media will say that they died of Ebola.

One UK newspaper had a story and pictures of a young African woman who had a slight fever (not high) and stomach pains.

A few days late she died and was buried by a team wearing hazmat suits.

She had almost none of the classic true Ebola symptoms but the media said that she died of Ebola.

Everyone who was sick and died (of anything besides a car accident) in those three African countries so far is counted as dying from Ebola inflating the numbers daily.

Steve said (October 16, 2014):

Thank you Henry!

I was getting some what depressed in seeing so many many alternative news sites are in lock step with main stream media.

I view this Ebola hoax is the best tool to date of discovering which websites are just disinfo sites for the banksters.

You past my test but over 90% of alternate news site aren't.

I pray for you and Jim Stone.

John said (October 16, 2014):

Supposedly, an ultraviolet light robot can kill Ebola in two minutes, so most hospital should have one?

Third-World Nations might need assistance.

Electrode Zapper should work perfectly while zapping all pathogens coupled with Colloidal Silver.

Vitamin C used in treating Avian Flu, Scurvy, and other similar symptoms like Ebola. Maintain Immune System, diet, and active lifestyle.

Saw footage of CNN video three or four days ago showed a guy walking away carry money in his right hand, then a kid walking and laid down on the ground, next, grown man pretending to be sick on the dirt wearing green shirt.

19 years later, all of sudden Ebola becomes a major threat.

Book by Laurie Garrett:

The Coming Plague, 1995. Ebola, HIV, and Lassa.

Bernard said (October 16, 2014):

Masterpiece article on Ebola by Richard Evans.

I agree with it completely as far as it goes.

I should add that I do not believe that the vaccinations will be blind.

They will be matched, I am guessing, to SSNs and those in turn matched to intelligence databases.

Just for an example, there will be color codes green, yellow, blue, and red.

Green will be friends of the regime: Cheney, the Bushes, etc.

Yellow will be useless eaters who have no family affiliation to the favored ones.

Pensioners, welfare recipients, wounded veterans, etc. will fall into this category.

Slow-acting, multi-symptom, plausibly deniable cocktails for them, producing Gulf War syndrome, Alzheimers, ALS and similar neutralizers.

Red will be trouble-makers.

They have to go too, but slowly.

The same cocktails will work for them.

Don't panic people into refusing the vaccinations.

Last will be the blue folks.

Those are the worker bees with their minds on their jobs, porn, and sports.

Just keep an eye on them to make sure they aren't developing any reddish tendencies.

And of course, when they become useless eaters, they get a yellow-color coding.

GG said (October 15, 2014):


Why did the U.S. military really send 3000 soldiers to West Africa?

To fight a virus? Will they bomb the virus? Why not send 3000 doctors?


There are several more ebola conspiracy theories (facts?)

Here is the best list I've found for further research:

Ebola – Connect The DOTS (My Breakdown): Water Well Poisoning, KGH/Tulane University Ebola Testing, Decade of Vaccines… Oh My!
October 15th, 2014

I decided to make a somewhat detailed breakdown of my stance on this whole ebola situation (or at least part of it… to be continued…), since my views on the whole thing have recently changed quite a bit. First off let me start by saying I do believe ebola is a real disease, and do think ebola is being spread right now in West Africa (somewhat…), just not in the way we are being told in the media or by officials.

Lets me start from the beginning…

Earlier this year a DoD funded ebola vaccine (TKM-Ebola) started it’s first round of human trials.

Jan 22, 2014 – Tekmira doses first subject in human clinical trial of TKM-Ebola
Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation has dosed the first subject in a Phase 1 human clinical trial of TKM-Ebola, an anti-Ebola viral therapeutic that is being developed under a US$140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense.

Another heavy investor in the TKM-Ebola vaccine maker is Monsanto, and just 9 days prior to the first TKM-Ebola human vaccine trials back on Jan 22, 2014, Monsanto paid a 1.5 million dollar milestone payment to the company.

