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Anna Von Reitz: "The Only Boat Afloat"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 19:54:48

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Reply to White Hats" (hobie)

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Only Boat Afloat

By Anna Von Reitz

Ahoy, Matey! Here's a little lesson from the Salty Sea.

Any port in a storm.

Any boat that's still afloat.

If you are an American, the "only boat still afloat" is your own unincorporated Federation of States, which has been doing business since 1776 as The United States of America.

Many of you may not know this, but the name of this country when referring to our combined States' national soil jurisdiction is: The United States.

And when you are referring to the combined States' international jurisdictions we operate as: The United States of America.

Neither one of these unincorporated Public entities have ever been bankrupt, and indeed, neither are eligible for bankruptcy protection. Both enjoy state immunity, instead.

Neither one, The United States nor The United States of America, have ever participated in any form of insurance scheme. Both are indemnified, instead.

Neither one are parties to, nor mentioned by, any of the three (3) Federal Constitutions. This is because the Constitutions don't concern them.

The Constitutions concern three similarly named Federal Subcontractors: (1) "the" States of America; (2) "the" United States of America; and (3) "the" United States.

These three entities are private subcontractors in the business of providing essential government services that are stipulated in the Constitutions.

In the beginning, all three "Federal" Subcontractors were unincorporated businesses, but in the 1850's. the British Territorial Subcontractor doing business as "the" United States of America, incorporated as a franchise of the British Crown Corp.

This entity did business as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, but was bankrupted in 1863; the promoters promptly went to Scotland, and opened up a new franchise doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated" in 1868.

Their Successors have played a similar name game ever since, seeking to confuse their British corporation with the actual American Government doing business as The United States of America.

They have done this in order to steal our identity and gain access to our credit in exactly the same way that a Credit Card Hacker does. They pretended to be the American Government operating in international jurisdiction, instead of a British Territorial corporation operating as a subcontractor of our Government.

This was done via the use of deceitfully similar names, and claims of acquiescence --- and "voluntary" participation in this system --- though in fact the American victims were never given disclosure and the whole situation was deliberately hidden behind a literal "Cloak of Secrecy Policy" initiated by these foreign corporations.

Well, you'd keep it secret, too, if you were engaged in the biggest Con Game and Identity Theft Scheme in world history.

The first cyclical double bankruptcy fraud happened in 1863 and 1868. The next round happened in 1907 and 1921. The next round was in 1925 and 1930. (A separate domestic bankruptcy was also declared in 1933.) And we've just gone through another iteration in 2008 and 2015.

To make things more complicated, the Holy See got into the act and joined the British fraud scheme in the 1920's, and so, got its share of the take by fronting one of the perpetually bankrupt look-alike, sound-alike corporations as a Municipal CORPORATION.

It's all criminal and it's all fraud, but each time they pulled this little trick, they off-loaded their corporate debts onto the backs of the clueless Americans.

They did this by pretending that these same Americans were voluntarily acting as "named franchises" of these same bankrupt corporations, subject to paying off the parent corporation's debts.

As of March 13th 2022, the second bankruptcy in the series concluded, and The Office of the Fiduciary of The United States of America, the actual Federation of States, which is the Priority Creditor, has nationalized all the various bankrupt corporations, franchises, and derivatives as of March 24th 2022.

What does that mean? It means that the Priority Creditor exercised their option to take over control of all these bankrupt corporations, their franchises, and derivatives (like the Public Transmitting Utilities bearing names like "Walter T Fussbottom) and has placed them under Public Law.

Additionally, the Priority Creditor has exercised the option to take control of the Federal Reserve Note, an illegal domestic fiat currency of the Debtors/DEBTORS, which has been foisted off on everyone as an international currency.

This was done to put a halt to various crimes, including involuntary enslavement and peonage, the misrepresentation of Creditors as Debtors, identity theft fraud, counterfeiting, unlawful conversion of assets, false claims on abandonment, evasion of constitutional obligations, bank fraud, international conspiracy to defraud, and other evils.

There is only one form of American Government left operating in international jurisdiction, and that is the original unincorporated American Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. The so-called "Federal Agencies" and so on, are just private subcontractors wondering where their next meal comes from.

All Americans need to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction of The United States, but the only way to get there is via the "only boat still afloat" -- The United States of America and its member State Assemblies.

Go to:


See this article and over 3500 others on Anna's website here:


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Anna Von Reitz: "The Only Boat Afloat"
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