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Anna Von Reitz: "Reply to White Hats"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 19:37:55

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz, Mar 27: "Whoa! Information for the United Nations and NATO" (hobie)


Anna Von Reitz: "I Wish.... A Message to the World and DJT"
hobie -- Tuesday, 29-Mar-2022 20:26:48

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Reply to White Hats

By Anna Von Reitz

In response to wishing that someone would tune DJT into the simple truth, I got White Hats contacting me in a huff, alleging that the Reconstruction was done.

It wasn't.

Look around.

Do you see any American Confederation of States in operation?

No, you don't. That's because it was never reconstructed by the actual State Assemblies after the Civil War.

Do you see any Federal Republic?

Ever heard of The Constitution for the united States of America?

No, none of that is in operation, either, and for the same reason. It was never reconstructed.

Neither the Confederation nor the Federal Republic have been operational since 1861.

A third of our American Government and a third of the Federal Government is missing. Get that through your heads. Face it. Own it. That's the fact.

And nobody can do anything about it, except Americans who claim their birthright political status.

The only actual, viable parts of the actual American Government that remain are the Union (National soil jurisdiction) and the Federation (international jurisdiction -- global if necessary). That's it.

What I have just said is true and verifiable. The Holy See admits it. The Government of Great Britain admits it. The whole rest of the world including people like Karen Hudes thinks that our government is in "interregnum" because of it.

If these missing parts of the government had survived the Civil War, they would still be visible and operating.

The Coast Guard would be operating under the auspices of the American Federal Government -- the Federal Republic -- instead of the U.S. Navy.

Our air space would be under the control of the American Federal Government, not the FCC or FAA, which are unelected unaccountable foreign agency corporations hired by the Brits.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office would be run by Americans working for the Federal Republic --- not by SERCO, a British management services corporation.

In fact, the whole "Agency System" exists, because the Holy See and the Brits have hired subcontractors "for" us to do the jobs that the Federal Republic is supposed to do.

Every time you see an Alphabet Soup Agency, guess what?

That's work that should be done by the Federal Republic, but it isn't being done (and controlled) by the Federal Republic, because the Federal Republic hasn't been reconstructed.

So is the Federal Republic vacated, standing there ready for someone like Trump to march in and take it over by fiat?

No, it is not.

The moment that the Confederation ceased functioning, all powers delegated to it rolled back to the Federation, which delegated those powers in the first place.

This happened by what is called Operation of Law. It's automatic.

When the Confederation collapsed, the Federal Republic that the Confederation funded and ran also went down. And all the "powers" delegated to the Federal Republic rolled back to the Federation, too.

Both the Confederation and the Federal Republic can be restored and reconstructed by the States of the Union that created them in the first place.

Or we can operate without them, directly under the auspices of the Federation of States, for as long as we need to.

The Federation conducted all business both in trade and commerce for five years during the Revolution. We can do it again and we are doing it again, because all the Federal Subcontractors folded.

The American Subcontractor, the Federal Republic, has to be reconstructed, which means the Confederation of States has to be reconstructed, by the only people with the standing and authority to do so ---- Americans who claim their birthright political status. That takes time.

The British Territorial Service Provider doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc. went bankrupt (officially ended March 13, 2022).

The Holy See's Municipal Service Provider doing business as "the" UNITED STATES, Inc., went bankrupt in 2015.

There's nobody but the Federation left standing, and you can all be glad that it is, because if it wasn't, a large number of really bad things would happen.

First, all the Secondary Creditors of both the two bankrupt Federal Subcontractors would be in here collecting against Americans.

Second, our assets, including our land and our gold and silver assets, would be considered "Abandoned Assets" that anybody could claim--- and those same Secondary Creditors like China and Saudi Arabia would be in line to do so.

America would instantly go from being one of the richest countries to one of the poorest.

So, thank God you had a Fiduciary that was still on watch, or you would all be up a very long creek without a paddle.

The old fashioned clunky chunky Federation of States is all you've got left. And whether you like it or not, you need to get full force and front behind it, because it's the only boat afloat.

So there is your observation lesson, status update, and wake up call for this morning, 29 March 2022, 6:49 AM, AST.


See this article and over 3500 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz, Mar 27: "Whoa! Information for the United Nations and NATO"
hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 20:03:19
Anna Von Reitz, Mar 27: "We MUST Speak"
hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 19:13:06
Anna Von Reitz, Mar 27: "A Brief Message to Prinz Friedrich von Hohenzollern and the German People"
hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 19:13:06
Anna Von Reitz: "Reply to White Hats"
hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 19:37:55
Anna Von Reitz: "The Only Boat Afloat"
hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 19:54:48
Anna Von Reitz: "93 Out of 99--- Whose Treason Against Whom? "
hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 19:54:48
Anna Von Reitz: "Crystalline Clarity for All Concerned"
hobie -- Wednesday, 30-Mar-2022 20:03:19

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