Tekmira Receives $1.5 Million Milestone Payment
Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation (Nasdaq:TKMR) (TSX:TKM), a leading developer of RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics, announced today that it has received a $1.5 million milestone payment from Monsanto following completion of specified program developments. The development milestone is part of the research program under the Option Agreement Tekmira signed with the agriculture company, which we announced on January 13, 2014.

This TKM-Ebola vaccine as you can probably tell by now is developed by a company called Tekmira Pharmacuiticals Inc based in Canada, which IMO is basically a front company for, Alnylam, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck & Pfizer which all have a direct partnership with Tekmira (legal scapegoat for the initial trigger).

Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation – Company Description
In addition to its pipeline of products, Tekmira has collaborative or partnership agreements with leading companies in the RNAi field, including Alnylam, Pfizer, Takeda, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Merck.

~2 months after the phase I human clinical trials of TKM-Ebola take place, Guinea alerts the WHO of the first sign of an Ebola outbreak in 2014 (outbreak declared on March 25, 2014).

The TKM-Ebola Phase I clinical trial is a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study involving single ascending doses and multiple ascending doses of TKM-Ebola. The study will assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of administering TKM-Ebola to healthy adult subjects. Four subjects will be enrolled per cohort. There are four planned cohorts for a total of 16 subjects in the single dose arm, and three planned cohorts for a total of 12 subjects in the multiple dose arm of the trial. Each cohort will enroll three subjects who receive TKM-Ebola, and one who will receive placebo.

CDC – March 25, 2014 – Initial Announcement – Outbreak
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Guinea has reported an outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in four southeastern districts: Guekedou, Macenta, Nzerekore and Kissidougou. Reports of suspected cases in the neighboring countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone are being investigated. In Guinea, a total of 86 suspected cases, including 59 deaths (case fatality ratio: 68.5%), had been reported as of March 24, 2014.

It then comes out that Tekmira TKM-Ebola human trials are put on hold due to “safety concerns”…

Tekmira shares skyrocket as Ebola outbreak intensifies in Africa
Shares of Canada’s Tekmira Pharmaceutical Corp , which has ambitions of producing the first treatment for the deadly Ebola virus, have skyrocketed as the worst-ever outbreak of the virus intensified in West Africa.
While human tests of the company’s treatment, TKM-Ebola, were put on hold last month due to safety concerns…–finance.html

Gee I wonder, did those safety concerns happen to be… causing ebola in the hosts? Well the locals seem to think it might… to the point where one of the other hospitals at an epicenter of this whole mess (the Kenema Government Hospital), had most their workers go on strike…

July 22, 2014 – Sierra Leone nurses go on strike over Ebola deaths
Nurses in Sierra Leone’s Ebola-infested eastern Kenema district Monday went on strike following the death of three of their colleagues.
The victims died last week from the viral hemorrhagic fever which they had contracted while caring for infected patients.
The striking nurses at the Kenema Government Hospital accused the Health ministry of failure to properly manage the epidemic which they say led to the deaths.
The government has been criticised for not providing enough personal protective equipment to healthcare workers who are also unhappy about their remuneration.
Among their demands include the relocation of the Ebola wards from within the Kenema Government Hospital.

…And just 1 day later the hospital itself was forced to tell Tulane University to stop its Ebola testing taking place at their hospital for the past several months (since most of the fucking hospital staff didn’t trust wtf was going on in there and took the fuck off).

Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone
July 23 – Tulane University to stop Ebola testing during the current Ebola outbreak.

George Soros, his Ebola bioweapons lab and the death of WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas in the Ukraine

Sierra Leone Closes US Bioweapons Lab At Centre Of Ebola Outbreak, Stops Tulane University From Ebola Testing

Note: It is also important to note that the Tekmira TKM-Ebola human trials were put on hold at the SAME time as the Kenema Government Hospital forced Tulane University to stop its “ebola testing” (which started in Guinea and carried over to Sierra Leone).

Like I said, I do think ebola is real and being spread, just not in the way the MSM and officials are telling us… which brings us to the overlap point. You see up to this point (~Mar-July 2014) Tulane University was able to slowly infect people with Ebola in a controlled manner in Sierra Leone (allowing for the base cover story of ebola), but after being forced to stop their testing (aka controlled ebola spread) in mid July 2014 (about the same time the MSM started hyping ebola on international scale) , they had to do something else to keep the ebola hype/fear/spread going in the minds of the public.

Which brings us to the water well poisoning which is taking place in these same areas for months (primarily in Liberia & parts of Guinea & Sierra Leone), which is said to be being carried out by a group of 250+ men, with the aim of poisoning multiple villages water supplies with mass amounts of both powdered and liquid concentrated Formaldeyde (which just so happens to… you guessed it, cause Ebola-Like Symptoms including hemorrhaging!)

Medical Management Guidelines for Formaldehyde
Ingestion of as little as 30 mL (1 oz.) of a solution containing 37% formaldehyde has been reported to cause death in an adult. Ingestion may cause corrosive injury to the gastrointestinal mucosa, with nausea, vomiting, pain, bleeding, and perforation. Corrosive injuries are usually most pronounced in the pharyngeal mucosa, epiglottis and esophagus. Systemic effects include metabolic acidosis, CNS depression and coma, respiratory distress, and renal failure.

Well Poisoner Under Investigation
The latest information obtained reports that arrests are being made across Monrovia, from Congo Town to Vai Town, in connection with well poisonings.
Our witness said the man caught poisoning the Schieffelin well told the community that about 250 men have been trained around the country to poison drinking water.
He added that the water was tested on a dog at the scene, which melted instantly.

Ebola Outbreak: Armed Liberians ‘Poison’ Wells Killing Villagers under Pretext of Epidemic
Armed men have allegedly poisoned wells in Liberia’s New Georgia in order to kill the residents under the pretext of Ebola outbreak.
The water from the wells and pumps has been used by thousands of people in the area.
At least 16 people are suspected to be dead because of well-poisoning in the Margibi community.
A few suspects are under police custody over the alleged poisoning. One of the accused is said to have confessed that 250 men have undergone training to poison wells across the country, but the claim is yet to be verified.

BREAKING: Formaldeyde in Water Allegedly Causing Ebola-like Symptoms
A man in Schieffelin, a community located in Margibi County on the Robertsfield Highway, has been arrested for attempting to put formaldehyde into a well used by the community.
Reports say around 10 a.m., he approached the well with powder in a bottle. Mobbed by the community, he confessed that he had been paid to put formaldeyde into the well, and that he was not the only one. He reportedly told community dwellers, “We are many.” There are agents in Harbel, Dolostown, Cotton Tree and other communities around the country, he said.

The Observer had previously been informed that people dressed as nurses were going into communities with ‘Ebola Vaccines’. Once injected, it reportedly produces Ebola-like symptoms and sends victims into a coma.

And go figure one of the recent “likely” ebola hypes was the unnamed Briton man who died in Macedonia from internal bleeding.

Ebola outbreak fears spread as Briton with symptoms dies
Man suffered fever, vomiting and internal bleeding before he died

But it turns out he didn’t have Ebola after all…

Ebola: Briton who died in Macedonia did not have deadly virus, officials say
Health officials have said that the Briton who died in Macedonia on Thursday did not succumb to Ebola.

So what caused the internal bleeding and death I wonder?

The Briton was reportedly consuming large quantities of alcohol and Formaldehyde or methanal, which has be reported in water poisoning incidents in Liberia, is soluble in water and alcohol. Could he have been the victim of a toxic attack to simulate an Ebola outbreak in central Europe?

Well go figure…

Anyways, to sum it up for now, I believe the 2014 ebola outbreak is real, but much smaller scale, more controlled and less transmittable then we are being programmed to think (with a lot of overlapping events, confussion, fear & media hype added to the mix). In my opinion Liberia is mainly Formaldeyde water poisoning with a very small amount of real ebola cases (primary poison target), Guinea is a mix of both (crossover of controlled ebola release & some Formaldeyde water poisoning), and Sierra Leone has the most cases of real ebola but for the most part are dying down (but are being replaced with Formaldeyde water poisoning now to help keep up the cover until ~Q1 2015 when the 10,000 doses of NIAID/GSK ebola vaccine & 100,000 doses of the CNLM VSV-EBOV vaccine should be about ready to be used in a part of the phase 1 mass vaccination program in West Africa. In my opinion most of the “ebola” related deaths in West Africa are not ebola related at all (directed tied to the coordinated drinking water poisonings happening across the 3 countries designed to mimic ebola), and I highly doubt a single case outside of West Africa is ebola at all.
I could go on for ages, and I WILL update this thread with more details about how I feel the media is playing into the agenda, and how all this is likely part of a 3 phase vaccination agenda (starting in early 2015, ending in ~2018) that is going to start off as optional for most (forced for selected areas), and transition over time to become more and more mandatory for even uninfected regions (phase 1 (current)=target sheep, phase 2=target submitters, phase 3=wipe out resisters) as part of a Gates Foundation funded global vaccination/sterilization/RFID agenda via The Global Vaccine Action Plan (with the aim of global immunization by the year 2020), which is all just a small piece of the overarching UN Agenda 21, and the ushering in of their New World Order.

Ebola Is A Scripted Disaster

Alex Jones breaks down the latest news on Ebola and why the federal government has failed to do anything to stop it.

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James Perloff said (October 15, 2014):

9/11 = TERROR false flag.

Purpose: police state (surveillance, warrantless searches, etc.)

Sandy Hook = CRIME false flag.

Purpose: police state (confiscate guns)

Global warming = ENVIRONMENTAL false flag.

Purpose: police state (restrict energy use)

Ebola = MEDICAL false flag.

Purpose: police state (mandatory quarantines & vaccines)

They tried to establish a medical police state in 2009 over the H1N1 swine flu, but constitutionalists fought off proposed laws and swine flu turned out to be a dud.

It looks like they went back to the drawing board and have come out with a more orchestrated & hyped threat.

They always “go back to the drawing board” when they don’t get what they want.

Last year, allegations of a chemical weapons attack by Assad failed to produce air strikes on Syria.

This year: ISIS beheading videos -- Voila! Air strikes on Syria.

Why are movies so lousy these days?

Is it just possible that the best screenwriters are working for the government? And why not? It's got a much bigger budget than Hollywood.

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Articles In This Thread

Ebola Epidemic is a Hoax on the Scale of 9-11 and Sandy Hook - Richard Evans (Vid)
Lion -- Saturday, 18-Oct-2014 11:52:25
I certainly hope this is true and not whatever the opposite of fear porn is - complacency porn?
MrFusion -- Saturday, 18-Oct-2014 12:36:16
It's a Multi-Pronged Psy-op Where a Reality Is Created For Profit
Lion -- Saturday, 18-Oct-2014 13:28:41
Oh but here's Obama explaining that it's all going to be OK...
MrFusion -- Saturday, 18-Oct-2014 15:37:57
Video: No Surprise - Bilderbergs, CDC, W.H.O., Obama - Planned Ebola 'Crisis' in 2009
Lion -- Saturday, 18-Oct-2014 12:38:11
Sharry Edwards: Her vocal profile software reveals it's the copper in chemtrails that's directly related to Ebola
NaturalWisdom -- Saturday, 18-Oct-2014 17:18:10
Reader G: Jean Haines - Jim Stone: Warning: Nano Bot Tainted Vaccines
Lion -- Saturday, 18-Oct-2014 18:46:41
I accept Jim Stone's challenge: Here is a 1988 discussion of the 6-legged T4 bacteriophage in a printed book
MrFusion -- Sunday, 19-Oct-2014 00:43:12

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